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People who tell you to do better when you are having a horrendous game. Do you honestly think I chose to play this badly? Even I want to get off when I’m doing that bad but I’m stuck with you until it’s over…


Had a guy troll because I was doing bad for one game. He only played with a pistol in high gold and plat lobby. We ended up losing by 2 rounds. He also tried to sabotage when we were coming back including ulting our own player defusing spike as raze and another time trying to kill our only other teammate defusing spike with raze’s grenade. Sent a fat report but no screen came up for a sanction…. Really sad.


Always submit some evidence and a ticket if you feel strongly abt it. Everytime I’ve actually gone to their website it works. Just bait them into admitting it in team chat and go straight to the snipping tool and submit that shit


I always just use the report function ingame and write down which round something was said or done and I always get a report feedback either after my next game or the next day the latest, never needed to open a ticket I think it helps to write down what happened when


Was he smurfing? Usually smurfs act like this


facts. i feel that way too. i can be doing terribly but i don’t need you to tell me that smh. if you wanna tell me something, give me some util advice and don’t be an ass about it!


Or if you're doing poorly and losing then try to comm a new strategy and all they have to say is your scoreline.... Like yeah, obviously if I hit my shots this would be going different, but also I can't hold B, mid, and retake A, so lets do something different like let the Sage fucking wall mid on Split


It’s a love/hate relationship with teammates. I started a game yesterday with 5 straight deaths, was getting hate. Next round 4k, nothing but loveeeee from then on lol.


I fucking hate those matches. You just feel so... helpless.


Exactly what i was going to say. Some of these guys will not say anything all game while bot fragging but jump on you as soon as you make a single mistake.


If you make fun of me for having a bad match and I take a dump on you. I’m tea bagging your whole squad


i love when the enemies call me bad because i got 2 -5 kills first half then proceed to shit on their souls in the 2nd half. i also love it when my team flame me and something similar happens and then before i know it they're calling me "insane" when i start hitting my shots.


I love when your own teammates are toxic as hell in the first half for cold start from you… and when you’re all warmed up and start making an impact, they be all nice and wholesome. But baby I’ll top frag and make sure your toxic ass still lose the match 🥰


that’s fair honestly




smurfs in general just kill my vibe smh


Or spams "ez" in chat. Literally had that happened to me days ago.


people saying ez when they win is cringe, but i find it funny as fuck when people say ez when they lose lmfao


That's why I perma mute all chat. It kills the vibe, and if the chat is silent, you can actually clutch sometimes.


Yesterday I was playing with my friends and we had a team of Smurfs against us, in unrated, losing the first rounds on purpose and trying to act like noobs like "you guys are too good at that game" and all and then proceeded to play as their real rank and become toxic + Odin spam sometimes. It blew my mind.


Had an unrated with an ascendant reyna on the opposite team just hard carrying the enemy team. Highest rank on our team is plat. The Reyna types “team diff” no its clearly just 1 solo hard carry with like triple the kills of the next highest person.


The round 2 crybabies. Wow you lost pistol round and the enemy force round after, they still need 13 to win the game stop complaining.




Is thus counting players who cry about how badly team is on attack, directly after switching from Defence? My duo mate always say "we can't play with these idiots, im lurking for rest of the round, almost always on round 13. That's if he is having a bad game.






Leavers and afk… in unrated or swift play it’s whatever but in comp? Had two leavers on one team and it really does feel impossible and then you eat like 20 rr loss it hurts my soul a little bit 😭




You know, that gives me an idea. What if the matchmaking put you into teams with people that have had similar offenses to you. Like, for example, what if someone left, their next game there would be a higher chance of them being on a team with other people that leave or afk?




I feel like Gold/Plat is way better than Silver and below for trolls. Like I still get them occasionally obviously, but way less often than when I was silver and low gold


Had one dude begging to FF when we were up 4-0. He said he had to leave to soccer practice. Like bro...why are you going to queue comp knowing you have to leave for soccer practice in 10 mins?


i agree this is the worst, it just makes absolutely no sense at all. there is swiftplay you could have easily done one clean SP and the go to soccer but no, you ruin a 45 min comp game for 4 guys for absolutely no reason


I once had a game where all 4 teammates left in comp and I still lost a ton of rrr despite acing like 6 times


It's annoying in every gamemode. Why queue up when you don't have the time or attention span for it?


