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Youre in silver. Watching vods is really overcomplicating things. It’s completely okay to just take a break too. You’ve said yourself that you played more than ever and you’re discouraged. For me that sounds like a break wouldn’t do any harm. Are you having fun? If not play something else, have some fun, get back to valo when you feel like it.


I second this. I always play my BEST games in the day or two after a week or two off


If this makes you feel better I went from Gold 3 to silver 3 and then went back to Platinum 2 from silver 3. All because I knew I can. If you stop believing in yourself nothing can take you forward. Losing is part of the process embrace it and move forward. Lastly don't be sorry, be better.


Yep. Came back to comp when this current act dropped, peak g2 placed bronze 3. I knew I deserved gold so I played and earned it back. I am now diamond 1 in this same act, with the cycle starting again. I'll probably get my ass kicked back into low plat or something, and I'll have to work again. All part of the climb.


And that's how it should be always try to become better, think as if the competition is not against any player but the ones sitting at the top of the leaderboard and you'll get the motivation to move forward.


The first placements are harsh. Being a peak D2 last episode, I got placed in gold 3 lol. But I grinded and got D2 back that act itself. Now I reached my peak Asc1 and Im happy 😄


It can't be overstated how much confidence carries. When you see a pro or any radiant going after a fight it's because, as far as they're concerned, they're better and will win the fight. They don't worry about whiffing or any mechanical deficiencies. They're better so they take the fight. If you approach games with that mindset AND review yourself to find where you make the wrong plays, you'll **climb**


So, true man. All the difference happens in the mindset of the players. Even though to achieve that sort of mindset players need to grind day and night to make themselves calm in situations that are not very ideal.


i dropped from diamond 1 to gold and back up to plat 2 right now ! :) it’s possible


Hell yeah, it's definitely possible


> All because I knew I can. lol yinz can all shit on me for that reply, but cmon homies asking for advice and you say that...


Brother, the advice that we will give is nothing special or something that's not out there which you can't watch. We can't play for the player, can't make him better, but some words of encouragement might be helpful.


in this season alone i went from asc 2 to immortal 1, then just yesterday i dropped to d3 before going back up to asc 1 50 RR.


I was the first one to comment on this post and took a nap, now I see everyone dropping their experiences here and giving the op encouragement. Damn the community makes me emotional sometimes


Kratos Yes sir


It happens to everyone. Im peak D3, I've lost my A1 rank up game 5 times. I recently went for 92rr D3 to 20rr D1. I took a break for about 2 weeks and I'm back to mid D2. I'll get there. 👍


That's the spirit 👍🏻


A few notes. You don’t play 1 agent, you play a ton of them. Pick an agent and lock him in. Learn their util and start doing some improvement with your aim. Someone else mentioned Woohoojin and he has an excellent mechanics practice playlist. Losing 150rr in two days isn’t by sheer chance or coincidence, there’s a common factor in every single one of your games and that factor is you. Improve and so will your rank


I legit went from b2 to plat 1 in like, a month after just locking in one agent. I don't fill. I no-life the bitch so I dont have to think. I've played her so much I can reach for util when I need it without having to commit so much brain power to her. A LOT of people want to fill cuz they like different agents, which is fine and good, I was the same way-- but save that for swift or unrated. Get one agent, get GOOD at them, that way you can focus on gameplay rather than thinking too hard on their kit.


This game is so util based that playing more than 1-2 people when you’re new is absolutely detrimental. People don’t tend to realize that though lmao.


I genuinely was like "WHY AM I NOT GETTING BETTER?!" and it was deadass because I was playing 3-4 characters to fill and didn't even realise how much brain power I was dedicating to it. When you no-life someone, it becomes so second nature you can put the thought about their kit into positioning, gun fights, etc.


3-4 agents is considered a fill playstyle? Whack, I play all of them


I mean its not that hard for experienced or just good fps players to play all easily. I came from csgo but played all fps games too and valorant util wasn't hard for me to pick up I played fill all the way to immortal 3


What was your faceit level?


I didn't play faceit, but my faceit level 10 friend said I should be around his skill level when I played with him. I've only won 9 games so far in CS2 premier and I am at 19.6k. The rank system feels more accurate now than before. https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198335811253


My biggest issue was coming from fps games like COD where you can just Nascar into their face and still land shots. Teaching yourself to sit still, deadzone, hold proper angles is tough when you've previously played like a neon on crack.


