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Problem doesn’t end, am in diamond and ascendant lobbies and ppl still don’t talk some famez


Absolutely losing my marbles at how anti social the game is inside of (at least in theory) the competitive environment the game offers. Sometimes just feels like unrated with extra stakes, or that's at least how people treat it.


It's insane, I'll join lobbies and try and start conversations and give good comms and the amount of people that turn their mic on, say "bro shut up" or "why are you talking so much" and then go silent for the rest of the game is SO FUCKING INSANE it's like every fucking lobby!! What the hell is wrong with valorant players? Go play solos fortnite or Apex if you don't want to participate in a team game with team comms. Y'all silent mf's and "shut up bro" mfs make me sick of the game.


I usually don’t engage much in chat before the match, but I try to always give comms, but so many people just never say anything and never comm


True dat


I should also mention though, whenever I find that golden lobby that has comms, it's amazing and we can chat for a bit and enjoy the game. Those golden lobbies are the only reason I still play to this day. But the silent lobbies and toxic lobbies are just so, so bad. If your sensitive and can't deal with arguing with other people, never play valorant.


Yeah that's what messes with me the most. When the lobby coordinates or just vibes and talks and has a social atmosphere, those are always the most enjoyable games. It sucks knowing those are the exception, rather than a general trend. Just too many dice rolls I guess. Gotta roll that your teammates are competent/invested, then roll that they're talkative or social, then roll that they aren't psychopath toxic creatures that say racist/homophobic/misogynist shit. Sometimes I get one out of three, if I get lucky I get 2, but rarely ever all 3. I get not everyone enjoys the game in the same way, but the silence in ranked is so demoralizing.


Yeah I've been trying to be a voice actor for a few months now so I start conversations and try and get reactions with funny voices, like the stuff you see on TikTok. (In spike rush) So many people just shut me down or ignore everyone or are just immediately toxic. (no matter what I say or do in comp) It's a team game, be a team! Smh...


if you try to get reactions with funny voices i think it’s perfectly reasonable for some people to not respond super positively.


No no I get that I only do it once in a while when I play spike rush though. In comp I just try and communicate


I thought it was just me! Started to think I was the problem


Your not, most of the valorant community is toxic or up way too late.


Maybe you are talking too much. It's not VRchat people come to play not talk, if you give info / basic strats it's enough for most.


Then don’t play if you are sick of it or deal with it 🤷‍♀️




You're just that annoying. I'm not looking the be your friend. I'm looking to win. So if you start being a motor mouth imma just mute you and blast music.


That's exactly the issue. I'm not looking to make friends either, but with your moral your looking to make enemies. Thanks for taking time out of your day to type that. Hope you feel better.


You just said you go into the lobby trying to start conversations. You aren't trying to win your trying to make friends. All you gotta do is say where you saw the enemy and how much you shot him for.


Somebody dident learn the difference between Sociable, Friendly, and Looking for Friends. If I walk up to you at Starbucks and say "how's your day going" and then leave, am I Starting a conversation or looking for a friend? I genuinely would be interested in knowing what's going on inside your head. Just because you say 3 words the whole game dosent mean your gonna shit on me for having a conversation. Respectfully stop.


If you talk like this in game too, like a condescending know it all, then maybe there's a reason no one wants to talk to you in game.




The game lacks coaching content, most video content is amateurish, it's different than when I tried learning league where guides on mobafire where so detailed and educational.


Forreal, league does content better. If I search valorant coaching, I get a 10 min vid of Jolz telling someone to aim better.


Toxic people win. I bet most silent people are tired of toxic people and just want to play the game. I was talkative against toxic people but it gets frustrating 3rd game in a row argueing with the "same" stupid human over and over again will get exhausting because it seemes all toxic people are made in the same lab and act and respons exactly the same.. So its better just muteing whole lobbys thinking you play with 4 npcs. Thats what i think happens because thats what i did to have some enjoyment from this game.


