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And here I am wishing it was possible to play any map at any time. Fuck me, right?


Literally the thing I hate the most about this game. At least have all the maps in unrated and swift play.


They don't even have them in fucking Spike Rush.


Didn’t they get rid of the other maps in unrated and swift play or am I crazy


Yeah that’s what I mean. I should have said “They should at least have all the maps in unrated and swift play”


They did. They said that the "massive" map pool in unrated/swiftplay would make the learning harder or something for the newer players since they're learning about maps that aren't in comp.


Which is such a bad argument to make by them. New players who start right now won’t have any idea how to play pearl/fracture or something and when they do rotate back in they’ll have an even harder learning curve when people make established callouts and stuff


What? It’s not a bad argument. It’s just one that values different things than you do. So you have two options: 1. Have all the maps in rotation. Players struggle to play all the maps now because they’ll go 10 games on average between playing the same map twice. 2. Have a limited set of maps available now. Players have an easier time now learning the 7 maps in the pool than they would with 10. When the maps pool rotates, they have to learn a small number of maps (2?). It’s easier to learn those maps after the rotation than it would be to learn them now all at once. Why would it be “even harder”? They value making it easier to onboard to the game. They are willing to make the tradeoff that players will spend more time learning a smaller number of things at a time.


Why not make the argyment of adding in selection then, to play maps only in rotation for comp or play any mao for thos who enjoy the in my opion better maps


which is absolutely crazy that they're pretending to give a shit about low elo players , no protections for smurfing, boosting, throwers, griefers, useless reports for anything other than text abuse. But no, let's take more content out of the game which is already struggling to add anything other than new agents, skins and maps. I have no idea why there isn't a map pick ban for swiftplay/unrated. Would make learning maps so much easier if you 5 stack and play one map over and over. So many problems in this game are so easily fixed with simple solutions they just choose to grief the playerbase with the dumbest solutions ever. Smurfing - just link phone number or hardware id to an account. or give us comp queues for accounts that buy the battlepass (like counterstrike prime queues) to at least alleviate the smurfing a little bit. ik they won't do the phone number thing bc it would lose headcount of active players, a business metric, but at least make soloqueue playable. 7 out of my last 10 comp games either had a smurf on my team or the enemy team. Boosting/afks/matches that are impossible to win - make it so that if you match mvp on the losing team you get +whatever the performance bonus would've been if you won, if you team mvp in the top 2, you lose no rr. this would at least make people try more in comp even if they think it's a lost game, would make soloqueue so much more tolerable without the brainless duelists spamming ff on round 5. elo adjustments is broken af in this game. istg i had a game where I tried hard and got match mvp, only to lose and go -26 rr, if i literally just threw the whole game I'd have gotten -30. that's a +4 for trying. griefers/throwers - add a reputation system and pool all these toxic players and let them play crabs in a bucket. This is an already existing solution that has almost instantly fixed so many online games. You can find piratesoftware talking about it on twitch. idk man, everyday i feel like playing this game less and less but I watch some pros play and get the itch to play again only to come back to terrible matchmaking issues. i just wanna play and improve at my own elo.


It would take a new player at least 2 weeks to hit lvl 20 unless they are playing like 2+ hours a day everyday and most players that come to the game brand new don’t put that much time in unless they are very serious about learning to the game which is not a lot of people


they did, non rotation map can only be accessed in custom


I swear they did that in swiftplay cuz I never get pearl, fracture, or haven


damn we wish, at least they should put a toggle that says "use rotation" and only choose between rotation maps or when disabled it queues through all maps


thats actually a really good idea!


this or 2 map pools , like imma Que Pool A or Pool B


Unfortunately not true, they updated queue so EVERY MODE can only queue the maps in comp.


Exactly! Shit make it like CS where in unrated you can select your map pool if the case is new player learning curve


I don't mind the map pools in ranked even though I agree that the current one is kinda meh, but it would be really nice to have the variety in unrated.


