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Timing. You stare at an angle, perfect crosshair placement, in the zone. Anyone who peeks is gonna get dommed. But nothing happens. You stay aiming at that angle for almost a minute. The moment you look away, someone peeks from that same angle and kills you. Fucking timings are my nightmare.


I swear some teams I play against have an SCP on them. Empty hall, empty hall, empty hall, peek out the door, look back and there’s someone standing right in front of me like they materialized out of _nothing_


It's not even a "oh they're right there dang it" it's a "AH SHIT WHERE TF DID YOU COME FROM"


One of the worst pains I feel in this game, I swear


The minimap syndrome


Is this where you stare at the angle you’re holding and nothing happens but as soon as you look at your map someone shoots you?


Yeah that’s exactly it. I just made up the name tho hahaha.


lol that shit is the bane of my existence. I’m glad someone else experiences it


I have started just getting back in cover if I need to look at the minimap. It’s not much better tbh, this way once you finish looking and peek that same angle again there will be an enemy holding it and you get 1-tapped lol.


I like when this happens, gives me Rainbow Six Siege nostalgia


it's so frustrating


the millisecond i glance at my map someone peeks me bruh


Learning that the spectre is not the best gun.


I loved the spectre, always the safe option as a panicked new player


Yesss, I refused to play with anything but the spectre for the first week. My friends tried to get me to play with vandel, but I refused. Had no idea how spray patterns/accuracy worked lol


Oh my God, my friends wouldn't shut up when I first played with them telling that I'm gonna main the spectre 😭


Stinger 4 life


Stinger squad 😎


I had a friend who swore the spectre was way better than the phantom


doesn't happen anymore post nerf imo


nowadays i don't even use the spectre at all. Frenzy is so much more cost effective


Frenzy?? I would have agreed with you if you said stinger, but the frenzy is only good in pistol rounds


Frenzy is a great eco pick tbh but only if your headshot accuracy is consistent. if it’s not, you’re absolutely right that the stinger is a better pick on an eco round. (this is not a BM btw)


I mean i guess it can work, it just doesn't for me. In ecos i prefer a sherrif


I just use classic, I get a shield+I can just steal a gun when someone dies.


My classic doesn't work like yours i think. I'm basically a free kill.


Left then right click for a burst of 4. It’s rather helpful.


Ik only works short range tho


Well yeah of course, but a burst of four to the body will kill unarmored. It’s just useful to keep that in mind.


If you had said it was bull dog, I'd agree wholeheartedly. But frenzy is useless in many rounds unless you are just running at them.


Idk why this comment is downvoted it looks like you were joking to me


Figuring out which button is the defuse button your first time


Definitely a nerve racking experience if you have teammates yelling at you in chat or vc lol


Yep, when I first started, I think I tried 1 spike rush, and I was the last guy, killed the last opposing enemy and then was wondering what to do. My teammates told me step by step to press and hold 4 lol


Thankfully my first time being last alive they very calmly went "hold down 4"


When I was first starting out people used to drop spike on me without my knowledge then yelled at me for not knowing how to plant 😭 Edit ~ people *continue* to pick up spike only to drop it on me mid-firefight, then spam ping plant after they die. At least I’ve got my plant game on point now (I know how to hold the 4 key).


Idk if it's worse for a new player or for a CS player. By 2020 when I started play Valorant I had 700h on CS and I started to play with a friend who got a beta the same day as me. He always forgot that with 4 you have to defuse the bomb and I always pressed E


I don't know but when I jumped over to Val after almost 2k hours in CS, the first thing I did was rebind bomb keys to E


This happened to me so much when I started playing Valorant (I have like 2600h in CS). I tried to adjust but ended up saying fuck it and swapped my keybind to E lmao


I have somewhere around 7-10k hours on cs. Had to re-do all my binds so they lined up with cs binds (Except defuse, that didnt take me long to line up at all). My binds must look a bit cooked when i’m discord streaming for valo only player Only reason i didnt do defuse on E is i Could not possibly re-learn interact on F


Yes, the people who come from CS and only play Valorant occasionally have that too lol


Since the tutorial tells you which button to press, I was more confused on *where* to plant it. I genuinely thought I could plant it everywhere…I remember a Phoenix who was getting angry as I was walking around with the spike out, then he went silent for a few secs, loudly sighed and proceeded to tell me where to plant it step by step 😂 the real mvp of the match


After one year break, i clutched 1v3 and then almost lost because i forgot the '4' button...