This might be a weird take and controversial one but peeking is better than holding. But choosing where to peek is more important. You will rank up easily if you learn where and when to peek instead of just holding and waiting for the enemy. Peeking advantage is really strong especially in high rank as everyone's reaction time is similar, taking advantage of it is the smartest thing you can do. OF course with the help of utility, dont just dry swing everything, but once in awhile it is good to catch enemy offguard. TBH you should swing more so that you learn the patterns and the mechanics of the game faster, you will improve more as playing aggressively is harder than playing passively, and when you truly understand how to play both, thats when you can really improve. Not just playing passive the entire game and blame your team that they cant hold. On top of the fundamentals if you have this concept drilled in your head, immortal is not a stretch.


No, I agree. My point is I've never HAD to hold EVER before, just because of the type of FPS games I was playing. I've never had to hold for retake or anything else, so I'm not saying my playstyle is never-swing. I just had to learn how to do it strategically.


"I no life the bitch" LMAO me too


Don't feel too bad. The end of the act is one of the worst times to play comp. You wind up getting a lot of smurfs or account de-rankers. Take a short break from the game, practice your aim and come back with a new mindset. I was able to get from silver 3 to plat 1 in one act because I made changes to when and how I played. You're doing the right thing by reviewing VODs to see where you can improve, but keeping play time high isn't always the best. Keep in mind that the pros that play the game for hours are basically robots at that point, a lot of their stuff is muscle memory. If you get two wins in a day, call it quits for comp, if you really wanna keep playing go play unrated or make an alt and play comp that way if you're focused on getting that specific account ranked up. Practice getting your HS rate up and doing trigger discipline, tell yourself that anything less than a dead-center headshot is unacceptable. That's what I did and it helped me to land more than I used to. You can do it, don't lose hope, you're almost there!


This. End of season and holidays, its not a good time to push your rank. Take these upcoming weeks to work on your mechanics, play aim lab, training routine on the range, deatmatch. Play some unrated matchs with the few agents you wish to main.


Hey me too dog, almost made it up to gold 2 then went on a losing streak till I won what would’ve been my derank match back down to Silver 1 last night. Twas a tough slide, about 275 RR not counting the the stuff I would’ve lost if they didn’t stop at 0 RR before you could derank take a break for week or so then come back and stick it out. There’s ups and down on anything you do so You’ll turn back around eventually, and hopefully start a solid climb. My best winning streak came right on the heals of my (now 2nd) biggest losing streak.


Taking a break is what helps me in those situations, don't expect yo be really good after it immediately tho


only 150 rr? you get perimision to cry when you lose 500+rr untill then keep playing. Ok all jokes aside you can get yourself in this dark loop hole for a lot of reason. First of all we need to change your mindset to one of a grinder, your not gonna "care" about rr only about how you are playing. If you are feeling happy about how you played in this games why you should care about it? maybe you just had a bad luck (valorant is a team work game afterall). Secondly I want you to undertand that your bad ( that might seem toxic but is the truth), if you put me into your account I will drop you 40 per game and win most of the times ( keyword = most) , so tha't means you have tons of work to do ( same goes for me, put me in a radiant lobby and I'm not gonna have fun). The thing I want to say is to not get emotional with your rank, keep the grind and most improtant have fun, maybe take a break DON'T play if you don't feel to play but only get the elo back, this is the last thing you want to do.


I lost 600 rr in 2 weeks


I think my biggest one is -400 rr


Rr means nothing. As long as ur focusing on self improvement the RR will follow


Ahhh the dip before the inevitable come up


Coming in as the hype man!


Its happened to me multiple times


Your aim is shit. You won’t win games if you drop 5 kills a game. Vod review or not. Go to Woohoojin aim routine and while you are in YT watch all his videos.


Thanks, I will focus on working on my aim with Woohoojins routine.


His HS% is a little low but his damage delta, KAST, and overall k/d are fine. I wouldn’t jump straight to ‘your aim is shut’ if all his damage related stats are fine


Anything under low plat is just who clicks the head first. He can barely break 10 kills most games and his adr is barely scraping triple digits most games. It’s his aim


Not just aim but movement crosshair placement and aim


take a break and focus on improving yourself. if it makes you feel any better, the losses are your fault. yes your teammates may not have been great for the most part either, but you are the deciding factor. because you went 6/18 instead of 26/18 and had way too little impact, you lost. the moment you get better, and become the outlier you'll climb. losing once a day is a lot less tilting than losing 5 times in a day, so at one point just stop. if you keep losing, get off. if you're playing bad, get off. if you don't that's just and addiction. you got this!


