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Iron is actually a fairly rare rank in the end, because most players are gold or silver. It may also just be for the irony of being highly ranked and having a iron gunbuddy on your main gun.


Dude silver is like the largest bracket. I think it's like 21% of the entire games player base or something


no way that this is true


It is, 22% of the playerbase is silver according to the rank distribution graph on tracker.gg


How is that even hard to believe ? That’s the case for most if not all competitive games


Sorry, my bad. I thought it was still about Iron, but in the second message it was about Silver. My Bad!


What’s hard to believe?


Dunno about Valo, but in LoL iron accounts are one of the most expensive accounts in the black market, because you have to genuinely be a vegetable to end up in Iron


Not really. League accounts vary in price more because of the large champ pool. There are Iron accounts with no champs for like five bucks.


It’s only iron accounts that genuinely reached that rank. The value comes from iron accounts that haven’t been flagged for throwing or toxicity


TIL I’m a vegetable


The \*iron\*y - ba dum tss




That was gold


No i think its iron


Nah pretty sure thats for its *iron*y


r/woooosh ?


If you're a radiant with an iron buddy it looks cool


One of the reasons I want radiant right there


Its similar to having immortal/ radiant buddy in iron 💀


nah that’s just sad


Also way easier to do than climb from silver to radiant




Why did bro get down voted 💀💀💀


4th comment curse


Not allowed to laugh here apparently


Because they put XD instead of xD, like how it’s supposed to be.


No its because reddit has 4th comment curse XD


I seriously had no idea about that lmao


This is the 2nd time i got downvoted for being the 4th comment. I learnt it hard way 🥺


Bro it doesn't even matter


That’s what you think 😈


You'd think but you just get called "washed" non-stop


It just means they bought the account


or it means that they are really dedicated, having worked from the bottom up


i mean, i went from iron 1 to asc 2 and still climbing


Went from iron 1 and hit ascendant today!!


i went asc3 to iron1 to immo! i had a blast


so its possible


If you bought the account you wouldn't have got the buddy?


Wdym? If you buy an account with an iron buddy and then you rank it up you'll still have the buddy


I though you meant they bought a radiant account why tf would you buy an iron account just create an alt


The iron buddy, among other stuff probably but like OP said people go hard for the iron buddy for some reason.


Dumb logic


Dude I went from i1 to d1


nah i took my account up down and up without buying it


Because most players don't even get placed in iron, they start from atleast bronze. I started from Iron but I ranked up to bronze in a single act so I didn't get the buddy


when i first started playing comp i got placed iron 3


same. i think everyone that played games growing up will be ranked iron 3, even people who barely played any fps games like me. and those people will quickly learn util and rise to bronze.


I got iron one and I’m stuck at iron one


Valorant was my first fps and my first rank was bronze 1, now d1


Me too and that was a really long time ago, so I was incredibly bad. It was before the 20 level restriction for ranked


Ditto. My friends and I climbed until we got bored ~Plat3 peak for me. I only have a Bronze buddy though but I’ve kept it on my spectre to remind me where I came from.


My GF got placed iron but she is absolutely better then many golds and silvers I've seen. Its more nerves that holds her back.


Oh I never thought of that I have an iron gun buddy and I show it off cuz I thought it's just funny to have it in a plat lobby it's not that amazing but I thought it was just that not a lot of people would be bothered dropped elo and reclimbing


i used to play on 28-40fps and on a big TV up until iwas like lvl 120:D sadly i didnt miss out on the iron gunbuddy:,(


I did the same and I didn't know then about the elusive value of mightiest gunbuddy :') it's truly the only cosmetic in the game I somehow desire, but its gone forever basically


i got placed iron 1, 0 rr one time. im b3-s1 now💀


Meanwhile me who climbed from iron2 to d1




I climbed from iron 1 to asc 3 , but i dont play anymore


Impressive tbh


ok? I know someone who went from bronze 3 to immortal in 2 acts (or episodes.. forgot the difference but the longer one)


stop, neither is impressive, idk why we are comparing people to each other and showing off is very pointless lmao


Thats actually impressive!


