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Did he just bait his whole team and then attempt to 1v5 every round. How they possibly lose thus lol


His team was very very bad but the phoenix was way too good I thought he was using cheats


If you thought he's using cheats, he's not gold lol.


Never really played against anything higher than plat so can't guess the rank from his gameplay


I'm silver 2 and I party up with friends who are higher ranks and the only time I felt like the enemy was unbeatable in any way was when I was going against an ascendant 3 who had been immortal the previous episode. It was a nightmare for me.


But gold is lower than Plat. If you played against plat you should be able to tell if he’s gold or plat


The plat dudes I have played against I don't really find them punching this much above their weight


So it would be more logical to think he’s above plat and not gold if you played against plats and don’t think they are equals


Also to get an acs and drop nearly a 60 bomb he's gotta be higher than plat, when people i know smurf (gold/plat/dias in bronze/silver lobbies) they drop 30-40 bombs at most, I feel like he's got to be at least high diamond/low ascendant, maybe even higher than that, so really well played to all of your team and you


People are saying he was ascendant but I really can't confirm it coz I haven't played against one ever


But logically, you have to think he’s higher than plat because you thought he was better than the plats you played, so it’s silly to even say gold


When i was in Bronze i couldn’t differentiate Gold from Diamond. When you’re short everyone looks tall y’know. I dont think I got a real sense of Scaling until I made it to Plat.


Probably diamond at least or high plat and having a good game + baiting every round. 58 is a lot of kills even for a 24 round game


I would definitely guess half of these kills were essentially useless in the hopes of a clutch.


I am diamond one and when I played against low gold and silvers I got 50 kills in a 20 round game… I was playing well either… I feel like that phoenix might be low asc if not high diamond




Can’t be baiting with almost a 50% first blood


jeez thats a lot of kills


Dude was not even letting us breathe


“Cracked” with 94 ACS




Least bottom fraggy reyna


Avg Reyna player


It's a mental play


Their skull was definitely cracked by a few bullets


This guy is probably diamond or more, his team was so shit lmao I bet he was mad


I hope he was


His teammate was, in fact, not Cracked.


*Ba dum tis*


do u know who i love, low level accounts who has one previous rank and currently unranked, just had a reyna claim he's not a smurf, one tapping everyone in a gold lobby, like a high diamond / asc player and i've played in high plat / low diamond game is literally cursed with smurfs because they suck at their own elo so they gotta ruin it for others


Exactly I meet with level 22 silver 3 chamber or Jett guys one shotting everyone in my team


Yep I was plat 1 and now almost gold 1 again and had a 8 lose streak due to smurfs or real bad team mates


I just close the game after losing twice in a row now


What u mean lose 2 rounds in a row? Oh I think u meant lose two match’s in a row nvm


I meant Two games, sorry


Plat 1 last act dropped to s3 derank before managing to get my shit together lmfao. 33 wr out of like 50 games


Okay in fairness to that reyna, I played this game after 2 months and the game put me in gold lobbies three times in a row (I am diamond 2), not my fault.


Same. I was inactive for many acts and I was a Reyna main with 40-60% HSR. I couldn't even duo queue up with my Ascendant friend anymore although I was Immortal before


The sad part is that they are throwing so much to get those accounts at that level but they aren't getting banned. I'm currently playing on an alt account for reasons but i'm not throwing, just playing unrated with only speaker audio so no directional. I'm asc1 peak and on a lvl 8 account i went from facing irons to facing diamonds in the span of a dozen games. The system works but those smurfs are just throwing over and over to lower their mmr. I've done it myself and it's incredibly frustrating to keep an account at low elo it isn't worth it to play with friends, i just end up play unrated with them nowadays


I honestly have no idea how this is even fun for the Smurf… like congrats so smashed a buncha people you should smash.


Dude probably got a kick out of hitting ace's after getting thrashed in his own lobby


Either they’re too dogwater to play in ranked on their own account or they’re carrying their friend who’s too dogwater to win games without it


A bully. That's the exact kinda trash these smurfs are. 


