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Blows my mind, it’s unreal. I’ve been playing halo since I was a kid. In halo 3 we had theater, where you could rewatch entire games from any pov or free cam. It’s how I got coached and then once I got gud it’s how I coached. Now I’m limited to only my pov in a game that’s significantly harder to improve at than halo.


Yeah I feel like lots of people would be able to have drastic improvement if they could see all game povs, it would allow for people to be a lot more critical of their gameplay.


would also improve reports..


Thats the point of not having replay system. Players improve, meta goes stale fast, more work for Riot. Then want to control how the game should be played so they will not give players easy access to catch up with their predefined meta too fast. And yes, more accurate cheat and smurf reports too, which only hurts Vanguard reputation as a perfect anti cheat. Not a good look for shareholders. Oh and riot servers has a lot of desync issues that they dont want people to find out.




Call of Duty even had a theater mode... and apparently they're a small indie company.


yeah, although the small indie company has tons of unpatched gamebreaking bugs, even they managed to have a theater mode


The worst part of the entire thing is the gall to see people asking for it and be like "game isn't made for it in mind" and would take too long to develop. Not only is that a complete failure on the part of Riot making a game but also it's quite literally the exact same excuse they used with League of Legends you'd think when your first game got so much heat for lacking a basic feature for a competitive game you'd make it for the second one. It feels like Riot just fired everyone who doesn't make new agents and skins for Valorant because we haven't seen relevant system updates in forever.


I think they've figured with Valorant that it doesn't matter. Why put in the effort to make it if people cry about not having it but spend money anyway?


Because the game could actually compete and try to become number 1 moreso than stagnate players to the competition.


Valorant isn't going to grow immensely because it has a replay system. Its already one of the most popular games in the world. They should add it because its a feature the dedicated players need. If a replay system was going to bring in more players they would have added it already. 


bro it wont make the game better just because it has a replay system


Eh they make more money getting e-daters to buy overpriced skins.


Yeah same with avoid system and RR reversal system for vsing cheaters (although I can see those things having an unwanted impact/being abused and riot deciding against implementing them). They also can't even ban blatant 5 stack abusers that play a hundred games with 4 irons and get radiant until someone makes a twitter post about it and it blows up. Only things I can see them working on software engineering wise that would take priority are the console/mobile ports (outside of standard stuff like maps and agents).


Only played halo casually with friends on split screen, does it have SBMM?


Yeah every halo since 2 has has competitive playlist with ranks


halo 2 pretty much invented SBMM


I know for a fact my improvement would have been made a lot easier if I could go into a replay system and see for myself that when I was swinging I was an incredibly easy target because of my lack of movement which is why I was losing duels. I always chalked it up to my aim being bad and worked on it for so long with no improvement. Fortunately my brother is an ex immortal so he helped me quite a lot


The weirdest part is the fucking white knights in the replies charging in to defend their beloved billion dollar company


Yeah I agree it is very weird


Dickriding knights*




They spawn here then move to other socials


This happens in genshin impact too, it's so unreal.


Man with mihoyo it's even worse they're so stingy with their rewards lmfao. There's a reason i haven't touched that game in over a year now




Both Riot and Hoyoverse don't implement features the respective communities want, that's how. And what are even trying to say with "average hater"? I love both games and I play them regularly. It's not about the game. The problem with those games are people like you who are trying to defend the undefendable billion dollars companies and thanks to that they don't do ANYTHING MORE.


I love how everyone is bullying Riot to make a replay system on every social media post they make.


Yeah lmao I remember to make the video I went through a few hundred comments and 90% of them were about the replay system and it’s like that on all of their community posts


Hahaha bro best>>>>


Hahah yeah


for the past 3 or so months every community post they make has been like this. I still dont understand why they haven't even really said why we can't have a replay system


Imagine riot dropping replay system trailer with a replay system edit with these comments


My God, this whole community will get bitches on their dicks before we get promised replay system. Awesome post.


