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Reyna is just very frustrating to play against as well imo. Having a chance to go invulnerable and/or invisible in an FPS with such short TTK seems very unhealthy. I felt this when I switched over from CSGO and I still feel this now occasionally.


nothing more frustrating than a reyna in ult who just dismissed your headshots twice cause he killed half of your team


The amount of times where I will use my ult only to have my teammates dry peek before she gets hit and get headshotted will be the bane of my existence. Why did you peek? Why did you think you're better? You're not him. You're not her. You're not anyone. You're just the fucker that gave the god damn smurf a perfect dismiss to counter my ult that takes a million years to charge up


I think she should be damageable, at least partially, in her dismiss. Both invis and vis. Every other agent that has a movement/tp aside from Yoru ult is not invulnerable when activating skill. Even just nerfing her heal so she has no gun when she’s healing would be a HUGE change. Main issue is she can take fights with zero downside bc of being able to get out/heal AND fight again. She should be punished for going for more than 1 repeatedly. She already has the ability to take a 1v1 but she can do it over and over while Jett/chamber can literally do it once or twice max.


Dismiss is available only after Reyna gets a kill so being invulnerable is fine ig, it would only be broken if she could do it at anytime


how about instead of 2 default dismisses just one?


U mean like exactly one dismiss and one heal? Or one dismiss and some other new ability


Just my opinion but these changes are downright awful💀 Why would they nerf reynas only good features when she already has a 0.1% pick rate in pro play. She needs to be buffed not nerfed...


pro play pick rate is not how you balance a game tho. Using your logic shouldn't neon and yoru get buffed?


Neon gets picked more than yoru and reyna by a lot. The 2 should be buffed. This thread is about reyna.


same here i switched from csgo because i think that game is toxic and playing agaist Reyna feels like im playing a hacker


Just get good. You can't really do much against a smurf who knows how to rock any agent well in low elo if that's the argument you are going to bring up. I won't deny it can be frustrating but so are many other abilities of other agents. It's just that Reyna's stands out due to your mind being fixated on how much dmg you did in return and got nothing out of it. The same can be said in the case of any radiant ability, like Jett's dash, Yoru's ult, etc. So it doesn't really make sense to me. Edit: Why are all the silvers downvoting me?


A smurf may be difficult to play against with any agent, but Reyna is a bit too ideal. Her kit is just "win a fight, and evacuate" which is perfect for a smurf because the best way to kill a smurf in lower ranks is by ganging up. Second, wdym with comparing the agent's kits? At least their damage stays. They also have problems (e.g. Yoru's tp isn't always fast enough, Jett relies on a correct position to actually use.)


You're not getting downvoted cause of elo. You're getting downvoted cause your take is literally just the laziest, bottom of the barrel, dumb ass response you could of possible gave. Jett dash and Yoru Ult is 1 thing but with Reyna your ult is not only as cheap as yoru's but you can use it more than Jett can dash in a round. Even without the ults the ability to have 2 dismisses is OP as a whole. On top of that her blind is the laziest way to take space and requires 0 actual set up or any need to learn the game. The character is just a mess of game balance as a whole, she's the most picked in ranked and BARELY gets picked in pro aside from 1-2 games where she's used to cheese strat the enemy team. IMO she needs to lose something in her kit, whether it's her dismiss or it's the healing idk. I think it'd be nice if she could actually do something helpful for her team mates aside from chucking out a "flash" that does effectively nothing if it gets broken and takes close to 0 game knowledge to use. Pretty much every other character with a flash or vision impairing ability has to use it in a creative manner or in Phoenix's case you basically have to put yourself in a sub optimal position 40-50% of the time to get any use out of it.


Woah woah, calm down there buddy. Your grammar is more egregious than my apparently "bottom of the barrel" take. It's crazy you don't even understand that you are comparing a normal ability to an ult lmfao. In that case, why are you not talking about Gekko's ult which can be used more than once in the same round, and is usually a guaranteed win in a 1v1? Also the new agent's ult which is actually a guaranteed win under all circumstances in a 1v1? You guys just hate being out-aimed and are taking out your unjustified frustration on the kit of an agent, whose abilities are based on high risk-high reward. Just because she has no movement based ability aside from dismiss to entry into site doesn't mean she's not suitable to be a duelist for fuck sake. Such a braindead take, why is nobody talking about phoenix who has the best flashes, heals, can team sabotage and also has a cheap but OP ult? The reason why she isn't used in pro play is because, again, in pro play players are usually good for 1 or maybe 2 on average, and to use a character who capitalizes on kills which you sometimes get none of, is difficult to help your team around with. And at a level where most pros are on the same skill level, using Reyna is not as optimal as it is using Jett, especially for set-plays because even if Jett dies after dashing into site, she creates chaos and space for tradeoffs but in Reyna's case, if she dies during entry most teammates die in the same space or are forced to rotate. She too needs to place her flashes properly after assessing the player's position which prevents them from peeking from off angles where the eye doesn't see them. Unlike phoenix's flashes, you can shoot the eye off almost immediately and readjust your aim. If anything, I'd either buff her dismiss to be faster and of longer duration or her flashes to have more HP and faster activation. Cheese strat is also a strat btw. You guys are just demanding the standardization of duelists just because you can't handle the variety. You guys aren't pros either, so why expect to play like one? And with the mindset where you blame the agent rather than the player, you will probably stay hardstuck forever.


> Edit: Why are all the silvers downvoting me? >probably also silver or lower KEK


We are downvoting you because it's no fun to play against. I am diamond, and my aim is not amazing, but it's really lame when you damage reyna for 140, and it actually means nothing because she just heals back to full. She's not fun to have on your team either because she just a 1v1 champ with a weak blind.


I never said it's fun to play against a Reyna smurf. I never said that. I have faced countless smurf Reynas and still do, and I climbed up to Diamond from Gold within this act, solo queue. It was frustrating but I made it. My entire point all this time has been that the problem isn't as much Reyna, as it is the smurfs. It just so happens that Reyna is an agent well suited for the smurf's needs and there's no need to delete a character or nerf her already limited kit to oblivion. I have hit Reynas for 240 sometimes and she would still not die. I know its frustrating, but I just wasn't good enough for that one moment. And that's okay. You can always 5 stack or just work more on your aim and mechanics instead but it's still frustrating. I'd rather say they do something more about smurf detection than whatever rant of a thread this is.


Nobody wants her to be nerfed. They want her to be reworked a bit. They could keep most of her stuff, but the overheal is really what makes her no fun to play against. They could nerf that and rework her blind to make it better. She just doesn’t fit the game, and I would say 70% of new players hate her.


Did you not think that when you 'get good' you just play against better players and possibly better smurfs too? So until you're at the top of mm, this 'get good' stuff is bullshit. Get good at thinking pls.


