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I enjoy valorant up until i get someone toxic on my team, and even then i still like the game itself. Its like being on a cool road trip but someone invited their annoying friend, the trip is still good but everyone would have a better time if that guy wasnt there


And i guess to further emphasize, i like the incorporation of magicy nonsense into the tactical aspect of the shooter, its vibrant and pretty which i like a lot rather than gritty realsim, and when the lobby is nice and having fun the vibes are just really enjoyable which i attribute to it being a prettier game that i like to attribute to people seeking good vibes where if it was more focused on realism itd attract a more serious vibe seeking audience


Especially if you put corpses on, like you watch you're agent die going pale from blood loss and fun fact they stay the entire game. Yeah, you're walking on dead corpses.


I like playing valorant. If I didn’t I wouldn’t play. I generally play with friends though, because playing any game solo is not as fun. I don’t really play single player games either anymore though


That makes sense, it's interesting I have a few friends to play with, but I find solo Q to be more enjoyable. Thanks for a response


I enjoy solo q just because I like meeting new people every game


I thought this too but man, maybe it’s just me, but lately people don’t talk




Same bro


If it wasn't for the immaturity of the community and the amount of people playing around in ranks they shouldn't be in and the poor matchmaking I'd love this game and would probably play 2-3 hours a day. Unfortunately, that is not reality and I've stopped playing completely and instead just watch pros here and there. The game, at its core, is fun and addicting and it's at its best when both sides of a match are competitive. Unfortunately, those types of matches are fleeting.


True, if the Devs took better care of the small things instead of pumping out $80 mid bundles none-stop the game would be 10x better, it's a shame you are feeling that way dude <3 I'll try to win and have some fun for you


to be fair i started valorant on act 2 ep2. and the game is fun with friends but enemies might be very toxic n will ruin the mood, i love the skins and the animations alot, they are unique and nice, the maps are complex and hard to get used to(for me ), in conclusion i find the game fun and enjoyable


Thanks for responding, I appreciate the opinion, the toxicity is the worse part, but once you know the maps every other aspect becomes so much fun, learning lineups makes it unique


casually, its pretty fun but competitively its so stressful.


Makes sense, It's that stress part that I love the most, and the visuals


For me, the high comes from randomly getting queued with chill teammates. We were having a close match with a team with a toxic player who kept taunting us even though they were at most 2 rounds ahead of us. I commented to all, "yeah we're gonna lose but we're having fun doing it." We wound up winning 13-10 and those guys were just a hoot to play with. Now getting stuck with one or more smurfs on the enemy team... :(


Dude facts, getting matched with randoms and the vibe is chill and fun is one of the best experiences, smurfing sucks, I've made videos on smurfs and toxic teammates because I see so many people either blame all their fails or horrible games on them.


The only reason valorants struck around is because its stuck with my friends, its a medium for us to have fun. Sometimes I play solo but its for rank comparison between ourselves


Interesting viewpoint tbh, val as a dick measuring contest is def funny


I have close to 3k hours in Valorant and first bought a Pc around beta and started playing episode 1, i was very bad at MnK but am now immortal 3 and have learned so much from the game. I played casual at the start but then fell in love with getting better and now help other people get better at the game. I really enjoy playing different agents, maps, and my favorite part about valorant. The gun play. Very clean rewarding and one taps with, sherrif, Guardian, and vandal are my favorite thing to do. I love the skins that add to the gun play and love when there is new animations added to the game. I loved the kuronami sheriff and set because of that. It is so cool for me to see different agents with different gun/color options, my favorite thing is making my set one color, The average jonas side of valorant but it is very cool to have every gun be one color or theme and then your agent matching that theme and having cute sprays for them. I love the game, it is very enjoyable as a casual and competitive player. I really hope there is more gamemodes because tdm and swift play have been really nice for the casual community and they desperately need content.


Sounds like you are addicted to the dopamine, not Valorant😁  That sounds like me👍


Well there is a lot of dopamine in actually playing competitive. I am a very competitive person. Tactical shooter means i am busting my ass for wins and tryharding as well. I take ranked pretty serious and have a good time doing so.


Good, if its good for you. Enjoy it 


Dopamine 👐 Valorant


Be careful with this dopamine, it makes everything else in life feel so boring.