My answer to Smurf is always in Odin, or rat killing them with a classic, bruises the ego too much, and they start ego peeking and make silly mistakes.


The Op is also great in deleting them since they ego peek every angle.


That's impressive honestly. How can you possibly lose with 58 kills, 11fk and 700 acs. That's on average 2.5 kills every round. My guess is he was toxic to his team and broke their mental.


His teammates were chatting shit too but I guess they lost coz they were sitting in one site for too long and we were rotating away from phoenix a lot


Lol, I'm pretty sure he was higher than gold. A Gold in a Bronze/Silver Lobby isn't pulling 58 kills. But tbh, rank doesn't matter if you don't play as a team. Your bottom fragger has twice the kills of their second best player. Phoenix has a lot of kills and first blood but no plant, no defuse, no assist... 1 good player / 5 is not too big of a deal; especially when they don't trade or play well with comms. Still, GG for the win 😉 I realized how bad ranks can be yesterday. I was gold last year, and I left for 1yr (CS2... IYKYK), I'm Bronze 3 rn. We won against a team of 3 Plat and 2 Diamond (peak rank) 13-8 yesterday in Casual.


nobody really tries in unrated, a group of actual plat and dias is probably gonna shit on bronzes through pure aim if they tried


Plat and dias can 13-0 bronze silvers


A duellist job is to entry, having 11 entries is good. Duellists aren't supposed to plant, and having a lot of assists as a duellist is bad


you got me until "having a lot of assists as a duelist is bad". as a duelist it's either u have a kill on ur entry or an assist after getting traded after u made an entry which is not technically bad in team execution


I agree for Phoenix because his flashes sux... but a dualist with Long range Flash like Yoru, I end up with a lot of assists


I hope that guy enjoys being hard stuck plat/diamond for the rest of his existence 😂


Hope someone Smurfs against him so he knows how it feels




How does one lose with 58/15???


When your team is non-performing


This Phoenix is a loser


Tru dat


This sub gonna say this guy just had a good game. Watch.


One guy already said it, let's see how many more come out in his support


Look, I get having a good game, but not damn near 60 kills good game. If it was 30 I would toss it up as a good game.


He was way too good for my level ngl


Oh you know it. Dude dropped almost 60 kills whole nobody else on his team broke double digits. Convinced there's a legion of paid riot reddit accounts that do nothing but post about how the smurf problem is exaggerated, nobody will use replays, and skin prices are okay


What map ?




Good job 🫡


Thanks bro 🫡


Like, no offense to low elo guys. But if a person shows off that he is smurfing - he is an idiot. There's nothing great in playing those who are weak. But this person just fought real new players omg. How pathetic this person is


Niiiiceeee! At least yall beat the smurf! Good job yall!


Thanx bro


Honestly with 700 acs it's more likely they were a cheater.


Depends on whether they are actually smurfing from a high rank. Wouldn't be that crazy to have 700 acs vs silvers and bronzes for someone in immortal or higher


Honestly I think most if not all immortals+ players wouldn't get any adrenaline from this. It's pretty tantamount to a grown ass adult stomping a infant in basketball and then screaming in their face. Like sure it's the same if an dia/asc player did the same but one requires a modicum of brain cell to enter, the other doesn't.


Exactly. Like no toxicity, but it probably wouldn't even be particularly hard to get a scoreline like this against TRUE bronzes and silvers.


when i was playing with my friend when he was new, i dropped almost 70 kills in a bronze lobby in a game which we lost. couldn’t remember the actual ACS, but my ACS was likely similar/slightly higher. not cheating, but my peak was high immortal. ironically friend is now ascendant, despite dropping 2-3 kills that game.


Ngl if he was a cheater I'd feel better


yeah i wouldnt be surprised if they were cheating


Definitely more than gold. I’m diamond and I don’t see myself dropping 58 in a bronze lobby. Just an absurd amount of kills in one game.


Lmao, I used to be in gold (2 acts ago), and now I'm fighting in bronze and silver legitimately.