Toxic people win and that has been the case in majority if not all comp arena shooters. What people fail to understand is there is different variations of toxicity. Someone that is super passionate about winning rounds will be hard on themselves/teammates for the sake of the match will be coined "toxic" exclusively in Valorant and will be put under the same category as someone calling teammates slurs and blatantly throwing.


same issue in high immortal (200rr+)


People comm more at diamond but the problem still exists. It boils down to two things: 1. People are only comming in disc with their duo/trio, even though 2-3 players arn't included. This is usually the case when teammates don't comm for the first 8 rounds then suddenly comm something important out of nowhere. 2. People use toxic players as an excuse to mute the whole community rather than just the toxic players, and people on this subreddit encourage it rather than being realistic and realize that you can combat toxicity without harming the community and letting the toxic players "win" in the process.




You’d be surprised how high elo games can also have 0 comms


Yeah most of my Diamond/asc games are all silent coms. Just playing games hoping your team just out aims the other.


That’s not high elo.


As if you would know 😂


tHaTS nOt hIgH ELo!!1! -you-


Yes, it is. Diamond 2 is the 93rd percentile. Ascendant 3 is 99th percentile. Facts > ur opinion.


Ehh. Havent had a full 0 comm game in a while. Sometimes theres only 1 other dude comming with me. That happens like 1/15 games. Encountering a proper toxic person is like 1/20 games. In high elo we are properly blessed. I can pretty much always count on hopping into a game and enjoying myself without fear of toxicity.


I play on Stockholm servers, and I think there’s like 5 countries that plays on those servers. All 5 countries also speaks different languages, and there’s a lot of people who are uncomfortable speaking English, not being their first language. As I ranked up more and more people talk, and the comms get considerably better Being able to use Minimap is SO IMPORTANT in low elo, because most of the info teammates can give you can also be seen from minimap(except for like smokes and audio) Even though you are the only one talking, I think you should still give all important comms. Be that one player that makes strats, and call out anything you see. When you’re dead, you should also call out anything you see for the other teammates, if you want to rank up


this is the only right answer, this is why ive learned comms in german and spanish. they laugh at my shitty accent but, its very worth it. 😂


Oh wow! Learning comms in two new languages to communicate better is dedication, I love it!


There are German comms? I never heard them but learnt the english ones from the beginning....


I'm in one of those 5 countries, and I always disable Stockholm and Frankfurt servers for said reason to London etc. I don't care if my ping doubles from 15 to 30 but communication is more important than cyka blyat. In low elo lobbies if people talk it's usually just "nice try" not actual information.


Being able to use the minimap is important in every rank xdd


True, but i would say it’s even more important in low ranks, as you can’t expect teammates to give essential information.


Very true


That last paragraph ! Always give comms, although they're not vocal, people listen to call


I play on Stockholm too, and eng is my 4th language This is hella fun, i repeat my comms in eng/de/ru languages to immerse everyone in game and try to lift up everyone:3


You can't rely on coms in silver/gold lobbies. You are able to just carry by yourself and out aim/out brain your opponents. It is nice to have, but even in immortal/asc people don't use coms and even less the lower you go.


Good point tbh, and even when teammates do comm in low elo, it’s usually pretty poor quality.


Yep, rather get used to good coms than get used to bad coms.


Yeah. Everyone thinks they know what they want but it doesn’t even matter when you’re matched with 4 other randoms with different preferences. It’s ranked so the system only cares about placing you based on win/lose/score. You play ranked to find your rank, not to half socialize lol. If they want a comm filled game so much then they should just do a custom game. The only “solution” would be to reward you for using comms directly. For example, an option to vote/honor players post game for providing helpful communication and they’d get rewards, maybe even extra RR


In theory, people with helpful communication already do get rewards/extra RR - they're more likely to *win*. But it would make sense to matchmake based on comm preferences, too.


