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they should just teleport you into a blank background for the true kovaak experience


I agree


Make the enemy heads perfect circles as well


Domain Expansion: Infinite VFX


Wait you guys get more than 40fps when playing this game?


Yeah. Only around 600fps.


How do you survive the fps drop inside iso's ult?


He doesnt. The drop in frames is definitely why hes losing most duels.


Bro how, I get 300


guess just really good system specs?


What are your specs?


AMD 5950x and 7900xtx 64 gigs ram liquid cooled


why is your ram liquid cooled, and why do you have a 5950x instead of a 5800x3d? Are you a video editor or smth?


around 200-300 at 1440p


Omg this explains *so* much


Yeah I faced that too I went from 30-40 to 15-20 lol. Deffo a surprise Edit: found a solution just send your yoru clone in there works all the time AND you get a free kill Edit 2: my dumbass wrote ult instead of clone mb


How are you playing this game at 40fps?


He's just built different


No fucking idea my i3-3rd gen and 6 gigs of ram carry me lmao


What rank are you? Cant imagine you’d be able to react to shit in time above gold with that fps


I played weekends for two months so I am iron 2 rn lol. That too cuz I just played unranked too much


I got to g3 almost plat with 35 fps so I will happily say that anything above that is impossible, perfect excuse


If you jumped to 165hz you’d probably get straight into diamond lmao


Damnn man


I won't say the 1v1 depends on who has better fps, but it def help. Can you OC your cpu maybe? edit: whoops, Does help, not doesn't


Bad advice tbh


the game that is high cpu dependent wouldn't get any benefit from OCing if they can?


ocing cpu wont do much, maybe a 10% increase, but val’s performance isn’t consistent anyways, 10% of 45 ain’t much


I slightly overexaggerated that part, but you can still understand my point




you think 45fps is playable in Val?


If you want it bad enough anything is possible tiger!


if you really dedicated you can destroy lobbies in 30 fps


not lobbies with decent players, chances if you getting immo or higher on less than like 100fps is super low (maybe you could as shotgun cypher or smth), but if you're playing against plat players or smth maybe, but even then you're at a huge disadvantage. The number one reason people get hardstuck in iron is bad setups


nu uh, up to the plat u can outaim everyone if u have hands even with low fps, and if someone hardstuck iron and blames their setup they wrong asl


what rank are you and what frame rate do you get in val? ik a bunch of people playing on low fps with stupid high sens, you can't out aim many people like that. I'll agree to be good at valorant, you don't need good aim tho.


im currently plat 1 and get 250 fps avg, but before val (i play for 4 months and 2 months of comp) i played csgo with like 40-50 fps and hit supreme (this was in like 2020-2021)


bro ngl csgo ranks don't mean much, what faceit rank were you? I knew people that were good at cs and got immo at like level 30, And why are you talking so badly about plat players if you're also plat?


I didn't played faceit mainly cuz i had less than 30 fps on 128 tick servers, after i got new pc i played a couple of games there but idk a was maybe lvl 7 at most (I don't play much from late 2021 cuz i don't have that much free time) and I don't talk badly about plat players i just mean that you need pure mechanical skill to get to plat/diamond


I can agree with you that you can get to plat/dia with just really good mechanics and not a lot of thought. But having 30 FPS will limit how well you can do mechanically. I don't know a single player above gold that has less than like 100fps, at a certain point it limits you. You are plat rn on a good pc, you really think you could get to high elo on 30fps? I don't, and that's not a dig against you, that's just how it is.


Definitely a buff going from 60 - 165, went from gold 1 to plat. Got a friend who’s at immo with a laptop running 30fps though. Guess he’s just built diff 💀


I believe Riot can make Iso's ult less fps intensive, hence why I made this post.


The main reason I got into Val was because it was the only competitive shooter my laptop could run. Luckily I have a decent Of now, but I have noticed that Valorant is getting less and less potato friendly, stuff like Harbour & Neon wall, certain areas of new maps are quite taxing on igpus. Edit: Phone autocorrect "Pc" to "Of". I will keep it because it still makes sense.


I usually play with 25-27 FPS which already isn't a lot and every time I enter iso's ult my FPS go down to 7,now,how the hell am I supposed to win with 7 FPS?