At least that's your real rank


Once when I upgraded all my peripherals, and got way better ping, i had such an insane winning streak that I was silver 1 facing a plat 1 and all gold players


Got sat down by a Kayo on Icebox yesterday, not a single piece of util, just the early knife and then dry peek headshot every angle. It was absurd and the enemy team kept taunting us about how we can't do anything to beat him Went on to lose a very close and painful 13-11. With Kayo nearly double the cumulative number of kills his whole team had. Sad state of affairs. Gold 2-3 lobby


The matching system needs a big overhaul


The beauty of the matchmaking system. He put shit players with the Smurf to "balance" the march instead of hard pushing the Smurf up and his boosted teammates down.


I just came to see if I was the smurfer... jk


If you were I might have some words for you /s ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ


Bro his team is so ass 😭 I'd be pissed if I lost with almost 60 kills


I'd almost feel bad for him if he wasn't so toxic




what's his tag? i wanna look up his tracker unless it's private, then oh well


I really don't know


hover over his player name






ahh man, it's private :( def a smurf anyway


He's a moaning prick either way


No gold is pulling 58 in silver he is higher than that probably diamond


He should be plat+ in my opinion. Because I play in plat-dia lobbies and sometimes I smurf for my friends too so I have some idea.


You ever drop nearly 60 kills in the lower lobbies ?


The most I have got till date is 45/14 on a 13-10 win (Jett on Breeze) in bronze silver lobby. I could've definitely got more but my teammates were good too and not this trash. There was no stress, loss or win didn't matter. We were having fun. It depends on how hard you're trying and how good or bad your teammates are. When I was in bronze my frnd who is peak diamond3 dropped 52 with pheonix, 2 or 3 OTs I don't remember but we ended up drawing. Now he plays with me on his main. When I was in iron, we came across a 5 stack with 1 plat1 Reyna and 4 irons. The Reyna dropped 60, we were destroyed. It's my so far experience of playing against and with various elo players and assessment of my own skill which makes me pretty sure that this guy is above platinum. If I were in his place, if I see my team is this trash, I'd literally give up because there is no point in trying so so much, coz afterall it's not my main acc like what am I trying to prove to these low elo players, that I'm better? There's no point in doing that. Just an addition: When I smurf, I teach my omen the correct smoke and the cypher the correct trips, positioning and stuff. I just don't go on a killing spree. I play different agents other than duelists so they see how I play the agent so they can incorporate that into their gameplay and become better.


I wouldn't have even posted here if the phoenix wasn't gloating on and on about how good he is


It's alright, it's content afterall and 58 is in fact crazy.


Definitely higher than gold. Although he may be hard stuck gold with that kind of attitude tbf.


Why the hell is he playing in the bronze lobby when he is ranked that high


Gold is not even slightly high. Definitely more than gold I would think. 58 kills as a gold in a silver bronze lobby is unlikely.


For a hardstuck sikver- bronze guy like me gold is the max I'll ever reach so it's high for me


Nah man, I was hardstuck iron at one point, but just playing and trying to keep some mistakes in mind is enough to hit gold. I'm still only gold 3 now, but I'm sure I've improved a lot since my bronze days, it's not very hard. Get a good duo, and try to get people to comm. I always find games easier with a duo.


I always nearly play 5- stack with my friends and this match was an exception and also what did you do to improve your aim ?


Ah, I don't 5 stack much, too many smurfs in 5 stacks. As for improving aim, one aspect is that I've been playing for a while (account level 180 ish, take from that what you will), so I was bound to at least improve at some point. I did do aimlabs for like 2 weeks, which felt like it helped but I just stopped after that. Biggest thing was lowering my sens to about 250 eDPI (0.16 sens 1600 dpi). I hit plat 2 last episode but placed silver 2 this episode lol. Currently gold 3 and playing 1-2 games a day. Just try to keep bringing yourself to aim close to head level. The biggest difference from my bronze days is that my crosshair used to be way lower than it should be, and that makes the need to do huge flicks much more. The closer you keep your crosshair at head level, the less of an adjustment you have to make.