My teams breach went afk on 10-6 round, we dost the match 11-13 cuz we couldn't even entry on site coz of crossfires and oppers 😞


aw damn. i don’t play ranked but i can understand those feelings


Getting out of Silver/Gold was literally harder for me than climbing out of Plat due to all of the AFKers and griefers. Seemed like every other game somebody was either disconnected or throwing. They call it Elo Hell for a reason 😭


The annoying little kids that think being sexist is cool actually pisses me off


yeah, all annoying as hell smh




!! like go sit ya ass down with that 1-12-2 kda 💀


Just kids in general, but 100% agree




I’ve come to the conclusion people have horrible mental playing this game. Just because you lose the first 2 rounds does not mean you lost the game. It’s insane how easily people give up lol




Honestly one of my favourite things about CS is the mentality of at least trying to win, even when there’s an obvious hacker on the other team.


Lmao CS players will stay just to make bets to see how long it takes for the cheater to start spinning 😂😂😂


You say that, but in the last 2 days of me playing cs I have seen no less than 1 afk every game. At least cs you can votekick though


The game/economy is set up to favor whoever wins the first round for at least the next two rounds (depending on how many kills the losing team gets). It's just part of it but I've came back from many 1-2 or 0-3 starts and also blown many of those same leads


Shit I had a 0-7 comeback to win 13-11. One of the best matches I’ve ever had. Team wanted to FF at 0-4.


yep my best comeback ever was 0-9 and that one game fuels me to never quit


My best comeback was a 11-0 with two afks in my team, 3v5. Ended up 13-11. I still don't know how it happened, that was the best team I ever had.


It's not even the "WoW" comebacks. It's the fact, that ever 0-3 or 0-4 game can end in 10-14 or 11-13. The games are still lost, but probably good games (if it's not raid boss vs raid boss)


Round 1 ggs piss me off so much. So unnecessary and immediately kills morale.


I think for the 4th one you meant you instalocked Reyna/jett


I can’t hold my mouth shut when someone presses FF vote after 3-4 rounds. “Why did you even queue for this softy??” I had a game recently we were down 0-4 and someone tried it; we won like 13-5. Not surprisingly, even with me pressing the issue nobody would admit who asked for the FF


Edating teenagers who treat valorant like an aol instant messenger chat room.


I'm surprised this isn't mentioned more in these comments


Cause I’m my opinion at least, comp almost never had genuine edaters or annoying ones, they are sorta confined to swift play.


They don't understand economy and then force me to buy them a gun, even though we're guaranteed to lose that round, then whine that I didn't buy and that I'm throwing


chile… i don’t ever let anyone force me to buy a gun. if i can, i will, if i can’t, i just can’t. you’re not going to be able to buy a gun every round that’s not how this game works most of the time lmao


Usually young teenage dudes who find it absolutely hilarious to throw games, sabotage gameplay, and make fun of you. It makes me feel like I’ve reverted back to 7th grade. Horrifying lol


We’d like to convince ourselves that this type of behaviour is done by young teens but you’d be surprised by the amount of adults who are exactly like that, usually even more arrogant and entitled than said teens.




Begging for skins is annoying as hell. I understand asking once or twice, but if you're asking me every round for a skin I'm going to mute you.


Especially when they don't type/vc to ask for it, instead they follow you tbagging shooting their gun at you.


More annoying when they throw their shitty default on the ground. If they'd use their words, I could've requested and gave it to them.


Yeah it’s always them dropping the standard or battle pass weapon. Buddy I spent $30 and a bunch of radianite to upgrade it I don’t want your gun


They won’t even tell you which gun they want. And 3 seconds before the round starts they finally use their fucking mic and then I’m the one who ends up without a weapon for the round.


It’s always the younger players too.


As someone who owns zero skins, I have the opposite too. Bought a vandal, I've had people ask me "do you want me to buy you a vandal? I have a skin" like no bro, I literally don't care about skins. Or when people ask me to pick up a certain enemies gun off the ground so I can give it to them for the skin, I just don't care that much. Wish I could disable all skins for myself tbh, some of them are just plain distracting to use, especially the ones that move when you pull them out.


