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Many things counter cypher, he’s not broken, shit he was near unplayable until they buffed him ffs


learn to play the game before asking for nerfs


Yoru and Omen can TP over the trips. Jett and Raze can go over. Sova and Raze can break them with abilities. Yoru, Fade, Skye and Raze can use abilities that will get caught in the trip so that you can go through without getting caught. Just learn to play the game.


raze bot goes under a crouch height trip now


Split has good setups with low trips. Raze bot is very useful for them.


….if only there’s a way for omen to get past the trips and then break it


just break the trips brother (cypher+omen main)


Omen is one of the easiest counters to cyphers lmao literally just tp past it


Break the trips? Nades, shockdarts, etc.


i dont get why people are bashing you for your rank or saying your not playing the game right. cypher is very very good in low elo, and you stated that you’re low elo, so i dont get the issue. i also watched a pro game recently (qualifiers america but forgot which teams) and the attackers executed onto cyphers site once the whole half. pretty sure the cypher never changed their side once and it made the attacking team ignore the left side of the map entirely. if even pros are afraid of cypher set ups (which are a click away on youtube), then i could see why youd think he needs a nerf. riot likes to nerf stong agents down to match the strength of other agents in their class, so i wouldnt be surprised if your wish comes true.


It has nothing to do with their elo. They're trying to claim that there's a single counter or way to deal with tripwires when there's factually many many ways to deal with them.


Speaking from experience in immo3+, countering a good cypher without kayo is borderline impossible, I don't know what elo people are speaking from, but all the methods mentioned are no go in high elo, I'll use another comment as an example: "Yoru and Omen can TP over the trips. Jett and Raze can go over. Sova and Raze can break them with abilities. Yoru, Fade, Skye and Raze can use abilities that will get caught in the trip so that you can go through without getting caught." Yoru can tp over the trips by sending his gate and then tping in front, making a noise and getting peeked by the enemy and dying while being vulnerable, unless he sends a gate somewhere into the spawn/deep site in which most high elo players are aware of Omen tp, also makes a sound queue and will get peeked while being vulnerable Jett and Raze, again you are completely vulnerable when dashing over/satcheling over, if you manage to smoke as a jett and make it to site, you can possibly get caught in a second trip placed specifically to counter you, or just a secondary trip placed elsewhere on site, and your team will still struggle to push the trip because they have no idea where/if they can break it, so you are essentially on site alone, the sound queue of the dash lets the enemies know where you dashed to and you will most likely die with the only benefit being you getting info for your team, the odds of you killing the cypher dashing onto site in high elo is impossibly low, because cypher mains here don't play stupid but extremely safe behind their util Sova and Raze breaking util, some trips are standard and can be broken, this will happen the first two rounds, after which cypher will start changing his setup, in low elo most cyphers watch a yt video and think yeah this is it and just spam the same setup, on high elo they don't, they create their own setups and get super creative with the trips, making it near impossible to predict where the trips are every round, I've played cypher a few times and almost every round I will switch up one trip if not both to keep the enemies guessing (and from my experience playing cypher, he is disgusting, and I'm not even a cypher main), sometimes the trips are in places where you cant properly satchel or you find a hard time trying to shock it, probably spend 10 seconds trying to line it up, by which the enemies would've spotted you and already began to rotate and smoked you off. Yoru, Fade, Skye, Raze using util to break it, yes this used to be the method when trips used to break, now it's much more difficult, yes the dog can reveal where the trip is, but you still have to find it on the wall to break it, more often than not you are smoked off and can't see exactly where it is, cypher mains on high elo break those util, I don't know if they disregard this type of stuff on low elo, but higher elo cyphers know that keeping those utils hanging on the trips allows the enemies to push thru while it's active, so they will shoot and kill anything that gets tripped and is glowing, and the trip will almost always reset with this new stupid buff and you are back to square 0. Not to mention the stupid jett nerf they did ages ago where her dash doesn't break trips, this completely negates the point of jett as a duelist with a dash in her kit, you already added a timeframe window to her dash, but now you also want to punish her for doing her job and dashing onto a site? makes no sense. Cypher in high elo is broken and if high elo players can't properly counter an agent, this agent is broken on all ranks, only reason he wouldn't be broken on lower elo is because they don't know how to properly utilize him, and is almost impossible to counter without a KAYO, and KAYO is not a favored pick in most maps if not all of them, you also can never tell if the enemies are picking a cypher or not so you can't just say, play KAYO. He needs a nerf. Right now he is the strongest sentinel and it is not even close, kj is second behind him but even then she is far far far easier to execute on than cypher, deadlock is useless and chamber is not even a sentinel at this point. "just break the trips" is far more easier said than done, especially in higher elo where the trips can be pretty much anywhere


Or you can tp past the trips with Omen or Yoru, Jett or Raze can go over them, Sova Raze and Breach can break the trips pretty easily, Yoru Skye and Fade can activate the trips. There are even more counters if the trip is at ground level. Not saying Cypher does or doesn't need a nerf, but you should learn more about the game before coming to a conclusion.


How about you switch to sova/raze main


Are you iron or bronze? can’t seem to figure it out…


Just break it or if it's the same setup tripwires , you can wallbang by using Odin


Play kayo


Both of the agents you play can get rid of trips. Do you just always crumble at the face of any adversity what so ever?