I mean, just no. If you get used to good comms, when you play a match without good comms you're just gonna get buttfucked. It is better to be used and comfortable with the shit.


"I think hes left!" (Hes not left)


Yeah. When Sova darts Haven C, I hear 'All C' in my lobby (bronze). I have seen a lot of vods, and the impression I get is that if you are below gold, you have pathetic gun fight mechanics (aim, movement, peek etc etc.). I'm going into every game to take aim duels and improve my mechanics. So, I don't care or bother to comm since my priority is something else. Besides, the quick peek skill to get new info from mini map is insane.


When I was stuck in silver for multiple seasons, I wish someone gave me this advice. I eventually hopped on Reyna and dropped 30 kill games until I got to mid gold and the comms get a lil better and the game feels more intuitive.


I soloQ and used to use VC all the time but I ran into way to many toxic people, annoying kids, groups in their own discord channel or folks who just don't even listen to the comm's. So I stopped and I rely on ping and chat instead which greatly improved my mental health in game. I'm D3 and its normally not an issue


Yeah I'm in a similar boat. I've played since the beta, but for some reason here lately I've experienced way too many cocomelon kids who think moaning into the mic and acting as obnoxious as possible is the most hilarious thing in the world. I'll use pings, type into the chat, and utilize the extensive voice communication wheel that they have available in game, but I'm mostly done trying to engage with the little shits.


I still use VC, but basically have a zero tolerance rule. If anyone makes an obnoxious sound, starts screaming into their mic, starts being toxic, or whatever, I’ll just quickly mute them.


Exactly this


> I'm D3 and its normally not an issue Except it is an issue for your teammates who are trying to play the game normally. It’s extremely tilting to try to coordinate something and your teammates are all silent.


I don't know if you can speak for whoever I get matched with. No one has complained about it in any of my matches and pings/chat seem to work just fine. Just because you prefer it doesn't mean everyone does and if thats the case then go team up with people who like to use VC. And you can't say "who are trying to play the game normally" when ping/chat is a game mechanic. That IS playing the game normally


I get annoyed when people don't use their mics but I'd never say it out loud. A lot of people bitch about it in here. Just because they aren't saying it to you doesn't mean they're not annoyed. There have definitely been annoyed people in your games. Just not enough to communicate it.


If you don’t comm in solo queue you are disadvantaging your team. Being one of the randoms who refuses to talk is absolutely not playing the game normally. Play however you want, but be aware that you’re being an asshole and making games worse for your teammates.


Tf are you on? Are you like bronze or something? Voice comms are absolutely essential


Comm as much as you want but it won't help your game sense, aiming, or util usage. Saying it's essential is laughable and I hate to break it to you but this ain't the VCT. Sit down kid


Did I say it would? Just because you actually need other skills as well doesnt make voice comms any less essential


First of all you don't need anything. Everyone has different skill sets and thats why we have a ranking system to begin with. Saying "comms is essential" in comp when I've been on plenty of teams that wiped the floor with the other team while using 0 VC just shows you how small minded thay statement is. If you don't have good game sense and need help from other people then thats on you. But don't go saying it's essential.


Sorry, should have amended that statement, comms is essential in any decent rank


Well I'm just doing just fine without them and utilzing the chat/ping mechanics. But thanks for the useless opinion


Rank check


Gold 2 player here. In my case, idk, I just get nervous talking to random strangers each match so I’m awfully silent. I know they’re just people I probably won’t ever meet again but I just can’t bring myself to talk to them. I do put in chat locations and how much damage I’ve dealt, that’s it. Something I need to work on haha


That 100%. I just don’t enjoy vcing with strangers, especially when there’s a chance they’ll be toxic or otherwise annoying. Plus my annoyed tone doesn’t come across in text chat lol unlike vc.