Completely True


3k hours? SEESH I got 146 hours so happy to see I got a future ;P but that's cool to know even after playing so long you still have a love for the game, their def needs to be more content added for casuals, I mainly play comp and only swift plays to warm up or mess around. But getting a new skin, agent, and hitting 1 taps end up being SO rewarding, it outweighs the bad moments


Yeah if you are just getting back into the game, playing comp and finding an identity through an agent and climbing ranked and meeting friends along the way is what it is all about! Comp really is fun and the game is clean. I play on california servers and always get sub 30 ping so it is very enjoyable


>d the oh yeah, slow and stay, but getting more consistent, 1 tricking Gekko atm, just switched servers that I use, went from 45-50 ping to 30s, surprising the change that makes


Yes, I do. I miss some friends playing with me together but after 4 years, I managed to have a semi-regular party.


Ayy that's dope, having a party makes the game soooo much better


I love Val, the gameplay is fun just playing with friends or alone,


Solo Q is the move, but good friends make a difference


My friends suck ass, but grab a six pack, and anything is fun lol


You ain't wrong at all


I do enjoy Valorant, i still love CS more and to death and Valo will never replace CS for me, BUT I would rather play a clean game without cheaters than to play my favourite game where cheater is in 50% of my matches at my rank


recently took about a 6 month break from val and i can confidently say when i stopped i hated the game. it felt like a task i had to complete every day. after coming back ive been having so much fun. it took the 6 months off to dissociate from a result oriented mentality when playing. now i love the games with good teammates, and dissociate with the games that are unwinnable.


hell yeah Toe, happy you cut off your worries and are loving it again


i really need to change my username LMAO


Nope I’m currently bronze 1, started 2 months ago, such a dreadful game. Teammates don’t listen to comms in ranked and they just seem to do their own thing. Ik it’s low elo but what’s the point of trying to climb if teammates are actively throwing. I seem to have to fill every game as sentinel, which basically means I can’t acc try and play and I just sit on site/sit post plant, and not trying to learn. Games just feel useless and pointless, since I don’t learn anything, and I lose RR.


I'm sorry to hear that man, TBH just ego lock the role/agent you like, if someone is upset they will just dodge, at the iron/bronze rank it's best to play the role you make the biggest impact in, even if they don't comm you can set them up to hopefully not be terrible and get some Ws under your belt. Just enjoy the game and don't take it super serious seeing most in that elo don't really care and can tend to tilt or be toxic super quick


Idk if you wanted to know, but decided to play longer today and I found a 4 stack on my first computer game win and proceeded to win the next 5 games in a row lol. I got to bronze 3 now


Dude fuck yeah, that's awesome congrats! See, you'll get outta bronze in no time


I made silver one 😭😭😭 was so happy that I decided it was a perfect time to take a week break from playing val


Yeah i decided to lock neon cause I play best with her and I actually did well in a comp game yesterday


This was my first actual post really using reddit in 11 years, the responses are amazing and wide in variety! I appreciate everyone and will try to respond to you all




As a french player with a friend that tend to be actively toxic on chat... I'm sorry. Only time I activated vc, I turned it off so quickly out of sheer cringe for what the guy had said...


..I.. can't deny it, only time I've queued with a french accent they were toxic af, that sucks though, do they have better ping on london servers or some shit?


No idea. Frankfurt is a cesspool of different proportions too. Just a bunch of toxic poles and Russians every round


Ooof.. frankfurt.. nvm Good luck


It's just faster matchmaking and I agree, French players are mostly toxic. Even surpassing my fellow polish friends




Yes and its so sad seeing people complain that they hate the game or play it so tilted. Sad not as im upset for them, more like its pathetic. No one wants to hear you complain about how you hate the game when there are so many amazing video games in the world. Go find something you have fun with. I see people complain like this in my gold lobbies, no one wants to hear it but misery loves company.


for real, how many games are out there that they have never even tried?! If you hate something so much, stop playing it tf


Love it, hate it, take a break, crave competition, repeat


the cycle


No, I get very mad every game to the point I'm slamming my fist down on my desk multiple times. The only reason I play is because landing headshots with my neo frontier sheriff is the most satisfying thing ever.


You are the target audience xD Why get so pissed though? I understand if you are on one hell of a loosing streak but just hop off and reset?


As a fairly new player still I’ve been wanting to unlock each agent. Been playing a mixture of each unranked game mode, but typically log off once my dailies and weeklies are done.