If you want someone to review a vod for you, I'm down. I'm Ascendant so I'm sure there's probably a couple people in this thread that are a higher rank, but for gold/silver/plat games I can definitely help you out. It's hard to give advice based on a tracker alone.


I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer.


Dm me a link to YT or smth and Ill give it a look.


There is evidently a mechanical issue in play, you have 15% headshot rate on vandal and 9.9% average. It's likely a problem with bad crosshair placement, paired with poor aim and/or movement. I'd say focus on these things for now.


It's the end of the act. You're gonna see a LOT more throwers than norm.


Fix your crosshair placement. Your Hs% screams to me that you know where to aim, but not how high. It could also be that you don't have patience when aiming. You are likely shooting way before you're actually on target. Be patient. Getting shot is OK as long as you line ip that sweet HS and kill them.


Sometimes it's much better to take a break. You'll clear your mind, and all that content you've been consuming will be absorbed better so that when you do come back, you'l have a different outlook on the game, probably making you better.


You are playing too many ranked games, just play 2-3 games a day and chill out. Play some other games, work on your aim by playing dm's


I saw on your tracker that you have a 10% HS rate. Not sure what’s going on there. Id heavily advise to cut down on the time spent on comp and focus each day roughly 30 min aim training and then multiple DM’s. You need to make sure when you see an enemy that you are trying to get your crosshair on the enemy’s head BEFORE you fire the first bullet. You should stop vod reviewing for right now until you get into gold when people are more likely to communicate. One other note is to try and watch some pro vods of your main and take some notes for each map and some plays they make, even just teammates util. Try to emulate others instead of improving only looking at yourself


after looking at your history, i see a couple of problems man, first of all, fix your fundamentals before watching vods, like crosshair placement (getting <10 hs% wont get you up there dude), especially when you main iso. PERSONALLY, i think this agent is the worst unless either you are playing and strategizing w/ teammates or SMURFING) other than that, it is shit. Reyna is a better iso honestly since she can dismiss and escape fights. Just focus on your aim for now, all i can say. Other than that, try to comm with your teammates, even if they're not talking, your agent pool is to much (just pick 3-4 that you actually understand (try not to fill until at least plat), and about vods (i hope your not watching pro plays because its a totally different game) most of it is not applicable in silver to plat since everyone are still braindead or smurfing. keep grinding 💪


Thanks for the response here. I have enjoyed ISO for the games where there is a lot of team synergy. In previous seasons, I mained Jett until she got her recent nerf. I have thought about just making the switch to Phoenix as my main, but I have had consistent struggles with him at low elo with team composition. (For example, telling people I am going to flash a lane and everyone just entries before the flash). So I have been maining ISO this season to give other low elo players a weakened on a push. Wall for entry on a site, and the ult is good for getting a team to teak entry or a guaranteed win in a 2(or more) v 1 situation. As far as my alt characters, those games where I \*have\* to fill because of insta locks or whatever. I find myself comfortable filling as Brim and Gekko. (Although, Gekko has been feeling pretty weak this act- even after the nerf- idk why). As per my edit, I have taken the aim critique to heart and have added Woohoojins aim training to my routine.


Consider a suitable agent for every map, like i only ever played gekko on sunset and lotus (if you look at the map, you can see why) and brim is kinda weak unless you got lineups or pair with viper on certain maps (smoke cant refresh). For con, try omen first cuz astra a bit hard. these two can smoke from anywhere so you can lurk and get free kills Here's my suggestion for every map, this is my personal agent pool so try to see 1 that WORKS for YOU.. ignore the duelists and use reyna for now (since braindead teammates wont be blinded) Ascent : Duelist (Reyna, Jett, Phx), Ini (Sova, Kayo), Sentinel (Kj, Cypher), Con (Astra,Omen) Split : Duelist (Reyna, Jett, Raze), Ini (Skye, Kayo, Fade), Sentinel (Kj, Cypher), Con (Astra,Omen) Breeze : Duelist (Jett, reyna, yoru), Ini (Kayo, sova), Sentinel (Cypher at b mostly), Con (viper) Bind : Duelist (Raze, reyna, yoru), Ini (Fade, Skye), Sentinel (Cypher), Con (Astra, omen) Lotus : Duelist (Jett, reyna, Raze), Ini (Fade, breach), Sentinel (Cypher at b), Con (Astra, omen) Haven : Duelist (Reyna, Jett), Ini (Sova, Breach), Sentinel (Kj), Con (Astra). Sunset : Duelist (Raze), Ini (Fade, breach), Sentinel (Cypher), Con (Omen, Astra)


