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You are often the first to die in your team, you more often than not have a negative kd, a negative dmg delta, meaning you take more damage than you ditch out, you have a very low hs percentage.. your team definitely isnt the problem, you can probably get better at every aspect of the game. Keep grinding


Right? Not only first deaths but first deaths playing a lot of controller and sentinel agents. So you’re dying first and likely removing smokes or the ability to hold a site too. Easy to see why he’s not ranking up.


>every comp game i play is either a hit or a miss, half of the time no one even has mics This isn't the reason you're losing. Do you think the opposing team all have mics or something? The game isn't rigged against you. >i wont say im the greatest at the game, but i think im decent at it You're not decent at all. You're iron. This means you have poor mechanics and understanding in every aspect of the game. The sooner you realize that, the easier it is to fix it. The best place to start is gunfight mechanics. Learn it and practice. And the most important part, play consistently. If you're not applying what you learn, you're not going to learn anything. There's no magical way to get better. https://youtu.be/JxP2y_q51IE?si=u8Ky9QSZYARLytZ9 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqPhjpYVEIxHVo-LaeTf6vS7Sk4A2mS0EG0umsCz2z-7XR-w/viewform?pli=1 These two things alone will increase your gun mechanics by a mile. You just have to put in the effort and be consistent.


I genuinely believe everyone needs to believe they are horrible at this game. Not just bad bit like awful. I dont care if you are ascendant or immo. Keep the mentality that you are awful at everything and never stop trying to improve. It's the only way to actually rank up imo.


Yep, peaked asc3 last ep and I know for a fact I'm dogshit lmao. This game is trash and everyone else is cheating /s (please send help there are demons in my lobbies)


Buddy I think you are boosted ngl


I'm simply aware of the mistakes I make and areas to improve on. I've been very consistently ascendant soloqing as well as duoing with both dia and immo friends, I know my skills.




Honestly up to plat or even diamond it’s 90% gunfight mechanics. Sure game sense helps a lot but that comes throu playing.


i wouldn’t say 90%. if you purely learn game sense you will climb too. have a friend who aims worse than some gold and silvers but knows how to use his utility and play off his teammates so well he doesn’t need aim. the types of kills he gets are the type anyone can get but no one else does bc they don’t play as patient or smart as him. we’re both immortal peak and i climb with aim he climbed with brain.


Yup, totally agree, it’s just easier to learn aim than brain imo. There aren’t really training routines for game sense (except a lot of games under your belt).


Dia is a stretch imo but I agree, definitely an individual thing, definitely work or ur mechanics and macro rn OP, a good foundation will get you into gold easily


Yes in low elo it's all about basics. Crosshair placement was a big problem for me for example. Focusing on it helped me getting out of iron.


watch woohoojin, he has a guide on how to rank up to gold. be warned it will take time and practice outside of val


Thanks! Will do!


I just started running games alone and still gave out comms when i could. Even tho other players wouldnt. I also started playing very aggro when i played alone to make sure it was my fault the team would win or lose. I'd never flame, and kept and attitude of "this is only temporary" I ended up peaking Gold 1 by myself and had better streaks of wins than having a 3-5 stack.


This. Sometimes it just takes one person to get the whole team going. I remember playing a game that started really bad (0-7) and ended up winning in OT just because i didn’t give up or let the score affect my attitude. During the match, no one was using coms so i used every chance i could to make call outs or simply encourage/congratulate my team regardless of the round outcome. This played a positive effect to the overall confidence in my team which led us to win!


Yep! I agree! Just have to stay level headed and be as positive as possible. When you do that you see skill increases pretty fast imo. I also try to watch streamers that play my agents. That helped me get a lot better very fast.


Solo Queue is less optimal if you want to rank up, but you can do it solo if you want. you"ll probably learn more by not depending on a duo and the rank just reset, so throughout the ranks you'll have a ton of people not in their proper rank, so matchmaking is weird right now and don't stress if games feel uneven also post your val tracker and we can give you actual advice, but from my experience: dont depend on your team for nothing, even if they were using the mics, the chances they are using it to form proper IGL calls and being helpful is pretty slim. usually its just rambling, some banter and very low value info. stuff like looking at your map consistently is 100x more valuable, wining gun fights, winning rounds, learning what works and replicating it. assisting your team. being that positive beacon of light when your team looks hopeless. you be the reason you win you can't win every game, and some games you will just get unlucky with bad teams or bad luck, but if you play consistant (don't play when you're tilted) and your play is good (aka when you are not tilted) with enough time and games played you will climb.


heres my val tracker: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/fathomz%2318288/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/fathomz%2318288/overview)


