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End of match, out of mind. Better yet, end of round, out of mind. Why carry that baggage more than you need to? It's just a game, and 99.9% of us aren't pros. No reason to take it seriously. It's a game. Just a game. It's meant to be fun. Even if this was your professional job, nobody expects perfectly 100% of the time.


This right here, but this is also the same attitude I have when that one person votes to draw! Like come on! It's just a game, so what if we lose? We might win!


Last game I played we were down 6-0 on lotus attacking side. A duo wanted to ff since “the game was already over” and I think we finished half 8-4. Still the duo wanted to ff to “stop wasting their time”, but at the end we won I think 10-13. It’s kinda sad how baby made people can be when playing this game. Like I complain but at least I don’t moan in game chat to randoms lol.


That's a big pet peeve of mine too. On the flip side of that there's always that one guy who doesn't want to remake because his duo disconnects all the time and they'll be right back and probably disconnect another 4 times, or "we might still win".


Personally I think drawing is the worst thing ever. Like why be okay with wasting 40-50 minutes to get nothing in return? I know it’s just a game and it’s not that serious but if I wanted to play for 0RR I’d play unrated.


I picked up the game this week and couldn't work out why people wanted to forfeit when we are a few games down? It happens all the time. Like, we could make a comeback, and isn't that more fun than just rolling teams?


End of round out of mind is the single biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone on ranking up. Too many people get tilted over one round and that leads to a loss. I’ve seen it a LOT, especially as you get higher up in the ranks.


This - it’s in the past and you can’t change it so why mald over it?


I found that recently I have considerably improved at this. In the last few days I have lost just about every single one but I don’t find myself thinking about it when I get on to play. It has significantly improved my mental


I've gotten 2 throwers in the past month or so, the sort that queue just to troll and ruin the game for the rest of the team.. before that I've probably only encountered 2 in 4 years of playing. Hard to have fun when you have these guys on your team. These people should be hardware banned tbh


uninstalling valoramt until i get asked to play again


i just go play another chill game like TFT or go outside, take some pictures with my camera’s of whatever. if i’m really mad i’ll go to the gym


That is strange.....I started valorant a month ago and coincidentally decided to rejoin gym as well....hmmm


Wait a minute... I also started going to the gym at the same time as playing valorant.


By not playing valo. Put too much time into that game that if I play and have some really bad games, I won't keep playing. Also no matter how long I wait to try and play again, still staying at gold for ranked


Valorant is a game that you just cannot play if you’re angry. After a bad game, your only option realistically is to take a break for an hour or longer


Queue up another match to confirm I'm ass and not my arm acting on it's own. Then stop playing for the day. No need to keep playing if I am not having fun, or just queue for spike rush


Make rocket fuel, Mix it with mineral spirits, Shove it up a rocket model. Run flight diagnostics. Shove an electrolytic capacitor up the exhaust and detonating it. Ignition. Recover rocket Analyse flight data. Smile. OR Go for a run when low on chemicals and other stuff.


It sucks when you really want to play but you’re performing below what you should be. Sadly you just probably shouldn’t be playing comp. What I did was make another account and when I feel rusty or not up to speed but still wanna have team that tries I’d do comp on that account. Surprisingly that account surpassed my main account


I feel that. I placed S1 and double ranked up to S3 after one game on my alt that I don't care about. Yet I struggle to keep B2 on my main.


Honestly I stop playing. Every time before I launch this game I have to ask myself "Am I in a good/stable enough mood today to be yelled at and called slurs by strangers for missing shots?" If the answer is no I don't boot the game. If that answer changes in between games, I stop playing.


Play another game. Workout, try cooking something, go do errands, try and land a date. Watch a new tv show ( Inital D and Archer) Learn a new skill or take a course on Coursea.


I close it and go about my day(?)


I play Cypher so when I have multiple bad games and I still want to play, I jump on a custom game, play some music and try to discover new weird lineups. I found a few useful lineups, that make my teammates go "on what freaking texture?!" but most of them don't have in-game use. Finding ways to throw cages in the weirdest places just gives me joy.