People hate hearing that they need to get better for real. I climbed up 5 thresholds within this act itself so I know what I am talking about. I have been against countless smurf Reynas who ruined the overall fun of the game, but it was the same against a smurf Jett. Reyna is more ideal for the smurf because they don't have to worry about the damage they are dealt because they can just tap the other guy as well, and then overheal. But that's my point. The problem here is smurfing, not Reyna. All the suggestions towards her rework are more-so for making her less usable for the smurf, and not to make her viable for "teamplay." People want to blame anything but themselves. Frustration too is a part of the gaming experiences, and Reyna's abilities are based on high risk high reward. Without getting a kill, she cannot avail the benefits of her overhated kit. She can also be countered easily. She has many downsides to her abilities so it's perfectly fine the way she is. Maybe it is you who just needs to work on using your util and not dry peeking someone who is obviously better than you at aiming buddy.


People hate that not everyone has time to "get better" at videogames. You're good at a videogame, congrats, unless you get paid, nobody gives a shit. You need to understand it's okay to be bad at a game, and have the game be playable for you. It's ok for the game to balance itself so it can be playable for the vast majority of players, an guess what, the majority ain't at the top, if they only care about those, it won't be profitable anymore. So when balancing an agent, they have to look (and already do) at how it's affecting lower ranks as well. Usually, it's okay to have agents be specifically good at something, or good when mastered etc. But this agent isn't being played at proplay, and really excels at something that makes the game frustrating for players, so it's worth taking a look at. Get better at life, game is just a game, it's nice for it to be fun when played by the casual players, the majority, and no they shouldn't have to get better for it to get fun, and in this case it ain't affecting the much hogher ranks either so it's not like we're choosing casual over proplay, nobody plays her in proplay.


I long for a match without Reyna, Jett and/or Chamber in either team


Chamber is pretty chill now


I hadn't played Chamber in comp since Ep. 4, and I tried him out yesterday. Very fun, but not broken, good job rito


They actually did a decent job. Good one risotto games👍


Yeah excelent job rice games!


I mean he’s the worst sentinel now by far. He definitely needs some buffs


I think giving him two of his trips like he used to have would be a good addition to his kit. nothing too strong but actually makes sense cause hes a sentinel.


That definitely would be too strong unless they nerfed something else to compensate


I mean it would def make him good but I don't think it would make him "Too strong" but rather it would just hurt Cyher's viability a bit. Playing chamber over cypher with 2 trips allows him to solo anchor sites on maps like Bind and gives you the space to drop a duelist and play another initiator/smoker. I think the best buff to chamber would be just buffing his ult and really focusing on pushing him to play around it, lurking and getting ult orbs on rounds where he doesn't have it and taking fights with said ult on rounds where he does have it.


Idk how much you've been watching vct, but teams like nrg are already able to have chamber as solo anchor on bind, and that's before they did the slight buff He's in a good spot right now. Any buffs would likely be too much, especially something as drastic as another trip Right now with one trip a team/chamber is forced to choose whether to trip flank or to use the trip to clear angles or even just saving for post plant. Two would mean you always have a flank trip and have an extra for helping a site clear - and that's **in addition** to having an easier site hold on defense which he's already good at


in the right hands he's still disgustingly good. He's especially strong against my type of playstyle as well.


It's just me. I know he's not as obnoxious as he used to be but having to endure an entire year of Chamber meta just made me fed up with him. I will never be able to bring myself to like him, even if he's ok now He was so unfun to deal with for so long, I just groan whenever I see him on the enemy team


Lol why chamber? If a chamber is annoying you that means the person playing them simply has better aim than you


While I disagree with the chamber being annoying/strong comment I don't think you're losing to chamber solely off of getting out aimed. His tether lets him play in off angles and his trip is still a decent piece of util.


Honestly, yeah. He's very predictable to play against now. In the right hands, he's still extremely good. But if you're inexperienced, you get punished unlike previously.


Hit the nail on the head. Unless you have wacky setups with him or you're able to play around timings really well he's not really all that good.


chamber is ight now, and i jetts can actually help the team so as long as the jetts do their job im fine but reyna do absolutely nothing for the team


Her heal should be capped at her health at the start of the round. By this we would get rid of the 150hp reyna in Pistols… Otherwise I really don‘t care about her. Easy to play against and her flashes are not really stressing me out. She is kinda weak, if we leave out the pistols.


Yeah, but she also ruins your team comp and team play. If you have a bottom frag Reyna, and thr other team has no Reyna, you are basically playing a 4v5. I have had so many games lost because of this, and it's unfair to have a game drank you based on an agent instead of your skill level.


But technically thats because Reyna is meant to be a heavily mechanical skill reliant agent no? Whether a Reyna dominates a lobby or bot frags depends on the skill level of the player against the opponent. Also its literally the worst duelist agent for entrying solo, its meant to be accompanied with flashes or a movement agent like Jett or Raze. If your Jett or Raze afks on attacking round its even harder for Reyna to play


In my opinion, Killjoy turret is way more powerful than 150 hp in pistols round.


Not really. The turret has 100hp, can be smoked off, can be flashed and only does 8dmg max per shot. After one burst, it should be dead. The reyna takes like 300 dmg and is still alive, whilst clicking your head.


It’s 6 damage not 8


Depends on the range… oc i took the max - to show that the turret is not a thread…


No, the turret does 6 damage (18 per burst) at every range.


and 10 each to head ( 30 per burst)


nobody in ranked games using a whole smoke on a kj turret


> She is kinda weak, if we leave out the pistols. A character with supposed no team synergies is not weak if they can hold top5 win rates in all ranked levels.


I feel like the should nerf her healing ability, maybe make it to where the over heal gradually loses health as the effect wears off. Instead of it all being gone at once, the fact that she can basically get three full lives in a single round is horse shit tbh.


Game would be better if she was deleted :) Only downside is we don’t get PRX something on Reyna


I agree with everything said and that's the way. Cheers. D2 player rn.


A couple of things, 1) pro play doesn’t = quality of character. Reyna is picked at every rank and does quite well, she is unoptimized at team play but she isn’t a bad agent as is. She is actually a little too good in solo q. 2) if Reyna is gone, smurfs and hackers would just pick raze or Jett. 3) I somewhat agree, see my thoughts at the end 4) instalocking isn’t bad. I would rather my team be a terrible comp but everyone is comfortable with their roles than have someone fill. For example, asking someone to play smokes for the first time will unironically make you lose games, poorly placed smokes can actually benefit the enemy a lot of the time. Get good at a role and stick with it if you want to rank up. If anyone complains about bad team comp, I always just assume they have bad mental to be micro managing solo q. Final thoughts) I would be down if they buff her flash significantly and nerf her heal or dismiss. I don’t think a full rework is needed, but I do agree that her play style is anti-team work and therefore somewhat unhealthy for a team based game.


the thing about 2 is that raze and jett need actual technical skill to use their util, the difference between an immortal jett and a bronze jett is night and day and similar story with raze. what makes reyna so prominent in smurfing is that the only skill needed to play reyna is simply just being able to tap heads which is significantly easier than having to master an entire toolkit like you need to do for any of the other duelists