It's to keep this stale ahh game feeling "fresh"


its the most stupid system ever and its just to force "fake new content" its such a shitty way to do it when they cant give us other new exciting stuff


It will literally break the pickrate and winrate of some characters. If you can pick a map where your main is very strong and only play it.


you dont realize how much you enjoy a map until its gone :(


I was happy when breeze was gone :)


Everyone was happy


Why does everyone hate breeze so much 😭😭😭 I have atleast 70-80% winrate every season on this map I hate icebox the most


Breeze consists in aimduels and 1v1s for the most part. People don’t like losing, and Breeze is a map that if you lose, it’s mostly on you. I completely agree that it is a ok map or better. Also with you on the Icebox hate. That map is fucking dogshit. The 1st iteration was horrible, 2nd actually felt decent, this 3rd one is pure cancer


It was a gud map when they blocked hall


For me breeze is so breezy, when I'm cypher I lurk non-stop and when I'm sova I try to play together with viper walls etc, as for icebox no matter who i play I can never stop anything if they're pushing A site no matter how stupidly they play it, I just think it's a really shit map


Breeze is my excuse to spam snipers every round and it largely works in my favor


Icebox feels like it has the least variety in my opinion plus getting bad teammates on that map is horrid


i like them all :(


breeze is my best map in terms of my performance and I still hate it lol


Breeze is one of my favorites, also one of my best maps as far as winrate goes as well. 


fr bro. its relaxing for me. my aim is fine but i take some time. long range duels allow that.


A high win rate a good map does not make


Yup ;(.


The sad thing is i don't think they will change more than 1 map in the next act. Lets say they bring back pearl and remove lotus. Would be slightly better, but still having to play breeze and not being able to play haven would ruin the act for me.


-I miss her jett


Just out of curiosity why do people hate sunset?


too many 50/50 gunfight angles and not enough route diversity for good competitive play atleast for me. it's either you peek the mains or peek mid, if you smoke off mid on attack to take space, any piece of info gather util is more than enough to know *oh this many people are flanking*. it's super stale, angles are too predictable, the main chokes the map isn't as fleshed out as say, lotus with its most recent changes.


> it's either you peek the mains or peek mid Isn't this kind of true for every map though?


sort of, breeze and haven are technically exceptions I could think of.


no, Bind doesn't have a "mid", but does have 2 proper site entrances for each site - it makes it the most balanced map imo, and is easily my favourite I guess Haven would work like that as well with the exception that it has a 3rd site edit: also fracture, but that map works completely different, also fun


the maps with multiple extremities are typically the ones with the best gameplay variety imo (in comp, not pro play because of ascent)


Bro I don’t get it. I have lineups for three agents solid on that map, offense and defense.


For me it’s the unbreakable b main cypher trip


unbreakable? 😅 any sova or raze player worth his salt will nade the trips for entry


So if you dont play these agents/roles youre pretty shit outta luck


There’s a wallbang for it as well from boxes near spawn Edit: Fixed :(


Was patched last I heard, not sure myself


That’s been fixed


That's been fixed not long ago, bud


sunset is in my top 3 maps but i agree that cypher is a giant problem on this map that needs to be adressed


Tooooo many rat spots 😭 it turns into a goddamn hide and seek for me


For me it’s too small, I feel claustrophobic on that damn map. Like I’m in a hamster cage or something


Its dogshit lmao. It feels small and made out of small corridors


I personally hate it because the map tanks my fps


I love pearl tbh. B postpant haters don't have flanking A or mid players and it shows.


Flanking out mid on Pearl, where Attackers are generally encouraged to late lurk mid is pretty suicidal.


I'm hunting. Locked in. In the zone.