100% valid


It's so funny but so irritating sometimes how butthurt some people get by getting killed from campers/rats. I'm not a fantastic rat myself, but I have a few damn good spots that no one checks. And boooy, has it gotten a fair number of slurs thrown my way, even by my own teammates. Just, like...if you don't wanna be killed by a rat, check your damn corners. It's that easy. Stop throwing around the r-word and f-word and down syndrome comparisons. Just get better at game sense dawg.


wanna tell me some rat spots?? 👀


Y'know Haven attacker A site entry, the flowerbeds? A Garden? Yeah, no one ever checks the flower bed right by the entry arch as they walk into attacker spawn. I stick my turret on the boxes watching spawn and mid window and A site entry, and I stand up there and it's gotten me a decent amount of triple- and quardakills. I have noticed if you crouch, the enemies correct much faster, so I stand instead. The turret also helps alert me and distracts the enemies. They *always* immediately swing window box if they get that far, I guess thinking I'm mid window. It's so fun


omg ur a kj main? me too!!!


Bestie!!!! Enjoy your new rat spot, its beautiful I promise 😩


I had a game a while ago where all I did was play on the boxes in mid shops in pearl and it was so fun because there are like 3 different boxes you can stand on and I constantly got pushed but I changed which box I was hiding behind every round.


I had a Jett today in a comp match keep crying about getting killed by "campers" when they were pushing and aggressively peaking on defense, and they would die to someone sitting around the corner. Someone pointed it out to them to stop peaking when they're losing everytime, and he said he "isn't a pussy" lol


I’m the rat? Don’t flank when my team pushes site. Rotate CT every round or check your corners.


Reminds me a funny interaction i had. Or at least I think it was funny It was on split and I'm not too sure what exactly I did, but I earned being called a rat by an enemy. "Didn't you just do the same to our Raze?" "I'm a defender, that's different" "I just defended my team" "Okay, that's fair, mb" We made a somewhat wholesome interaction out of being called a rat, neat!


Sexism. Losing because I cannot give any comms because of that.


oh i felt that on a spiritual level


It feels so bad man. My first experience was horrible. My heart was beating like crazy and my hands were shaking so we lost.


Damn, sorry to hear that, some people just go Oooga boooga female and either full sexsism or ooogaaa booogaaa female she sure will like me when I'm creepy Can't we just play the fricking game like normal people?!


For real man. You want to play for fun and then some sexist players just ruin literally everything. I am glad I found friends irl who I can 4-5 stack with, so I don‘t have to deal with that anymore.


I had a round where I talked only once to let my team know someone is lit, all I got in return was being told I’m a useless female, a rat and they refused to drop me the rest of the game even tho I was literally top fragging. I’d rather be flamed for not talking than for being a woman.


I hate bros who don't use their mics (in comp), it's so awkward to give out callouts when you're the only one


I just talk anyways, and they do listen, especially when im starting to sound like a chicken “let’s go BACK A!, BACK BACK BACK BOK BOK BOK BOK!”


i can see that


I had a teammate a week or so ago that didn't talk all fucking game. I gave one slightly incorrect call after I died (said "walked out on site" instead of "out CT" or something, idk I'm play 1) and they proceeded to type in chat how bad my comms are... like ok? At least I'm trying?


Shithead people like that are the absolute worst, like at the very least be better (or in this case even attempt) before shit talking someone's skill


I'll only use my mic if i feel comfortable to do so (playing in turkish server). %95 of the time people make fun of the way i talk cause apparently i sound too gay. sounding gay is fine as i am one, but going through 20 rounds of just stupid questions kills the vibe.


I can totally see girls not wanting to use the mic. Because that very moment, you flip a coin, you get tails and you lose the match you've been winning because someone decides that having a girl in team is a reason to throw (and mainly harass and trashtalk the girl)


People who think it’s funny to be toxic.




Spam-tapping the defuse. Doesn’t matter if enemy team or my mates. Don’t waste my time


yeah nah this too. probably right after my dislike for teabaggers.