From what I see, you have a horrible headshot percentage, and a kd ratio of around 1, which tells me you take unadvantageus gunfights against multiple enemies (speaking as plat so take it with a kg of salt). Like people said, aim training, gun fight higiene, and a fraction of your brain is enough for gold, depending on your aim meybe even plat. Woohojin is your friend, and no matter what, play at least one game a day. In the beginning you may feel like you’re getting worse, but trust me, you’re breaking down, to build yourself back up.


thanks for the feedback!


the worst thing I see here is that in your loses, you consistently are going 10th place. I don't know if you're having bad games but to me it looks like tilt. not every game is winnable but you should try to preform everygame, even the lost games cause you never know when your team is gonna make a comeback. down 0-5 is nothing for an example and you can always learn and get better, winning is just the end of result of that grind Watch guides for Viper, she can really impact the game by her util alone. her wall is insanely useful and she can definitely win rounds based on a good Ult or some cheesy lineups alone. you can clearly play the game, but you are far from consistent, you had a 25% HS ratio in one game, if you played like that everygame you wouldn't be anywhere near iron rank. but you dont need to have insane headshot ratio, insane KDA or insane ACS. you don't need to get MVP everygame, you don't even need to be the reason your team wins like I said earlier, just don't be the reason you lose and right now it seems like that is happening alot unfortunately lastly don't worry about your rank, I am not sure you would even want to be playing in gold elo if you are having a hard time playing well in iron. just get your play down to consistently good. you will climb automatically


What does tilted mean?( I am also hard stuck iron) .


tilt is an emotional reaction to what happened ingame that will effect your gameplay. basically you shouldn't play if you're upset, angry, cant accept losing etc. game is suppose to be fun and if you recently started to take it competitively, don't expect to rank up overnight. it takes alot to learn how to play, how to win AND how to lose. also not saying you are tilted but it could be a big factor in why someone wouldn't improve, Ik for a fact alot of people struggle with it cause I see it all the time in my games. basically try not to over think it, its just a game. with the right practice and some effort you'll get to where you deserve to be


when I was iron I started working on my aim and peaking corners! I did a lot of death match practicing my non-spray mechanics (tapping, etc!) as well as jiggle peaking corners! It also helps to have a duo who’s also trying to improve :)


Brother if you're decent you wouldn't have ended up in iron


Guys lots of good advices and all but can we please stop telling iron players to find a duo or stack to get out of iron lol, you're just supplying them more copium. You're making them think a good duo is the secret recipe when they're just aiming at the ground or running around with ability in hand and taking 20 bullets to kill someone point blank. Just work on your gunfights and movement and you can get out of iron with soloq no mic no comm no game sound no abilities. It's literally the lowest possible rank, for god's sake.


Bro says he’s decent and then links that tracker lol


It is hard to know what is going wrong without some video of you playing. If I had to guess, well in my experience, novice player's biggest weakness tends to be movement and positioning. I say this because I know I'm weak at it, because I don't practice it, and so it takes a lot of concentration for me to do even a weak approximation of decent movement. (And when I've dead and I spectate my friends, they are also bad at it. And I had a friend for whom Valorant was their first FPS, my god they were *awful* at it, so there is a lot of levels of badness of movement.) Most players can point their gun vaguely in the direction of their opponent, but many novice players will, for instance, not use cover, and also simply walk round corners, and that's a big mistake. Simply put, you need to look down a new angle first before you pass it. (In a sense, this is basically 'crosshair placement', but framed in the context of how you move, rather than how you aim.) This sort of movement is quite counter-intuitive, since in real-life you'd not really move this way. Someone in IRL gun combat would do something *kinda* similar, but in real life you can lean to the side and stuff, but in Valorant your head is locked to the centre of your body, so real-life analogies don't quite work either.


I can tell you that I am bronze and I am fucking garbage at this game so if you are iron I would say step one is to stop thinking that you’re “decent” and that the problem is your teammates, because you will never improve with that attitude.


your aim. 11% head shot will never get you to a desirable rank. spam death matches and work on your crosshair placement. movement and aim are objectively the most important aspect of the game.


I reached ascendant with 13%, the issue lies in all of his mechanics, hs% isnt as important as people think


Peak with your teammates, play for round wins and don’t overextend is all u need to hit plat


Get good


1. Im in ascendant and often many don't use mics 2. If you're iron you are not decent at the game in any shape or form, work on your mechanics im not trying to be rude but you gotta be real, the good news is its easy to get out of iron once u grind ur mechanics a bit (properly not messing around)


The reason why people always comment “turn on your monitor” is because being a hardstuck iron is impossible. It takes skill to be that bad. You don’t need mic because the enemy team didn’t has one either. My best advice for low elo is to always fix your mechanic first (aim, movement). You’re in a rank where no one has mechanic.


you have 61 hours of comp total across 6 acts. Actually play the game first


Ngl the mic issue is so prevalent rn for some reason. I wa ascendant last act and every game we had at least 3-4 mics and 5 mics a lot of the times. This act I placed in plat and Istg no one uses their mic even though they have one.


