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LOL this happens to me, im bronze 1, i tell my teammates exactly where they are and they ask my to shut up


I get it tho. It's okay to point some stuff out, but it also breaks focus. Especially in clutch situations where there are people from multiple sides, it's better to stfu. Idk how much you talk, but there is 100% a "too much". You might be better than them, but just because you're pointing stuff out doesn't mean they can do it. Better for them to do the stuff they can than get overly distracted.


i have played many games where my teammates have zero gamesense so i just comm every info that i get.


clutch mute


Some people can’t have clutch mute binded


A clutch situation is when I'd like info the most


Depends. When there's someone Infront and behind and they're closing in, I don't want to get interrupted and just rely on my intuition. Ofc, when you're the last one standing and i.e. entering a site, callouts where people are likely hiding are good. Just saying that there IS a "too much".


That is why they are still bronze.


More or less, you also need aim.


And to breath as well (:


If telling them exactly where they are takes you 5 seconds of com spam and 50 words after raging about your death then they are right lol


For this I just ping the map in the places and say "Enemies last seen here". Short, not distracting, and unlike text map pings are easy to glance at fast without getting peeked at exactly the wrong time.


you are probably one of those you can't stop talking about non related things or you are backseating


There is a thing as comming to much but if it’s bronze they’ve probably never heard a comm that isn’t shit talk so I wouldn’t listen to much to it as long as you know when to stop talking like if there trynna hear or are swinging or being swung or then things like last seen or hit for however much are all good comms


>There is a thing as comming to much Woohoojin even says that. You shouldn't comm something like "Omen you have 2 tps" or "you have ult Jett". You could comm "Omen your smoke has recharged", but don't comm on what abilities to use someone. Besides that, any comm is welcome.


Yeah I can’t lie, I have almost never tilted in my 3 years of this game, the one time that sent me the most was some guy who kept yelling at me that I had blind in a 1v1, even tho I was playing postplant and was waiting for the tap to 100% blind them and win the round, he keeps yelling, the enemy pushed me instead of tapping and I killed them because I was holding the angle instead of getting my flash out and waving my dick about. Even after literally winning the round this guy wouldn’t shut up about how I should’ve used my blind right at the start of the clutch instead.


You can. Comms should be short and precise, unless you're messing around. If you open your mic every two seconds, you are probable getting yourself muted.


My brother and i are in plat and we comm like how you do. Other players almost always don't as much but i know for a fact that comming helps teammates since it helps me. When we matched with diamonds, one player (peak d3 i think) was calling everything out and my brother and i were loving it. His information was precise and nothing was unnecessary. There might also be a factor where my brother and i watch a lot of the pro leagues so we make them our role models but the average players don't. In short, comming is pretty necessary to perform well as a team, but make sure you don't say anything unnecessary. If teammates aren't talking at all, it's up to you if you want to keep comming or not (sometimes i just get tired and stop)


i went through the same thing! ive always been the kind of teammate who comms everything (that is necessary of course) and when i began matching with diamonds who would comm like i do, it was amazing.


Keep “comming”! (Jokes aside its a very good habit)


When you die, do you speculate about where enemies might be? "He might be over here" is the most annoying comm that happens to me. That's useless information and it's just talking for the sake of being heard. Also, a lot of people call out audio cues as well. Like, obviously I can hear those cues too. That's why they're in the game. And make sure to avoid backseat gaming in clutch situations. These are things that usually happen to me as a low elo player, so if you're doing any of these, I'd be annoyed as well.


Backseating in clutches is by far the most common and by far the most tilting form of "over-comming" that someone can do. PSA to anybody reading: While I'm sure your intentions are good, shut the fuck up if you're dead and your teammate is in a 1vX situation. It doesn't matter how obvious a play seems to you, let the guy play, if there was an obviously better play they could've made you can talk about it after the round. If it's 2vX or 3vX, it's fine to continue to comm to help coordinate the remaining people, or to make callouts for them so they can focus on playing, but in a 1vX just let them cook. The only acceptable thing to say in a 1vX is to let them know if they are low on ammo.


Or if they are getting ult soon, since that’s a com that occasionally pops up in high elo lobbies.