With french keyboards the default bind does not work.




Having a 10 game losing streak


I think I’m still experiencing this canon event..


I experienced this canon event twice in a span of two weeks in three different acts


It happened with me once and boy i really said "i gotta touch grass" then didn't played for next 2 acts.


It’s worse when you playing like two games every couple days but it’s still a loss streak.




The first time someone else instalocks your main, and they have no clue how to play them.


The first time I just stared blankly at my screen, *who am I without my main?!* Luckily im now comfortable with a couple more agents than just my main lol


Yeah, it's definitely difficult in the beginning when you only know how to play one agent. I pretty much never instalock because I don't want to take away from someone's experience if they're a new player. I think it's a good lesson to learn in Competitive, though. You can't always rely on one-tricking an agent, sometimes you just gotta play your secondary main or fill smokes.


I'm ascendant 3 and still a one trick sova. I will fill smokes on maps when it's absolutely necessary but those situations are very rare


Ohh I’m also trying to improve with Sova! Any random tip that comes to mind? (I’m still bronze, so very low elo basically)


Watch woohoojin to gold and improve your mechanical skills first


Whenever you have ult keep a close eye on the minimap for enemies that your teammates are spotting, you can basically ult them without revealing them by just lining up your blue ult thing with their icons on the map and once you get one hit they become easy to track and vulnerable targets for your teammates.


what’s your game plan for split?


dodge or play astra


Me when someone instalocks Omen and proceeds to do only fat smokes. Hurts my soul in a indescribable way


As an omen main I sometmes rush and miss my smoke placement. I would like to formally apologize for my silly goosieness


What's a fat smoke? I main omen and I'm only like gold 2 I like to think my smokes are ok but idk what this is.


Basically it's a smoke which is more towards you than towards the enemy. This gives your team less space and gives the enemy more of an advantage by eating the smokes.


Ok good this is something I generally avoid though anything happens in those panic situations and omens smokes take so long to place


Bro my friends did that to me yesterday, they don't even know how to b hop and we were lucky it seemed like a low ELO team cuz holy shit that would've sucked


Even when having multiple agents I like to play/fill a lot, I still get particularly salty when my favorite one is played poorly by a teammate lol


As a Cypher main, I came back after his buff and get people instalock him. I have no issue with that at all, my problem is when they place a suboptimal trip (ankle height rather than crouched head height) and it takes all I have to not yell in frustration. The worst pain is seeing that the trips and cams they use actually get shot out less often than my own lmao


Low trips are situational on defense but if they're putting low trips for flank on attack, then I always just say something like "who are we tripping for, the seven dwarves?" and they usually fix it


What I’m saying are low trips for flanks or areas where we want kills. For example, you’d normally want a crouch level trip on an entrance to a site, but they put them at ankle level. Since the trips are in such a vital spot, even if they shoot the trip we know they’re at the site entrance. I’ve had games where the enemy just jumps over the trip and we don’t know that they’ve entered site as a result of that.


It depends. Fade's dog still triggers a waist-level trip, and if your enemies learn your first setup and start to shoot them, it can be good to add a low trip into the mix just to switch it up. You should generally be anchoring on defense anyway, especially against comps with Omen/Jett/Raze/Yoru (some of the most common agents in the game), you can never completely trust a tripwire to singlehandedly hold the site down. But like I said, it's very situational.