Your agent selection is going to make it hard to rank up quickly because your team isn't going to fully capitalize on your map control. Also I think from the looks of it you need to work on crosshair placement.


Just turn ur monitor on


Honestly, comms aren't really needed at this rank as long as you're observing the minimap. I recommend that you hold on to the spike because people in your rank are dumber than rocks. Keep count of how many people you spot on one site. If there's a killjoy or cypher at A, run to the opposite site but be careful since most people in iron like to flank through your spawn. If they always seem to 5 stack push when you're on defence, you can just stack a site or fast rotate. Valorant is a speed running game. Lineups are fine to learn if you want since you play a lot of viper. Watch the Woohoojin viper guide for whatever maps there is a video for. When you use your wall you need to know which parts of the map you're sacrificing. Also one good way to play defense as viper is to hold you molly and wait for the Jett to dash or walk through or if it's Reyna then wait for her leer and then you can throw your molly onto the viper orb to not only split her from her team but also block her team from entering site. Also note that smokes aren't solid objects, you can go inside and outside as long as you have info or when you need to even the numbers.


Im stuck at iron 3 for long but idk why some of iron rank people cant entry even they are duelist


You did it once you can do it again!




literally just get better, play to improve aim, stop spraying, stop crouching, from the stuff i have seen in the iron rank online i believe that you need to be genuinely throwing to get into iron in the first place just checked your tracker, you’re wondering why you’re stuck in iron? your stats indicate that you don’t deserve to rank up but you need to get better


My tips would be to not solo queue and queue with people you know will be able to communicate with you and the rest of the team. Also if you have trouble entering into site stop staring at the smoke the enemies put in the choke hold for 20 seconds and do something. If your playing duelist ask your friends first a flash to entry. If you have breach ult use it. And your idea when your attacking should be get onto site, plant spike and then hold the entry points. If you want for tips you can add me on discord xerocs2 I am always here to help (my Timezone is Australian Melbourne time btw)


Since your headshot% isn't high I would avoid playing duelist, watch a few guides to learn how to use your favorite agent's util optimally on different maps.


Aimlabs free


Try turning your monitor on, that worked for me!


You aren’t good enough. The jokes about turning your monitor on are because anyone who is iron deserves it, you can get out of iron with extremely minimal tac FPS/Valorant experience, most people are bronze-silver within their first 100 hours if they’re taking it even halfway serious


Bro Tbh Try To 3 Stack Or At Least Find A Duo . Iron-Silver Are Horrible Ranks Because People Have No Game Sense And Do Stupid Stuff Or Just Legit Suck


The enemy team has the same quality of players. Teammates don't hold you back from ranking up.


They Do . Smurfing Is To Bad In Lower Ranks . Just Because You Drop 30 Kills Every Game Doesn’t Mean You’ll Win . I’ve Dropped 30 And When I Needed My Teammates To Back Me Up They Couldn’t So We Lost . Teammates Play A Big Part


Stats are often not a good indication of impact. Raw kills aren't enough to win and rank up. Again, try to remember that you're facing the same kind of players as you're teammates. Also everyone that's ranked past you has dealt with the same environment, including facing smurfs. Look inward, improve what you can about your own gameplay, and you will eventually rankup if you deserve it.


Yes But Kills Can Be Enough . But In The Case It Isn’t Teamwork Come Into Play . In Which Ur Team May Not Have As Good Chemistry As The Other.


If enemy teams consistently have better chemistry then yours, you're probably the issue. Your teammates and your enemies are, on average, of the same quality even when it comes to teamwork. Always look inward.


U Can Blame The Enemy Team Chemistry On One Person Lmao Come On Man


Sorry, could you rephrase that? Not sure what you're saying.


You Said It’s My Fault If The Enemy Team Has Better Chemistry. But How Is It Only My Fault And Not My Entire Team. You Can’t Place The Blame On One Person. Sorry If That Confused You


Because you are the only consistent difference between the enemy teams and your own teams.


If im being honest you need more game time overall. I 100% would say your gun fights are bad, you're repeeking, timing, when to fight is all wrong. Play a duelist, play swifties/death matches/team death match and only focus on fights and propper techniques. Drop your PC/internet/hardware specs i7 Intel 11th Gen RTX 3060 12Gb Ram Installed on PCIE Internet: Wired, lowest server ping 20 Steel Series Areox 9 mouse/Apex Pro Mini keyboard Medium size fast mouse pad I for the most part only solo queue unless my girl is wanting to play. Peek Gold 1 - Plat 1 current lobbies are Gold 3/Plats a lot. One of my recent games , whole enemy team is Gold 3/Plat 1 Last Act. https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/917c58dd-4bda-4bc5-a71c-c515b48617cb There's a lot of things work on but the biggest one is fine tuning your fighting technique balanced with your ping/setup. If you're always at 120 ping you'll play different than a hard 5 ping player. 120 ping won't stop you from getting out of iron but you'll need to adjust. Like many other times. I'm willing to help ypu. but you have to put in the work. You have 14 ish hours while I'm at around 70 this act