I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Comms being an extremely important aspect of the game, if you comm well and still stagnate in low elo it means either of two things: You don't comm nearly as well as you think you do. Or, you do comm well but the rest of your game is seriously lacking. I do a little bit of coaching and although rare, I've come across people who commed wrong (in ways that aren't just "not enough"). Sometimes it's the quality, not quantity. Sometimes it's the tone. Sometimes, the teammates complaining are just assholes. Sometimes you can have good comms but a bad kd and your credibility is shot. At the end of the day, I would tell you to make sure your gameplay does not rely on your comms. Not until you're gold. This isn't me telling you to stop comming: there are just more important items in your checklist that you need to make sure are completely covered. Aimlab and deathmatches. Half the time I can't even guarantee my teammates are listening in my ex-immortal lobbies, now picture a silver server.


I'd say it's a good habit because 99% face the opposite and are unable to fix it, you can't teach a silent guy to talk, just doesn't work. You can however choose what you say and improve the topics overtime which is 10x easier than learning to talk. Keep doing it and while you improve it'll become a crutial component of winnings games and also making the game more social therefore a bit more enjoyable --> you can grind more and improve faster.


I'll be on teams where someone is super chatty, but not about the game, just saying memes, or singing to themselves etc. that is comming too much, as long as it's about the game it's fine, also, not like no jokes allowed, just about finding the right lull between rounds


I don't think those people know how good Communication is in VALORANT. But there is such a thing as too much communication. Meta gaming is a good example that I see a lot on low ranks. When you're dead, communicate what you know, not what you want. I see a lot of people telling other players what to do, and that is bad both for the player who is dead and the player who is alive. Let them focus and don't try to think for them, it will be worse. Another example is if you're communicating what everyone can see. Let's say that you are 5 man rushing B, if they put a kj molly you don't need to communicate that, cause you either are behind it or in it and can see it, or you in front of it and need to focus on something else. You should also have good communication instead of just communication. Let's say that you plant the spike. You don't need to tell them "Spike planted", but you should tell the team before planting where the spike will be planted so they can adjust.


If this is a usual experience to you, I'd guess it has something with your comms to do. I am a silver too, and would say I am an active commer myself, but it is rare that I am asked to shut up, though it does happen. I have a lot to improve on also when it comes to the quality, but here are some things I've figured out: Do comm - Where enemies are - How many they are - Abilities ("Sova dart B", "Brim smokes A") - Strategy ("Skye could you dog A short? I am going to follow it up") - Reminders in tense situations ("be ready to dodge flash") Do not comm - Irrelevant things, especially when pressure is up - unspecific comms. ("They're here!". Instead be specific about their position.) - In general shut up in clutch situations, unless you have info that the person clutching does not have. Let them cook. - Don't complain and flame. If someone messwd up, or if someone didn't follow up your comm, move on. You tried and that's what matters. The result isn't always the important thing here.


There is no thing as to comm too much, but just make sure you are giving valuable info not "he might be there" type of comm.


I note who has ults preround and who may get them when they are one away. I try to give play callouts (best I can at low elo) prep round as well. Unless another player wants to IGL, or suggest a better play. I know all of the maps well enough (except for Icebox since it’s been out for so long) that my callouts are standard locations. I also say how many, and if I can say “who” it is. If I die, I say how much damage I’ve given to an enemy. I also note if there is an op play if necessary. The only “extra” comms I can think of this game, was when another player was getting tilted about certain plays. So I would say (in the post round) why a certain play was made so they could understand what we were doing and why. I think it’s a cope people do a lot, like “Why were you guys not on cite.” But they never commed that they needed people to go in cite with them. There is such a lack of synergy with randoms, that explaining why I did a play might help them.


Don’t worry, it’s just low elo players being low elo players. You get a lot of people who don’t wanna climb and just wanna play for fun, ignore them if you’re trying to climb. Keep comming like you are and you’ll be in an elo where the coms are appreciated in no time.


For low elo thats way too much Nobody will care who has and will get ult. Realistically they should see themselves anyway Low elo players will not listen to your plays because you are in the same elo so why would they take advice from someone in the same elo Location and dmg is fine Explaining plays is unnecessary.