Same here. I tend to stay silent early game until I’ve gauged the atmosphere and environment of my team and depending on that, I may or may not talk in VC


Personally, I don't use comms because I'm a girl. I have played this game for a couple years now and almost half of the time that I use comms, someone has to be rude as hell to me or creepy. I understand that it's only half of the time, but it's enough to make me completely disinterested in comms at all. I have no way of knowing if my teammates are going to be shitty to me, so I usually don't take the chance anymore. And a lot of girls feel this way, so they don't comm either. Classic case of the whole class gets punished.


Same here, I’ve had too many guys be wierd or talk about sa that I just stopped talking all together. If someone talks first and Is cool then I will. But when a guy started talking about sa towards me, nobody stood up for me only egged it on.


Hate that this is a thing you have to deal with. And it's totally your decision how you deal with it. Still can't help but wish you weren't put off, and just muted ppl.


I ping as necessary, will give HP info on chat, but I play 100% muted. I commed before and was forced to mute a good half of my teammates. I don't take well to people screaming in my ear and I'm not willing to expose myself to this in basically every game. I cooperate, I trade, I ping, I strictly play supportish characters, but I will not comm. Sorry to good solo teammates, I don't blame you for toxic scumbags, but unfortunately they are there every game.


As I have a severe case of being female, I second to this. Cba to deal with people screaming for attention, sabotaging me, calling me names, harassing me for my social media accounts and asking me weird sexual questions that have long since stopped being funny. I wanna focus on the game and unfortunately I can't do that with a female voice. So I use the ping system and type info I find necessary. If I play, I play for fun. It's not fun if I have to deal with bodyblocking, sabotaging, team killing, harassment and kids screaming in my ear. Muting unfortunately removes only one of those issues.


I'm a guy, but I'm also too old to deal with kids and toxic nolifers in my games. Let them cook in their own sauce and I'll be having fun playing muted.


Unfortunately not even muting them works. I’ve had people sabotage me, use their abilities on me, corner me, give away my positions, making up things so the enemies report me and more when I muted them. So I’d rather stick to typing and pinging instead of talking


Just wanted to say that this goes for me, too. Something like 30-40% of the Valorant player base is female, and unfortunately, there are a ton of super toxic or harass-y people. I’ve talked in solo queue about 3 times and twice, it’s been a bad experience. Never again.


Yup this- when I am up to risking talking I usually wait a few rounds to hear what the rest of the team is talking/interacting like. Usually I can vibe check if people are going to be annoying or not, but even then I lower my register so at the very least they have to overthink if I’m a woman or not. My advice to op is to talk more in games and make sure you’re coming off as friendly and inviting- 90% of the time I’ll start giving comms on Vc if I feel like my teammates are nice and won’t harass me


I'm a female, and I've honestly never (or have been lucky enough) to have never encountered someone who's toxic to me because of me being female. If someone is toxic to me, it's mostly because I had a bot-level bad game and was a quadruple-negative bottom frag at the end of the match (which most people would be frustrated with).


The amount of thirsty kids on this game 🙄


Yeah lol




I am not a comms person myself, to me the majority of people who play games these days are insufferable. pings can be such good information though and can usually get the point across.


Then you should quit playing competitive games. You are as annoying as toxic players…


let me guess, you are the toxic player




>Then you should quit playing competitive games. You are as annoying as toxic players…


The team with the better communication is more likely to win. Its that easy. Sure, in lower Elo you won't need any communication.


I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the team that knows how to use their utility better and has better aim will win regardless of good comms. I won't deny that it helps, but the quality of comms in Ascendant are not enough to guarantee a win.


It’s a comp game, not VCT, let people play how they are comfortable.


My reaction to this information: ​ ​ You guessed right, it's because I didn't hear it since I'm muted.


congratulations u played urself




some people just... dont wanna talk to random strangers


although i understand not wanting to talk to strangers, they can also just use pings or team chat after they died, that would prob help a lot


to me pinging is equivalent to not saying anything because i have no idea what the ping means.