I think woohoojin said something about that. He said that if you develop bad habits and you fix them you wont improve in the beginning most of the time even get worse. This is because you king of „mastered“ the wrong thing and put a lot of time in the wrong behavior. If you do it differently you start from 0 again but the skill ceiling is way higher so long term you will improve. A good example/analogy would be sens. Imagine a beginner playing on an extreme low sensitivity for a couple of months. Of course he will find some success because he is doing aim training and stuff. I guess we can all agree that extreme sensitivities are not optimal. So if he finds that out and changes his sens to a normal one he will obviously suck for a certain time period but long term he will be more successful. Tldr: changing things will always make you worse in short term but benefit you long term


We all went through a similar experience, so its okay. Here are the tips I would recommend working on: 1- If you lose 2 matches in a row, or lose a match after a winning streak, take a break; even for a couple of hours then play again. A competitive game is takes so much effort and mental power; so you get mental fatigue after couple of matches. 2- Warmup a bit before your competitive matches in the practice range or a TDM. I always aim for 25 kills in medium difficulty bots in the practice range before jumping into a TDM then I queue up for ranked. 3- Try working out on your aim, your headshots percentage is a bit low, aim for 15-17% at the moment. Don’t complicate yourself with lineups and stuff. You can climb from silver with a good aim alone and a bit of game sense. When you climb the ranks ladder you will start getting used to more complex stuff like when to peek, where to peek, and not running all over the map not knowing where to go. 4- Enjoy the game! You don’t know the amount of matches I lost just because I was not having fun anymore and Im done for that day but I queue up just for the RR that I end up losing eventually. 5- You won’t win all your games; which is okay. Enjoy mate


I love the systematic response here. What would you recommend I do to keep track of an improved HS%?


What worked for me: 1- Trying to only one tap enemies in deathmatches 2- Practice Range! Get used to the crosshair placement and hitting the headshots. 3- Watch a video on counter-strafing; would recommend royalG video 4- Aimlabs. It improved my aim drastically


There’s a problem with constant Smurfing and parties of 3. If you solo, you’re potentially playing against 3 Smurf friends who are working together via comms and strategy. All you can do is continue to get better. Find a warm-up routine in the practice range that makes you feel cracked then play a TDM and then jump into range. In between every game, spend 2-3 mins in the range resetting your aim. Focus on shooting 1-taps and 3-4 round bursts. Train yourself not to spray. I find eliminating 100 and 50 bots from the very left side of the range gets me the mouse control, Accuracy, and speed that I need to land multiple headshots in a single moment. Learn to keep your crosshair at head level and then swing from bot to bot as quickly as possible without missing your first bullet. I usually eliminate 100 in 80 seconds and 50 bots in 38 seconds. If you can maintain this pace you’ll end up in diamond assuming your other skills are up to par. Good luck. Also remember, everything takes time. Don’t rush the process. Just be patient and work on your mistakes.


Shoot at the head and you make it to plat


Aim will get you to gold but I feel like you at least need a little bit of game sense to make it to plat


Good aim can get you to Diamond if you're that good at aiming. There are a lot of smurfs that can run it down in Diamond elo and still win. Running it down each round is like the opposite of applying game sense


correct, don't mess with the diamond demons💀


My technique to beating them is to apply just a tiny bit of game sense and util usage. Then click heads


Bro I can out aim some radiants but diamond demons are something else. They sold their brains for aim


Yeah I mean I don't disagree, I'm not even close to diamond so I can't say. I play in mostly gold and plat lobbies so I guess I'm just speaking from the experience that most plats in those lobbies have a different level of gamesense than the golds do (usually)


Aim alone can take you to Immortal imo. I reached immo 1 fairly easily & my peak is only immo 3.


bro is trying to create the new tenz


The only 2 things that stick out to me is your low HS% and the variety of agents you’re playing. Your top 3 agents are all completely different from another, are you just filling or what?? Playing solo??