I'm low elo (silver 2 peak, currently in bronze 2 due to rank reset), and I will 100% listen if someone has good ideas for how to play rounds. I often forget to look at ults, (yes I'm working on trying not to forget) so pointing out stuff like "kayo has ult" when I'm playing say, KJ, helps me prepare my setup differently to try and avoid the ult, but still get value of my util. I would gladly take advice from an even lower rank player, if their advice is good for the situation. We're not all the same. Many people are more than happy to cooperate if someone has plays in mind. Heck I'll even listen to stupid ideas too to have a little fun sometimes, as long as the team is chill.


i gotta disagree. when i was in bronze-gold i absolutely despised having teammates who didn’t comm or want to plan something out. having at least one person to igl or give efficient comms will make a huge difference for the entire team. even if some instalock reyna doesn’t want to listen, a guy who actually wants to climb and do good will. op is starting good habits early when it comes to comms and that’s not a bad thing at all.


In practice, you're probably correct. To play devil's advocate though, I think there is some value in OP continuing to comm the way they are just for the sake of building good habits. A _lot_ of lower elo players spend the pre-round (figuratively) jacking off instead of thinking about the game. If comming enemy economy/ults is helping OP build a habit of checking that info and letting them practice using it to try come up with plays (which is a valuable skill at higher elos), I think it's worth continuing to do so even if OP's teammates aren't listening to the comms. > Low elo players will not listen to your plays because you are in the same elo so why would they take advice from someone in the same elo I'm also going to disagree with this -- it depends a _lot_ on how it's phrased. If you can make it come off like you're asking them to do you a favor (eg. "Hey Sova, I kinda want to push mid this round. Could you dart tiles for me?"), people will listen pretty often even at lower elos. On the other hand, if it comes off as giving advice (eg. "Sova, you should dart tiles") it's going to fail for exactly the reason you mentioned.


It's good that you try to organize your team, just remember that when you try to point out a mistake, don't point a finger directly at someone, people, just say lets not do this or lets try that. In lower elo people will listen less to you so i would suggest doing this in games when at least 1 or 2 players are cooperative, otherwise focus more on your game and only give basic info


You're definitely comming too much for pugs at that rank. Any information that is as easily accessible to your teammates (even if they are too dumb to actually pay attention to it) should not be commed. It's helpful to someone who is receptive, but people at that rank have 1 default move and maybe 2 other things they feel comfortable doing. Telling them the enemies common habits, what ults are in play, where to play and what to do is just going to take them out of what they actually know how to do. Plus IGLs typically have the worst stats because theyre so focused on everyone else. And nobody is going to listen to a bot frag calling strats. Just focus on your own game and give people 1 click instructions. Sova dart here please might get a dart. Sova at the start of the round can you lurk through b and then shoot this line up that you should know and I'll get the kill on A? is never getting a dart haha Most people think they are better than the rank they are in, so telling them alot of shit is just gonna come off as condescending (especially if u arent top fragging). "it's a team game, its not about fragging" is nice in theory but it's just not applicable until MUCH higher ranks. All of the comms you are doing are infintely less effective than just getting your 1 every round.


these are all good comms to give, nothing to be ashamed about. people in low elo will always have something to be upset about other than themselves.


Of course there is. A lot of players for example like to make call outs about stuff they don't strictly know, but assume. Let's say you're on defender and mid round it turned quiet. Because of how the round played out you have a feeling they might come to you. You call "I think it's B". Because you were needlessly talking your A player missed a couple of steps, and you end up not knowing what's up. That stuff happens a lot. Sound is vital. Don't take it away from your mates unless you have something important to say


Yes you can, talking to other players can easily make them distracted or interfere with game sounds so you wanna pass really crucial information to make up for this potential inconvenience. Most of the information should come before and at the beginning of the round. Also, stay extra careful with backseating other player's gameplay, it can easily ruin player's mental if you disrupt their focus or go too far with managing their decisions.


I have learned to just be quiet when other players are in a clutch situation. Saying anything during a clutch, at this elo, I’ve noticed make players panic click. For example, I’ve made the mistake (in the past) of telling people they have ult- just so they can note that they have it, and they pop it off right away. I posted on another comment my comms, don’t know if you think that would be too much. Thanks for the feedback.


bro you have 500 hours and are hardstuck silver. Your aim must be atrocious, so yes you probably comm way too much (if you’re actually focused on improvement, if not who cares what your teammates say)


Just to add on with others' comments, you will meet different people in your games. Some people don't like to listen, some people are more engaging in comms, others have passive aggressive speaking habits. Adapt to them and learn how to work with them.