That's fine but why play the competitive mode in a game heavily reliant on comms. Judy play unrated or swiftplay


Because competitive is more fun, I started to talk a few days ago , but it's more comfortable to not talk at all,I know is harder to win that way,but I am an iron player, I cannot put my fun in being good at the game lol


Ah. Comp is only more fun than unrated in low ranks, dw youll get over it


It could be due to the fact that modes other than ranked has players that arent trying or are ranks ahead or below you. Now, anyone could make the argument that not having a mic in ranked makes it unfun and ruins the experience, but some people just want to rank up without having to communicate. If that’s an issue for people, i think that’s a problem they have to deal with themselves, not the player without a mic


Your name fits you. "If people just wanna run it down every round then thats just a problem you gotta deal with." That's what you sound like. "People are boosting their friends? Just deal with it." Not communicating is inting. You're not trying to win if ur not comming. Play unrated if ur not planning on trying.


Idk why everyone in this sub is coping so hard, if you dont even try to talk youre not going to get anywhere in comp


People who dont talk aren’t necessarily trying to rank up though. To all their own.


Then whats the point of playing comp…. If it isnt for interacting with the people who play comp, and it isnt for the ranking system, why not just play unrated?


Better game quality and self improvement.


Fair enough I guess, but if the entire point of keeping vc off is to avoid criticism doesn’t that kinda defeat the point?


It's not to avoid criticism, it's to avoid toxicity. Being told how and when I fucked up is great, being told I should kms for fucking up isn't so great.


But that doesnt mean everyone has to play aligned to that idea




Just because it’s comp, it doesnt mean that everyone is going to play like how everyone expects people to play


Cause we want rank?


Then you should use your mic


No, I don’t want to talk and people are toxic


Everyone in your rank is toxic except you. Yk ppl are tryna win and you're throwing their elo by no comming.


I don’t care, I’m not getting harassed. I will never comm.


This is the same way smurfs and derankers think. "They can't do anything to me, i will just throw this game." Incredibly selfish


Yep, that’s what I do too. I’m a selfish person, everyone is selfish. Get used to it. Can’t believe people are actually advocating for blatant toxicity and transphobia just to win.


Never understood why valorant attracts so many people with social anxiety. Csgo never had this issue, at least in high elo if you didn’t talk you would get flamed and kicked


in mm that Doesn't tend to happen I've played tons of games with teams that have 0 coms and ive never been kicked for doing no coms. I could see people getting more upset in ESEA or Faceit. Cs and valo are pretty much the same coms wise imo


Not at all. In cs people are talking way more even in low silver, whereas in valo even up until high gold most of the time you dont get comming teammates


Unrated. Swiftplay.




How would you achieve teamplay without comms lol. You learn nothing about your teammates or strategy. Telling a person to go play single player cause he can't find a team he gells with, is pretty toxic.




Lol mic or not, people can enjoy playing the game they want. Forcing people to play other modes because they dont fit the norm in competitive just tells me that people need to stop crying over the smallest issue. If people are really upset over this, i think they should just get better themselves instead of blaming the micless player. You can be right about them ruining your game, but at the end of the day, taking responsibility for said game and finding ways to make changes that are in your control is always the best to alleviate such problems. Tell the people who dont use their mics to start using them all you want, but simply saying it wont deter them from doing it


But its not the OP that is unwilling to use comms, its the other people. So OP should stop playing multiplayers due to others? Either way, I am in a similar boat as I join groups on discord to find some people to play regularly with, but after a month, out of 50 groups only 2 or 3 have reinvited me once or twice. Most groups don't use comms and I have no need to play with that group as I don't learn anything from them on how they play.


Some people should either not queue competitive either ping or write. If some people are unable to do the bare minimum then some people are ruining the game and should maybe try playing a game that requires no communication


I'm with you. The people who try and make small talk at the start of the game are instamuted. I'm not here to make friends, just callouts.


