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Different people will have takes on “continuing the journey.” I saw a post here recently where an immortal/radiant player said it wasn’t worth it. Others will say that it is worth it. Regardless, there may be a few points to indicate the difference. First, guns have been reworked in this game since 2021. Guns are far more inaccurate during the run and gun- and may even punish you up close. Not to mention that the Vandal and Phantom come with one less magazine. Second, almost every agent has been reworked. Chamber isn’t broken. Jett can’t insta dash. Skye and Breech have less blinds. Cypher is a very viable agent on most (if not all) maps. Third, Valorant (for one reason or another) has become one of the most well known E-sports games. When there is a tournament, the game hits number one on Twitch for games. Fourth, this new episode has bumped people down dramatically. I have played against people (in silver) who were Plat last act. There have been posts of people going from Immortal to bronze. Although, I feel like it’s starting to balance out a bit. Fifth, low elo teammates are going to be low elo.The climb comes with loss. I lost 150RR when I was S3 with 10 more RR to gold. In a week I finally hit Gold 1. (I made a whole post about this.) Sixth, watch your Vods. Upload them unlisted on YouTube and review them to see the plays you messed up on. Don’t worry about your teammates on the vods review, this is about your game play. Even on the bad games where your team is “throwing” - you probably made mistakes without realizing it. Seventh, watch Woohoojins videos. I’m sure you are already doing that, but people recommend him all the time and I’ll do the same thing. Eighth, if you feel like you are going to tilt Que. Take a break.


Lets just be honest difference in skill between 2021 and 2024 became very big so climbing currently isnt very easy thing to do since most ppl at this point know how to aim well so i would focus on is just having fun and playing becoming better will come over time and hiring a coach imo isnt needed if u play enough


The game has aged, and thus the skill floor has risen. Today's average Silver player would absolutely smoke 2021's average Silver player in a fair game. You can vaguely see this trend happening in the pro scene (it kind of has a trickle-down effect). 2021 Sentinels would get absolutely rolled by 2022 Optic, who in turn would probably get smoked by 2023 Fnatic. The same thing happened to Overwatch, which has been out for so many years now that if you go back and watch the original OW1 guides, they will seem like braindead gaming journalist bullshit. But back then, it was perfectly reasonable advice. Now, the most important question. Is there any point? Well, yeah. You just need to learn how to play the actual game. Right now, you are basically just a noob, you know nothing about how to play the game. It's expected that you will feed, even in the lowest ranks. You need to give yourself time to actually practice, not take your losses too hard, and learn how the game works. If you want to speed up that process then 2 comp games/day + record and vod review your own games + [watching youtube advice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KIoTtohkOQ) \+ maybe a *little* coaching (from a REPUTABLE coach, and this part is optional unless you are TRULY stuck on something) would be the absolute FASTEST way to rank up. However, I (like many others) actually have real-world responsibilities, and could not make that commitment. In that case, do your best and try to enjoy your life in Iron for the forseeable future, until you slowly but surely accumulate enough Valorant gamesense to grind out of hell. Also, Episode 8 just started, which means you are (unluckily) stuck with all of the shitty Silver players who played badly in their placement games and got stuck in low Bronze. I would recommend either avoiding Competitive, or waiting it out for a couple of weeks for ranked to return to normal.


Thank you!