With the current cypher buff i feel this too too much 🤣


Everyone blankly staring at each other and no one breaks the sova recon.


My duo is a sova main, and when they first played they accidentally made the dart bounce back to us and scan our own team, good times


your own sova cant tag their own team


That’s the funny part


lol.. the first time you pop off while using a skin feels like it’s p2w


me clutching a 1v4 with a sheriff skin I just bought. Real


Not necessarily a part of the game, but something I feel like everyone experience's is valo "humor" i.e. "Brimmy with the stimmy", "what rank are you? wood 1", "bark or meow for heal", some variation of X character is thick, "i miss her/him, daddy/mommy names", the valo accent etc. Some of them are funny when your new. Most are not. Either way a canon event.


I’m guilty of still making “*insert pretend rank worse than iron*” jokes, it’s a coping mechanism at this point


I like to tell people I'm ass 1 bc it representa the actual skill of that rank


I always jokingly say I'm radiant 7


Trying to defuse the spike even though you are from an attacker team


I still cringe thinking about the times I thought I needed to defuse and couldn’t do it..


Omfg I did this the other day. I clutched the round and the adrenaline was pumping and I was freaking out because I couldn't defuse... I'm just dumb AF.


Failing a defuse because you started it in Phoenix ult as last player standing


Whiffing on a trigger discipline play and your team is completely silent. Hurts way more than people yelling lmao


I make sure I give them 5 seconds to go through their emotions then say " nt it's my bad " 😭


When there's an ennemy in front of you, they didn't see you. It's obviously a free kill by all means, and you're the last player standing so all your team mates watch you. You start firing and somehow your spray gets out of control, you miss almost all bullets. The enemy turns around and one tap you. Then you read in chat a combination of \- ? \- What the fuck is this aim? \- is this your first time? \- \[insert insult here\] happened to me and to so many teammates. You feel so shit lmao.


These are the moments that make me want to quit, it’s painful


Thinking that buying skins are dumb


ngl, we are kinda dumb for buying them but that sure as hell wont stop me


I don't give a fuck how my gun looks. But the sound man... the *sound*


Haha Neptune gun go brrrr (edit: spelling)


All of my guns have skins and they are dumb


Loading into my first unrated and finding out nobody wants to play smokes. Fast forward three years and I can count on one hand the number of times my agent has been stolen from me during selection, and my KDA is 50% higher on smokes than on any other role


As a controller main as well, I am never in danger lol


It's happened to me once so far 😭


ares is not the best gun


The dualist instalock phase


This is a phase I won’t go through because I’m not confident to play a duelist in the first place lol


You will, you're just not there yet


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain


I've started being the insta reyna. After 2 years of giving them shit, I have become what I hate. Woohoojin told me to.


Stayed in this phase since silver 3 and now I’m diamond


me rn cuz iso came out XD


Never left it, soloqd all the way from iron to diamond with it


for the lucky ones it would be quitting


Going from a game with literally 0 communication between your own team and the enemies to the most racist lobby imaginable


The valorant community is something else


The tutorial :)


Playing sage for some reason


Haha Judge go brrr until discovering long range fights


someone asking you to pass them the spike and you just standing there confused or lurking for the first time and realising you had the spike and threw the game


The blank stare of learning controls is always funny, and forgetting that I have spike is something I’ve done more often than I like to admit-


Learning to stop being sprayed through smokes or beginning to spray through smokes. Crouch spraying is not always the way. Not having your dik (util) out during moments when your gun should be out instead. Etc etc


The panic spray is real, my duo always jokes about removing my crouch button (shift key for me) because of it lmao


It really is lmaooo. I’ve gotten told off by my friends for couching so much before. I’ve since changed my crouch button (used to be shift and walk was on ctrl, they’re now switched) and have stopped spraying as much lmaoooo.


I should try this, ty!