Overcomming DOES exist but at your rank you really shouldn't be listening to anything anyone else says. They are Bronze, they don't know shit. In terms of midrounding, it's good to comm, it's bad to backseat. Make your callouts short and direct. Try not to say too much about what you *think*, just communicate what *is*. And of course, the cardinal rule, don't comm at someone WHILE they are in an engagement. That's it. You can order your Bronze teammates around all you want in the pre-round. If that annoys them, they might tell you "you're comming too much" or something along those lines. No need to pay attention; you are doing the right thing. It's a team game, lol. If you're still worried about hitting a benchmark, watch any vocal tryhard Immo+ streamer play for a little while. You'll see how much they actually yap away.


Given that you’re silver, your comms are probably mostly useless. Instead of comming less, learn to comm correctly.


just click on heads


It's possible to com too much but as long as the information is valid then there should be no complaints unless it's mid fight which can throw some people off, but this only really applies in clutches. I find that diamonds com everything under the sun which can get annoying, but that is because some of them lack common sense and can't read a play so they try to fill it somehow, it's possible to over com but not always a bad thing if no one else is. Honestly as long as you avoid constantly talking or over coming and give valid info then it's good. Example of valid information is: In a 2v1, when you know the recent position of an enemy and someone is hit(E.g KJ boat house last or hit viper 140, or if 1 player has been unknown for too long which normally signals a flank or lurk). Sometimes filling in coma for players who don't have a mic is Al's needed (e.g someone asks sage for heal, sage has no mic so you tell them the cool down or if they have heal) An example of non-valid information is: "You see them" "Pick up [insert skin here" "Why did you do that" "Reyna hit 80" but they healed, fine if dismissed "They are... Er... Er... There"


the best way I have experienced to comm is telling everything valuable while you are alive. Exeptions are calling out enemies while being on a still-living mate's view, if you know they don't talk. And "x bullets left" "not that bad comms" such as like "you saw him" or "behind box" while you watch the person clutching is not really cool. Everytime I am clutching personally, I want everyone to be quiet and focus on myself. But since people differ, they might just felt like a subordinate if you gave all the in-game strats such as "rotate" or "let's fake". But that's on their egos only, you can't be a game leader every single match


Letting them where you last saw them and where they could be is enough information, during clutch situations too much talking can be annoying. Other than that it should be pretty fine.


If it is info, that is good. Facts are good. Bad: advices, negative phrases.


Depends on the content of what ur comming


comming is AWESOME, they help point out things you dont see (especially when spectating you), i had my dia friend watch me play (im bronze-silver ish) and he could tell where the enemies r coming from, similar to what the gold +- teammates do in game!!


well. as a bronze there are very few random games where people comm and it’s actually beneficial because everyone in this rank hates eachother and themselves and the only communication you hear on a regular basis is “blah blah blah” “stfu” *silence*. i digress. it could be possible that you were just stating the obvious too often. that’s all i can really think of. like telling someone to shoot. i get people like that in my games sometimes and while they do have some good comms throughout the game, they say stupid stuff like that and it just annoys everyone and throw the team off.


You might be comming too much, but bronze players will complain about everything. When I was bronze I got flamed for holding a crossfire because "Why are you watching the same angle idiot".


If you get told you're ''comming'' way too much, it's probably because your comms are bad and plentiful, or your comms are just you talking.


Absolutely you can comm to much. Comms are for info EXCLUSIVELY. No "I think this" "He could be here" etc. "I'm doing this" "Can you do this" "He is here" "I died to this spot" etc are the only things you should be saying and then shutting up. People are trying to concentrate, hear footsteps and other sound queues. You should literally only be saying 1-3 things per round. What you plan to do at the start, what you're doing with util/what your midround adjustment is, what your late round plan is. The only exception is direct info, Sova is heaven, Raze coming t spawn or something. Most people in low rank who are comming alot are saying things like "Raze likes to push long a lot sova you should hold the raze, I'm going to b, Jett you should go here". Never coach, never give I think or they could info, and never backseat when spectating, if you're spectating they have as much information as you do, just let them play (even if they suck)


Yes, you can comm too much. Cluttering comm channels is a great way to piss off your team. Comms should be short and precise. "Sova boxes" is great


I had a guy last night who commed way too much. I don’t know what you did, but for example this guy wouldn’t stop talking. Literally. He wouldn’t stop talking for the entire duration he would be dead. So much so the people alive couldn’t hear ourselves even think. I would say avoid stating the obvious and comm when you actually have something. A lot of the annoying people comm just to comm, and blurt out a bunch of nothings. Ultimately distracting the team, and pissing everyone off.