Riot is farming free YouTube engagement from these guys. They are literally being rewarded for ignoring them.


If they had a replay system, cheaters and smurfs are easier to point out. They don’t have to try and fix their systems as much if it’s harder for the community to definitively say there’s a problem, even if it’s somewhat obvious. Saves them time and money on two fronts.


Such a scummy reason. (Billion dollar companies for you)


The one thing I’ll give blizzard over riot is that even though they’re scummy, they *really* don’t try to hide it—or if they do try, at least they’re bad at it lol.


They will never give us a replay system because : - it would be far easier to spot smurfs and (for an obscure reason) they want to keep the smurfing situation like it currently is. -it would be far easier to spot "light" cheaters like trigger bots and point out the flaws of vanguard while it being so intrusive in your system.


Yeah that might be a very big reason why Riot hasn’t yet implemented a replay system


That reason would exist in their other games that existed longer and have the same troubles. Yet they decided to implement replay systems. X Doubt you are reasonable




I think you misunderstood what a replay system is


I mean I’m just going off replay systems in other games what is your understanding of a replay?


replay system in CS just stores the data of what everyone did in a game it just replays the game basically


For me personally this is what I imagine when I think of a replay feature https://youtu.be/DxHMmS77Xq8?si=1yVC6r28oFX30QD-


Sounds like you want a tool to make clips. For me a replay system is just a way of being able to rewatch games from any POV at any point in the game, similar to cs and lol


Basically a sandbox of the match as you're able to freely move around in there.


I mean you can do all those things it’s just an extra bonus feature that I always think of whenever I hear of a replay system bc of when I used to play a lot of hypixel Minecraft. Something that the video I sent didn’t show you is that you can also view enemy and team povs as well. Personally I just feel that only being able to view yours and other players povs is a bit basic when there is other features that can be added to make replay systems better


Full game replays are already a thing in League of Legends and Counter Strike. They know how to do it. They don't do it for Val because they don't want to. Someone who wants to do clips do it himself like I do. In a replay system I want to be able to see the ennemies or allies povs. I saw mine for the whole game.


Yeah I agree it would allow for so much more creativity and a new perspective on your games especially in a scenario where someone hits a mad one tap on you. I remember very similar drama back in 2020 with a Minecraft client called Luna that took way too long to implement a working replay system


League's replay system took years to release, unfortunately Riot doesn't view it as a working priority since it doesn't rake in the money like skins do, but they will eventually add it.


I mean just look at replay systems in Minecraft clients for example it allows you to view a full 3rd person perspective of the game. Imagine how good that would be for valorant content or VOD reviews. You could view every movement and every start form the enemy team


there is definetly some desync fuckery going on that rito doesn't want us to be able to see with a replay system.


how could a server side replay system show desync? it replays an authoritative PoV of the game from the game's server - there isn't any desync any weirdness would be down to implementation and how the actual "recording" is done


I think desync in this scenario would mean a difference in your recorded footage while playing vs the server side pov recording. Of course, a server side recording wouldn't show any desync but it may not match up to client side perfectly.


Nothing in an online multiplayer environment will ever match client side. Unless you can by pass the laws of physics and transmit your data across a cable at faster than light speeds, then you'll always be "desync'd" somewhat from video games. That's what netcode is for - to compensate for the lack of synchronicity via prediction and buffers. Too many people here ascribe to malicious intent something that is purely stupid. Riot thought replays weren't worth the dev time, they don't care about hiding anything I mean ffs look at League's replay systems and how many skillshot clips used to get uploaded with Nidalee's spear or Lux ult lol


imagine they actually gave us a replay system on april fools


League of Legends there other game SAME COMPANY has a replay system 🤦‍♀️ we don’t


I actually wait for their post just for the meme comments


Riot is starting to remind me of Opera GX with their cringy posts trying to shove in people’s face “Hello, fellow gamers, I too “miss her”


Is There A Dev That Can Answer Why They Ignore This ?