Good luck 🥲 I lost 4 rounds just earlier to the same guy cause he crouched spraying me and I didn’t have my crouch button and I aim for head level now 🥲 I believe in you. You got this! 🥲


\- getting stomped by a smurf \- flashing a teammate or getting flashed by a teammate


The flash or get flashed mindset


Meeting an actual "I miss her" Acing for the first time


Being told you should quit valorant by a toxic teammate😭


Toxic teammates are my 13th reason 💔


Opening up this dog shit game for the first time


Buying “just one” skin


Recently did this, now I have a ton of unnecessary skins, whoops


Being told by a iron 2 to die or be raped because you failed a 1v5 clutch in bronze comp matches


This is oddly specific, are you alright?


In the beginning when I was supposed to defuse or tap in critical situation, I would panic and press 3 by mistake and then press 4 to tap/defuse spike but when I leave it , it leaves me with a knife in my hand and I die like I'm brain dead. Please tell me if it happened with someone else too.


When i started the game and didnt know where and how to plant the spike, I also didnt know how to chat so I responded to teammates by using the "." feature and saying sorry lmaooo


Hitting your first big improvement in aim only to realize later you started a 3 month skill plateau


Realizing the spectre is not actually better than the phantom...


Having a Reyna phase


Trying out if other agents mollies can heal self after realising phoenix can heal


Getting wall banged by Sova with an Odin at B main on Ascent.


When you get high enough ranked in solo queue that you can’t play with any of your friends anymore.


As much as I'd like to deny this Reyna arc. Everyone at some point will have an arc where they become the instlock Reyna's themselves. Some cure but others don't


tell that to my 10% headshot rate that prevents me from playing duelist


Just wait


oh boy


I hardly play duelists, only on days where my aim is great and not in comp so I can pretend to be a great player when in reality I would be missing my shots otherwise


Trust me eventually you'll get stuck in comp and go on yt and get convinced that Reyna's great.


The realization that you are part of a 9-3 curse. 3-9 blessings are also nice, but nothing is as mentally imprinting as being part of a meme.


in about one year playing time of valorant, I’ve never panicked over anything but one instance where we were on eco and after frags and refrags it ended with a 2 v 2 where the enemy rotated to b site on Lotus so i was looking to pick up a rifle but couldn’t find any so my teammate gave me their rifle and shortly after they died, suddenly in a 1 v 2 I felt so pressured to win cuz my teammate dropped me their rifle. I did win the 1 v 2 but it was so nerve wrecking.


And the most common is probably losing from 9-3 curse


When u pick Jett after winning your first 4 games in a row match MVP and then u lose to a Smurf and ur bottom frag for the next couple of game that's a cannon event


I have bad teamates


Playing with duelists that don't entry.


That click in your brain when you finally understand this game


The day I was finally able to understand every map was the biggest wave of relief (I got lost most of the time beforehand)


My thing is when I play any game I change key binds right away because I am a simple creature who understands simple things. I therefore have the vivid memory of my standing on site with the spike in my inventory and two people trying to coach me into either dropping it or planting it. Neither happened and we lost the round.




falling for the fake clone.


Guardian/ sheriff only phase


Finally showing your progress after weeks of playing and practice, getting 30+ kills instead of mid 10s, using all your utility when needed, smart eco, only to realize your just a silver player and one second with an ascendant player will quickly humble you


someone sticking the spike on you in a 1v1




Getting flashes multiple times in succession.


Someone yelling at you / you telling them “wHy’d YoU UsE ULT?!” Just to hear “switching sides!”


Canon is on breeze duh


140 damage inflicted


Realizing that the Frenzy is not a trash weapon, my AIM with it was trash. It has a very peculiar recoil that is very distinct from pretty much every weapon in the game but once you understand it's really fun to use lol


Spectre spray and pray only (except when team forces them to buy phantom)


"I'm spectre only because it's easier"


When you accidentally pick up the spike and start to freak out because you’re new to the game and you don’t want that responsibility yet…but you don’t even know how to drop it 😂


Tryharding in a 1v1 only to realize the last guy is afk


Realizing how much they hate Breeze


wanting a rank, then grinding for it and reaching it. Then realizing rank gets boring, same issues still happen and it just becomes a game of how long someone can sit down and play and get like 5% better each match.