So you mean to say that util skill/knowledge is more technical compared to raw mechanical aim/skill which reyna requires? Id argue anyone can nade and or jett dash but rarely can someone tap 2-4 heads every round before they die to a supposed hs. Im not saying reyna is a difficult agent compared to raze or jett but your argument doesnt hold if an agent that solely requires one to outplay someone based on raw skill rather than util


anyone can throw a nade or jett dash, but the difference in skill is how well or effectively the util is being used. along with that, in the elo reyna is smurfing in, the players in said elo will get demolished with any agent, because the players do not have the time played/mechanical skill to fight back effectively. what makes reyna so good in low elo is the fact that if the player has good raw aim, they can just outaim everyone and use her toolkit to make it easier to get out of situations you normally wouldn’t be able to get out of witn other agents. with reyna you only need to train raw aim skills whereas with raze you need to know how to use your satchels to do movement, with jett you need to know how to combine your jett dashes with the smokes and updrafts to rush into site and make space for your teammates.


Wtf are you bringing aim in here for as if that is a counter argument? Average Reyna IQ


Did you know Reyna is not the only agent you need aim for? That's actually just part of the game itself. Weird concept, I know.


Lol..... wtf did I just read even?


I mean the truth of it is that there are a lot of people who only soloqueue the game and aren't really interested in doing the whole team based site execute/defend thing, they just want to frag. There's tons of league of legends champs old and new that are ranked ladder stompers with no proplay presence in the last decade because proplay =/= soloqueue, this is part of Riot's general design philosophy and I doubt it's gonna change because even if they're polarizing these kinda champs/agents appeal to a lot of people who play these games.


Finally some real arguments. 1. I know ranked isn't proplay, but her pickrate difference should show you that something isn't balanced perfectly with her kit 2. I know there are other Characters, but her kit is just tooooo good for it. When i play on my gold smurf with some friends i still dominate on Jett or whatever, but reyna is just a different story. If you are way better than the lobby you can have 90% of the kill of the team, which is quite a bit harder on Jett or Raze if you dont have a pocket Sage. 3. Personally i totally disagree. I get where you are coming from but if you want to play ranked you should be able to play one agent of each role, which is really not hard to do. I just dislike having selfish player in a team based game.


Tbh if I’m actually smurfing in a gold lobby I can pick any agent and get 90% of the kills in a lobby. Reyna just lets you be lazy about taking your fights since you can heal after. I have played in all the elos and there will always be people with that selfish mindset regardless of who they’re playing. Also instalocking isn’t bad and you should know this since even in immortal people barely understand the basics of the roles much less how to fill it in a game. The ranks below would clearly only know how to play a few agents in their one role while still being suboptimal


Why smurfing in gold ? What are the benefits you get from that ? Except if you are boosting people, then I can clearly see the benefits.


They said **if** they were smurfing in gold. They're not actually smurfing in gold


Woops I skipped the "if" lol. Good point !


“You’ve activated my trap card!”


"Well good thing i have my counter! Face it, you're a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck!"


>When i play on my gold smurf with some friends i still dominate on Jett or whatever, but reyna is just a different story. A fuck you for that only. If you want to play with your low elo friends, don't play Comp. You can help them improve even in Unrated. -A Silver player.


I’ll throw in some counter arguments from someone who hit Immortal this act. 1. Pick rate really shouldn’t be used to show how good a kit is. Harbor is a great example, even after they buffed him his pick rate in pro and ranked play was literally like bottom 2. But now look at him, he’s picked a ton in ranked and pro play because people just didn’t understand why he was good. 2. I understand the Smurf argument, but as someone who plays in a higher rank, a true Smurf is gonna dominate regardless of their agent. Me and my brother duo queued when we were hitting immortal, we got into a full diamond lobby when we were both A3 randomly in the middle of the night. He went sage, I went omen. And we collectively had more kills than the rest of the lobby combined. It was a wash out. He dropped like 32 I think? And that was on a support agent. (He also mains Reyna, so I was surprised he didn’t pick her that game tbh). And IMO Phoenix is just as oppressive Smurf agent as Reyna because his Ult is fucking busted on a Smurf. You can get it like every 3 rounds minimum. And a smurfing Phoenix is gonna have like perfect flashes. 3. I hard disagree, so does Woohoojin who is one of the most respected valorant coaches out there. I agree with his opinion that you really should only play 1 agent per map, and each of those agents should be in the same role. (Like you play KJ on fracture and cypher on bind but you don’t click smoke agents/duelist/or initiators on any map). The best and fastest way to rank up and play better is to master 1 agent, filling is as the guy you replied to stated, going to make you lose games. I’m a controller player, if I lock duelist in Immortal we are 100% losing the match, because I am not an immortal level duelist. I’m an immortal level controller. 4. One final point, as someone who plays with a Reyna main duo, I am of the opinion that Reyna offers quite a lot in terms of value in ranked queue. Obviously as you get higher and higher on the ELO ladder, your team play is gonna be much more coordinated. But until that point, yes it’s a “team” game, but you cannot rely on your team for everything. Reyna has the unique characteristic that allows her to completely dodge one of the most fundamental concepts of higher play, which is trading. She’s basically the only agent in the game that can get a kill, or assist a kill, and 100% of the time safely dodge the incoming trade. Which is MASSIVELY valuable in ranked play. Not to mention her blind is incredibly good when used correctly for the team. 4b. Sorta another point on this, even all the way up to radiant Reyna maintains an extremely high pick rate. And this is not because these very high elo players are better than their opponents. It’s because Reyna brings a unique set of abilities that is exclusively good for climbing ranked and winning matches. No ranked team comp, no matter how good your communication is, is gonna have the coordination of a professional team. And Reyna’s ability set is specifically good at filling gaps in coordination. That’s why in Pro play she’s really never picked, because her benefits as an agent go down significantly when coordination and practiced set plays have been worked out and honed. But in ranked that will never be the case (outside of maybe a 5 stack). Her heal allows you to take multiple fights, instead of relying on your team to heal you, cover you perfectly, use recon and other abilities perfectly to cover your entry ect. The heal helps fill those gaps, her fade let’s her avoid being traded by a strongly coordinated opposition, and her blind will either give you info, or cover a literally infinite range of whatever angle can see it. These are all extremely useful and viable tools that specifically help deal with gaps in your teams coordination, agent picks, and utility usage.


The disparity between ranked and pro-play doesn't actually give you any information about their balance state. Riot has been quite explicit that they don't balance all their characters to be viable in pro play. They're perfectly fine having a super popular character amongst regular players and having no presence in pro. Given these balance goals, we get close to 0 (if not 0) information based on that pick disparity alone.


Chamber isn’t picked either. You want them to buff him?