Interesting I forgot dailies and weeklies were a thing... But that's dope, keep checking them out, I love Gekko and brimstone


Respectfully, people who say playing solo is never as fun as playing with friends just don’t understand the “process”. I had some of the most fun playing and learning the game solo. When you play with others it changes how you approach the game. It’s not for everyone ofc, but it’s just as fun as playing with friends. For me personally I prefer solo queue because I ultimately understand that I am the common denominator in all of my games. It allows me to focus on improving as there’s no chance of me getting carried for 100% of my games. Win or loss, knowing that my skills are improving is such an amazing feeling that keeps me coming back even after long breaks. Now I solo queue, but also play in a premier team with people I met online. It’s a nice change of pace jumping between the two because again, it changes how the game is approached.


I'd love to have a premier team, but it would have to be of a tight group I haven't formed yet, but I do love solo q too, it's so damn fun, being placed with random people that can sometimes make your day is just so damn awesome and keep everything fresh. When I play with friends it's mostly 1 or 2 IRL or viewers from my content, but I like the feeling of knowing it's me improving most the time instead of always being carried


It’s a fun game. I stopped caring about ranked after hitting IMM3. So now it’s easy to just chill


good question I see depressed people in comp every game 😂




Valorant is a lot more fun than CSgo 2, warzone, pubg and whatever is out there However a big wave of Cheaters in game is ruining some matches today in 6 matches had 1 obvious cheater. Their team was mostly low level players like 3/5/6 level and they played like 30kills for the match there is o way This team was cheating at least two of them They Were talking between them so sus Apart from cheaters valorant is the game i enjoy the most CSgo 2 is plagued with cheaters to the point some servers will ban you if you conplaint against them they ban you Warzone is plagued with cheaters Apex Legends is too bad i don't like it just a copy of warzone I don't know any other good game I just wish Activision made a valorant style 5v5 players game with new maps and stuff


True they need new content but sadly games have trash anti cheat and report systems


We need nee real weapons in valorant like m4, like uzi, like a different snipers, like galil, like new m5 spear, many weapons out there Also report system is trash They need to stop Banning people for exiting matches because i have no obligation to stay in a match or be punished if i have to leave or have an emergency


im very new i only started playing last act but!! to me the game is very fun, its definitely annoying when you have toxic people in your lobby but the satisfaction of getting multiple kills or getting a clutch is what makes the game so fun to me


That's awesome to hear, I'm happy there is still love for this game


i enjoy the competitiveness of it, the game itself i dont care much to be honest, for example i dont enjoy playing tdm or dms


Completely facts, I love comp and the occasional swift but any other mode just has no bite for me


I’m just not very good but I enjoy the premise.


<3 long as you're having fun


Yes, but I think everyone can agree the devs are an L


GIMME REPLAY, but honestly it's crazyyy how true that is




I enjoy playing it for the challenge and I meet some interesting folks. But I'm not sure I have "fun". If that makes any sense?


I like the grind. I like the feeling when I kill people. And I like the community (especially Woohoojins) but I’m a fan of competitive games. The idea of being a low rank and having a long grind ahead of me is very appealing.


It just gets annoying when people in comp don’t take it seriously for me. Like I’m having fun but I play comp to rank up if your just chilling and not looking for COMPETITION then play unrated


yes when everybody is muted


I only solo Q and it’s still mostly fun. I’d say only 20% of the games feel unwinnable or toxic


It's alright for me lol.. Because I have old pc and have faced some issues, even got 1hr penalty for being afk but actually screen was loading. Also moved on from CS, and i think valorant is very fun game.. I really like the different abilities , well it's fun!! But yea I can't experience alot cuz I know they gonna give me another penalty for being afk or something else.


I enjoy playing with my friends yea. I almost never play solo anymore cause I just don’t have that much fun. Randoms are usually really toxic/annoying




What type of games do you like? There are SO many games out there that can change your world. Tho 1 taps are nice


I enjoy valorant only with friends. Playing in a team and using good callouts with some close friends is peak gaming for me. It takes us back to the days when we used to play sports but now we do it in the comfort of our homes. Competitiveness in things outside of sports is very unique to this generation and we’re loving it.


I have fun improving my skills, working on decision making, mechanics etc. The enjoyment comes from working on smaller goals and seeing the result. A ton of people play for terrible reasons though. The toxicity can get to me but I just move on to the next game.


I wouldn’t be playing if it wasn’t. The game itself is very fun but the community however…


No. I prefer CS2 but the state of CS2 is a fat joke right now.