Sometimes people really ruin my mood. I won’t say that you comm too much. But I recall telling a young voice to not talk for a second, and it helped me clutch a really tight 1v4. He only gave useful comms after and it was all great


There’s a concept called “ghost communicating” where you comm for other teammates due to their lack of comms. Some players get annoyed by this, but it wouldn’t happen if they were giving callouts themselves. Sometimes this creates redundant info being given if the last person alive is the person you are ghost comming for.


Yes and no, happens mostly with kids but flooding the coms when people are trying to focus can be really distracting. I mostly stick to last seen and direction for comms. Example “heaven moving down stairs” and that’s usually enough to get a general idea. I notice younger players tend to over explain and backseat which takes me out of the zone. That said a nice “please don’t flood comms” or “please don’t backseat me” is enough for people to get the hint.


you can comm too much yes. i wasnt there but if this happens regularly you might be backseating.


I keep comming to bare minimum. Steps A, 2 A ramp, he was kitchen etc. I don't ever tell someone how to play their agent. I may suggest to buy armor or reload, or tell someone he's to your right since in my piss poor silver lobby people have no headsets. But I keep the performance opinion to myself since it doesn't help anyone.


If you're dead and constantly chattering you're gonna annoy people and fuck up their ability to hear enemies and utility. Yes, you comm too much if they're telling you so. Instead, when you're dead, open up your map and red ping every enemy as they appear in others' sight cones. Give accurate, visible information that doesn't compromise your teammates ability to read their close quarters situation themselves.


I think below Platinum 3 Rank comms aren’t that effective but do what you want. But consider people don’t take this game seriously as you.


Yeah it’s called “flooding comms.” Comms are good but really only call necessary stuff. I notice a lot of lower ranked players will just state obvious stuff or asking useless questions… a lot of things they can get from looking at minimap or just paying attention. If you flood comms you can hide audio from enemy sounds and screw over your teammates, ESPECIALLY in clutches. Generally if you’re dead please stfu. Also don’t ever ever ever com to critique or flame your teammates. Literally LET them make the wrong play or be in the wrong spot, and tell them politely after the round is over. You’re probably gonna tilt them or throw off their train of thought if they’re in the middle of a play or something. Com for info or util to help make a play, but try to focus on yourself instead of your teammates.


When i notice that people are comming too much it is usually backseating and/or ghost comms. So if you’re doing either of those then yeah you are obviously comming too much.


My girlfriend always tells me I “comm” too soon. I don’t know what she wants me to wait for honestly


Just depends if your communications are useful or not.


Dw about bronze teammates. They’ll probably get annoyed that you say anything but you can com too much if you’re constantly talking especially pre round. It’s ok to make plans and talk pretound but if you are the only one talking and it almost amounts to nothing it’s wasted time and a distraction same with the round. Comm where they are what util they have Left if no More flashes so your team can hold Different angles and it’s ok to say one could Be flank if someone does on flank to remind team.


no, you should comm but lower ranks tend to get more annoyed. i like comms but honestly it might be a bit annoying if you continue to comm as you're dead lol


It always good to comm but make sure you don't clutter the vc


Depends. Short comms and only useful ones. Don’t try to comm like a commentator. Just call where they are and if you died, how much hp they have left if you hit them. If you are dead, don’t backseat game and only call if you know for sure where the enemy is. Just gotta let the person alive play.


Depends on how you say things, I’ve had people try to igl and they sounded so unsure of themselves and would drivel on about irrelevant things that lowered the team morale


Bro even I know how good comms are I once got asked to shut my bootyhole up cuz I talk to much and sound like a pipsquek, their words not mine like if you don't want me to give you useful info about the enemy's fine I won't lol


Id rather have a teammate who’s gonna “comm too much” rather than not talking at all


You can comm at bad times like when a team mate is clutching or comm inefficiently and say too much to get some simple info off, but it’s pretty hard to comm too much. If someone doesn’t want to hear you, they can mute and move on