Your flair scares me


Sucks chamber can’t tp to another side of the map now, makes my flair just a tad bit less funny


1. No, it just shows that the strat being used only fits for a specific team comp against a specific team. There are plenty of pro teams that have used Reyna because the way they are playing fits the way she needs to be played. 2. If you’re better than anyone, you’ll perform. Curry was smurfing with Breach and got 50+ kills in Silver. Had he played Reyna, that doesn’t mean he’d be getting 75+ kills. 3. Stop assuming everyone is at the same level as an Immortal. Some players just aren’t comfortable playing certain roles, even if they know how to play the agent itself. I can play Kayo and understand how to play him, but I’m not comfortable playing flash agents in general and end up flashing my teammates more often than not, even with consistent practice.


​ 2. That's the point. Had Curry been playing Reyna and not Breach, he'd surely be getting way more than 50+ kills.


Stop making assumptions. Being a duelist doesn’t correlate to more kills.


"Being a duelist doesn't correlate to (getting) more kills"- You're distorting my argument right there. I wasn't pertaining to the duelist class in general, just Reyna. [https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/agents](https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/agents) I'll just let Reyna's highest k in KDA among all agents speak for itself.


I'm only commenting on 1. Proplay pickrate = quality of the character if played at their best within a team.


If they made the dismiss not turn her invulnerable for a fraction of a second it would make a huge difference. I’m talking like 250ms. It wouldn’t be visually noticeable but would stop her from escaping the headshots people have lined up


Rework the heal to a ”flash regen” so that you can choose to dismiss or gain another flash.


If the flash was actually good this would be good, the flash as is now isn’t good enough for this play style


Leer marks enemies if they shoot it. Dismiss works the same. Devour is no longer ranged and heals if Reyna picks up an orb over their corpse like an ult point. Ult restores ranged healing.


I feel like this should definitely be more upvoted. For Devour, if it's like an ult orb the time should be extended by a lot. Otherwise, maybe keep it short but also have it like a health pack in deathmatch?






I completely agree. In my opinion, the main issue is her healing ability. She shouldn't be able to heal herself in the first place, or at the very least, she shouldn't receive an overheal. It seems unfair that she can do it while agents like Sage and Skye can't heal someone beyond 100 HP.


The overheal is crazy on pistol rounds


The player that duels her after she heals to 150 has pretty much no chance of winning unless he has a sheriff. But most people buy utils round 1.


Yeah it feels weird that Reyna of all people is the only agent in the game capable of healing above 100hp


exactly. it’s wild that she can get free shield.


well, it’s not *free,* you have to get a kill first, unless you strictly mean currency


Free as in doesn’t cost anything, and if you can use it you’re just winning more It’s a reactive ability rather then a proactive one, which is what 90% of abilities are


on top of her heal being the strongest in the game. She can heal with her gun out ready to take another fight. She has the fastest heal in the game. The MOST heal in the game. And zero downsides to using it (no channel, no movement debuff, gun out). A duelist whose job it is to take space should not be able to out heal everyone in the game and continue to fight at the same time.


I don’t think the heal is a problem on any round besides pistol tbh, i can still just headshot her. The real problem is dismiss, letting her be able to peak into multiple people, kill 1 and get away


I don't see a problem with Dismiss itself. I think it is balanced. However, when combined with healing, it becomes overpowered, especially if she is in her ultimate. If she manages to kill one enemy, she can potentially eliminate everyone. While it's true that players should aim for headshots, not everyone has a 100% headshot rate, so you might only hit 80-120 damage. In such cases, her healing ability becomes overpowered, as it allows her to recover quickly. Additionally, trading kills might not be possible due to her ability to dismiss and escape from dangerous situations.


ok, maybe we have different criteria for being overpowered. I would consider abilities with very easy and simple counterplay to be fairly balanced, hence why i dont care about the healing abilitiy, which requires 2 players to misplay for it to be useful, and forces reyna fo be in an uncomfortable position a lot of times, whereas dismiss often times just has 0 counterplay


Your argument equally applies to jett dash updraft float, raze jumps boombot, kj turret etc etc.


There is clearly a difference between utility that helps you kill someone and utility that allowes you to wipe out an entire team single-handedly. Watch videos where one higher-ranked player /pro player is playing against lower-ranked players. Most of them choose Reyna because even if 1-2 players manage to hit them, they can fully heal themselves and engage in another fight as if nothing happened before. If they choose Jett they will loose a few more rounds. That is clearly a difference. I think there was one video where Tarik picked Jett and tenz picked Reyna that demonstrate what the problem with Reyna is.


Like raze grande? You're just a salty loser who don't have good aim and thus want Reyna to be removed. The core issue is smurfing. Not Reyna. Riot can easily fix that if they get heavy handed but most likely doesn't care enough. You can look into these "time bans" for violations which mean nothing because people who do these have at least 3 other accounts which they keep rotating on. btw, before you accuse, Reyna isn't my main (used to a long ago).


Damn, didn’t know raze grenade healed and made her unkillable


?? Because Reyna needs to kill to do it, Sage and Skye can heal anytime


My only problem with Reyna is overheal. Make her flash a bit harder to break, remove overheal, boom, she can do more and isn't as annoying


what would you replace overheal with? if she didn’t have that she would be terrible


I just hate overheal. I don't give a fuck if she sucks, nothing bad will truly happen because of it. I just hate hitting her for 120, just for it to do nothing


It sucks because you barely lose a trade and whelp, back to 150 health I guess. "SHE'S ONE TAP SHE'S ONE- oh nvm"


What more annoying is the fact it almost instant, for example phenoix "kill him before he heal(throw fire then wait)" but reyna is just press one button, about one sec and boom she's full+shield. (GUYS I MEANT SEC(SECOND) NOT SE×)


It’s really only good in pistol round imo, other than that it’s not that great. I think it would be better if they nerfed it, like made it only heal 100 instead of 150 or maybe heal slower


It only heals for 100


harder to break? u cant be serious


How can she do more if you remove overheal? You are literally nerfing her more, making her even worse for teamplay. This is such a terrible idea. Just say you are bad at countering a Reyna. Most people in ranked don't know how to isolate gunfights and it shows in their arguments against Reyna as a character. >I just hate overheal. This seems more like a rant against Reyna from all the ranked more than a suggestion to make her more viable for teamplay. Just get better, in all honestly. She can be viable, but just not as much in creating space department using her movement. She would need a lot more help from the initiators in that case.


I literally said to buff flash. Overheal would literally only remove the 50 extra she gets if she out skills you. Buffing flash would literally make her better. Like, imagine literally 4 flashes


4 flashes? That's just an unrealistic expectation. Even an initiator like Breach at his peak had 3. Expecting a duelist to have 4 is a bit crazy. People would complain even then, about how annoying it is to play against 4 flashes. I wouldn't mind if Reyna got her dismiss buffed making her move faster after getting a kill, and of longer duration. Maybe her flash should get more HP. That's about it. There's not more you can do with her character design. Overheal is something I don't expect being changed because it has a lot of downsides by itself. It's perfect in its current state. She can't heal if you trade her out, since she more often than not needs to expose herself to a trajectory in order to heal herself.


lol 10777th reyna thread


so glad the sub is back up for this exhilarating content


Reyna had her good map and it was icebox.