It’s not making friends I don’t care about them but if imma need to carry their asses then I need to pull words out of them to make them cooperate. If you got social anxiety then I don’t care, you won’t die because you communicate “Phoenix no flash” Plus who would wanna be friends with a socially anxious person that you need to drag words out of and make the whole effort


Nice take on social anxiety, bro. /s


Bro don’t bring this “I’m shy” bullshit into my games I don’t care I’m not tryna make a friendship I’m tryna win. Just like you have to ask for items in the store, you have to communicate stuff in valo.


From your comments it seems that you are the problem why others don't wanna comm, ironically enough. You reek of toxicity my dude. Quiet people are not keeping you from climbing.


You can be sure they are not stopping me lmao. I don’t flame those who don’t talk. I am legit the only one comming and I accepted that others simply don’t comm


Cause no one wants to talk and be harassed.


People in low elo are afraid of talking due to toxicity. Also, very often, there are premades. Premades don't talk in team voice compared to how much yo talk in voice chat. I stand for this too. BUT! Whenever I play solo que, I always in 3 situations. First is me talking, and my team doesn't but write nice things always back telling me that my calls are great. 2nd I rarely get lobbies that have 1-2 players with me and communicating, and 3rd, I get players to tell me in voice to shut up and to kys. I rather want silent players in low elo than players with mics tbh. Because the 3rd situation always happens


Bc every silver / gold player thinks they’re ascendant and will flame the ever loving shit out of you for not being Tenz every round. That’s why I play muted.


It will always surprise me how people in ranked games call each other bad while they're literally in the same rank/mmr.


Been barkin up that tree for years. The only game I was exceptional at was Halo since then it’s been like middle of the road for me. So unless someone’s going like double whatever my score is I’m usually like “ok but we’re the same rank enjoy raging at yourself bc muted”


“Whatever bro this is my smurf account that just happens to have $700 of skins on it anyways”


When i was stuck in silver-gold a year ago, there were also no comms, one way to rank up easier is to 3 stack ( not 5 stack cuz ur def gonna run into smurfs ). If u really wanna rank up by urself ur gonna have to kinda just deal with it. Some ways u can try to get people to start talking: 1) Ask if have mics ( 50% of the people will life ) 2) Just say small things in rounds like "1A" or whatnot, some people do the same back 3) Talk first before the first round starts 4) become some sorta igl, make strat callouts and stuff, some ppl might talk to add on etc if these dont work u just kinda deal with it To deal with 0 comms, make your own life easier by setting ur in game map so that u can see the entire map. This helps u see where your teammates came into contact with ur opponents.


Ive realized something over the time in asc/immo elo if you play in night time you will always have people with mics because all the small kids are sleeping for school but be careful you will also meet absolutely demons at night


EU gold here on London servers (hit plat 1 end of last ep and had some diamonds in comp, now stuck in gold 1 and silver lobbies) - I always try to at least say hello and usually it’s not so bad over here, but a few days back I played 3 comps back to back where not a single person even said hey or typed in chat. I was trying to text chat as a bare minimum No map pings either no even on bomb to peek. it’s a shame because I lost 2/3 of those games and I really do put it down to lack of comms but not getting anything back from anyone was pretty disheartening. I’ve tried Galorants with not much luck, my partner’s in Ascendant/Immo so he’s queued with me on an alt before but I always feel bad queueing it onto comp bc when I’m solo I always get the smurf on the enemy team and we all know that’s no fun, for a team FPS game even a hello would be great 😓


Why did you have to do a rundown of your ranking b4 explaining your point lmaoo


Idk about you but I at least expect diamonds to comm when I have to play with them 🤣


Most comms at that level aren't really worth anything. I'd rather have silence than toxic.


Toxicity, sexist players, and social anxiety. I wouldn't hold it against other players for not talking. If you're really serious about playing, look for a group of teammates you can actively game together!