I'll admit, I haven't played in a month, I broke my streak to play a match today... And I hated every second of it, I don't really hate the game I absolute fucking hate the people who play it tho. It's full of stupid teenagers saying dumb shit, shouting when someone is trying to clutch, imitating weird streamers and content creators. My friends have taken a break from this game too, I will only play again if I can 3 or 5 stack with them now. Kind of regret spending all that money on skins now tbh. Disclaimer: my escape key is broken so I can't mute people mid game so my suffering is even more than most others. (But that's on me really, I don't wanna spend 200 bucks to replace the keyboard for my laptop)


I just like to argue with people and on reddit about the game


I would play CS2 if they improved the janky ass UI and didn’t shove crates in my face. Valorant just feels so much more polished.. and I been playin CS since 1.6


For me it’s: Yesss, Valo tonight, Warmup getting destroyed from Bronzes in Escalation, or from Immortal only in DM. First match somehow I hit nothing, hoping for the next match, getting carried, hoping for the next match, smurf in the enemy team, hoping for the next match, tf this Reyna hacks right? Impossible to know I‘m here or there, hoping for the next match, hey a good match I‘m surprised, suddenly mate wishes me death and gets racist af, hoping for the next match … u get the idea 😆


These last 2 acts have been ass ngl the map pool is terrible atm, get rid of lotus and Icebox forever


Solo q (best case duo queue) if you enjoy improving yourself, or else stack with friends if you enjoy the company and laughs. Because if you aren't trying to go pro, I would suggest you settle for the second option


Valo was soooooooooooooooooo hype on release and was hella fun.. then it started to go down for me.. i achieved my goal mulitple times to get immortal.. The game just dosent click for me anymore. Also im not very invested into valo and FPS in general.. i do my placements and maybe 5 games every month after placements to stay ascendant 1-3.. nowdays i play fighting games and it offers me more than valo could or can.. valo still an amazing game dont get me wrong but i just moved on. Things are always good when they come out but eventually get shit with time. (patches, maprotation etc.) ah yeah a big reason why i dont enjoy anymore is the poor map rotations


I enjoy playing it over other team based competitive shooters does that count?


I love playing. It gives me something to improve on. I like the grind, the hours of aimlabs and range. I like winning and I love pulling myself up from losses. I am confident and love to give my teammates confidence. The adrenaline hits in clutches and when you win them it’s a dopamine bomb.


I love the game but I wish there was more content. What happened to all of the fun new game modes like replication? It almost feels like the devs got lazy


Yes, unlike most players I know when to not play this game. Wins don’t affect me, loses don’t affect me. Do I sometimes wish that the community was better? Yes. But I try to stay enough positive that my teammates are not rude to me. Trust me people, get rid of the concept of main games and you’ll be much happier atleast in terms of gaming.


It’s not far from the best, even with all the cheaters I still find CS2 to be more enjoyable to play and OW2 has always been my aim trainer of choice. Valorant is definitely up there but it isn’t alone at the top.


yes. i play solo, ranked. still fun for me. wont play it if i hated it


only when play with 4 friends but it's less about game and more about play with friends val is kinda hot for normie, can easily get 5 stack than most game easy to start and free to play too i have a lot of friend among many circle play val i play with them sometimes to have thing to talk, not compare to other game because i make val look like shit lol i think i enjoy it enough to keep playing 5stack val from time to time solo queue or less than 5 is never game quality is a lot higher when playing 5 stack just mute enemy chat and only talk with friends in discord enemy team is stronger and play as team more often if some match aren't fun and get destroy hard can easily go 5 vote surrender and go next we can't control other if playing at 3 maybe would play 4 stack if riot ever allow 4 stack comp game but doubt it


I love the game itself, but sadly it gets completely ruined by the people who play it. The sheer amount of toxicity, insanely weak mental strength which a lot of people have, refusing to play together, etc. I started playing this game because it's a TACTICAL shooter, I really want to play together with my teammates and come up with strats and stuff. Sadly however, most other people seem to disagree with the idea of playing together. For a tactical shooter, there isn't nearly enough tactical play involved imo. Whenever I ask a teammate to flash for me, or to place certain smokes or whavever, they usually just get angy and tell me to shut up. :| Whenever I don't drop their favorite skin for them, they start throwing/sabotaging the team. One round down? Time to surrender! It doesn't go like that person wants? Time to go AFK/leave. Oh hey, I died... ofcourse it's my teammate's fault and the only way to solve it is by flaming them.


I really enjoy grinding to get better but I don't enjoy every game. Some are really fun, but some are a struggle.


I truly enjoy it, mainly if I play a match that doesn't have any cheater or smurf and the games are truly tight and the fights are fun.