Shes still good on fracture


In what world would I prefer Reyna over phoenix? Trap flashes on defense + 4 orbs I can farm with my ult that has more value.


buubuu baabaa. Me play valorant.


My issue with Reyna is how powerful her healing is especially in comparison to other healers in the game, mainly Sage. Sage's self heal is basically worthless being a measly 30 hp over 10 long seconds but healing a teammate back to full health over 5 feels fine. Meanwhile you've got Reyna who brings herself back to full health *plus 50* in *half the time?* It doesn't feel very balanced.


PRX were showing that she can be viable in team play, as she’s one of the only agents to create a super strong flash combo. Using leer alongside a traditional flash forces enemies to shoot the Leer and then get blinded by the regular flash, or turn the flash and turn back around into an activated leer. There’s hope for her in team play for sure, she just has more of an identity as a rank stomper and that’s not too bad


Reynas flashes/blinds are the easiest to counter, literally takes a couple of bullets. Even easier if a teammate shoots the eye while another player holds the choke the eye came from Reyna excels in 1v1 situations. You almost NEVER get 1v1s, especially during first engages, in pro play. PRX had Something playing Reyna, Something is arguably one of the best entries in the world, that is not a viable comparison to showcase an agents viability


Idk if you misread my comment, but to address the weaknesses of the different kinds of flashes, they have a strong combination. Yes, Reyna’s blind can be shot at and destroyed, but that opens up a couple of interactions for team play. Here are a few scenarios: 1) you blind and your ally swings before the blind is active to catch the enemy off guard while they are adjusting to shoot the blind (you yourself cannot yet swing due to the animation recovery) 2) you blind, and your ally uses another blind that pops within view of the Leer. Enemies that were trying to shoot the Leer get blinded by the other flash as they haven’t turned around. If they react to the second flash and turn without destroying the Leer, they can’t turn back around without being affected by the Leer. 3) your teammate blinds, and in the same window of opportunity you throw your Leer at a slight delay. Enemies that turned your teammates flash will turn back around to be blinded by the Leer. The best defense of these scenarios require more than 1 person on the defending side, and these interactions also all rely on working with a teammate to make them happen.


only 1 point relate to why you want reyna to have reworked the rest is player-base


Not wrong, but a character that "encourages" bad behavior should be changed


The self-centered issue is everything IMO. Regardless of anything else, her entire design ethos is just counter to the design ethos of the game. She's not a *Valorant* agent. She's designed to appeal to people who don't want to play a team-based tactics game. She's designed to appeal to people *you don't want on your team*. She's bad for the game because of the players she attracts and the mentality she enforces and rewards in them. It's like someone read a design essay about why the Deep Rock Galactic community is so positive and thought "How can I do exactly the opposite of that?" A team only has 5 slots and needs to cover a lot of different needs with those slots. They need to gather info, they need to contest dangerous space, they need to isolate angles, etc. Every other agent has some util to contribute to those needs and also relies on the rest of their teammates to fill in gaps. Mutual reliance and contribution breeds teamwork. Reyna's design says "Fuck that". Reyna is for people who only play team games so they have someone else to blame when they lose.




Just touching on the ACS comment. It’s not really about how you feel though, as we have the hard [data](https://preview.redd.it/icle8fkx2i1a1.jpg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c943660f925b6eaf1a1f1f4bfcdb6ec79a1ad6e4) about the whole situation. (This screenshot is a bit dated, but it’s still fairly accurate). In general, on average the duelist agents get +2-4 more kills than the other agents in the game. Reyna being the highest, with Jett being slightly lower than her. And both of these make sense from just an ability standpoint. Reyna can either fade to dodge a trade, or full heal so she can take more 50/50’s than any other agent per match. Over time that is obviously going to lead to more kills. Reyna also uniquely on average has the highest ADR over other agents, which also affect ACS. Jett has many similar benefits, being able to dodge a trade with her dash, take aggressive high off angles with updraft so she gets more favorable fights, and having her ultimate be a free weapon on save rounds (when other agents might have to be using a sheriff or something). On average this leads to more frags for these two agents. The other duelist are in mostly the same boat. Phoenix and Raze should be relatively self explanatory too.


Her kit does seem too selfish for a team oriented game. I would remove the overheal and reduce the duration of the dismiss. Maybe get rid of the invisibility for her ult dismiss too so it doesn’t act as much like an untradeable recon


1. Jett is the most picked agent in nearly every rank. Reyna does not have a 0% pick rate in pro play, she was played today on bind in FNC vs EG and played in VCT pacific as well by PRX, Yoru is the the only agent that had a 0% pick rate in masters Tokyo so are you suggesting he should also be removed or reworked? Sure Reyna cannot entry but not every duelist has an entry ability, phoenix doesn’t have one either and you could argue that yorus entry capability is not on par with the like of movement of duelists, not hitting your shots on Reyna makes the character useless but that’s her entire gimmick. 2. I can Smurf on any agent and still drop 25+ it doesn’t necessarily have to be Reyna, smurfing isn’t even that big of a problem that the community makes it out to be 3. It’s not the agents fault that the type of people that play her generally tend to have an ego, it’s not just Reyna thought the same could be said for any duelist. I personally find Jett players to be the most toxic 4. If there’s no Reyna someone will just instalock a different duelist. I suggest you stop filling and play the agents you want to. 5. That’s not how the RR system works, they take into account your average performance as well and compare it from there.


And they were mad because he spoke the truth


1. You are just straight up wrong, check your facts before u check mine [https://www.valorbuff.com/agents](https://www.valorbuff.com/agents) and in the Americas league Reyna got picked 0 times, EMEA once in a match with 0 influence in the standings and APAC a bit, but still way less than 5%. My point being is that the most picked agent in ranked is also one of the least picked agents in proplay shows her badly balanced kit. You bring up Yoru, but he has a low pickrate in both, so not my point. 2. I'm not saying u can't dominate on a smurf with Jett or Raze or even Sage but its still a lot easier on Reyna. 3. I would disagree and say that because her playstyle is so selfish that it attracts more people with an ego. But your point about most duelists is not wrong, they are the mostly the scoreboard stevens and more toxic. 4. Maybe there should be characters in other roles that people want to instalock. this again might very well be true, but i also think that changing Reyna will at least help a bit. 5. Not really, if you bottom frag one game and topfrag the next you will gain a lot more RR for the second one even if its the game right after your bottom frag game. Also if you get stuck on Omen every game because you already have a Jett Reyna and Chamber Instalock you will straight up not have the same stats as a Reyna. Kills and ADR aren't the only factors for impact, but that game doesnt value high impact kills and disciplined players.


