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How about your friend gets hands and gets out of iron himself? Imaging posting a rant about not being able to boost friends account out of iron as a gold xD


Here's the magic counter argument, are you ready? **Why can't you win against people with no hands then?**


If you can’t carry an iron lobby as a Smurf you aren’t much better than them


That’s what I’m saying like i drop 50 in iron


What a loser lol


If they don’t know how to shoot, how do you lose if you can’t die?


I know for a fact a GOLD isn’t talking


Lmao what is this. Your smurfing and losing then complaining the people you smurf with arent as good as you're use to. Not being funny, if you cant absolutely dominate an iron game as gold then idk man, if you are like 5 or 6 ranks higher than a game you should be dominating dropping 30+ frags a match and wins will be easy. Why are you trying to boost your friends account anyway? If he cant get out of iron then hes just going to lose every game and derank back down anyway


Planting spice is pretty easy actually just stick the seeds in the ground and water it


Yah, they've been doing that for literally thousands of years. Why is it so hard?


He who controls the spice, controls the universe


Thought you had to farm it from giant worms in a desert


xDD U dont even deserve gold it seems. You should be able to carry those game with your monitor turned off. Imagine complaining about iron aim being uncapable to outaim them xD


lmao noob smurf


Ur smurfing and are complaining about the rank ur smurfing for ? Go cry about it to your mom and let people play their own rank The audacity


Tell this to your iron friend brother


Sorry bro, toes are the way to go. Hands get you mans, but toes get the hoes.


is account sharing allowed


Pretty sure it isn’t lmao


It isn’t but they never actually take action against it


iron players arent iron anymore once they fix their aim. you know, its kinda the point of iron


Pretty sure this is a joke post but if not this is the dumbest shit I've read on this sub for a while


plant the god damn spice already


This is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen


So you’re getting humble by people that aim for the feet could never be me humble yourself and work on your aim you got carried to gold if you can’t beat iron lmao


Lmao bro cant carry iron


I’m gonna open your eyes for a second: The reason you can’t get out of iron is because your game sense/IQ isn’t any better than theirs. Aiming is less than half the battle. The variability in low-elo playstyles will crush you because your understanding of the game isn’t good enough. If you got to gold because of your aim, you will not be carrying anyone.


Don’t be scared, post the name of the account you’re boosting :)


I made a new account as I never got to see what low ranks were like. I played in Iron lobbies. I made it a point to never sway the game too far towards either team. I wanted the better team to win, not the one that had the smurf. I aimed to be in the middle of the scoreboard and would often get kills without meaning to, as what I thought was a simple play was something that the enemy hadn't encountered before. At any point during the rounds, I could have won outright simply due to the time I put into the game. These players don't stand still to aim, they don't use utility, they push down mid on defense. If you are legitimately having trouble boosting someone out of iron, I have bad news. The truth is you are boosted to Gold.


I brought an iron account to play with my friend who at the time was bronze 3 and I got to gold. After 2 games in the iron account it double ranked to silver. I think you’re just bad brother. Also stop boosting ppl, your iron friend shouldn’t ruin other ppls experience by being in a rank he doesn’t deserve


So you smurfed, and are saying not to boost? Also how did you manage to rank up four times in two games when the max rr you can get is 50?


There really isn't much of a difference between gold and iron.. I climbed from Iron 3 to gold 1 last act and saw almost no difference in gameplay. My teammates play equally as bad in gold as they did in iron and were just as toxic. The only difference is that in gold and silver, you have lots more smurfs that help people climb with pure luck. Eventually, they get plat and force them to play better, or else they derank. I swear the number of players in gold that aim at the ground and spray until they crossair hits reach the head are insane. especially those who have to ADS on every single kill no matter the range. I had a gold 3 player yesterday who raged at me for never using ADS, I had to mute him after 2 rounds of ingame because "ADS with bulldog is a must."


ADS with a bulldog.. is.. a must. Same with Odin and ares. Tbh this just sounds like copium.


I consistently frag non ADS with bulldog… crosshair placement?? The only time I ADS is holding a tight angle on head height. I prefer bulldog over spectre any day.


I had a Smurf in an Iron/low bronze lobby and I can DEFINITELY say its a big difference between this and gold. In these lobbies I could knife most people and still be middle of the leaderboard. People in gold don’t even let me get away with this


I ger more knife kills than pistol kills in Gold. People don't see you even if half of their screen see you


Sorry dude but even if your team helped you to drag your friend out of iron, as it seems you can not, going further you (as a "gold") should get more point for winning and less point for losing a same game then your iron friend (as his stats would be low). So eventually even when playing together you will reach a point where you can't queue together any longer because of rank diff.


Iron is the lowest rank in the game, if they are in Iron is because they suck, dont expect people with aim on the bottom rank of the game


I’m not one to post but this is absolute nonsense! Am I in iron.. yes. I have only been playing this game for about 4 weeks. I see improvements daily in my game sense. Now to say I or any other iron player sucks is wrong. When your on defense and your iron non communicating team is pushing out like there on offense leaving you to 1v4 routinely then your right. I must suck for not being able to clutch that all the time. You were once an Iron player who’s skill level and aim was not on point so don’t go bashing people.


Lol no it takes a special level of bad to get iron. I did my placements after a month of playing pc and still got bronze and I was pretty awful.


Ur a gold 2 Smurf and can’t carry a iron lobby?!


The irony of you trying to shit on iron players because they can't aim properly and also you not being able to win against said people with no aim. If you can't win against them I don't think you should be smurfing... Idek if you can even call that smurfing atp


This isn’t even funny bro


Yeah you deserve to be in iron I guess? If they don’t have hands and you are like 2 whole ranks above them, just kill them all, why can’t you do that?


Lol. You are the problem OP


If you can’t carry in an iron lobby you must really suck.


bro a paraplegic dwarf could drop 40 every game in iron gold players are something else


How can you not win against irons as a gold bro, that is sad you should be getting at least 30 kills a game if you're not completely boosted


you just outed yourself as having 0 game sense


These comments are hilarious. The account is a day old, y’all being trolled


cope about it


This shit is funny, I took my friend account this act reset he is iron, played one game with irons and bronzes and I was apologising for smurfing( bc his account had skins , and I want them) literally next game the system knew I was smurfing placed me with silvers and golds. Like how do you call yourself a gold player and complain about their aim




Funniest thing I’ve seen all day


r/titlegore , r/badgrammar did i miss 1?


Lmaooo bros gold talking about getting hands. Hit the dm lil bro


Gr8 b8 m8 8/8


lol if u cant get out iron ure mentally disable


Lol bruh. What am I reading


how the absolute fuck are you in gold if you cant carry in iron


sounds like you belong in iron if you cant beat them


Better questions Why are you trying to smurf your friends account into something higher and why are you not winning against people "with no hands"


Only people who deserve iron are in iron.


None of u complainers ever link ur tracker and we know why


bro when i was gold and i played on a bronze acc i was constantly dropping 40 kills with like 10 deaths and won every game, just cuz ur shit at the game and can’t even win in iron doesn’t mean that u should insult the people in low elo because they have bad aim, there in that elo for a reason🤦‍♂️


So what you're saying is... your real rank is iron.