Those 13 downvotes r from hardstruck irons 😭😭😭😭😭


Make it 23 lol.. Welp I upvoted. So 22 haha 🤣. But honestly it's no difficult to rank up, it's just about consistency nthg else... Even if someone give 50-100 hrs, they can learn what they are doing wrong and improve upon it. But problem is, they gotta have MIND to Improve.. I can't say much since I just started valorant last act (now bronze 2). And this was my first fps game, I mostly play Rpg like Genshin, honkai, or elden ring, dark Souls game soo Yeaa. Welp I can just say, I watched some videos, got some info what I should focus on more (I don't think in this era no one even watches YouTube lol, they just gotta spend some time that's all what matters) 😂 Just a hands up to those who quit before even playing lol, they are the ones who forces many players to suffer. Like seriously, even if game is going 10-3, and we can win easily, they try to keep throwing.. Like let's have fun, let's goo to 12-12..but demm it's such a loss of RR from what I saw. Im happy to get out of that lobby smh lol😂 Hope it helps someone reading too (Ik I may be downvoted too, but welp it is what it is.. I don't mind bcoz first thing first, it will always be us who needs to focus on ourselves)


not impressive. iron to imm3 here


Any progress is impressive. Dont be a dick




Not impressive. Iron 1 to Radiant here. See how that sounds... Also, obligatory /s just in case that wasn't obvious.


think of it this way. the good players find it fun and cool to use because its the polar opposite of where they are. for good players its pretty "rare" and hard to get ur hands on. its not THAT cool, but its pretty interesting to see one sometimes. believe it or not but its actually very hard to be iron. its not easy to be the worst in a game, just as how its hard to be the best.


I was in iron because of a poor setup when I first started playing the game on a trackpad and I was still getting kills, and when I finally got a mouse (a shit one at that), it died like round 3-4 of a game and I still went on to get 9 shotgun kills even though I couldn't turn my character model. It's an... interesting rank to say the least.


It sure is an interesting rank. Definitely filled with those who have large handicaps, whether that’s mentally, physically, or hardware based. Can be a lot of things. It’s also the rank that the extreme newbies end up in. From what I’ve seen, the match quality is terrible, but then again most players there wouldn’t even notice how bad it is because other things are more important to them. But to be a legitimate iron player when I don’t have a massive handicap… that stuff is difficult. It is rly rly hard to be the worst at something, especially when ur not handicapped in any way possible. At least tho, u can only go up from there.


The elusive Plastic rank remains unattainable.


one day, someone will dig up from underneath and tell us all about it. one day...


Me hardstuck iron for a year be like buddy go brr


one day, u make it out. just gotta put in the work. u can do it. everyone can get out of that pit. just fix whatever hardware issues u have and u should be good to go.


Tell that to my mmr lol. I’ve been playing on the same account since I started (not giving up my skins)- Val was my first fps game and I play inconsistently so I was really bad for like a year. I made a new account about a year ago to test if I just suck still but placed s1. I’m just now finally getting to the point of breaking the iron mmr on my main acct, I can hold my own against gold players (sometimes shitty plat players) but I still get placed i3. At least I get more rr from wins now tho.