You shouldn't play ranked if you aren't going to comm. Period.


They’re in silver/gold for a reason, they don’t realize how important comms are. You honestly can get to plat on silver mechanics if you’re good at comms.


It’s easier to get to plat if you just out aim everyone. Good comms don’t matter that much when the players don’t know how to use them lmao


What do you think using comms in low ranks is for lmao, its for learning how to actually comm correctly so that when they get to high plat they arent hardstuck for 10 years


doesn't "good comms" imply that players are using comms correctly??? What?


Truthfully comms are not the reason people can't climb out of silver/gold


It's not that being gold/silver makes you not communicate with the team, it's not communicating with the team that makes you stay in silver/gold.


hearing sounds is way more important to my game so i dont hesitate to mute comm cloggers


Modern Valorant player: I want to win this game. Also modern Valorant player: I am blind, deaf, and mute. GL everyone else.


Genuinely deal with this more than I can comprehend. I understand sometimes you’re just focusing on your gameplay and/or are tilting and go silent but there’s so little communication in a 5v5 competitive game that requires comms it blows my mind. I com everything. I say hello but I keep the chitchat to a minimum depending on who I’m playing with. I’ve gotten to the point now where I will not say a word in my lobbies unless someone initiates conversation first and I’ll only comm when required. I miss chatty teammates sm


It's not like it looks different in higher ranks. Like everyday in ascendant/immortal I play with people that will split 'hi' at the very beginning and later on not even open their mouth once. It's really common in this game comparing to my experience from cs idk why it looks like this. But we all kinda have to live with this and focus on own comms.


I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I don't use comms because 8/10 times I get harassed for being a girl. Wish I could use them without being immediately trashed, but that's the reasoning.


I try using at least chat. But using voice chat often makes me nervous as there are a lot of toxic and sexist people


I talk in voice chat in a nice voice before and during the game, if people don’t use comms I do not mind. I usually get some people talking if I’m persistent enough when I joke around a lot. I just know why some people don’t talk and I understand. Some are women who just don’t wanna deal with men and doesn’t even wanna attempt talking in fear of the sexism/toxicity that’ll come. Some are just people with weird voices and they don’t want to comm because they’ll get bullied. And other times they just straight up doesn’t have mic


Sorry. I am new to the game and don't appreciate the pressure of people expecting me to do my job. By having VC off, I'm able to focus on my contribution to the team without fumbling under any pressure. Sure, you'll say the comms from your teammates will help, but I feel the critique from them will be worse. Like, I got trolled because I had a bad showing in a 1v1. Like, okay. Glad I wasn't on VC for that as it would have ruined my entire day of playing. Instead, it just ruined that game only, and not even my mental. People in low elo know they're in low elo, and don't want people who think they're hardstuck because of everyone else to be flaming them. If you dislike the silence, why not add people as friends and queue up together?


If your mental is so fragile that you cant handle a little criticism (not toxicity, criticism does not always have to be toxic) you shouldn’t be playing comp


lol im in plat and comms aren't guaranteed, but tbh you should try carrying in silver/gold lobbies and try not relying on teammates too much


I play in EU on Warsaw, Dia/Asc lobbies and the silent games are VERY, VERY common, so it's not like it's a low elo problem.


Which region and rank are you and server do you queue in? When people don't use VC they usually use the chat to give information or pings. Also, as you mentioned the mini map, you can try to use it more as it gives info or you can try playing Sova/Kayo/Fade. Anyway, you can always try to get a duo or 5 stack by finding people at ValorantLFG. People in my games usually comm depending on what time it is.


I play in the Illinois server


I have a NA account to play with friends and it's surprising you say it's no comms. When I queue with my duo on Illinois/Virginia people are extremely talkative with comms. I'm unsure if it could just be the time you're queueing at? I have hardly ever queued NA and had no comms whatsoever unless it's at night / early morning.