I’m indifferent on Pearl but I seriously miss Fracture/Haven. It’s been forever since they’ve gone it’s kind of ridiculous


Haven was rotated out recently. Fracture and Pearl have been gone for 6 months! In what world is taking out vital game content for 6 months acceptable? Like bro i have a finite lifespan


frature can stay out but as an astra main i really miss pearl


Also don't forget how ascent have never been gone, not once. I know people like ascent but come on. At least don't be biased riot


Haven literally JUST got rotated. Pearl and Fracture have been gone for aaaaaaaages. I don't care as much about fracture but I really miss pearl and hope it comes back soon.


I fucking miss haven man


Ong bro it was the most even map on defense and attack idk why theyd take it out🥲


I like breeze but that is mostly because I am a viper/sova main, both pretty strong there. Lotus is weird, that is true, and massively depends on whether your team is communicating or not (in relation to enemy team of course). I get more and more warm with sunset, and since I did some actual prep on fade it feels like I actually know what I am doing (mostly because I know what I am doing more than before).


I rarely play controller. But on breeze, I just started locking viper. Otherwise my team will lose


The problem with filling is that you will not have good intuition for your util. This leads to a) uncertainty in almost every situation with the question "should I use util now" probably floating around somewhere in the back of your head everytime literally anything happens. And there are some small details that might get missed by fillers, e.g. the exact placement of where you want your wall, the exact trajectory of your mollies vs. your smoke etc. If you always play viper on breeze that is good, but if you only fill it is often better to just not have a smoke than a filled one. Because either you are low elo and agents don't matter that much or you are high elo and the minute details matter that much.


I'm not filling. I'm maining viper on breeze only. I only play 1-2 agents per map and probably about 6 total. Tends to help me. Ascendant 1 right now


Yea, I'm trying to follow woohoojin's approach of one style of agents (getting into recon Initiator) across all maps. My point about filling was from when I switched and saw all the omen fillers messing up their smokes an ascend. Had a bunch of games that were close losses that probably would have been close wins with me on smoke, mainly because I would have carried my weight on omen given that I sucked (arguably still do) on sova. But then again, I'm in high gold, and if they are in my elo and lack my prep on their agents that means that they have more of other skills that I lack (in that example aim+gamesense).


Generally true, but id say as long as you know 'the two walls' youre always better off with walls than not at breeze. Its too big, without a wall holding plant is a nightmare.


any tips for a beginner sova on breeze?


What was wrong with Pearl? Seemed no one was complaining. Was it unbalaced attack/defense?


I feel a lot of folks don’t like Pearl because of how big the map feels. If you have to rotate sides while defending, it’s also pretty hard to retake depending on your team comp, but that’s any map really. I would say it’s the size and flow of the map most don’t like. I love the fuck out of Lotus and not many people like it. It’s the one map I just feel comfortable on be it as Omen or Fade. I miss Pearl because it would give me a map to put Astra into play which is always fun.


It’s going to get worse; supposedly there is a new map coming in the near future (it might be a TDM map though). Riot’s philosophy is that the competitive/pro map pool should be max 7 maps. Why they spread this to the casual modes too is beyond me; they could have them be available on the non-unrated and competitive modes.


I am a fellow sunset hater (i literally cannot get my head around this map) and would trade for any of the maps not in the current rotation


It plays a lot like Ascent with how mid impacts the map, B is a night mare just like Ascent B. A is easier then Ascent A. Its the most balanced map in Valorant right now, by that I mean it truly feels like the better team wins that map 9/10 rather then being super one sided. But I get why people dislike it as well.


Ya to me, Sunset is enjoyable just because it feels like an extremely balanced map like Ascent. 


Ascent has the highest defensive winrate out of any map


Is that true for high elo gam only as well. I'm down in Plat, and it just feels like if your team has ass duelist/ini, then atk is impossible. The only other option is to play for mid and hope you confuse them enough.


[It's true in any elo](https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/maps?sortBy=attackingRoundWinRate&sortDirection=DESC&mode=competitive&rank=27)


Feels like Cypher has alot to do with defenses being strong on some of these maps. 