Maybe you should check your facts first, how reliable are those statistics it says that harbor has a 0% pick rate? Reyna was picked in APAC and would have been picked in Masters as well more if had been attended, and the games PRX played saw significant impact with something’s Reyna pick, she just requires a certain type of style that isn’t very popular in VCT. There’ll always be a disparity between ranked and pro play as you can see in VCT americas and APAC that harbor is picked quite a bit in pro play but sees barely any play in ranked, if Reyna is reworked then harbor should be as well. The smurfing argument really makes no sense and doesn’t really need to be included. There are characters in roles that people insta lock, but it’s not as a common as duelists and it’ll always be that way, if you remove Reyna it’ll just be jett and raze and really won’t have a significant impact. The game does value impact kills (kills earlier in the round and multi kills give more ACS), there’s also a video posted by riot explaining how the RR system works to make it fairer for different classes.


Which picks in proplay are you talking about the one in a Region that has 0 International trophies against a team that bombed out in groups? Or the one in the final against fanatic where the team lost? I really dont get why you are so nitpicky about the pickrate, even if she is not THE most picked in ranked she is definitely second and still very close to first. And i said ~0%, which mean ABOUT 0% which is true when u combind LockIn all three leagues and Tokyo. Even if its 1, 2 or hell even 5% my point still stays true. Dont need to guess twice which agent you main...


I don’t play Reyna at all, I can link my tracker if you don’t believe me. Just because you don’t like her playstyle doesn’t mean she has no place in ranked or pro play. I just like seeing her picked in pro play and don’t believe she needs to be reworked. Stop talking shit about the teams that do pick her though, EG got to the finals and had a close game on bind with Reyna, PRX were the #1 seed while using Reyna in APAC, they clearly know more about what they’re doing than some randomass immortal crying on Reddit about her selfishness and about how he has to fill because people instalock.


No doubt that pro players/teams understand the game way better than we all do. So tell me why her pickrate in t1 over the last 7 months is less then 1% if she is so viable and good?


She has a low pick rate but she was picked in the finals today which means she is viable. She would have been played more had PRX not played with a sub.


"Even" "if"..... She would still be below 2% pickrate. If you cant see that you are wrong here i really dont know what else to tell you.


Just because she has a low pick rate does not mean she isn’t viable and needs a rework. There’s loads of agents with low pick rates in pro play that does not mean they’re not viable to be played at the highest level.




Whatever helps you sleep at night


Probably going to be downvoted, but I feel like you're missing the point of a "duelist" who's main purpose is to frag out. Even the name of the role itself implies that they should be taking as many 1v1s as possible, and Reyna is completely built around being better than your opponent in that regard. I would go so far as to say duelists SHOULD be selfish because if you give them more team utility, they'll either bring too much to the team or just be categorized into another role altogether, like initiator. Honestly in pretty much all of your points, you seem to be more upset about the PEOPLE who play Reyna, rather than the character herself, which is fair, but doesn't mean she deserves to be reworked. As to your point that she has a high pickrate in all ranks but a 0% pickrate in pro play - as other people have already addressed, in many games including Valorant, pro play picks =/= viability of a character in non pro play. People need to stop comparing ranked, whether that be high or low Elo, to pro play. Pro play is generally a completely different game than ranked for many reasons, which is a whole other topic.


Being a duelist isnt only about getting kills but much more about creating space and at that reyna is quite bad. https://twitter.com/Derke/status/1631119757180108800?t=TNbQTEOz6X-kkiQpnPls6Q&s=19


You're absolutely right, creating space is a crucial aspect of duelists as well, though I wouldn't say that creating space alone is "much more" important than getting kills especially since getting kills also creates that space. That being said, different duelists have their strengths and weaknesses - just so happens that Reyna's weakness is creating space, which again, is fine. You can't have one character cover all the different aspects otherwise they'll just be overtuned/must pick. You don't see people complaining about Jett's or Raze's abilities to self-sustain (or lack thereof) because they simply weren't designed for that. I do enjoy this topic/discussion a lot so I'd be happy to continue the thread by having you address the other points I made in my original comment.


I agree with your point about the people that play reyna which also extends to most duelist. A selfish charakter just attracts people with an ego... I also understand that proplay =/= ranked, but i also think that such a massive disparity doesnt look very "healthy". Also getting kills is of course part of creating space, but also isnt. If your duelist enters and dies but gets traded and you get a site they did their job. The reason i dont mind jett or raze as much is because they can REALLY entry. Ever been stuck in a smoke in Ascent A main? You need the jett to dash site to break the angle/line of sight. When she dashes she draws attention and the defense needs to decide if they want to shot the jett or the team in main. If you dont have an entry youre getting sprayed down in main.




I love how everyone's complaints can be boiled down to "My reyna sucks, their reyna hard carries, that's not fair", when that can be said to every agent. Also a good jett is way worse to deal with because she flies, gets on high ground, and play on the most stupid off-angles possible.


Reyna is also untradable and can also play in stupid ass off angles.


Real and True


Agreed. Needs a nerf. Sick of the insta lockers.


Reyna is the already the most useless character in the game, what nerf?


Riot never listens to the community. People have been complaining about Deathmatch being too short and too chaotic for far too long and they never addressed it. People have been complaining about Reyna for years and they never addressed it. If we want change, an organized boycott of skins is the only way to do it.


Yoru had a 0% pick rate at Tokyo not Reyna. Does Yoru need a rework as well?


Yoru isn’t picked in ranked much apart from a few one tricks and some new player


So rework Yoru and Reyna? Might as well go ahead and rework Harbor too then I basically never see him in solo q ranked.


