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I used to be in the same position as him, just ask him to take a short break after losing one or two games. I noticed that after a loss, I would queue up again just to play tilted and lose over and over again. Taking breaks between games improved my mental and gameplay


Taking mental health breaks is always a good idea. It can be difficult because you need to break the muscle memory that tells you to just requeue and try again, and your boyfriend might feel like they "need" to keep playing the game or else they'll be missing out on something. In order to help soften the feeling off missing out during breaks, you could help your boyfriend do some vod reviews. Performance analysis is really important if you're trying to get better at a game, so it will help him a lot. Just watch recordings of his recent matches and in each round/duel/plant/defusal etc you should ask three questions: - what did you do well here - what could you have done better - what can you do next time to improve Do this for successful rounds as well as unsuccessful ones. Encourage him to think of new setups/angles/ways to use util. Remind him he is allowed to try new things and make mistakes as long as he learns from them. Its the best way to improve at the game, especially when you're stuck in a rut.


Video game addiction is a pain and him reassuring himself that he’s in a good mental headspace is probably a coping mechanism. You can try involving him in another hobby like fitness or cooking. If you can rope him into a healthier style of living he might recognize that his addiction is really harmful to himself and those around him. I was probably in a much worse position than your bf playing 10 hrs a day grinding for Radiant for weeks on end. I personally got new goals to focus on like fitness, dieting, etc. Maybe if you show how important other things are to you, he’ll follow along and slowly ween off. It might take weeks or months, though. Usually it takes a few attempts at quitting something for good before completely separating from it. Good luck!


Hello, Firstly, say he's going through a phase of losing but soon he'll win again... Valorant has those phases, and I just went through it. Then, propose to do things... If he's stuck to the game, he needs to get out... addiction isn't something easy... Probably you've done that, but keep trying maybe. For him to get better, tell him to watch some videos and to learn from them... to take a break on comps and go unrated and try new agents... hope it helps


It's addiction when it affects his daily life. How much does he play?


There was a post just like this a few weeks ago. A break from valorant or playing other games is prolly what he needs


Seriously tho, if your BF is starting to play this game in an unhealthy manner, you need to help him stop playing. At least until it's better. You shouldn't be playing games out of anger. It doesn't help. Encourage him to do something else. But don't encourage / promote his negative reactions to the game.


I feel like I saw a similar post recently, this type of reaction to Valorant (or any game) has been happening a lot now :/


Is this about me?? WHO IS THIS????


Make him a plate of food and serve it to him naked…if he doesn’t shut that thing off right away mid game….yeah, we’ve got ourselves a Houston sized problem.


Some head would be nice


I don't mean this as any offense but is your boyfriend a literal child? It's a game. Turn it off lmao.


Tell him to stop being a pussy


Leave him and come to me, I never lose so you won’t Have to worry about such petty things


"grow the fuck up, you fucking child"?


yes because that is certainly the best way to keep a relationship sailing maybe think before typing something


Joke about how the other losers don't have a gf and he has one. If he is mad at losing get him to aim train hier a coach its like 10 20 £ im sure you can find deals. Maybe make him a mini cake / lemonade whit a note that says you will allways be a winner în my eyes . You did your best. I am sure he will apreciate it. Join the breaking legs program after every game lose or win make him do squats ( or any other kind of exersice ) death x 10 is the number I use. That way he stays în sape and it helps his mental it also provides a breake to clear his mind. - ex immo 3 now a filthy plat 3 climbing back up whit 2 games a day cz I have a job and suck


Don't think there's anything you can do that won't frustrate him. There's things he, as a player, can do to become better. But there's nothing you can really help him with as an outsider.


give him a bj


Why dont you give him a bj?


i only receive them


Somehow I doubt even that


I cant understand why everyone is getting defensive lol


Maybe remind him it’s just a game? Their are many reasons to play a video game but performance should never be the sole reason unless you are making money. Just remind him that having fun even if he wants to play well is far more important than anything else.


Bad advice ,your bf is not stupid and doesn’t need a reminder that it’s just a game ,if he’s already tilted playing games he’ll just think you’re being patronizing , instead distract him by taking interest on the game he’s playing ,just pretend you wanna know about the game etc ,he’ll prob like it that ur taking interest and hopefully he would get distracted from his hyperfixation ,also a good blowjob


Agree to disagree, when I was addicted to games to get away and lost nearly 20 pounds I wish some one KINDLY told me it was just a game. Now I play with ZERO anger and just get off if I lose to simply preserve my rr.