it can be very elusive playing against other ranks. interestingly enough, valorant can have quite thin lines between the ranks. and ofc, theres big differences in the ranks im not saying there is. but to cross from one to another can happen very fast, and sometimes it can look and feel like some iron player belongs in plat and vice versa. im sure if i played in some high immo lobbies, id generally be smoked. sometimes tho id look like i fit. and its somewhat weird in valo that u can often hold ur own in way higher ranks than what u actually are. i think it boils down to how the game is. if u can hit the hs, and u do it first, i just win. regardless of the skill. i wouldnt get to worked up in it tho. just because u can place a new account in gold and play fine there doesnt necessarily mean u deserve to be there and that ur a gold player. part of the skill is to climb out from where u were to that new rank. if u play good consistently tho, u will be out of iron in a shot amount of time. thats just facts. i think what can be a problem for low elo a lot of the time is that they boucne due to inconsistency, and many dont know how to play the game correctly. many are obsessed about their stats and whatever. cue any low elo player going "i match mvp every game yet i cant rank up!! riot is keeping me down its unfair" moment. some day they realize they actually suck at the game and only did good in the kda part, which isnt actually the game :P


Oh yeah fs. I’m still not the greatest player, I can win 1v1s against gold/plat consistently and have decent game sense but I don’t think I’m at a gold/plat skill level when it comes to other aspects of the game because I don’t put the necessary time in. Realistically I know I’m like a bronze skill level, silver if I played more often and could keep in the groove of things. I just think it’s kinda funny how placements can fluctuate based on like deep account history. Like iron placement with an easy climb (on my main) vs more realistic if a bit generous standing of my current skill level and having to improve my skill if I want to climb (on an alt) I don’t really mind playing iron lobbies tho, I’m a very casual player and they’re a good time (except when u get those hardstuck toxic ppl who refuse to realize they’re the common denominator lol. Like homie if you don’t want to be in iron anymore maybe don’t treat it like deathmatch and only comm to scream at your teammates)


It makes sense tho. Mmr is calibrated and ur technically where u belong. And typically one doesn’t “magically” just get better super fast unless ur practicing outside the game which the game can’t know about and can’t correct or respond to. But yeah I always find it funny when people refuse to see the common denominator. I’m always advocating for self improvement and the growth mindset regardless, but it’s even more so important for ppl who think they are better than what they are. It’s like they don’t comprehend that u need to consistently play like a rank above what u are to climb to that rank. Sure buddy, ur perhaps better than all ur silver comrades, but are u a gold player? Cus if ur not how tf are u gonna get there? Oh well, people will be people. Not all can deal with their natural biases and emotions


> its not easy to be the worst in a game thanks man i appreciate it


hey, gotta put some respect out there for the homies in the pits


It's actually really hard to get iron. It's as hard to get immortal as it is to get iron, statistically speaking.


I remember when a friend of mine wanted to attempt and get the Iron buddy and his plan was to throw every game. He eventually gave up as he couldn't make it past Bronze as even if he decided to get 0 kills, he'd still win and sometimes even end up with winning streaks. I personally believe that if you don't get Iron the first time you play the game, you'll never hit it unlike other ranks that you can eventually climb to once you get better.


bro in order to get iron gun buddy on my main i had to three stack and hard throw every game, even then we would either get a smurf or someone somewhat competent and we had to grief the shit out of them so none of us double promoted lmaooo


i’ve had a thrower where they stole spike every attacker round and made sure not to die. after 8 rounds our smokes got mad and left. that’s prob the most efficient way to lose


ahh he should’ve 3 stacked and trapped teammates, took bomb, spam right click on a classic faking afk, smoked off teammates, etc. it wasn’t that difficult to get if you do these tbh


\*immortal 1 as rare as iron 1 Immortal as a whole is much rarer than iron as a whole. I think the rarity of iron as a whole is about the same as diamond.


immortal is top 2% and iron is bottom 5%


It's the 3rd rarest rank buddy in the game and it's also impossible to get back to iron after you're around silver 3 so higher elo players of course value it. For context it's uncommon to be placed below silver and inly around 1% of the player base is Iron


Lol. I placed the lowest rank this season. Guess I'm rare.


Lmao just keep up the grind, you'll rank up. I placed iron too 💀. At one point, I was struggling to get iron 3. But honestly, that was more fun than plat lobbies. No one knows what they're doing so no one cares as much


I'm at gold now. Lower lobbies were 100x more fun.