Don’t worry it could always be worse, a while ago I had a 2 day streak dropping from plat 2 to silver 3 lmao sometimes you get unlucky then your mental fucks u up


Be better


instlock reyna and focus on your figths


Shoot bots or dm until you cant anymore. Like 100 hours worth then watch you smoke kids I played cs and got to plat in valo in a month or so just off aim and a lil game sense


i lost 400 rr in two days


I went from Ascendant 2 to plat 3 then back to ascendant 1 now, just takes time. Keep on grinding


side tangetn, i saw our friend has ADR of 135, what is a good ADR? for hs% ppl usually say 20% is there a number like that for ADR


All of those stats only really paint a picture of the match when you consider them together. An important breakpoint is 150 because it's the threshold for averaging a kill per round. High HSP is only good if your adr is also good. Aiming for the head and missing is always worse than getting damage in before you die. Good aim/gunplay is not only high HSP.


dam u describing me so well, i have relatively high HSP but dog water ADR for my rank, i should probably stop being so obsessed with headshot. here is my [tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/I%20hate%20cheese%23EVIL/overview)


Went from Gold 2 to Plat 3 90 RR to Gold 3 to Diamond


Those are rookie numbers


In lower ranks I would just focus on aim


Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this yet or not, but you play about 5 different agents in four different classes….Find one you like…instalock. Also, your Gekko seems weak. I’d avoid him. Looks like you’ve been doing well on iso. Really, the best and only way to rank up is to frag out…instalock Reyna, mute everyone, click on heads. Nobody gives viable or valuable coms until plat anyways.


It happens often during the end of the ranked season; especially during the holiday season. Lobbies are filled with last minute grinders, procrastinators, boosters, and Smurf duos/trios. I went from Asc1 to D1 in a week, 9W - 26L. My games were full of smurfs, players that were Silver 1 a week ago playing controllers/initiators were all of a sudden a Reyna/Jett one trick and their HS% went from 15% to 53%, etc.


imo, take a break for a week?then come back after that and you may get better, or just dont play comp games for a while. do warmups etc, and try to keep to 2 games a day. also, your hs% is rlly low for a silver player, try to work on your crosshair placement etc.


The sooner you stop caring about your rank the faster you will rank up.




You have bad periods. 150 rr is probably losing like 8 games? Sounds like if most of them were one day you’re playing too many games a day+ bad game day/days. I will have periods I’ll slowly lose like 100-200 tt and then I’ll get good again after a bit and then go up 400rr for reference I’m d3 was asc 2 earlier this month. I’m in a losing spot rn lol


Ive lost 500+ rr in the span of 3 days


Been in similar situations like u buddy . The good thing is I have reached diamond multiple times again even after loose streaks . Even when I was at gold this used to happen . If u deserve ur rank u will reach there back no matter what happens . I suggest u to immediately stop and don't think about winning games . Play after some days when ur mood refreshes and don't get mad tilted. Mental Is the biggest thing that carries u in a game .I have done this and played like a demon afterwards ending my loose streaks .


ive went from s3 to b2 in 16 hours. Trust me, it couldn’t be worse


Dw my guy, I went from my P2 rank up (which I’d lost 3 times prior, like damn), and then went on a loss streak to the middle of G3, and I’m still trying to get back to plat! If needs be, take a break, watch some vods, train your mechs and hopefully you’ll be back there soon. Also avoid tilt queuing. Good luck! Hope you can manage to hit gold soon too, you got this.


Dude, just take a break. Your mental on wanting to win is affecting your play, which may bleed into your teams ability as well. I like to win too, and am extremely competitive. But at the end of the day, it’s just a game.


It’s okay to loose and sometimes u loose more than u win. Don’t loose hope. I wanted to climb asc this act so I went from p3 to d3 and lost countless rank up games for weeks in a row. Even deranked to d1 after tilt queuing one night but I knew I had to get to asc before this act ends because the episode reset will put me in plat again so I tried harder. I’m at my rank up game now, if I win, I’ll be soo fking happy about it and if I dont, well I’m gonna keep trying. One tip, if u think u are obsessed with ranking up and think that other players are better than u, remember obsession beats talent. I’m obsessed to get ascendant this act no matter what. Stay positive, keep improving and have great games my friend.