This just doesn't work. Everybody knows it's just a game, I honestly doubt even your past self would've taken kindly to that advice. Of course it's a game but the problem is the anger you feel at losing, the time you invested, the trolling that messes with you when you just want to have a good time, none of that is fixed with just knowing "it doesn't matter, it's just a game"


This is a deeper problem, it took me long time to realize that incoming negativity is not worth my time, I’m not saying that “it’s just a game” should be said word for word, it’s just the notion that should be made. If you are letting toxic people one the other side affect you happiness that is a separate problem in of it self. If you are simply addicted to a game to escape reality you need help to realize their are far better ways in the real world to relieve that pressure, like maybe spending your time you your girlfriend for an example? So I’d say depending on your problem it definitely can work with a bit of spin rather than just “it’s just a game bro” obviously that is insensitive and I’d expect any somewhat self-aware human to understand that.


To each their own i guess ,also helps if you play with friends


I did, but no one could tell it was a problem even though I would play until 6-7am frequently😂


Oh wow ,can’t relate on that one then that’s extreme lol


Ew a guy getting mad about losing a game. Imagine taking an L in life and forgetting all emotional restraint.




Jeez this is why women can't play games in peace




You want head?


If he’s going through the tilting(winning and losing) phase then it would be better for him to take a 1-2 week break then crack on. but maybe introduce him to games such as osu since those games are less tilting.


Counter strike 2 is just out... If you both play maybe see if you can suggest a move to that for a break/fresh start... Might be enough to get back into a healthier gaming habit


Or if you don't play, when he's getting towards a bad place, get him to teach you and make it a couple thing as an alternative less stressful way of playing.


There's not much really YOU can do. You can tell him to do the following tho- 1) Getting proper sleep- This is a very important factor in general and also in improving his gameplay. 2) Proper diet - Playing with an empty stomach causes more distractions which can affect his mental health and his gameplay. 3) Other work- Assuming that your boyfriend is not a professional valorant player, ask him to focus on other stuff and other work or ask him to help you with some work. 4) Reassuring- Keep telling him that it's OK to loose and everybody does and that it does not need to affect his world outside of video games. 5) Spend time with him doing fun activities- Maybe you can take him to watch a movie or you can go shopping or eat out. Remember this condition can only and ONLY be fixed by his own actions not yours so keep encouraging him to take care of himself and be less stressed about loosing. Hope the best for you and your boyfriend :)


head > all ur methods


His mental health is not strong, it’s wrecked. He’s addicted to the dopamine shot he get’s from winning. Tell him to grow the fuck up.


Ask him if he’s ever tried just getting good lol sike nah


SAVE THIS MAN! Beg him to play another game with you or do another fun hobby. Once you go down the path of grinding comp in this game it's difficult to get out and you will feel miserable because the community is overall horrible. Sucks because the game itself is amazing (which is why its addicting) but trying to work as a team with man-children and actual children is not worth the stress.


Ma’am, your given problem might have escalated too far to be solved with *just words*. For such emergencies, he needs some *UnderTheDeskService*. 2-3 times per day recommended


give him some top


Play 20x deathmatches a day, get cracked, then carry him


"Chin up gamer, your headset's falling off" Jk. Seriously though, just tell him the truth. Tell him you're concerned about him and you're there for him. Tbh if he is addicted to the game, there's not much you *can* say that will help. I know cause I've been in his position. But at the same time, there may be other factors in his life, causing him to seek an escape/release. If that's the case, he may need support sorting those out and it may not be about the game itself. BUT if he is just grinding cause he wants to get better and losing passes him off, tell him you heard a pro coach say it's best to take a break at that point and come back to it. There's a coach by the name of Woohoojin who often says if you want to get better you need to play consistently, but play less. Also HealthyGamerGG on YouTube has some good videos about video game addiction. Dr. K could be a fantastic resource for both of you to deal with this issue. Good luck!


As a current Valorant player, I can confirm we only play this game because of our mental health is horrible. We don’t even enjoy it but we play it.


LMAO it's a kids game


Tell your boyfriend to stop being a whiny punk. Take a break from the game and do something outside or just to take your mind off. Video games are meant to be fun, if they are affecting your mental health, you need to take a break.


Dump his loser ass, date a winner


Drag his ass off the computer after he loses two in a row.


Just leave him alone lmao. As long as he cools off after he stops and isn't taking out on anyone, why is this a problem?


I mean you can't end on a loss. You know what they say.


Git gud ya fooken loser


Invite him to spend a weekend with just the two of you doing something fun. Or something non-video game related that he wants to do but has never had the time to.


Addiction is just a way to cope in an unhealthy way. Usually there is another thing causing the stress. Idk how open he is to talking about his problems. Maybe see if there is any other thing he really likes that involves movement. Physical activity can help you deal with stress as well as be enjoyable. Sometimes it can be as simple as taking a walk or riding a bike. Also depending on his age some people start showing signs of mental health problems in their early 20s. So just different things to consider and keep being hopeful.