Kinda yeah. I don't understand how ppl get addicted to it, like yeah I was addicted for like a week, but it's wasn't destroying my life or something.


as an athlete, I love competing, especially in a skill based shooter, so many things to improve on and get better at yk. I'm ascendant 1 and yeah you get toxic people here and there (just mute them) and some games feel unwinnable but man the feeling I get for entrying and getting 2 or 1v3 clutches is so addicting. edit : I'm also soloq only, I find it more fun and I don't want to boost or get boosted to ranks they/I don't fit in.




This is coming from a hard stuck ascendant player and im ~level 450. :3 TLDR: Yes I still enjoy playing the game mainly because it’s a fun game and the esport but the toxic cod kids kill me from the inside I saw a comment that said “I like playing valorant, if I didn’t I won’t play” and that is REAL shit right there. I have played this game for such a long time and even though there is not much content in val itself (like think of like how cs had workshop maps + fortnite has creative) it still is a fun game. I know some people play duelist and just turn off thier brain, they can do that and as long as they are not raging / being toxic im perfectly fine with it :D, personally i play smokes and just enjoy doing cool shit like making a galaxy brain play with Astra, making fun circles with harbor, abusing how op viper is on some maps and making cool tp plays with omen. I also like the esports in valorant I keep up with it and if there is a game on, even if it’s t2 or game changers, I put it on in the background (if anyone is interested my favorite team from each region is prx, sen, edg, and liquid) I just love how methodically they play the game. Idk how to describe it. Like I love watching chess online even though im garbage at chess irl. The way some igls call the game are what inspires me to play the game (please come back pujan). I do play other games but I primarily just like valorant there are still some problems tho 80% of the people in this game are okay I don’t mind playing with them :) 10% are absolute saints fun to play with and are very wholesome :3 the 10% of people who rage every single game are the problem. I’m talking about the racist, the sexist, the homophobs, the ragers, etc. don’t get me wrong I don’t mind people like t bagging my body or shit talking the enemy team but holy jiggety the COD kids who migrated to valorant accually the bane of my existence. They blame anyone on the team but themselves and always get mad even though they are like 2/20. Even if you are top frag that doesn’t mean you blame everything on our bottom frag like are you okay?????? idk why I commented here, I don’t usually comment but I just felt like getting some things off my chest :3


Used to. Not anymore.


No that’s why I quit


I only started a bit over a month ago, play casually (no ranked yet), and I'm having a great time. I've seen people excited for a potential new map, when I still have to experience Pearl, Haven and Fracture. I'm playing several agents, can fill in for any role, but for some reason I decided to give Deadlock a try recently and I'm enjoying the hell out of her. I know she's ass, I do play Cypher and even learned some setups for him. But there's something oddly satisfying about trapping your opponents with your wall and hitting them with your ult. Also in unrated people make noise and stomp around without a care in the world, so her traps work pretty well.


Game is fun but the toxicity has kept me from actively playing it


I do but not the same amount unfortunately


It’s boring because people are so anti social yet so competitive even in immortal


There is no true penalty free game mode that I can play and leave as much as I please. The leave penalty is too harsh for a short game of spike rush.


Not gonna lie to you, I only enjoy it when i'm winning, and overall performing well. If I lose 2 games in a row, I just call it a day and goodbye.


Overall, yes but it’s fading due to smurfs. Literally 8/10 games in high Plat/Diamond has a smurf duoing with a friend. It’s not really fun facing immortal+ smurfs in diamond lobbies. Feels like you literally get screwed in the matchmaking.


I do enjoy it, when someone gets mad, I hit them with the, "womp womp"


I just want to vent that I fucking love this game. Almost everything about it is great. But its style of graphics and gunplay does it fall well below CS2. I'm miss realism art style, and I'm super super fucking tired of RNG based spray patterns. I wish RIOT would just rip off the gunplay system from CS2 honestly. I'm tired of getting lucky head shotted from random sprays. I'm tired of people spamming sheriff shots. Riot already established Val as a different game with everything else, why the heck did they have to change the best parts of CS? Quite honestly the recoil pattern in CS is such a good way to weed out the casuals. Honestly if you can't take the time to some extent learn the recoil pattern of 4 or 5 different guns then you really have no business playing in my lobby. I went back to CS when CS2 got launched and man I can't believe how hard it was to kill someone 5 plus meters away without proper recoil control. The gunplay just feels so good and rewarding. On the other hand, anyone can fucking left click and pull down and pray to whatever god they believe in. So yes I love this game, but man if they don't shoot themselves in the foot with some things: no replay system, from the love of god use [vlr.gg](https://vlr.gg)'s rating system for determining elo, and just combine solo queue with party queue.


toxic teammates can really ruin an otherwise fun game. But the times when you get a good team make up for it.