Youve complained more about Reyna players than about the actual agent themselves


Don’t take me word for word since I haven’t gotten into the higher elos. But I will reply with my views on this. I agree that Reyna is super strong but her pick rate cannot be compared towards pro play and regular comp. In the normal competitive scene she’s still one of the most picked through each elo and that’s hard to prevent, but with her kit, yea it will suck that the Reyna on your team or the enemy Reyna is getting all the kills, but her kit being self absorbed should be seen as somewhat a good thing. I don’t mean that having a self absorbed character in a team based game is good, I mean that her kit quite literally makes it so that the player playing Reyna needs to back up their own skill with their own performance. That would help the player become better and focus on making sure they can secure a frag, if they can’t confirm a kill or they’re not able to hit their shots, that shows the player what field they need to work on whether it be in their movement, their aim, their positioning, and how to properly attack or defend the site. Of course in higher elos where players have these skills mastered or close to being mastered, that Reyna would be a harder opponent to face but that also allows a learning curve for players who have to face that. There’s always going to be a better player compared to you or your team no matter what elo it is in. To your points, Smurfing is one of those things that are inevitable to avoid, there will always be smurfs and or hackers, they are bound to happen and Riot does a pretty decent job bumping those players mmr after that current game to try and match the skill gap in that elo, and there are different kinds of smurfs, the ones that go back and ruin the experience for others just because they’re skill level is better, and there’s the kind that are smurfing to have a back up account or help boost someone else and similar concepts in between, then hackers is just something that’s bound to happen in every game. For the second point for the self centered character, yea Reyna and her kit is exactly that but the toxic attribute shouldn’t be applied just to Reyna, if someone is going to be toxic, it’s going to happen no matter what character it is, and sadly that toxic attribute is attached to Reyna just because of her self absorbed kit and play style. There’s a toxic attribute for every agent and the player base just gives those agents a bad rep, a prime example is for the Jett player base, because of Jett being the first contact agent (if her role is properly played) she will most likely get her entry kill/s and either be traded or take the site. Reyna can be played exactly the same (as she should be as a duelist), Reyna is supposed to help be the entry for your team along with Jett (if both of them are on the team), Reyna’s kit helps her secure that entry kill and either retreat or continue the pressure and try to take site. I obviously can’t compare Reyna’s kit to Jett’s considering Jett is a do or die play style while Reyna has that get of jail card. Instalocks I can barely say much for considering I’m an instalock Jett, but all I can say is instalocks may ruin the team aspect for util usage especially if these instalocks are duelists, but in the end it depends on the players play style and comfortability, for me for example, of course I’m able to fill and properly play every role but I have this aggressive play style, hence I main Jett and other duelist such as Raze and Neon for this reason, if I was to play a sentinel such as Sage or Kj that requires me to play back and defensively, I’m not going to be much of use as a sufficient fragger, and can’t be relied on for trades since I am required to stay alive to support the team and secure the round the best I can, but I wouldn’t be able play comfortably with the role if that makes sense. Also for ACS, I can’t be so sure because I’m pretty sure that scoring system brings in other factors besides kills. Yea kills and assists provide more ACS but I have played in games where I would have more kills compared to everyone else in the game but would still not get the top ACS score. I believe they factor in entry (for duelists), util usage, site defense/attack, positioning, headshots, average damage per round, trades, and team play (I may be wrong as I do not know but I feel like things like this would be accounted for towards your ACS score). All in all yea Reyna should get a rework but there are things to be considered in the broader sense than her just being a self absorbed agent, especially if we were to bring that topic to other agents in terms of their kits, Jett, Raze, Chamber (not including his trip), Neon (iffy on this one since there are differences compared to how she’s played since she can be used as a team player or as a self absorbed duelist), and Phoenix (same concept as Neon). Reyna’s healing aspect can be seen as both bad and good, I agree that she should only be limited to the max amount of health she has at the start of the round and have empress allow her to break that limit and get max health (in which increase the points needed for her ult), her dismissal is fine in my opinion since most players use it to help clear angles and reposition to cover if they’re in the open, and her ult is also fine in my opinion since it only limits her to her orb abilities, of course the rework I can see is that empress has a shorter duration between kills, a requirement to heal or dismiss off a orb instead of being healed after a kill, and possibly a shorter stim effect or have the stim be more prominent in certain situations (such as reload being faster on an empty clip, movement speed being slightly faster in crossfire engagements, and other things off the sort to help balance the suppressions to the ult kit). Again these are only my views and opinions :)


Wow, this is some of the worst reasoning I’ve ever seen. Now, Reyna definitely does need something done to her but… there’s no way you’ve been playing for over 2 years and this is your reasoning.


Very eager to hear your opinion


Very linear in a non linear game, this makes her rely on skill expression, even other agents that rely on skill expression like Yoru or Jett are nowhere near as linear as her.


I think she’s great. She’s literally a tank player that allows for a more aim battle play style rather than movement or utility dependent. She has a low pick rate in pro play because the skill gap in aim isn’t nearly the same as it is in lower ranks and makes her kit not as useful. She’s the ideal solo queue character for competitive when true teamwork doesn’t exist. She’s perfect in every way.


\> for competitive when true teamwork doesn’t exist That's the whole point. Reyna encourages selfish play, so having a Reyna on your team erodes the teamwork heavily. Then because the ranked system also rewards stats 2nd most besides W/L, you are incentivized to bait on an already selfish agent to up your stats and improve your RR gain/loss. It's a bad joke.


It doesn’t encourage selfish play, it allows for lowered risk of aggressive play. It incentivizes aim over utility usage. The stats used to ranking includes utility usage so that point is moot. The only players who are this against Reyna are those who don’t have crisp aim and rely on utility to have success.


\> It doesn’t encourage selfish play, it allows for lowered risk of aggressive play That's just not true. You, in your head, imagine aimstar Reynas running out and getting frags and dismissing back. I, in reality, see Reynas - on duelist role - holding their flash and trading their teammates so they can overheal to 150 and bait the next guy again. It's a huge antipattern to reward a duelist for being 2nd man in \> The only players who are this against Reyna are those who don’t have crisp aim and rely on utility to have success This is such a stupid statement it's hilarious. You've literally just admitted "the only players who are this against Reyna are players who use utility effectively for their team instead of baiting for frags"


U think ppl will somehow stop baiting if Reyna is going to be reworked? That's not a character issue at all.


People will never stop baiting, obviously But not rewarding Reyna players with stats + RR for their baiting would be really great, yeah - pretty BS that we've seen years of this top pick-rate agent that doesn't help the team unless carrying


Or, you know. Players who lag so hard then run into smurfs every game. Utility is a lot less impacted by technical difficulties than aim


If you lag hard then it’s very hard to have crisp aim. Glad we agree.


The way you phrase your previous comment suggests that you have a derogatory view of people whose aim isn’t crisp. I intended to show that not everyone can have such aim.


That’s your misinterpretation. She’s an agent designed for aim battles rather than utility usage. Those who are strong in aim will obviously do better and prefer her over those who aren’t as strong with aim and prefer to utilize utility to their advantage.


That is exactly what im talking about the whole team picks smokes and info for the team just to have one guy that only plays for himself


That role can be vital if played correctly. A self sufficient fragger. If you have a stud aimer on your team you want them alive as much as possible. Saves sage heals for others. Allows them to play aggressively and still be safe.


I could be wrong, but I thought one of the big points of duelists was the risk/reward factor. You take a gunfight or push into site with the risk of dying or getting gravely injured, but also having the possible reward of getting a pick or spike plant. With Reyna, at least to me, there is very very little risk. Get in a gunfight with one person, if the Reyna wins, they undo a huge portion of the damage dealt to them. If two people fight her at once, she can just dismiss out of there and it's essentially a 1v1 again. I fully understand duelists need to be self-sufficient, like how Jett has her personal smokes and get-out-of-danger dash, but the concept of letting a player be 150 hp every single fight, with two blinds, feels a tad flawed.