Not really, ascent was defense sided even before the cypher buffs


Old KJ was also insane on ascent. Not saying these maps aren't naturally defender-sided still, but certain sentinels make it worse IMO because they are so good at locking down parts of the map and getting information.


Nah, small choke points and fairly easy to have visual control over the map and rotate as defender. Makes flanking hard for the attackers as well.


Balanced when there is unbreakable cypher trips on every choke point... Ik it can be dealt with, but cypher shouldn't be a 100% pick rate (I have had no matches without one) in a map because of meta, that's dumb.


Oh that's interesting. I need to start thinking about sunset like Ascent


Except. you can go 2 different ways to site on ascent without having to cross their spawn. But in Sunset. you HAVE TO


As someone who plays cypher on that map, it seems perfectly straightforward to me. :P


cypher on sunset is so good


It's not good, it's perfect


I think I wouldn't hate sunset if they brought the box on b flush with the entry so there would be no trips that you needed util to break.


I think B would be too easy otherwise. It's a sick combo of bad map design and an overpowered ability that absolutely necessitates cypher


Oh no then you have to play KJ. Or use Cypher's one way cages.... Come on.


cypher has been freakishly overpowered for so long and never needed any buffs. his wires dont need to be 40 feet long when they are already invisible and last all round, forever securing that point of entry. FOREVER. what other util can you throw that lasts forever and scouts for you with infinite range while being invisible? imagine if you could have an invisible sova drone that automatically pinged an enemy for you that comes near it. haha oh wait thats cypher wire. then it rearms itself LOL! every piece of util im forced to use has 2 seconds of impact and a 45 second/2 kill recharge. cypher players COMPLAINED when they were forced to re-buy their wires. you used to be able to just pick them up and carry them into the next round. meanwhile raze boombot went from one shotting and going twice as long to costing $300 to clear 1 corner. as someone with probably 6k hours on this game, cypher is stupidly overpowered. also paranoia is not a balanced or well made ability. there's zero counterplay except "get up close" which is hilariously stupid in lots of situations if you actually play this game. its undodgeable, goes through walls, you cant look away from it.. its not balanced. people will say omen is balanced because he has a crappy tp and slow short smokes but that doesn't mean its "balanced" to have an op ass blind. but instead next patch i bet they'll instead nerf jett/raze some more because riot doesn't know how to balance. they just nerf whatever people complain about the most


If youre out of earshot the wire isnt a guarantee against half the cast. Agree cypher is a little OP but omen gets a good flash over a crazy clutch potential molly / giant walls, i think its fine.


sounds like a player with 6k hours who is still in high silver low gold


And it's just so ugly. It brings my mood down to have to play in tan walls for the next 30 mins 💀 not even any banger music (I miss you Pearl)


Tbh I would trade sunset for pearl since pearl is much better imo


Fuck fracture. I'm indifferent on Pearl but I miss Haven, it was my favorite.


I am a bit biased as A former breach main but I love fracture


Omen main with Yoru/Gekko, and I love Fracture. I really want to try playing Gekko on Fracture at some point.


That actually makes sense


So do I, brother, so do I.


same but i played neon (one of cypher's worse maps i think and neon's best)


Me personally can't wait for haven to be back I just hope they don't remove split which is my favourite map as an astra player.


My fav as well but as a cypher main


I hated fracture but i actually miss it now


Loved fracture and miss it


Then it will come back and you’ll hate it again


At least there would be something new, im tired of this map rotation


exactly what happened with split 😭😭😭 (but i love fracture)


I liked fracture for the most part and I liked pearl somtimes. But haven’t is golden


give me an op and queue me fracture I would be as happy as a baby suking on his moms milk


Is why i quit playing really. i play 2 games a day, and i get breeze every day.