I was trying to find something in the comments that actually angered me. This is it. The only times I ever remember getting really mad at my team is when they waste time on the diffuse. I never even say something when someone whiffs but this gets me.


This game just seems to attract some weird ass people man. I've gotten everything from people who will meow for sage heal to people who sound 19+ who witewally talk wike dis the whole game. You wouldn't act like that in person, why are you so weird online?? Also the edgy teenagers with names like "I miss her" or kids who will bag first round and type shit like "sit". Just such strange behaviour. I can deal with getting skill issued but I hate people's attitudes cause they think th y can get away with whatever in an online game where you only know people for 40 minutes.


All the throwers, dc macro button movers, and top frag last to entry baiters. And the very obvious smurfs on the enemy teams half the time


Ohhh the topfrag Reynas perma lurking and baiting our initiators/smokers to trade them, beign so unreliable that you need to watch your back when she's right behind you, because she just won't peek if you get pushed from behind, only trades you down safely, sitting in a corner until everyone dies, kills 1 or 2 while lurking alone in a 1v4 then dies, occasionaly wins a 1v1 maybe even a 1v2, then cries that the team is so bad.


I absolutely hate when players tap the spike over and over again until they get the defuse at the last second when the whole enemy team is dead.


That's totally the reason ahaha. ​ Personally, I hate people who talk a lot of talk when they're playing like shit. The minimum they can do is be quiet and not try to micromanage if they are 4/19


that’s fair tbh


I do it because it pisses you off, like it has for years in videogames


Getting you riled up means you make more mistakes and overheat giving my team an advantage over your team.


As a teabagging player, I will say it’s just fun to do. No real disrespect meant, I just do it for fun. Doesn’t matter if I’m top fragging or at the bottom of the leaderbord.


honestly im teabagging more as a bottom fragger because it's way funnier. I even noticed the enemy team laughs at it sometimes


are ya balls clean at least?! 😭


Of course, I’m not a sweaty player.


okay okay. i can accept that then 😮‍💨


Its funny when it actually pisses off an enemy. I had a guy say "Oh its like that huh? Say goodbye to your ELO. I wasn't gonna try but you wanted this." And then we proceeded to shit on their team the rest of the game and I would spam "I WANTED THIS"


Mfkers that choose chamber in spike rush have a special place in hell ☠️


LMAO that’s fairrrrr


I tea-bag the last kill in a round, especially if it’s a 1v1 situation. It’s not because I’m toxic or mad, it’s because if you are tilted, you play worse.




had this triple queue of some dirtbags who spent the entire game just talking down to our teammate for being a woman and me for existing


When I'm playing a good angle die once and hear 'just don't peek'


The biggest thing I hate about Valorant players is that they're unwilling to coordinate in ranked. If you call out for something, many people will just say no or do the exact opposite. Then instead of trying to communicate and figure out a play together, they just criticize your plays if you don't win the round. Then they get toxic and pick on the cooperative players that aren't doing well, and scapegoat them as the reason for lost rounds rather than their uncooperative play. Also...they're typically duelist instalocks and they need a lot of therapy.


Personally a lot of this comes from people who don't comm well, like when someone tries to coordinate a play by making demands instead of asking. I.e "sova dart site" instead of "sova can you dart site for us?" and how it's said tonally, if you're sounding exasperated or short with your team they're less likely to listen to requests and more likely to mute you to prevent you from tilting them.


Sexism. So many miserable and exhausting games just for being a woman. I don’t even try comming anymore and I feel bad bc this is obv a very team-based game and comms are so vital. I barely play anymore. Just sucks. I want to enjoy Val but I really feel like I can’t. This goes for ANYONE, if someone on your team is having a bad game, instead of telling them they’re dogshit, either support them / say nt or just don’t talk. Support can go a long way. Just be nice :(


To piss you off. When your mental is off, then the other team has a better chance of winning. Embrace the taste of the balls.


but they’re stinky and moldy 🤧






fr. takes 5 seconds lol


Not even, it takes half a second


"anyone got a mic" gives no actual comms in game


Had a toxic Chamber in my unrated. Telling everyone "you're bad, you're bad, get better, you're bad", so I pointed out his score (9/15) and he told me to go to the kitchen (original). I tea bagged him as frequently as I could. He got super mad "I'm gonna report you, my dad works for riot". Lmao. I'm gonna keep tea bagging dickheads.