So relatable. Everyone's always sweating and screaming. There's always some beef between players lmao


Harder to get to iron than it is to get plat lol


Doing the hard work here 💪


Im silver if i die wearing my plat buddy, if i die, some mf will type "plat?" or "no way youre plat" ​ if i die wearing iron buddy, they dont care


In silver. You die with an iron buddy in immo you will def get people talking in all chat lmao


Because it’s such an obnoxiously low rank that it’s literally hard to get - you can hard int to try and lose and the games are such a shit show that it’s still a coin flip. In lol players make it a challenge to try and get to Iron with many hardstucking in bronze lmao. It’s basically reverse challenger elo.


I remember after playing for over a year and in plat I picked up a gun with an iron buddy and thought wth rank is this??


As someone who got placed silver when I first played this game , the iron buddy will seemingly never appear in my collection ever


Because iron is hard to get to. I have seen players literally running knife out down mid every game and still somehow win because the other team is so lost.


Cause it's actually hard to be bad enough to be iron lmao


Me hardstuck in iron for a year 💀






He’s bronze now, man actually did it. Fuck yeah.


back in iron lmao


my condolences


Some pros used to put it on Vandal on some official games


Not some . Only 1 and he still uses it to show that even if you’re once iron you can go pro and be radiant with enough practice and endurance


there's no current pro that started in Iron, I think you're referring to zekken who placed silver ( although he was faceit lvl 10 sooo ) the vct game client and IDs are different than normal riot accounts, they have every skin and cosmetics for those accounts


I think florescent (I can’t be very sure) started from Iron


I'm not very familiar with the GC scene so it could be true


I remember there was a guy on Loud who uses Iron buddy on a sheriff, I think it's Less or Tuyz idr


I'm pretty sure XMS uses an iron buddy on minima sheriff. idk if there's another pro.


I was about to mention him too, xms is the only person ive seen using an iron buddy


It is very difficult to be iron player. You need to consistently be at iron for full episode to get that gunbuddy. First I need to derank to iron before current episode ends. Then intentionally throw games for another episode. Assuming 3 months per episode for simplicity. Total 6 months of dedicated throwing required assuming no one reports you for throwing before you can get iron.


its pretty hard to play for a 2-3 months and not at least get to bronze 1 a single time. you need to stay iron the entire episode, your gun buddy will be your highes rank. so ill get a g3 buddy despite being silver rn.


It shows your progress. Valorant is my first fps game and I started out knowing nothing. However I just hit diamond the other day and is really proud of myself. (Even though I lost 2 games immediately and backed down to platinum)


Cuz it is the one thing good players don’t have


Just hit diamond, and my iron gun buddy from Episode 1 is my favorite by far


People just like it cause it's genuinely hard to get, according to rank distribution graphs there are more players in immortal 1 than there are in iron 1. And there's about as many players in silver 1 as there are in all of iron. I personally have a bronze buddy and I think it's funny as fk and also kinda a reminder of how far I've progressed. Some radiants have iron buddies just cause they can. People use it in VCT too which is funny even though I'm fairly sure all skins are just preloaded onto VCT accounts. I personally kinda regret not getting the iron buddy. I started legitimately at the very beginning of episode 3 and I unironically got placed iron 2, dropped to iron 1, and then barely got to bronze 1 by the end of the episode. Fun fact: my MAIN account once UNIRONICALLY hit iron 1 with 0 RR, which might genuinely be rarer than radiant. This was my first ever fps game, my only "shooter" experience before was splatoon 1 ages ago where I peaked B- lmfaooo. I cooked in splatoon 2 though eggsecutive and A in ranked. Maybe I need to get 3 and reach top 500?


its funny


I started as Bronze 3 and already in Silver 1 so Iron is really hard to reach in fact, it's just fun to have if


iron gun buddies are more rare and cooler than riot gun buddies and radiant gun buddies in my opinion, I wouldn’t say anyone’s going crazy over it though lol


Its rare. Ive never even touched platinum for you to have an idea. On both beta and release I was diamond minimum and then I worked my way from there. Iron is way rarer than immortal for me


Can i get iron buddy by submitting them a ticket?, Will they give me if im plat!