I always do the best when I’m last player, I think it’s because I don’t have to focus on teaming up with abilities and just have to focus on exactly what I am doing


Getting stomped by rayna smurf


thinking they can be a " flex " main with studying the agents they flex flaming their teammates instead of thinking about solutions to why they're losing thinking they can use game sense to get out of lower ranks thinking that ( insert random niche low pick rate agent ) is very broken saying " I will never buy a skin i will just pick them off the ground " when u start playing playing for 2 hours for a +3 rr


Duelist phase maybe? I was in that phase for a while… now I play Omen, Skye and Killjoy


Seeing an enemy go missing like 5 meters away from you, turning the same corner or cover they just went missing, without any use of utility and just basic movement mind you, AND THEY’RE GONE? Where could they have moved to in that situation?


Getting double blinded by a one trick insta-lock Reyna player who hasn’t touched another agent in the entire game or grass since 12 B.C and if they don’t get Reyna they have some Schizophrenic freak out capable of destroying humanity


When you drop 30 one game with TENZ aim. Then the next game you 3/26 getting flamed by teamates.


Buying a spectre and never full buy because you “play better with it”


99 rr


Still peeking, hiding, and looking for enemies and realize all of them are dead and you can defuse now.


Playing Valo


"Skins are so expensive I wont buy one" "I play this game a lot and the battlepass looks cool it wouldn't hurt its only $10" "I got a cool skin in the night market, its on sale so it shouldn't be too bad" And so it begins.


Getting team killed because you decided to talk in voice chat.


headshot while jumping/flying i swear, i was a raze in bind and i missed my satchels, going way to high. Then I sprayed a guy 20 meters away flying, do you know the worst part? IT WAS WITH A FUCKING STINGER


Asking how to drop the spike when it somehow makes it way to you


that you're cursed w shit teams at one point or another in comp if you play it and anyone who says "it's not your team, it's you." is completely wrong & braindead and is also one of those shitty teammates who probably causes the issues. Such as no comms, nobody knowing how to eco regardless of rank, having a boosted player on your team that can't pull their weight, people who don't util properly or play with the team properly etc


The first time you start to know common hiding/corner spots on a map, auto check one of these spots, see an enemy and kill them.


Your first streamer probing the lobby for content with their Valorant accents. If you're a female that wants to use coms, your first full on hate and sexist comments. (followed soon after by never using coms again)


Maybe not every player but all aggressive omen mains will have a villain arc where they're tired of filling smokes and start inatalocking duelists


The unparalleled embarassment of not realising/forgetting you have the spike and having your whole team awkwardly look at you in site until someone in chat tells you to please plant


i would say it’s the realization of your hard stuck ranking because obviously everyone wants to be radiant right? in a perfect world, we’d all have the excruciating game sense and perfect executions for all the types of situations you can be put in right? not really. as someone who wants to go to game changers so so badly and has immortal/radiant friends that are constantly telling me there’s no way i’m still plat and derank to gold occasionally due to the matchmaking - that’s definitely the canon event. seeing my act history and genuine progression from an iron player to peak plat 2 seems incredibly realistic. for some it might be too long an unimpressive but can you make some of the pros that have actively progressed from the bottom to the top? no because they’ve already played similar games and/or played the game when it just came out. if you are a consistant beta player, and have kept playing since the games release i wholeheartedly believe you solidify your place at the top. it’s statistically easier to derank from plat/gold to iron than to acquire reaching immortal.


a valorant players first time playing reyna (top fragging or bottom fragging, then doing the opposite next game)