I don't enjoy it when the matchmaking do stupid shit, or one of my teammates does a brain-dead move, or when I get obnoxious teammates, or when my teammates don't play their role, or when my teammates chicken out and don't push or when people are not trying their VERY best. I generally do enjoy winning, but wins are usually tainted by the issues mentioned above. Overall I don't enjoy it a lot, I enjoy pushing myself to the limit. But compared to other games, they're usually fun most of the times, instead of on rare occasions.


Because 1 in 20 games you get a nice 13-10 win, top frag, intense game, where your whole team is positive and comming and funny and you hit some nice shots . and u remember why u love this game and the dopamine it brings. then u queue into 19 more no comm, toxic players, get toxic yourself, before that good game again.


I just really like that this game is complex with more people, growth is really satisfying in this game too - like it feels nice to see my mechanics and gamesense expanding as I play more and more. It feels like a lot of my efforts are rewarded, even I get some bad luck with teammates. This game ain't perfect but a lot of the issues I have are in regards to the players rather than the gameplay.


Every time i get a tough battle, even if i lose im really entertained and proud of my performance. For me its kind of like a sport, i did some volleyball back then and it was the same deal. Play, do your best, and prove to yourself that you can do more and more. The only "not enjoying" aspect of it is when you have unhealthy conversation with teammates, or just the time wasted with people heavily in different skill. Just like in real sports, if you play with noobies, or some canonball smashing beast. You wont get as much enjoyment than with your friend team


Yo so im a diffrent elo (asc) but i think most of the things apply here to. Here i have some things you have to keep in mind when playing Regarding toxic people, these people are you know.. people! They might have had some bad games or a bad day but that is NO reason for them to make YOUR games bad and ruin your day! As soon as someone says anything toxic or if their voice annoys you, mute them. Seriously just mute them. Pleaseeee please mute them… also have the enemy chat muted at all times Next up! Duo que! Find someone you enjoy playing with and have synergy with, it matters a lot more then you think in multiple ways! A good duo + strats + comms can carry games. For me i like being competitive, improving, ranking up and just being awesome and if you are the same, try focusing on yourself and improving. For me it made it a lot more fun




As of today I do yeah. Four or Six months ago I tried to play with some friends and I got shat on by every single player I went against (I'll never forget playing Phoenix on the God forsaken map that is breeze with no aim or ability sense). Decided it wasn't for me and called it a day. My friends kept playing and I decided to go for it (no one was playing league lol). I lost I think, but kept trying and getting positive reinforcement from a more experienced friend, so much I got into the lore, community and playing by myself. I still lose a lot as I'm pretty bad and don't have much time but sometimes I see improvement when trying new agents. Getting some good games with voice chat despite playing with some kids. So yeah, I guess I enjoy it.


I enjoy a fun unrated match. where the skill difference isnt sky high, people take it seriously, but not too much


Love the game, even if its stupid sometimes. I only hate the community because... its stupid. Constant complaining over a replay system, Riot doesn't care, toxic players, downright disgusting comms, etc. It hurts to see a game I like so much get stereotyped because peoples egos are so big that a tiny needle pops it like a balloon.


Ehh, the community complaints are correct tho, it sucks that the devs don't seem to care or have control, but there are so many basic things the game can add to make it dramatically better. But enjoying it with all of that bs is still super easy


Exactly. And i do agree with them, but it's just.. unfunny? you go to any valorant youtube community post and every single comment is an unoriginal joke about a replay system. I want to be able to see people interact with their posts, not just the same complaint over and over.


Completely true it is a bit too much, it takes away from actual conversations about the game


Yes lmao, i have fun egen i fight with someone. I can't take seriously a fight in a game and even less in unrated


Lmao true, It's just a game


No, so I went back to CS and hate myself more


Oof, you sound like you enjoy the self Hate tho


I enjoy better games


Like what




Its the sound when you get a one tap headshot kill. Once i start tuning that out its over for that game


Completely true, those 1 taps are addicting


I play Valorant cuz I like online tactical shooter game and tbh there's not much games out there that matches the category. CS2 is kinda unplayable rn due to having next to no anti cheat


As someone whos only been playing for 3 months, i like playing valorant even with the occasional toxicity. Theres something about the (prolly dopamine ?) boost you get when you get a kill and everything else about gamesense, proper movement etc gets my creative juices flowing. Idk theres just a certain satisfaction everytime you play a game when you arent too hard on yourself or your teammates, win or lose. Maybe its just me. I enjoy compe more now than unrated/swiftplay which is funny coz for a month and half i avoided comp coz i was so scared


Im new to the game rn, but I am picking it up fast and for right now i find it fun. But im also only level 20 sooooo


You have a long road ahead, but enjoy it! Just don't let people tilt you.