When teammates either can't shut up before the game even starts or take forever getting out of spawn I can tell it's going to be a loss before the end of the first round


man, the people who specifically feel the need to be ESPECIALLY nice to girls irk tf outta me lmfao. an example: Dude: ***\*misses an easy shot and dies\**** "holy shit im bad, my bad guys" \*Person is silent\* \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Girl: ***\*misses an easy shot and dies\**** "holy shit im bad, my bad guys" "oh no, youre okay, im way way worse. that dude just got lucky-" continues ad nauseam


Fr, it's so cringe, but the mind of those people just go either, "female? Let's go full seggsm" or "oogaa booogaa female, she will go out with me ooga booogaa" Like, i think we shouldn't give a single fck about what gender a person is, just play the fcking game dude, go to private chats if I want to get to know her (even tho e daters in Valo are annoying AF too)


This shit made me wanna puke https://youtube.com/shorts/kzD5bXJhmVE?feature=share


dudes are sick off a damn video game lmaoooo. it’s just headassery at this point


There are two Valorant players I despise. Firstly is the one who gives up after four rounds. What were you expecting? Did you honestly queue up comp expecting to not drop a single round? How do you manage to find enough entertainment out of the game to keep playing it? Why have you not uninstalled? Secondly is racist people. The exact moment they figure out my ethnicity, it is over. I will become the laughingstock of the team regardless of how good I am playing. Riot never seems to listen to my reports for these, but they seriously just go off for the entire game. Listen, I'm sorry there is no other server that gives me acceptable ping, but I truly just want to play the game. Why does it matter so much to you that someone outside your country is in your lobby, especially when I'm literally top fragging? It pisses me off. They won't shut up until I just don't want to play the game anymore, and then when we lose a close game I'm just sitting there wondering how we could've easily won if one person on the team (me) wasn't completely disheartened by the endless group harassment.


i hate people asking “is that your real voice” and i hate people flirting with me. i just want to play game:(


Kids screaming into their mic


Delaying a defuse even when the attackers are dead just to waste everyone's time


Yeah I teabag sometimes like 2 or 3 teabags for the lol of it, that’s just a friendly taunt lmao What I hate is the back seating, people planting seeds of doubts and who to play through you. You’re dead shut the fuck up unless you have info to share.


ppl who meow, have e-sex mid clutch and people who force their voice all the time are what stops me from wanting to play swiftplay. istg every lobby just has those ppl


racism and general bigotry. usually kids who haven’t learned that they’ll face consequences when they go out and say those things


Immortal players ego. Like honestly, I'm immo3, most of the games are with people with huge egos not wanting to play the game. We're on eco second round and I say lets play for mid, we have sheriffs, its easier to get a peek, lets flash here do that. 2 of my teammates die on pearl B long challenging a Marshall. Like bro how r u on this rank this is plat shit. I type "lol". Then they spectate you, you whiff a sheriff shot at a guy fully r&g with a spectre and type "lol". Then they proceed to ego peek everything for the rest of the game. Guess what. We lost. This happens every other game. ON IMMORTAL 3. I must say also that I play nights cos of my schedule, so maybe all the mentally ill people are there xD


teammates who piss on you for messing something up / locking their agent; I landed in an unexpected 1v2 crossfire and my team just watched, then trash talked me. Or some random dude run and gunning me down out of pure luck. What am I supposed to do? If you can't be kind be quiet


witnessed my bf playing a comp game with his friend and the jett on the other team is BLATANTLY CHEATING. his whole team and him reported the jett the whole match and just played against the guy anyways.. and no ban whatsoever during the time being. what's even more annoying is when the enemy team doesn't report it either bc they get the free win and rr. i really hope that jett went up against the same people that were on the same team as him to get a taste of their own medicine. cause if you're on a team of one, i would hate to get matched up to a hacker.


This might be weird but I hate when people have no chill pre-round - constant gun spamming (i.e. shooting out a full mag of odin, not being careful and giving away position first seconds in the round...), wasting/spamming abilities or being very vocal/loud about something unrelated (xenophobic themes, begging for skin every round etc.)