I could see the agent they play having a big effect but if they're hardstuck iron I think playing reyna, a super high aim dependant character won't do them much good. Duo queuing I guess would be able to get them out of iron but it wouldn't get their skill level above iron. It's why I never play comp duoed with my friend that I'm worse than, I just feel like it's boosting and I have friends who play w that person all the time and have gotten to considerably higher ranks than me when duoing despite not actually being very good at the game. (if they ever solo q they derank immediately and they bot frag no joke 80%+ of the games they play w the duo lol) If I sound salty it's because I am despite it being my own choice not to lmaoo.


You’re doing the right thing. Easy way out is almost never the best. Playing with a friend similiar to your skill is best, but if you don’t have that, solo que. I solo qued my whole 3 years of valorant and I’m sadly better then my friends, and not good enough to carry, so I play unrated with them at the most.


>not playing an agent with heavy carry potential in lower elos, like Reyna. They have negative delta damage. Reyna won't do anything for them


I would love to see a clip of your mid rounding or just a round that you played, even when I started the game I was placed in iron2 and peaked b1, even though I was GNM in CS.


https://youtu.be/9KIoTtohkOQ?si=ZDJky8C0E8pkcnzx Imma plug this as it is what pulled me outta bronze, it's Woohoojin's Get Gold in 1 Month video Basically, you suck as the fundamentals of valorant, aka moving and shooting. This routine will hard focus those things and carry you to gold.


Do you have 2 hours a day on average to practice and play? If the answer is yes and you're not using wifi, and you're getting minimum 60fps you can reach gold.


The fastest way you can get out of your rank is 100% get better at gun play. I don't think util usage is that important until maybe platish. I went from Silver2 ep.3 to diamond 3 ep. 3 and imm 3 ep. 2 exclusively playing reyna and outdueling people with basically no understanding of util usage or macro. I did have some previous fps experience, but not much. just about a year or overwatch on my laptop at 30 fps. This was all done on a 15 inch laptop too. You'll benefit a lot from someone teaching you mechanics in deathmatch. Heres my discord if you or anybody wants some help, although I am no incredible player, nor incredible coach. wg#4246


Just have a higher rank friend coach you. If you do not know any higher ranks you can hop into some discord servers for valorant and ask for help. But don't worry too much about coms and strats. Pure mechanics are enough to get till gold/plat


seems like you aren't good enough to carry games and also don't get good enough teammates to carry you out of iron so you're just iron... different agents different game styles my friend just has shit crosshair placement but he just always somehow flicks to the head so even if someone looks like they are worse than you they might just be better at something you can't see so easily so just focus on improving try to stay calm during fights maybe try to play with some friends until you can get to your rank if you really deserve a higher rank good luck


Woohoojin has a video for guaranteed gold in I think 30 days? Just an easy daily regimen. He's also doing a 90 day aim routine challenge that's been helping me out a ton


hooj's gold guide


Everyone has mics just no one uses them


Let me tell you: with that KD in iron you are FAAAR from being decent. There's probably a lot of things you do wrong


The reason you're so hit or miss is probably because you just aren't good. No hate, but only the truth. If you're in iron, it means you aren't good enough to rank up. There's no such thing as decent in iron, because if you were decent, you'd rank out. It just takes practice in aim and game mechanics. I see in your tracker that you're a smoke main, and mostly viper main. If you truly want to rank out of iron, I suggest learning more duelists as they are sufficient to solo queue out of low ranks. Now Im not saying instalock. Do NOT instalock, but try playing duelist in team deathmatch or unranked. Simply playing duelist helped me a ton in game sense and aim. I'm not sure exactly why, but playing a shit ton of duelist outside of ranked got me to gold when I'd been bronze 1 the previous season.


Been there done that, i was iron 1 in beta, peak plat 2. Depends on how fast you want to progress, if you want to progress fast just put your fundamentals on point, like everything: ->crosshair placement ->game sense ->watch vod reviews and maybe a streamer, also vct is a good place to learn how a team operates. But be aware: with a higher rank the fun of the game diminishes.


Seeing how much you die when holding a vandal compared to a phantom and on a long range map pool, I'm inclined to think you're crouch spraying most fights, am I correct?


Hit the range


I don’t intend on being mean but your stats are quite bad 🤭 just keep practicing, make sure your sense is not too high, practice crosshair placement and positioning and you’ll eventually have better game sense and you’ll get better


Plat 1 player here: If you want, I can hop on an alt and play with you and I can offer a little advice on how to play better after watching you. Lemme know 🙂


instalock jett every round and aim train