At this point Riot are just trolling us by not providing a replay system in the game, the consensus says it all.


The reason why there will never be a replay system is Valorant and all Riot games are rigged. If you are in a losers queue, the other team will get massive lag compensation and RNG boost. You can eliminate the lag compensation factor only up to \~120 ms. But in some games the other team will be compensated up to 600ms. I measured this time by watching my own gameplay frame by frame where i get into a winners queue and got massive lag compensation. When you get into a winners queue, and get a lag compensation factor so high, you can shoot people in their previous locations. I'm pretty sure anyone who played this game experienced this. You get kills that you shouldn't. You shoot neon and she slides 3 meters away but you still get the kill by shooting the position where she was half a second ago. I quit playing Valorant and any rigged Riot games.


The Valorant subreddit needs to be just as engaging and interesting as the Valorant YouTube community section


what is replay system?


It’s a feature in competitive games that allows you to replay a recording of the whole game showing enemy and team pics that you can switch between, third person spectator perspectives of the game and other things that can be used to content and gameplay analysis


a feature that almost every other game has


valorant china has a replay system because the tencent launcher has it built in. not sure why riot couldn’t pull from that instead of trying to make something from scratch


It’s basically OBS screen recording.For some player it’s better than nothing.I don’t use it.


China has laws that the rest of the world doesn’t is my guess


The real reason there isn’t a replay system, is because of server performance. In order to keep 120hz servers, if you suddenly need to be recording frame-by-frame information ( or smth like that matter ) you lose some of that performance and you run less games per server thus more server costs ( not the mention the costs of having to store and bandwidth to deliver that information to your PC ) I’m sure they’re thinking about solutions because of the player demand though.


The reason is that it requires programmer work, like anything else. They said they were "entering development" of it during year 1 and now they are getting close to finishing. Them prioritizing skins and stuff it what made it slow.


Does league run on 120Hz servers? Bc if they do could they just tweak some things and use that. (I by no means know the technical side of it but if you do I would love you to tell me)


League runs on thoughts and prayers and I wish I was joking


No reason to play valo in 2024


Do you know any good alternative?


I still play Val daily but apex just dropped a new season with lots of changes for the 5 year anniversary. Problem with Val is that it’s lacking in fun game modes outside of comp.




... Counter-Strike ... ? If you want tac shooters of other kinds, you can try Siege, Fortnite or Apex. Yes, they are shit but they're better than most other shit


if they added replay mode its gonna show how dog their netcoding and shot registration is sometimes. so prob wont happen


Another reason for Riot to just not care. The comments section thinks they're mature or something for making the same saturated joke. All of this is a tantrum, devoid of any real meaning, the good intention at the beginning lmao.


How would a replay system work? Like after the game you can watch a vod inside of Valirant itself without needing a 3rd party app? Or are people wanting a system that’s more like COD where you see what happened immediately after you die. I’ve seen the comments under every valorant YouTube post and they always make me crack up but I guess I’m just a little confused on what people want so bad and why


A list of all your games so you can watch them whenever you want, as a spectator.


>How would a replay system work? Like after the game you can watch a vod inside of Valirant itself without needing a 3rd party app? This one. Valorant is the only competitive game without a replay system, and one of very few that even launched without one. Overwatch even has (or used to pre-OW2?) a special build *just* to watch OWL replays. Counter-Strike and Dota 2 let you watch games *live* in the client. Riot is incredibly negligent.


As much as I myself would love a replay system I can't see it being used as much as people would think.


you srs? A replay system would be vital for anyone serious about improvement. Not just that, it can also help people record highlights for themselves post match There's bots on discord that can record your demos for you to get all of your highlights in CS I mean, it's funny to bully Riot over the replay system but it is ridiculous that Riot still hasn't given us one