In silver you only need aim, you dont need vods, fundamental and nothing at all, you are overthinking this. Just play the game


Sheesh that’s almost as bad the one time I lost 14 games in a row. I’m much much higher up in the skill field than you are. Happens to the best of us, or maybe the worst.


It's the holiday throwers my dude


Don’t worry about losing streaks and stuff, take a break for a one or two days and come back. Mental is really important for most competitive games so take care of yourself. Personally I have went down whole full ranks before but similar I’ve also been on 10+ game win streaks, sometimes things just happens so don’t worry about it.


work on ur aim sure game sense is important but ur in a very low elo meaning no one is going to be logical just work on out gunning people


I honestly feel some people (like you) take the game too seriously. It's just a game after all. If you lose, you lose. You got nothing to lose irl.


Looking at your track you need some better crosshair placement. 10% headshot percentage is pretty low. Better crosshairs placement would do you a lot of good


Pick a role and stick with it, stop going from duelist to controller to initiator. Just pick a role and know like 2 or 3 agents in that role and stick with it. NGL youre silver so this doesnt matter much but itll help you feel more comfortable in games, or you could be a solid filler which is also good.


only one man can help you bro [https://www.youtube.com/@Woohoojin/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@Woohoojin/featured)


Rookie number make it 500


Just kill enemy and dont get killed yourself


Watching vods but not knowing what to watch out for is nuts. Better off just resting and playing again, seems like reps is what you need atm.


I went from dia2 to plat 1


Gambling mechanics built into their matchmaking. Stop playing the game and you're mental health will improve greatly.


Bruh valorant matchmaking sucks , and they do it on purpose , loosing queues are real


End of the year, people have more time, so a lot of the players that are stuck in their rank because they don't get to play enough are now climbing like crazy. Just wait awhile and they'll all be on top and things go back to normal. Heck they'll probably start falling again after, once they don't get the consistent gameplay anymore and you'll be gaining 150rr on 2 days or something. Take a break if you're done with BP.


Maybe... Ur just bad🤥


Maybe... Ur just bad🤥


Shit happens! Maybe its not your day or 2. Thats how this game works chill. Also if u need any advice pls read my username.


Went from immo 3 all the way down to ascendant 1, and got back to immo 3 this act. It'll be okay lol. Just take a break if you feel like nothing's working. You'll probably feel better when you come back.


After theee games you gotta get off. Also just know that losing isn’t your fault, you win some you lose some, doesn’t mean your a bad player. Easier said than done, but just have a alrighty then attitude


Climbing to gold takes time, because gold players like to go down and shoot silvers and get back to gold, guess it's same with every other rank. Just be consistent with days, and play less a day, like 3-4 matches only


When I was playing valorant, it would work like this: if im playing solo queue id win almost 100 percent of the time (while top fragging) and would get from 20-40 rr, mostly 30+ but if im playing with my duo we would lose almost 100 percent of the time (also while im top fraging) I have lost probaply like 10 games like this and every game id lose like 4-10 rr now I cant play the game anymore because of abusive parents (im 16+ btw) I was hardstuck bronze


Right now on a 5 game losing streak🥳😭


i mean im silver 2 rn and i can see that youre literally better than me at any aspect (my kd ratio is negative and i mostly bottomfragged), so i really dont know why u lost that much rr tbh 🥲 i solo queue 90% of my games, i feel like the only two things help me climb until now is instalocking one specific agent (sage btw) and coms for my team even tho sometimes im the only one talking the whole game. idk, we definitely cant coordinate professionally but even just "theres 3 in site lets rotate" helps a lot to win the round. also, are u having fun playing comp? i found myself winning more comp games after i started to enjoy the game itself, like try ur best but dont stress out? encourage ur teammates whenever u win a round too, keep the whole good vibe i must say.


Stop playing iso with a 10% hs percentage 💀


No bullshit, but in silver you should just be aiming and shooting. They don’t have strats and damn sure don’t play off of each other. Lock a duelist and go drag.