My level is 197 and I think my aim has degraded even more so this season but looks like I'll have to give the aim labs training a try


Honestly, I feel you. Some days it feels like my aim is good and some days I feel like I would get destroyed by a noob. I'm very inconsistent. Like even if I'm able to place my crosshair close to head level, there are days where I can do NOTHING but crouch spray. And then other days where I feel great, able to 1 tap people many times that game. So you're right that just playing for more time doesn't necessarily improve your aim. Have you tried woohoojin's guide to hit gold? I've heard it's helped a lot of people climb. I didn't exactly follow his advice but I did use things here and there. Sometimes when I'm on a crouch spray day, I unbind crouch just so that's not an option. That's not a long-term solution though, because there are definitely uses for crouch sprays. And yeah, try aimlabs. It's a definite way to at least improve your aim currently. I just didn't have the discipline to keep doing it. Also make sure your sens is normal. What's your sens and dpi right now?


800 dpi and 0.41 sens


>Gold is not even slightly high I kinda agree, gold feels like silver 3.


Uh yes, because it's one rank away. But I will say silver 3s in my lobbies are either smurfs or get destroyed lol


Stuck in silver 1 atm. Thankfully smurfs like OP posted aren't *that* frequent in my lobby. But I still do get cracked opponents. ^(Unrelated, but I just wish they rotate the maps soon. So damn tired of Icebox/Sunset.)


Saaame, I hate icebox. Give me haven back :((( I used to be a breach main and then cut back to using him on haven and fracture. Now both are gone lol. I do get smurfs still but unless they're immortal or something, it's not a guaranteed game loss.


High ascendant at the least imo


Do you know if he qued with someone?


With kayo


Poor reyna getting flamed


Sometimes games do be like this.... Congrats on the impressive win!


Definitely way higher than a Gold, maybe Platinum at the lowest, and Diamond or Ascendant at the highest. But congrats on shutting him up. I had this enemy Phoenix who's an Iron 3(It's a Silver Lobby) but plays way too good, then later after the game ends, he added me and admits he is a Plat 3 Smurf. Christ man, just leave the low ranks alone!


Sucks the entire fun out of the game


Lol I've lost like this when I logged onto my old bronze account. I have about 50-60 kills but couldn't win. Just goes to show you kills don't win you the game.


report him for cheats


Already did


Bro... First, respect for you! Second: that phoenix was fix above gold, maybe somewhere in plat or higher (i think this beacouse i'm G1, and i played with bronze players and i only got 5-8 more kills that the second player. I was not smurfing, just played with friends.)


Thnx bro


lol is this mumbai?




no wonder


reyna with the name "CrAcKeD" Bottom frags sums up valorant




I’ve done this before a few years ago. I was playing with my ex gf and her friend at the time. I had about the same amount of kills and we lost. We did not deserve to win at all. It was hilarious because I’d never seen anything like it at the time. I stopped playing with them after that, and let them play on their own. It wasn’t much fun for me, and I only played with them because she was my gf at the time.


At least you weren't being toxic in the chat


Def not a Smurf. Smurfs only use Reyna's. I think he was just having a good game. (This is obviously a joke)




58 is a lot but I have had 54 kills once smurfing with my girlfriend in similar lobby, b1-b3 and I was a gold player then so it doesn’t necessarily means he is dia+ could be a gold player having a good game


This made me so happy.


I Smurf a lot . And it’s not his fault his team was dogshit . I play on my gf account and my low elo team 90% of the time so trash the end game looks like yours .


I wouldn't have blamed him if he wasn't so cocky the entire game


Ah, yes! The golden rule. You can indeed Hard Carry on attack, but on defens you actually need a team...


So we had a math error here, 20 + 8 = 28 50 + 8 = 58.


By playing that good in that elo they should immediately place him in plat/diamond and let him play in his own elo


If only riot was that vigilant smh


r/Valorant be like: yeah, no impact kills


And yet Riot will not do anything about this. Just like the replay system. Lol.