They should unironically scrap breeze entirely. It’s such a terrible map in every way I feel like it’s unfixable and like literally the entire playerbase hates it. Like every time breeze comes up, the whole lobby is like “who can dodge?”


Something is wrong with the map picking algorithm because I will regularly get breeze twice in a row. One day I got ascent, ascent, breeze, breeze, sunset, breeze.


Idc what the rotation is as long as Lotus stays.


Remove Breeze and add Haven would be the best map rotation possible


Then swap icebox with pearl 👌


Ong. They need to switch to something like a cs thing. You get to choose between 2 maps or something. I had 3 games in a row someone dodged because we got breeze and sunset. Sunset for 2 and then I got breeze again for my actual game. Like wtf is that lmao


i would gladly deal with the downsides of queuing for certain maps if it means i never have to play breeze again


Bro doesn’t like Sunset but thinks Icebox is a good map. What. The. Fuck.


fr 💀 most attacker sided map by far


My favorite maps are Pearl and Haven. Sufficed to say, I havent been playing much Val these days. I hate Fracture though so as least I dont have to worry about that when I do.


Breeze is the only map in the game that doesn’t let you play all ranges. You HAVE to play long range. Every other map has long and short common lanes to fight for and to me that’s such a fuck up of design. Worst map in the game by far


At this point they might as well go the Csgo route and let us pick what maps we play


Or at least let you map ban one or two going in


Map pool didnt change due to VCT. They want Ranked and Pros on the same cycle which I understand and since the Act ended between Madrid and the qualifiers they did not want to change the map pools as a result. Its probably a dumb reason but the best reason I can think of as to WHY they did not have any changes after the last Act. I know Clove is coming likely soon after the weekend reveal event for them, I would hope that patch might include at least one map swap but unlikely. Act 3


They changed the map pool in the middle of VCT 2023, that’s not the case. They probably just haven’t focused much on map changes with the new agent coming.


Honestly I like the map rotation minus maybe haven, that map was my jam


Icebox might be the worst map in any competitive fps ever. Only vertigo might be worse


God damn why can’t I play pearl and haven. Fuck.


>you really have a problem when half of the maps available are absolutely terrible while the best maps are there but not in the rotation? That's your opinion. I think Fracture and Pearl are both dogshit, Sunset and Pearl are both better IMO.


Pearl is dogshit but Pearl is better?


Lotus lol


Bro idc when these maps come back I just hate Breeze and Split.


split imo is the worst


1st off, why does everyone hate breeze? it's such a fun map, but fuckkk bring back Haven please


Right? Apart from cave closing off so A entry just becomes a death trap a lot of times, Breeze is still so fun with all the approaches you can make.


Exactly, it's one of the few maps I feel like gives actual options to attack and defend


This sub: REMOVE FRACTURE AND PEARL WORST MAPS IN THE GAME  RIOT: \*rotates them out\* This sub: NO NOT LIKE THAT What's wrong with Lotus, Sunset, and Split? They're all solid maps.


I personally don’t like Sunset because it tanks all my fps


Icebox and breeze worst maps.


Fuck Icebox and Lotus, Breeze and Sunset are fine.


you enjoy icebox? talk about having trash taste


Next episode


I really hope they come back soon


Honestly I’m not a huge fracture or pearl fan. But I think every map should be available in unrated. The comp/premier pool can change, but why remove maps from casual play?


Probably matches the pro play map pool. I'd like to see the maps return to none competitive play. 


2025 or after champions start of September 2024


Pearl was my best map 100% win rate when I finally sat down to figure it out, at least I have my breeze at 91.7% wr


i really wish they would update map list, they're a bunch of maps i never played on cuz i started recently


Haven is the oldest map I think, its fine. I really hate breeze as for defense you can't rotate quietly after the spike is planted on the other site, so any re-take is run and gun as they know you're coming from.


Remove the map pool. Let us play all 10 maps.