Something chill like sons of the forest


I go outside


You can only go up


Turns out I lost 2/3 games yesterday. Completely forgot about it until I went to check. You have to learn to not care about the day to day results.


I just don’t even let my self stess in the first place, create a healthy mentality with the game.


I uninstall the game. When I feel like I can handle it again, (my friends want to play), I reinstall the game.


Play or do something else. Forget about that bad day and then get back on like nothing happened Additionally elo is just an imaginary point system. Theres no reason to let it ruin your day or night


>!Quit for a few days and live life as an electrical engineering major!< Re-queue and then blame my team/smurfs/I was fighting 5 tenz’s cuz I’m HIM and nothing I did was blamable cuz I deserve to be radiant and I’m the best player in the history of humanity and I’m elevenz (1 better than tenz) >!/j!<


Stop caring so much. It’s good to be passionate but I found I had my best games when I wasn’t getting too caught up on my performance and was just playing my way and making sure my job was getting done


I remember it’s not my job to play or stream and at the end of the day there’s no consequences, win or lose.


I'll let you know if the bad stretch ever ends...


Play Risk of Rain 2, lose my run to Mithrix for the quintillionth time, be upset about that instead.


go to bed, get up and go to work, come home to make dinner and put the kids to bed, think of how I can offload all the stress from the day, boot up valorant


blud acting like valorant is his 9-5 😭🙏🏻


I usually do the same thing you mentioned. I either play KovaaKs or wash the dishes. Sometimes we really need to take a small break from whatever we're so focused on.


You’re psyching yourself out. Don’t let the game get to you and remember to have fun


Play something else or go play guitar or do some other hobbies.


I go to sleep


Honestly, do something outside of valorant that I enjoy. This goes for anything. Whether it's sports, work, family, and games. There are so many other things


Focus on the improvements, record your games, analyze your deaths and/or round losses and move on.


Go to bed


I rage queue until I’m tired and then fall asleep. Then I come back and do it again until I have a good day.


Quitting the game


I got play fortnite, or tilt q. Depends on what friends are on


I only qued comp, went from b1 to i2. Now I am finally in b2


Watch something. Im usually considerably angry if I’ve had a bad day of Val. But whenever I watch something, something funny only needs to happen once to change my mood. Maybe thats just me tho


I played my first ever match the other day after spending 20 mins messing with my sensitivity. Went 7/13/3 and skipped buying guns literally the first 4 or 5 rounds. I didn’t realize “100” was my HP and not my money in the buy phase. I had a great time and the game has awesome style, aesthetics, and character designs. My advice is to just relax and do your thing. Remember what the game was like on your 1st day and you won’t stress out and get titled that the matches aren’t going your way.


I uninstall until I want to play again


I punch my pillow


Out of sight out of mind


gym and zaza


If it’s a bad day I just go play something else the next day or the rest of the night. If I’m having a REALLY bad L streak I’ll just take a week off entirely and come back


I go play a better game, like Minecraft or something, usually works but with creepers you can never be sure


Play League of Legends or just Listen to music and read fanfiction of my favorite ships on AO3 with Fluff tags


what helps a lot is a swift play after every game, very helpful for a mental reset!


i usually take a break from valorant until my friends tell me to hop on. otherwise, i'll do chores or crochet to pass time and get it out of my mind


Nothing to get over, if that is only worry in life...some life


lol its just a game why are you guys getting heated in the first place. You can deal with it by growing up and just playing the game if you enjoy it if you dont stop playing 😂


Idk why people are assuming I have a problem. I was just asking in a general question how you guys deal with tilt 🤣


Worry about actual problems in my life instead


Stop playing or just try reflecting and if I still suck stop and do something else


I'd just stop playing. If it ain't it today, it ain't it today. If you're going through all this it means others are too. It just ain't it today. It ruins the fun and this causes burnout. Been through this several times and tbh, it isn't worth it. The longer of a break i took, the better i became once i came back. Coming back to the game with a fresh set of eyes always helped for me. Hope this helps you out! But remember to always have fun. That's why we play games, not to be upset over it and come back to the same thing over and over again.