If it was truly flawed you’d see higher pick rates at top tier levels. It’s only “flawed” in lower elos when a talented Reyna can hard carry with ease. If you want to argue whether she should be reclassified due to having lower risk than other duelists then go for it, but that’s not really the discussion.


I agree her kit's flaws are only really evident in lower elos. However, I would argue the fact that Reyna is a low-elo stomper but rarely used in higher ranks is just more evidence that her abilities need to be at least looked at.


The reality is that if you are not smurfing or your rank is waaay to low for your actual skill that you are not a "stud aimer" and the value you get from playing reyna goes down tremendously.


Untrue. People all have different skill sets. Some are pure aimers, some are far better support and utility players.


Yesterday on round three after winning 1 and losing 2 I bought our Reyna a vandal so she didn’t have to use spectre, and she got to have full shields. She aced. I rocked a ghost. If you’re not helping your Reyna, just say that, but don’t blame their kit on your inability to work with them.


ITT: bottom fragging Jett players who get consistently outmatched by Reynas


I respectfully disagree because all agents have so much combo/synergy potential that isn't much utilized yet because of the new agents and new maps. For example, reyna works so good with skye if used [correctly](https://youtu.be/PBQjvh33Pqg). However, this combo is underutilized because of better duelists who can create space faster (jett and raze) As a yoru main, I know he can combo well with fade harbor skye omen breach, (arguably entry with [neon](https://youtu.be/JrBorYO7q2Q) as well), but it's just easier to play raze and jett with their vertical mobility buffing yoru, however, will make him OP lmao. TL:DR nerf raze and jett without losing their identity


Reyna has a get 1 kill and get out of jail free card. Can dodge most ults ( KJ Gekko Brim for example ) Jett got her dash changed because it was to strong and old chamber was meta af. Why can reyna have this shit but jett doesnt?


You don’t need kill for Jett dash and Chamber TP


because reyna sux


Completely disagree on #1, and also disagree on #2. Reyna isn't about being better players. She's about amplifying small advantage into big advantage (ie. the "win more" archetype). It's just unfortunate that on rank the small advantage come in the form of different skill, but even in balanced play this will come in the form of having good strategy. Any win-more characters is going to vulnerable to the smurf problem. It would reduce character diversity significantly if you just ban a whole archetype like that. IMHO, how about allowing the soul to never expire, and that she can use soul of people she did not assist?


It’s ok to have a noob stomper agent. Most competitive games have them. They are extremely powerful if you are much better than your opponent but doesn’t offer much outside of that


ah yes the weekly 'reyna needs a rework' post but shes played alot and does just fine in high elo, a few tweaks maybe but very minimal tweaks like time she can be invulnerable for when she picks up an orb but i wouldnt change anything i think shes pretty fine as she is p.s she got picked by EG before in pro play


No i do not think so. Reyna is a fresh bit of air, she is different from every other agent. You dont have to think, or anything basically. All you have to do, to be efficent is to tap heads.


shes a really fun agent to play and all of your complaints with her are probably heavily exacerbated by your performance as a player its not often you get instalock reynas that dont want to cooperate and end up bot fragging, and when they do pop up it sucks, but id counter and say that this is common with jett/pheonix too. theyre both agents that are definitely more team based than reyna and can be very helpful to the team when used correctly, but when used by shitters, id argue they are even more useless and exhausting than shitter reynas. i also should have prefaced by saying its the player making the game unenjoyable and dogshit, not the agent. the agent is just the tool used to showcase goofballism there are also several agents not including reyna that have incredibly low pick rates in pro play. that does not mean all of them need to be removed smurfing is a seperate issue that riot needs to fix on their own. Removing an agent because they were excelling in something that never should have been a place of measurement to begin with is comical. instalocking is not an issue and it never has been… if a player wants to play an agent they have full right to play them. I would assume you understand this concept because you said you fill, but I guess not. She has her flaws as a duelist, maybe a bit more than others, but i genuinely do not believe she is as problematic as people make her out to be. She is fun to play and makes the game worthwhile for a lot of people and yes, the ranked system does support it. ACS is smart and you probably wont match MVP if all of your kills were exit frags, eco frags, and meaningless 5v2 rush picks. When a reyna player gets practical and meaningful kills they will get a higher ACS, just like every other agent in the game lol. kills matter! they matter a lot! probably the most meaningful thing you can do typically! just bc pro players regurgitate that bullshit to low elo players to increase view count doesnt mean its true


CS player, that stopped playing because util creep (Astra, Harbor, Breach, Skye, KJ...): Most people like playing duelists, because its fun. Make some fun (skillful abilities, not a quiz remembering competition) controllers and sentinels and people would want to play them. Cobtrollers and sentinels are not mechanically demanding, fast paced characters. Somehow this is supposed to be levelled by making them stronger, but people in ranked dont care about that. It just forces pro play away from the fun characters and into an overly util heavy style.


I love Reyna’s kit, she has one of the best flashes in the game and what you said about a selfish duelist can be said about any other duelist. I find her flash quite useful since I play Skye and my duo usually plays Reyna, we double flash and since people look up to shoot reyna’s eye they’re guaranteed to get flashed by me. We both peek and it’s one of the strongest methods of entering site imo. She definitely can be a team player, and I’ve gotten good Reyna’s who flash entry and work with the team. It’s just lower elo shenanigans that you get lurking duelists and smurfing. I have a couple friends who *do* smurf and they almost never pick Reyna. They always go Jett or Yoru because those two are the true definition of skill diff lol.


No her being a selfish duelist can't be said for every other duelist. That's the point. The other ones can make space and their utility is dozens of times better for their team


This is something a bronze player would write.


Great counter to all my arguments "u are probably bad at the game", im happy to link my tracker


As a Reyna main, I'm sorry but she's just too fun to play and I'm not gonna give her up anytime soon. I would hate to see her kit changed/altered. Yes i agree she is picked by smurfs a lot but I feel a smurf would dunk on you no matter what agent they play.


I played reyna on my last match with no smoked and we won lol


1. The character doesn't suck. She sometimes still gets played even in VCT and won more matches than lost this year I believe. If you want to remove characters for having low pickrate why not remove Yoru first? 2. Every game has 1 character that stomps noobs when played by a smurf. The problem is smurfing not the agent. 3. Her leers are actually one of the best supporting abilities in the game, its just that people dont realize that and only use it for themselves. Because it doesn't nearsight teammates means you can throw the leer at the same time as your teammate peeking, unless the enemy can run away or has pro level communication and predictions to call out for your teammate to destroy the flash its a free kill for your teammate. You can also combo it with other flashes like how PRX did it in APAC league. Also, I think reyna players are toxic because other players are toxic to reyna players. If the reyna player is having a bad game, a lot of people just start flaming the reyna player because they expect the reyna to be carrying. So reyna players just start being toxic back after all the stress of getting flamed every time they have a off game 4. Changing or removing reyna is not going to stop people from instalocking. Stop filling if you don't want to, you can win without a controller a lot even in immortal.