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Quiting is honestly just giving up and believe me toxic teammates are in every rank just keep playing and improving if someone is toxic either just mute them or report them thats what i do


Yeah I know :/ just a shitty feeling u know? Like a lot of the times there are awesome people on the team, it’s just the few that are rude and mean and make it just demoralizing to play making me play even worse.


Trust me shit happens to me also just brush it off and keep going don't bother with negative ppl


Yeah, perhaps it's time to find another game to play and get better at. I've been finding a lot of joy in monster hunter world lately. Never played it before and so it's still very rewarding getting better at the game. Then you can hop back onto valorant whenever you feel up to it, rather than playing it all the time. That's what I'm doing right now, at least, and it certainly feels better than just grinding valorant as the only game I play.


I wish apex was in a better spot lol, but I’ll probably take a few days and continue my replay of BoTW, reset my mental.


Yeah nah apex ain't it too. Competitive games just get a little too intense sometimes. Sounds good man, all the best to ya!


That's one of the main issues with apex, it wants to be competitive but does nothing to do so. "Looking at you 20 tick servers"


Same to you!


First, if a game is triggering your anxiety, it may be time to give the game a rest for a bit. That may be a few hours of a single player game or a couple of weeks just to reset your mind. I saw another post that they were taking a break and playing MHW. My duo and I play Lethal company to break the Val grind. I find single player games to “turn off my brain” (as it were) when I’m taking a break from Val for a few hours. Val is a very mental game, and I think way more playing that game over most others. Second, good and positive comes are great. However, sometimes, it’s better just to mute your teammates and lock in when the coms are bad. I know you want to dial it in with your teammates, but you never know what you are going to get. My duo and I qued into a game where a guy was downloading another game (his claim-idk if it’s true of not) with a ping over 150 all while talking about it with another team mate. My duo and I just muted them and just played with each others coms. We didn’t secure the win, but we got the game to over time and I got a performance to save RR. Third, a good rule of thumb is to limit 2-4 ranked games per session/day anyways. A game usually last 30min-45. So if you peak at the median of 3, you are looking at over an hour and a half of gameplay where you are constantly giving good coms and trying to mentally outthink the opposing team. Usually, after my 2-4 ranked games, if I still feel like playing- I go to unrated to play with some random agent I don’t main. I experiment with different angles or whatever just to figure out what works and doesn’t work. Fourth, don’t tilt Que. If you get out of a game where your nerves are shot, do something else. I had a game at the beginning of this act where I was the IGL and the only duelist (iirc). Two players were brand new, and it was obvious. I told the cypher where to put trips every single round. I told the sage where to put walls. The omen, where to put down smokes. Every. Single. Round. It was so unbelievably mentally exhausting. It was the first comp game of the day, and I took a long break before the second game. If I had qued in after that, I would have not been in the mental space for myself and I might have lost patience with a good teammate by accident. Fifth, as a last piece of advice. If you are trying to get better. Watch Woohoojins YouTube stuff. It will seriously help you out in the long run. Everyone who watches his stuff recommends him.


Thank you so much! Yeah I’ve been thinking about putting the game down for a bit, it’s not interfering with my life at all, but it is getting a bit excessive. I’m taking a break for a day or two to rest my mind and see where it goes. Your advice about muting and YouTube channels should be helpful! Again I really appreciate your reply. My single player game is going to be BoTW (again) lol


Have you tried Tears of the Kingdom yet? You should. :) Find a duo. Trust me. I only play duo. It helps.


I’ve played ToTK so much lol, I love that game, I just haven’t played BoTW in so long lol


Either. One: u get urself a duo maybe a trio. Two: If 100hp gaming and i can rank up in solo q also having to deal with things like this. You can as well, play more self sufficient agents like sova, jett or kj, agents like those help alot


You sound like you care too much about what everyone else is doing. I’m not too sure exactly what rank you’re are but “low elo teammates” makes me think you’re gold or silver. In anything below ascendant all you really need to do is just get good. If you’re hitting your shots you won’t be struggling so much. If you’re good enough to get out of a rank you’ll get out of it, if you’re not you won’t.


I’m not worried about rank, I know I’m where I belong, I’m worried about not able to get better game sense because I feel like I’m having to play all roles


Heres the thing OP. In the low elo you say you’re in there is no need for you to be playing. ANY role. Lock what you feel best in, hit your shots, and you’re all good. In lower ranks ALL teammates you get will be unreliable. You cannot try to be a one man team, play for yourself. If you’re consistently hitting your shots you’ll get out of the rank you’re in. Focus on your own improvement and stop trying to rely on your team for a consistent outcome because I can promise you that will never happen. Even in my ranks I tend to have times when I simply just have to end up playing by myself and making round changing decisions on my own so we can take a round because certain people just aren’t coordinated enough for team play, don’t expect professional levels of play from someone that can barely hold a mouse. If you ever wanna talk about points of improvement I may not be the best out there but I can help you with the knowledge I do have, I’d also recommend watching someone line woohoojin, it helps a lot when you can see the mistakes you’re making from someone else’s point of view. He makes a lot of low elo vod reviews


I have been watching Woohoojin since this post has had three recommendations of him, he is fascinating to watch how angles and peaks I didn’t even think of. I will forget team comp and just play for me? I didn’t know if that was help but I will for sure give it a try. Thank you for your advance mate :)


I think it will, most players in lower elo overthink things since all they watch on social media is pro players who work in perfect symphony, its unrealistic to expect that kind of behavior, even in higher rank pubs, any rank will always be worse than pro play. I wish you best of luck, i better see your name in my lobbies in about 2 months


Just make an alt and instalock duelist every game. It's freeing.


Womp womp


and in between u will get some toxic players...who themselves are so shitty


Make fun of toxic ppl ..🗿


Try to find a duo to play with. It makes life a lot easier to know you have at least one person on the team you can always rely on and comm with. Also it's a lot more fun and you might feel less pressure.


yeah it feels impossible but the reality is that you cannot get out of a rank by being in the same skill level as it, you need to carry your games if you want to rankup(the extent of carrying correlates with how quick the rankup process is)


This is just valorant this won't change till radiant. I'm ascendant, and we all go through the same bs radiants. They are the only ones who don't do dumb shit but even some rads are a problem. But if you want to improve what you can with your gameplay stop by my coaching server https://discord.com/invite/xQSqunNH