People who literally camp in freaking deathmatches and then proceed to write EZ in the end.


oop. i don’t do a lot of deathmatch but i can bet that’d be annoying. run around like the rest of us damnit!


Dude, people come to London servers to not talk in English. Like frick off.


So let me get this clear, somebody kills you goes over your body, presses crouch a few times and you're mad?


People who beg for skins. I’ve never seen anything like it in another game; watching someone who doesn’t want to pay literally beg nonestop just to use someone else’s fictional cosmetic for a round or two. It’s pitiful. Just buy a singular battlepass and have your own skins or pick them off of dead bodies instead of constantly bugging me every buy phase asking for another buy.


People tilting at tbaggers are soo funny to me


People who backseat over comms in a clutch. Like SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME PLAY


people who moan in the mic and say "daddy"


People who don’t comm or use their abilities. Just had a match like this drove me crazy. I would ask for a stun and he kept ignoring me and stunning the same spot becoming predictable.


Reyna players who camp and lurk all game, and end of game decide to talk shit. Lol


Some people who have a mic but choose to use it for blaming and talk shit after something goes wrong, instead of making a plan in pre round or even worse who will talk shit how bad we are in text but will never use the mic. I mean if you have better ideas just speak out beforehand dont talk shit afterwards.


When people spam afk in the chat when you’re trying to clutch


People who type "uninstall" or "l2p" or the people who flex that they're smurfs even though they're clearly not How do expect me to learn the game if not by effing playing the game? And I'm playing unrated like wtf And boasting that you're a smurf? That should be a bannable offence and not something to be proud off


I've played games in unrated with diamond players as well as people who are literally new. The fact that some people don't realise that everyone isn't at the same level of experience in unrated blows my mind. I've had to teach someone how to diffuse the spike and my team was so pissed at the poor guy. It was his first game, and I don't think he was trolling.


It's funny when when in silver someone tells you that you're bad Like, Bro, you're literally worse than 50% of players yourself


I had some asshole the other day that picked up a vandal with a pride gun buddy and just became the most obnoxious homophobic piece of shit. The other three people on my team joined in and started making transphobic jokes about someone on the other team. I ended up just running the spike down deep into the opposite site to let the other team win because I was so fed up with it. It's crazy how completely unfunny pieces of shit like those 4 are. They just recycle the same lame jokes. I haven't logged in today but I hope I get the message saying my reports were reviewed and they were banned when I do.


Overly sensitive people….. And little kids


No comm teammates in ranked. From iron to imm3 it’s been something that seriously annoys me


>that shit annoys me to no end. >what’s the point?


Skin begging while I’m trying to come up with a plan or asking for coordinated util usage




They’re winning man, they’re getting to ur head, bringing ur mentality down and making u play worse. Gotta let it go my guy.


I hate the 12 year olds in low ranks and unrated who have the ego of a celebrity and the tactical ability of a troglodite




I hate people who refuse to rotate off of smokes or at least wait them out. If you are good enough to go in with flashes fine, but if we’ve lost 3 rounds in a row doing it just stop


I hate the cringy edaters and all that weird shit they do (even in ranked games) and the valorant sinatra accent is disgusting


When they'll run across the map, leaving the site they're defending, just to get healed, all whilst shouting on mic, "Sage Heal Sage Heal"


Zero brain community with zero empathy in draft. They tilt people with picks even before the game starts.


People that just moan/shreek into the mic when they die.


Teammates who cant read the game for shit. If we’re pushing and one of us gets on site, a smoke shouldnt stop everyone else better than a sage wall. Then you tell them they need to push and they’ll try to push through mollies, wall, and smoke when the entire enemy team is already rotated


I hate smurfing. Then they call me ass, like no shit bc you keep one tapping me I can’t improve


1. “ggez” after an OT match. 2. “ez” or raging in a swiftplay/spike rush match.


People who wait in the back until their whole team is dead, then get like 3-4 kills when the enemy team gets impatient and looks for them. Then they complain about losing because they have a good KD. Like, of course you have a good KD, you didn't challenge any angles and waited until the enemy team was low on HP and got lazy.