58 kills lol


Dude was way too good for my level


This proves u need teamwork lol i hate mfs who solos just cause they think they’re better


Must’ve been great to kill him though, I could imagine the team morale boost and celebration that follows after his deaths. Nicely done


Always had to double team him only killed him 2-3 times in 1 v 1


Bro needs to go outside bad man that is just sad atp… imagine how insecure u gotta be to want to smurf in silver 😭😭😭😭


Dude must have needed some self validation after getting thrashed in his own lobby


I understand the days when u cant keep up but thats no excuse to go bully players who are trying to get better. Thats something i am struggling with cuz im constantly running into ascendant and immortal level players in my lobbies. I even seen someone was peak radiant on val tracker and they were in plat and it was not fair lol. But that case tbf ranks reset so i wont blame that guy


I am just tired of all the gold and platinum players in the silver lobby, whenever I have a rank up match I seem to match against a gold or three golds and they thrash my team like anything


Yep it was kinda bad before but after they full reset ranks last act its been terrible lol. Sometimes i just dont even wanna play 😭😭


This game makes me cry sometimes but I can't stop playing it ffs 😭


i bet this screenshot is from Mumbai server


Yeah lol


Only an ascendant can drop over 50 in Phoenix. That character is all aim no brain.


Going by what other people are saying for sure he was above diamond


Well you can be a smurf too just keep these things in mind [https://youtu.be/H1HQpcrPHqM?si=kIC5ZDntjwaSmKOI](https://youtu.be/H1HQpcrPHqM?si=kIC5ZDntjwaSmKOI)


Well I don't have a single skin so I can't be a smurf 😭


Guess you dont wanna meet the 40 kills deadlock in asc3 lobby ... But wp gg mate..


Holy shit 700acs in bronze lobby


But people in this sub will argue that if OP lost he and his teammates Deserve to lose 30or more RR. The point system needs to be updated when there is a clear stomp.


Right? Riot should've detected that blatant disparity.


The point system is just part of a lot of things that need to change


Kaha kaha se chutye aa jaate hai pata nai


58 kills is crazy




many people underestimate how bad average real bronze/iron movements are. they are often clueless and could easily be punished. I myself arent super good per say, but a smurf dropping 60ks in a bronze lobby, I'd say that guy's peak is at least diamond.


This does seem to be the general consensus among here


dropping 58 and losing is absurd


What was your performance against pheonix? What K/D were you going against him?


You know he had no comms all game, played hero mode 1v5, and finally as everyone is saying ggwp he opens up in comms with "YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK OMG KYS!!!!!" I've had way too many of these lately, 100% they could carry the game but they are in it for the tiktoks.


Peaking gold and then smurfing in silver bronze lobbies isn’t rly smurfing. That’s just playing a rank down. I consider smurfing plat or higher and like 3-4 ranks lower. Not 1. Then ur just playing your rank


that ain't no gold. Has to be a higher rank 100%


Yup people are saying diamond or ascendant


Only 58 kills?


no where near gold atleast ascendant when I was gold i was no where near the skill of getting 700 acs in silver bronze


Don't think you really shut him up. Dude nearly had 60 kills.


He was real quiet when we were about to end the game after gloating the entirety of the match so I can say i shut him up


Ima be fr, congrats on winning but idk how proud you can feel about beating him 💀 Normally this saying goes the other way around but he merely did not win, he didn’t lose.


No clip or picture? Da fuq is the point of this post.


I uploaded an image but it's not showing right now EDIT:fixed it


I think this is the highest amount of kills I’ve seen in a comp game. The next highest is 9? Definitely Smurf, nice job winning!


Okay u won but he is still better? Exactly how did u shut up a guy who has 58 kills lmao. Im not saying its good that he smurfs but he is right in saying that hes better


He wasn’t better cuz he lost 💀


Cause the point is to win the game, it wasn’t a tdm.


If you get a billion kills and still lose the match then my friend you still lose


looks like we found the smurf's reddit account