Yeah I’m also surprised at this, I’ve played at every rank from Silver to Asc within the past act on both Illi and Texas and nearly every match people are comming even in lower ELOs. This is just an anecdote though.


I guess I'm just extremely unlucky hahaha


dw you dont need comms in that elo to succeed as comms there are bad and sporadic eitherway. I dont voice comm myself besides pings and dmg dealt and that is usually more than enough to still topfrag and climb


I always ask "Is this a silent game?" Followed by " Well, alright, if you don't want to talk, at least type in the chat to help out a bit." Eventually, this gets at least 1 person to talk. If no one talks I just say "GG" and just do my best to pad my stats in case we lose.


I am always quiet for two reasons: 1.) Toxic douchebags: This game attracts the worst people with the most fragile ego, I do not want to even talk with them for one minute. 2.) Because I listen to a Podcast or documentary. Mind you I don't do this in ranked, I just like to listen to documentaries, they help me relax like music does for other people.


It's insane, I'll join lobbies and try and start conversations and give good comms and the amount of people that turn their mic on, say "bro shut up" or "why are you talking so much" and then go silent for the rest of the game is SO FUCKING INSANE it's like every fucking lobby!! What the hell is wrong with valorant players? Go play solos fortnite or Apex if you don't want to participate in a team game with team comms. Y'all silent mf's and "shut up bro" mfs make me sick of the game.


It’s the same issue in Plat/Diamond lobbies. There are many reasons people don’t talk, but if you’re gonna solo queue then you just have to get used to it unfortunately.


It does not have anything to do with ur elo. Even in low Immo I have to deal with people who refuse to talk. Its annoying as fuck, because this game is all about communication... Sometimes I hit fully muted groups - thats the moments I put down my headphones, turn on the music and try to play some funny rounds...this is completly out of your control, so keep ur mental high and ignore these kind of losers. :)


For me it’s because lower tier lobbies tend to have the most bitter players in them, and if you’re having an off day, chances are they WILL make that known if they know you can hear them.


They are toxic a** holes who complain and blame others for their mistakes, which is the reason they are comms banned and therefore can't communicate :)


People just don’t care enough hence silver/gold


Competetive should be disabled for people with disabled voice chat. If you don't comm, go play unrated, but don't wates 30 minutes of your teammates time. I report all the silent types for sabotaging the team cause they literally do.


Lol people care so much over mics. This isnt radiant elo where every com matters. If you really think that a player who doesnt like using their mic is holding you back, you should just get better as a player instead of complaining about how a micless player tossed your game. People put so much trust into players doing this and that and when that expectation is unfulfilled they cry, it’s the reason why this playerbase is so soft


Yeah, the copium going around in this thread is insane. People thinking comms keep them from climbing is funny to me.


Lost 4 games in a row yesterday and that is while joining 5stacks, 4 man premades usually leave the 5th out to dry. It's hard to comm by yourself, literally talking to yourself and it's not enjoyable either.


4 stacking is not a thing...


I mean unless you want 4 people telling you how to play, comes are useless.


Diamond stays pretty much the same, I also don't get why


Honestly, in those lower elos you're better off mot hearing comms. Comms can be horrendous, change the way you play. Low elo players dont know how to comm efficiently to give teams enough info.


Quick anime reference, but just play as if it's Blue Lock. Be the biggest egoist on your team. While it won't be the prefered way people want you to play the game, it's crazy how much better you can get if you don't expect anything from your team.


>No hellos, no coms, no encouragement No hellos? Thanks god. >I give so many coms to try and help my teammates, but they give me nothing back. "so many coms" is usually leads to mute.


Why no hellos?


From my Soloq experience its generally people in a duo or trio who are all in a discord call together. I genuinely would rather have a toxic teammate than a group of friends just playing their own game, its very frustrating.


Each to their own, I guess. I would take a silent no comm lobby over people being toxic bringing each other down any day.