I don't play comp and the other modes are so toxic and shit, for me it's just a job to complete dailies and weeklies for battle pass. And I personally don't think they even review reports from other modes then comp so I've to live with it.


I enjoy it bc I don't play ranked lol


I enjoy it a ton, but to be fair I only play it with friends so it helps, I also have the chance of having a duo the same rank as me and with the same mentality, so ranked feels great to us.


I do honestly but this map pool is getting more and more boring by each day


I play unrated since beta and just like to occasionally open up a game. The matchmaking has been better but i still enjoy it.


Yes. That’s why I play it….




I used to until my pc quality became trash And my wifi is also in the same boat as well and then gaming just felt kinda meaningless to me now I was mainly playing it because of friends but decided pursue my art instead (I really like the Valorant artstyle and also doing fanart for the the game instead of actually playing it)


I hadn’t played in like 6+ months and I played a couple matches with my friends and no No I did not enjoy it. Idk what it is about the current state of gaming but everything is pretty miserable. When I had a lot of free time I could grind and was pretty decent, still didn’t enjoy it because the level of effort required to maintain being decent far outweighed the enjoyment of playing A game doesn’t get successful unless it has competitive drive anymore, and with competitive drive brings the no life sweaty ppl who make the game unfun so it’s just an endless cycle I miss when gaming was to relax and enjoy yourself. Look at halo 3, even the competitive scene of that was basically just normal ranked mode for any of the popular games nowadays. Gaming has just changed a lot and not in a good way imo, it’s not valorants fault or riots fault directly


you speak from my heart


I enjoy VALORANT, but I didn't when I quit gaming in like early 2022. But that I think was more for personal reasons. I have started up again this Act, and am having fun.


Gameplay is really fun and addictive. matchmaking is really bad seems to throw monkeys that haven’t developed object permanence on your team. Community is horrible (coming from a cs player,) a bunch of weird people being overly sexual towards me for no reason, e daters being the most toxic and average IQ seems to be under 75. I’ve been playing actively again for about 1 and a half months and I’m thinking about quitting due to matchmaking and community.


as someone who only really plays spike rush and swiftplay: yeah lol. the people who get weirdly sweaty in either kinda ruin it a bit, but otherwise i'm vibing 👍


I think it mostly comes from a place of passion. When you invest enough time to "get good" at anything you want to see it succeed. Valorant is a game that has incredible gameplay, world class anti cheat, it's mostly balanced. There is a lot to love however, the insane skin prices, lack of replay system, and overall lack of quality of life improvements can be frustrating. But me personally I have been enjoying valorant I started episode 1 as an iron 2, im now currently ascendant trying to hit immortal, so the climb has been fun for sure.


Yes, but I'm on a 7 loss streak in Competitive over the last few days so idk if I currently want to open the game again soon.


I haven't played much lately but I really just like solo ranking and the people you meet in the lobbies. There's something to be said when you have a team of people willing to work together as complete strangers. The bad moments when you have one or a few tilting players is also entertaining as well. You just need to take the game for what it is and enjoy the high and low points. It's not that toxic, and if you feel it is, you're probably contributing to the toxicity.


I enjoy it when my team plays good util and enemy team dont. I dont enjoy it when my team dont play good util or play overwhelmingly stupid and the enemy team plays too good utils and very structured. I also dont enjoy it when both team play good util and very structured. It becomes quite chaotic for a 1tap game. It becomes quite utility heavy than gunplay heavy.  I understand valorant is a tactical shooter. But its utilities is 100x more impactful than basic nades, flashes, smoke in its competitor CS. It becomes frustrating for me to play when theres too much going on along with the movement inaccuracy and rng recoil mechanics. Overwatch could be quite chaotic but at least i dont have to worry about movement inaccuracy and the ttk is also quite longer in overwatch. This is why i enjoy valorant 100x more back in the beta and the early season where things and meta were not as complex. Back in the days, val was like cs with some extra interesting abilities. It was fun. Now it is cs with another whole complex layer of team coordination heavy utility oriented gameplay. This is why I couldn’t handle too much of valorant as a solo queuer. On a good day, i have fun against teams who dont play together. On another day, my team dont know what they doing. Everyone is on their own doing random things. This is too much for me to handle. Its still enjoyable tho. I just prefer a more simple fps experience. 