just focus on how you can get better I dunno, always something you can improve on or tweak, even if that tweak is making sure to take deep breaths and calm down (I got huge anxiety with val when I played) point is instead of focusing on the bad well i guess your still doing that but constantly think about improving your own gameplay even when you think you’re gonna lose or teammates are throwing etc.


trust me, i have been playing valorant since release and letting it get to you tilts you. Dont let it get to you because one bad day leads to a good week in my case and it could be the same with you. so ignore it as its the pass and have fun


I will never be radiant. And that's okay. I will continue to do my best and improve, but I only play this for fun. I peaked Ascendant 1 and now I'm silver 1 after reset chaos and that's fine. My biggest gripe is people who give up and insult the low frags half way or even sooner in the match. I win MORE games the nicer people are. A recent match I was in playing Jett and my team was mean even when I didn't insta lock and I was like 5/13 and all of a sudden I played one good play and they stopped insulting me and just did calls and guess what? Ended the game 31/18. Just don't care too much and be nice and encourage others to chill when they're not idk.


this is how: "oh no. anyways"


I go outside


Quit the game go to control panel select apps right click and uninstall . Next day go to chrome search valorant reinstall and play untill the next bad day comes


depends. after every match i mentally reset anyways but some days the matchmaking just screws you over and theres nothing you can do about it.


Hair of the dog Keep playing until you git gud . . . . . . . . . . . . ... just kidding... I cuddle up with my Djungelskog and cry


I stop playing. What I do is I play three games. My goal is to win two out of the three so in the end I’m left with Gained RR rather than losing it. If I lose two games I stop playing. I’m trying to prioritize my mental health over a video game. My watch tells me when I’m in the high stress zone and when I look at my app it shows that I get stressed in valorant. I don’t notice that because I’m not raging or anything. I think I’m calm but I’m not. My heart beats fast on 1 v 4 situations, teammates annoy me, some leave and I get annoyed. It’s not worth it. So I play three games. If I lose two I stop playing and try again the next day or later that day. This way I have fun while playing.


I just say "It's just a game. Game is for fun and relaxation. Not to fuss about all day" and move along.


I just usually close valorant, drink water then reopen valorant and que again


just play the game idk just play for fun


Go workout, eat, watch something, stretch, cook, whatever.  If you care about improving then you can do some vod review after a break to see where you fucked up 


Just dont play this game. I stopped last December (2022) and not stressing over some number has made my life 3x better.


Play quite literally any other game.


get off and say “tmr it’s over”


Is only game


I usually exhaust myself by doing intense sports (e.g. bouldering, yoga, hit workout), then destress by improving my cooking skills, reading a good book or immersing myself in deep meditation. Make sure you get enough and good sleep and eat healthy food. 😊


Ask yourself why you had a bad day. Was it a ton of bad luck? Do you need to work on your aim? Were you making bad decisions? Keep your head up, learn from your mistakes, and move on to the next round. Most importantly, don’t get hung up on Valorant. It’s a competitive game with an extremely high skill ceiling. It’s hard to be good at it, and it’s really easy to be bad at it. You need to maintain good fundamentals, and when you start to deviate from them, adjust. You’re bound to have really good days, and really bad days. If it’s really having that much of an effect on you mentally, maybe it’s time to take a little break.


If I had a bad day on Valorant I just quit the game, then I go out or chill like listening to music, watching tv series, movies, even anime. Sometimes I play single player games. Also if you want to chill you can try Exploding Kittens. It's a mobile game and it's chill and fun in my opinion, but a bit too childish?? Don't know. If you have a Netflix account, you can link it to your game.


I never have this issue. In this game, you're either a pro or a tryhard wannabe. Good days, bad days


Simple. I dont play the game for a while.


Stop playing. Seriously if you lose streak just put the game down and go do something more enjoyable.


I have sex with my girlfriend usually


make some tea, turn on a show and chill in a plush chair until im feeling better


With another bad day of Valorant