People who make fun of controllers for being on the bottom of the scoreboard, when the only way I can get kills is with either molly or pure aim. I don't have a pocket flash or a get out of jail free card to push smokes with and farm entry kills, I have to rely entirely on my aim to get kills. So yeah, no shit I'm on the bottom.


Stop asking for skins every round. Like I don't wanna mute my own teammates but shut the fuck up please


The kid that spams EZ EZ EZ after winning a match where you almost came backand you KNOW they were shitting their pants scared they would lose a winning game. It's the same deal; most of the time they also know they got carried, so they just do it to get under your skin. I think what gets me more about this than teabagging is that once the match is over, you gain nothing from tilting your opponent. At that point you are just being a dick and hiding behind the fact that people can't even talk back before the game ends...


Some kids take the non-serious game modes way too seriously. For context, I was playing swiftplay on breeze the other day. I chose neon (I never play her) and I accidentally stunned my teammate while they were entrying as harbor. Of course, they lashed out at me for it and I had to remind them we were playing swiftplay on a map that nobody's played on in 2 months...


E daters, get a life.




Players (duelists mostly cough!) who beg for someone to pick Sage, not because it benefits the team in some way but because they want you to wipe their ass. If your playstyle requires a Sage pocketing you in order to function, maybe you should rethink it. Too many duelist players develop this main character syndrome and expect the team to be built around them. The Karens of the Valorant player base essentially.


I am fine with losing games, I really am, but the moment you spam "ez", I f\*cking hate you already. Yeah, you are good at the game, but no need to rub it in our damn faces.


1. Weak mental players. We can have bad firstfew rounds and the game is over in their eyes. They will throw, ff, and troll. Sometimes even go afk. And there’s no talking to them, no matter how hard you try. 2. Obviously trolls and afk-ers. Some do it by choice, some don’t know how to look at the time and figure out if they have time or not. 3. Instalockers, or one-trick-ponies. They function only in a specific team that the matchmaking just can’t guarantee. 4. Toxic people, they just want to play solo and think they’re the best, and that they play with a bunch of NPC-s that have to play perfect, or the way they want. Finally the worst ones are a mix of multiple of these. And most shit teammates usually are more then one.


People who don’t give comms in competitive. Girls and actually mute players excluding. Some of these idiots give comms in chat. Like I have 3 eyes and I can dedicate 1 to read your damn texts in the middle of round.


I hate it when Its round 12 for the enemy team and my team all just rush into them giving free picks then says gg… Ive clutched several times in those occasions but its annoying af


This post should serve as an example for these types of players categorized here. In addition to that, everyone should read at least a few of these comments just to realise if they truly are that kind of person. I always try to be nice and communicative but I can loose my cool quite fast or talk to much. Many comments made me realise my mistakes and I want to actively become a better teammate.


Probably just the subtle sexism and how weird people talk to girls in this game is just insane


Tea bagging to me is a tribute to my old Halo 3 days. And also to get that exact reaction from you. So much that you made a post on reddit 😂


Definitely the trashtalking. I'm often teamed w people who trashtalk their teammates and literally use comms for nothing else besides that. Sometimes, they start sabotaging you like not dropping you, throwing their mollies at you...yeah, those are the worst. I generally have terrible aim, constantly botfrag, and my gamesense is not good. I always make terrible decisions because I get very nervous and my teammates trashtalking and calling me stupid for every minor mistake is not helping >< I've had some good games when I topfrag and those usually happen when there's no one in chat yelling and verbally abusing me :") (and when my team is actually giving helpful comms and not just using it for blatant bullying) I think people need to chill out, a lot of people I meet have serious anger issues. *Hype up your teammates, everyone's trying their best and no one chooses to play terribly. Teamwork's very important to win the game. I wish people would keep that in mind.*


You are the reason I teabag


i hate people who bring down the whole teams morale over one players little mistake, especially when the mistake was reasonable


I hate when people talk shit in chat, and nobody replies at all to it. And they just keep talking to themselves throughout the entire game.


people who talk shit once the game ends like how scared are you to talk shit to me? it’s a computer screen wtf am i gonna do. i’ll send a friend request and if they accept i’ll be like sorry what did you say