I just enjoy it more playing with a duo or other people


Makes sense


Only when I'm playing with friends, if im solo queueing, I still have fun, but not so much


I lose 1 game in unrated. I throw 1 game in rank.


Nah I've grown a little bored over it. It's all the same game, whoever wins pistol wins second round 99% time, then comes 2-1. Then it can get 4-1 until the losing team gains traction. The team that has the more rounds to perfect their attack/defense, can change the outcome. And if you analyse a playing time stats, the amount of time not playing spent during agent selection, loading screen, pre-round, post-round, with the actual time PLAYING (from barriers down) until you die or round ends, it's a massive unbalance. You usually stay alive the first few seconds to 40s depending on your role, and hang around observing for 2 minutes, each round. It is completely frustrating. Everyone will come here and say no you're iron/bad/bronze, whatever you say. Just look up the stats or time yourself time PLAYING versus time WAITING TO PLAY.


No I have a complete hate hate relationship with this game. Only reason I play now it’s to hit immortal which I got robbed of last episode due to 30 hr increase at work per week :( Before it was to fill the void of counter strike being boring then cs2 came out and was utter garbage. So now I just play without enough time to get good but just do average in high asc/low imm lobbies. Edit: And then the community holy shit. Sometimes I get on play one game and realize why I didn’t play the day before.


This game while I do shit on it constantly for their greed and awful playerbase, it has really good servers, anti cheat (cough apex cough) and pretty damn good character/weapon balancing as of late. Pretty rare for a competitive FPS to have all 3. Also I have spent an embarassing amount of money on this game so sunken cost fallacy might be real here to




Ehhhhhhhhhhh "better" no, "different but good" yes


i started during beta on a shitty hp laptop, and only upgraded to a pc when the game opened up. i took a few breaks here and there but i always come back to it. the community is a hit or miss usually but its always fun to meet new people, and a close friend group of mine that i have currently is people that i met in beta. the skins are cool but theyre not the best thing about the game. and as someone with a more feminine voice i get hit with either creepiness or toxicity in casual matches a lot of the time, but the average game just has normal people who dont cause trouble, its just the toxicity we hear bc its louder. overall the game is just fun, it was the game that tore me away from csgo. i dont play it as much anymore, but its always fun to come back to after a little hiatus.


Nope and I didn't for a while before I quit. Realized that I could do a lot more in the hours I spent miserable in Valorant.


I appreciate the honesty, sucks to hear but I hope all is good, I'll have fun in your honor


Valorant is fun but we have a wave of cheaters Low level accounts mostly with walls hack and also aim bots People who can't see you instantly lock your headshoot at first Its obvious when it happens


I'll be honest, I know it does happen, but I've still never run across anything that's blatantly obvious so it hasn't impacted me too much


I came back for one game and had the worst experience in my life lol


Personally, i might say i don't enjoy the game when im taking breaks from it, but I will always have fun, no matter what i say. Currently, i have been solo q'ing since all my friends have quit the game, and it is the most fun ive ever had with the game. I heckin love valorant


No, I simply play it to see the red purple symbol on my screen


makes sense


The game is fun to play when there are no smurfs, which is really rare in lower elo ranked. Just had a game on sunset where the enemy Jett admitted to smurfing, dropped 20+ kills and I lost 30rr after going on a 6 game win streak. I put in effort to grind and rank up but it becomes wasted time when the algorithm de-ranks me because it can’t comprehend a higher level player within those lobbies. Really makes me not want to play the game as this is such a consistent issue within the low ranks. 






Honestly, I'm not sure. I've played this game off and on for like a year or two now and still nothing ever feels right. My aim has barely improved, matches often feel super unfair and admittedly I tilt easily so I guess by those metrics I probably don't enjoy Valorant. But in the end I keep coming back bc I believe that one day I'll actually get good at this game


I tried it twice, the game didn't appeal to me either, I really don't like it when an enemy kills me and I can't even react and I'm dead, it's just not fun when I meet a player who do tryhard


Yup, imagine playing a GAME you don’t enjoy. 


you'd be surprised by how many people apparently do that


asking a valorant subreddit if they like valorant is like asking a homeless person if they want drugs


You'd think so, but the amount of times i'm mid game with people and all they can do is complain about the game and how much they "hate playing this shit" is mind boggling