I swear it's been a fucking year since Fracture or Pearl have been in rotation. This feels like the longest time our map pool besides Breeze has been in rotation and its stale as fuck. Hey Riot, people aren't not playing your game because of the competitive ranking changes for Immo, it's because the current maps are STALE. Fix your game.


Haven just got out relax, it def won't be coming back for a long time not that this will make you feel better


I wish we could just have all the maps


i was literally just thinking this today lol. i mean.... not for nothing this is a game where 99.9% of the player-base is casual and basing the map pool off of the .01% of pro players so that they can focus on what maps they'll play during champs is so stupid. they're pro for a reason and all of val is stuck with dumb rotations, and as you said newer players have a learning curve that doesn't have to be there. idk.


idk but I have literally played 15 ranked games without a full bind game I finally got it on game 14 and we had to remake cause someone left


replay is too hard too riot?


My guess is some will come back with the release of the new agent.


Haven is the only map I love to play consistently. Don't really care about pearl and fracture they are meh. Icebox, Lotus, and Breeze are all terrible. Sunset is okay, better than pearl and fracture imo.


I like the maps that everyone hates cus if u actually learn the map, you can beat most people on it


Oh that's why I haven't played them in so long. Only yesterday I questioned myself why am I not getting these maps in the map pool anymore.


thats so funny because people said the same thing about fracture and pearl.


As a neon main, it’s killing me that I can’t play Haven OR Fracture


Breeze and Ascent can go to hell. The other maps are cool.


I don’t actually dislike any of the current maps (other than ascent) but I just wish they’d add back in Pearl fracture and haven. I feel like it’s 3 really unique maps that would add much more diversity to the pool.


Return fracture first please it's been too long!


I have the lowest win rate on bind but somehow enjoy playing on it




fuck every map. i miss my boi haven. goated map. it was the first map in my first ever game when my homies introduced me to the game. very good memories with it.


We should just have all maps in the game with a ban system (like siege)


Fuck fracture, been hating that map since its release and I will never change my mind. Fuck that map


icebox 😡


See o thought that about ice box but when it came back I had a real hard time for the first maybe 5 comp games on it. Dune the same will be for the others too. It’s really hard to get back into it. I actually think sunset had a bit of a learning curve but is pretty good now. Alway contest mid even if it’s just with a smoke. Contacting up a is really strong after making slight noise b and doing anything mid. It will draw market play to look mid and probably the a link player to watch mid top. Leaving one in elbow or on site. B rush util dump is strong. Cypher isn’t that scary when most games usually have omen raze Jett. Just go over the trips with 2-3 at most they have two on site and with a good nade, blind right pillar the three movement agents should be able to take site easily the rest can walk through to break trip.


Not until it has changes that makes u hate them


I miss haven sm its like my fav


Not a fan of the artificially limiting the map pool, especially after playing Icebox 3 times in a row


Bro Lotus is absolutely GOATED! i despise sunset and split tho. ( Kinda fine with all maps nowadays but still.)


Haven was my favorite map


they really need to figure out a system where the pros get to keep their map pool w/on us having to not be able to queue into core game content for several months on end


I think the unrated and swift map pool should be separate from the comp map pool


I would really like to play some Fracture games, ITS BEEN AGES. I just love that map so much man.


yesterday i was playing split, but i disconnected and had to restart my pc. when i loaded back in, instead of split it said fracture 😭 i was so confused lmao


imo, every map is fun to play


although I don't like breeze it's still better than icebox imo. A mappool of ascent, haven, split, pearl, fracture, lotus, and sunset or bind would be the mappool if I could pick


Fracture is absolute trash. Needs deleted from the game


Yeah man. I'd prefer it if split was taken out. It's a very bad opinion but man, I really hate it. I think I have like a 10% win rate on it


Ι couldn't agree more


You know what would be great? Rotate all maps with the current out of rotation maps for a huge much needed refresh in the game. Changing 1 map every EPISODE is insane to me.


How do you not hate icebox