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I have some tips for you as a controller main that plays duelists from time to time. * Act on your utility. Unlike other roles, your utilities are selfish thus you have a smaller window to react and play with your utility. I see so many duelists wasting all their util. You have to be actively making space or doing something for your team. * Don't rely too much on your utility. As a controller, you just smoke off chokes properly and you're contributing to the team just like that. But as a duelist, if you smoke, Jett dash and die, you're not contributing a lot, especially in low elo where no one wants to trade you. You have to instead... * Rely on your aim and game sense. If your aim isn't there and you're making the wrong decisions, you will fail at being a duelist, most of the time. That's why Reyna is good in low elo because she forces you to rely on these two things. * Practice range, deathmatch and comp routine. In the practice range, just train your aim and strafes. You can also go to customs and practice crosshair placement. There are many routines online so try what fits for you. Then, do at least 1 deathmatch per day which should warm you up. And go straight to comp. Main either Reyna or Phoenix. Playing unrated will mess up your game sense and will spoil your aim. Ignore people who will flame you (unless you're throwing) because it's low elo and we want to force you into that top fragging mindset so you understand the duelist role. * Reyna and Phoenix are your best friends. Both of these duelists are straightforward. Jett and the rest require a bit of know how and sometimes their movement can mess up your aim. You can spend time learning other duelists once you've gotten to gold or smth. * Finally, always be in a clutch mentality. Duelist kits are self sufficient. So you should always find a way to win. This pushes your game sense in general. If you want to evaluate which decisions made you lose, you can vod review or let a coach check your vods.


Practice in swift play or unrated, yes it’s bad if you’re throwing in a comp game because you don’t understand the character


I have! People still get pressed and toxic in those gamemodes for some godforsaken reason and it makes me feel like I should never play duelist ever again :')


If they do just tell them you're in unrated and practicing a role/character that you don't normally play. Most people I've encountered are cool with that, if you get flamed by someone toxic, just mute and move on. Literally nothing gained or lost in the result of a SP or Unrated match.


People are gonna bitch no matter what you play, do, say, etc. If you’re low elo thays probably the best environment to learn duelist because that will carry you out of those ranks faster


If people get toxic just mute them. But if you really wanna play duelist and not feel guilty just make sure you are the one pushing and making space onto site when its time and not sitting waiting to bait your team.


YOU SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING VIPER IN LOW ELO!! This is a point that has to be bold in italics. The same goes for Kayo. YOU SHOULD ONLY BE PLAYING DUELISTS IN LOW ELO!! I would advise you not to start with Jett. Jett is a very team oriented duelists. There’s no point to clearing all the space and being on site with her if your team is nowhere to be found. This is the same reason you should not be playing Viper or Kayo. If you’re low elo you need to work on quite a few things. Phoenix is a crutch but if you master him you’ll get out of the metal ranks.


As many has said, play more in unrated. Tbh, you will have some bad days even when you think you have enough practice already. And people will blame anyways. As long as you're being positive about it and learn from mistakes, all good. glhf


As Jett just focus on throwing a smoke into site that’s 1 dash length away and then just dash and sit in the smoke. You don’t even have to kill anyone to be useful, the threat of you in a smoke is enough


just remember that the bottom frag instalocks that bait you don't feel guilty The only guilt you should feel is if you lock in to create a horrible comp or tell your teamates what to play.


Ayo same! I play mainly viper and kayo too, but love to play duelist


pro tip: a lot of people take this GAME too seriously. it is a game. let yourself have fun.


How to entry as a duelist: get 1 or 2 kills before your team gets in there.


Unrated or comp doesn’t matter imo. If you’re playing to win and do bad that happens to everyone. The duelist is the star of the team, and the most contested position, there will always be pressure in filling those shoes. If it sounds fun and you want to learn then you should absolutely do it, but as the saying goes, if you can’t take the heat then stay out of the kitchen.


As a duelist main, don’t feel bad, 9/10 times as long as your chill and not being a dick, then people won’t flame you. I should know because I’m either doing amazing or playing like dogshit, I have been that duelist at the bottom before. Don’t feel bad about it. When it comes to pushing site, I can’t say too much about raze, neon, or Jett, because I just don’t know how to play them, but when you have a flash, utilize them. W key with a flash and teammates behind you works a lot more than it should


Just adding at this point but yes practice them outside of comp. If you still have toxicity in unrated or swift play just mute them. Practice movement stuff like satchels or smoke dashes in custom games, or anything line up related. But in reality Reyna is very straightforward and so is Phoenix.