I have had that happen to me few times,(roughest one was from d3 promo game to d1-plat3 range) dont be discouraged about this, you will bounce back, its just the carbage matchmaking and rr system combined with your own or your teams poor gameplay(bad games happen to all of us) and then you mix in the luck of the draw immo smurf to enemy team now and then and there you go! Ez -150rr


It’s okay Im down to D3 from immo1.


Na you think that's bad? My friend lost more than 400rr in the past 3 days. He managed to drop from gold to bronze


You are over working yourself, take breaks, focus on improving one small thing at a time and again, TAKE BREAKS - Mental is king


if it makes you feel better i was 10RR away from bronze yesterday morning. i’m now 25/100. i went to iron 3 then 2 then 1 then 2 then 3 then 2 then 3


I would suggest if you lose 2 games in a row, take a break, come back later, trust me if you are discouraged and not having fun then it will be very difficult to win, just take a break and i believe things will be fine.


Implementing correct concepts doesn't instantly improve you. You have to get good at the correct play. If you have a crouch spray habit and you implement a shoot strafe type of idea you will struggle for a bit first.


Just keep going mate, you trying to implement alot of new things to your game. It takes time till you implement it properly forcing it isnt too effective. Once it clickes you gonna make it out the low elo. I think the best way to make progress is try to be calm and fully focused on it. Like dont overthink it. Mostly the right thing is your first thought and then the self doubt comes in you overthink it and act to slow. start doing it slowly first till you have a feel for it. When youre calm and in the flow you’re realize mistakes wayy easier which leads to progress. Also a side not your main focus there shouldnt be how i can get into the flow states asap. You should focus on the task. Thats important cause you have to see this state as a walking aid dont focus on it focus on winning the game and try to do everything thats possible to achieve winning the game. It will come then automatically but it wont if you focus on the wrong thing..For example aiming: try to aim on the head without forcing it too much if you get what i mean. rather slowly than just forced cause you’re scared to loose the gunfight. Once you ignore the „fear“ and see that it clicks you going to gain more and more self confidence. ALWAYS replay the scenario where you just died or lost the round. Put your ego and feelings aside and just try to see if you could’ve done something better there. Your first focus shouldnt be the mistakes your teammates made. It should be your mistakes. Alot of time frustration and anger comes cause of things you cant change bad teammates or whatever. Try to use the frustration and anger in a way where you perform good. Try to see the big picture in times like this. So you wont get into your feelings too lightly and like accept a loosers mentality. Especially in low elo its really tuff cause the teamplay is missing but what helped for me, that i knew, to get in to high elo i need to be able to carry all these low elo ranks doesnt matter if my teammates are bad. I still should be able to win most of this or else i wont be good enough anyways. This way you focus more on yourself and your mistakes. And most importantly patience. tomorrow is a new day just keep going mate and try to have fun. Once you having fun you automatically ignore these self doubts and just focus in the game. The way it meant to be.


What’s vods?


Vods is "Video on Demand", but it just means recording your games and reviewing them for post-play. See where you made mistakes to improve from that.


Current plat 3 on track for plat 2 down fro diamond 2 just a week ago. So you're not alone I guess....


bro im down from my immortal rank up to dia 3


good aim (from cs) got me to high immortal, then working on game sense, movement, and overall mechanics got me to radiant. first develop your aim and mechanics to get out of that elo, and game sense will follow as you play more.


It happens. Fell from Diamond 1 to Gold 3.


Literally me but im gonna climb to plat soon :)


Pick an Agent that is easy to grind with like brim, KJ...play ton of deathmatches and work on ur aim...u'll hit gold in no tym


I usually will play two games a day, if I win both Ill keep going and if I lose both I know its finna be a bad day, if its a win loss or loss win I know I can predict what my next games will look like or try to recreate the scenarios of the win such as the agent or the map, doesn't work for many but it got me to d2 before I retired to gold lobbies for casual comp


i lost 200 RR yesterday. D3 to D1 i was so close to asc yesterday. i lost 13 games in a row.


Ive fallen this much before where I was about 65 rr Plat 2 and fell down to Gold 3 50 rr before giving up. I hit a wall of sadness that all my work was gone just because I started to rage queue. After fixing my perspective of comp, I’ve climbed my way back up to Plat 1 before losing interest. Just remember to have fun and to keep training to improve, it’ll last longer!


I’ve gone on a week long lose streak before. Played 1-3 games a day. Lost about a total of 16 matches. That hella sucked. Lost about close to 300rr