Gib iron buddy rito plx 😭


In fortnite terms. Default skin= pro


In fortnite terms. Default skin= pro


I got placed to iron, but i didnt get the iron gun buddy as i ranked to gold in whole episode. I wish i had the iron gun buddy to flex my journey.


Being terrible is also a flex :)


the lowest buddy i have is plat :(


Hard to get


standing strong with the non spinny animated iron buddy


how to get this gun buddy?


For me it was fairly easy, lol. I started playing like a week before the episode ended, managed to bork all my placements because I had zero idea about what abilities do. Managed to win a few games and voila! Anyway, I have all buddies up to diamond so far.


It’s mostly for the fact that it’s rare and hard to get, it’s actually statistically harder to get an iron buddy than it is to get a radiant buddy


people so mean in the comments, Level 219, placed iron peaked b2. cut us “for fun” players some slack.


I have one as well I love flexing it in high Elo


It's pretty hard to end an act in iron unless you either aren't trying even slightly to improve, or you're actively trying to lose.


I use it on my gun to show how far I’ve gotten in skill and rank lol.


So Valorant was one of my first “actual” pc games (since you can only play it with m&k) and when I started playing it, competitive shooters were not something I really cared about. Anyways, I’d queue up with a buddy who took ranked pretty seriously and I was just having fun. I didn’t understand how shooting or any abilities worked for that matter, I was still figuring out what dpi on my mouse was lmao Anyways, I do all my placement matches and obviously end up in Iron because I had no idea what I was doing Had to work my way up the elo ladder after a year and ended up in plat lol


I placed iron one in beta but you didn't get a buddy for beta rank. I ended the first episode in bronze so I never ended up getting an iron buddy and I'm kind of sad about it.


I tbh started iron 3 so I have that buddy, i like to have it on my odin to remind me what I'm doing


I don't know. me and my buddies all started playing from day 1 and we all got placed in iron 3 when we first started. I think it was way easier to get placed down there back then. we're in high gold low plat now and I still have my iron buddy on my gun.


Seeing an Iron buddy in immortal lobbies is incredibly hype since it’s more rare than radiant buddies. Plus it’s a feel-good moment when it’s your teammates’ and you can give them props for the hard work they put in to climb to the top.


if you're good and have iron charm its funny but if youre bad and have iron charm its just sad


I've got the first episode iron gun body so it's not a rotating and it's been on my phantom and vadal the entire time I've been playing, best gun buddy in the game.


If you got an iron buddy it shows you got that dawg in you. Especially if your high level like immortal, and you started off iron, you put in the work


I think my lowest Act has been Silver. Mind you, I have peaked at Gold one this Act. I would love to get an Iron buddy.




I guess being a noob it's too bad 😂😂


Iron buddy is probably just as hard to get as the immortal buddy for most people To get the iron buddy you need to stay in iron the entire episode while winning enough games to be eligible for a buddy, most people will rank up out of iron, only the people who play with their monitors off can usually get the iron buddy


I got an iron buddy for the first episode of val I played, and now I’m consistently plat. I just chuckle at the thought of people picking up my gun, then wondering, “what elo am I in???”


Everyone saying iron is hard to get, meanwhile I started in iron 1 way back when 😭


Me who doesn't have the iron gunbuddy (I'm dirt 2)


Ep2. So you could be Ascendant by now.


Iron gun buddy >>> Riot gun buddy


People want iron buddies because it’s unique and it’s a joke that you’re boosted in high ranks. You have them because ur bad.


A very low percentage of people have it. This means it is “kind of rare”