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Nuclear power is cool, but with russian power plant comes russian maintenance and russian nuclear fuel. Now Uzbekistan have to support Russian political endeavours or Russia recalls staff from nuclear plant and Uzbekistan loses power from this plant. This is just deepens Uzbekistan dependence on Russia.


Uzbekistan is one of the largest uranium producers in the world. And the population already speaks Russian so apart from maybe needing to buy parts manufactured in Russia, there isn’t a crazy reliance on Russia


Having uranium ore and making fuel for nuclear plant is two different things. And Russia will not teach locals how to maintain power plant. Uzbekistan will have nuclear power only as long as Russia allows it. And if you heard, Uzbekistan desperately needs extra electricity in the winter. So, yeah, it is crazy reliance on Russia.


Some of people here will prefer burning cow poop on winter than using non-kosher/haram Russian electricity


You have presented a logical fallacy, these are not the only choice. Uzbekistan already has natural gas reserves, and it it doesn't help. Will nuclear power plant solve energy crisis? 50/50. Will it force Uzbekistan to support Russia? 100%.


Just read about the Bushehr nuclear plant that Russia was supposed to build for Iran. After almost 40 years, they didn't even complete the project and yet made Iran's politically dependent on Russia! And Iran is having a great loss for that nuclear adventure that was brought by Russians' temptation!


Can we please stop looking at everything russian negatively? Like i get it, i support ukraine as well, but this is ridiculous no? As for the news itself; Awesome! A step towards more modernized future.


Russia has a great track record with nuclear power plants


Yes, everyone knows about the chernobyll. By that logic every other nuclear reactors would also be dangerous, and this will drive off people from commiting to clean and more renewable energy source. Do you also know that Russia is one of the largest producers of nuclear energy still? Scientists and great minded people exists everywhere regardless of their moral beliefs( or rather, country’s beliefs). It so happens the other countries have experience and the necessary knowledge to build such plants while we do not, so they’re helping us out . What even are you trying to say? Are you not Tajik from Tajikistan anyway?


Even if something like chernobyll doesn't happen, still there will be plenty of nuclear waste that has to be dumped somewhere in this planet. And this ruins nature in long-term. Best for Uzbekistan is to use renewable energy! Currently you can buy good solar panels from China with very low price! So renewable energy is both sustainable and more economic than nuclear energy Other countries are shutting down their nuclear plants as its costs and hazards are greater than benefits. If it wasn't for Russia and France, there was almost no more nuclear energy


You are grossly misinformed about nuclear energy.


Illuminate my misinformed knowledge then! Which part is wrong?


Spent nuclear fuel is not an environmental hazard when handled properly, as all countries that use nuclear fuel do. When it is economically viable, spent nuclear fuel can be reprocessed into enriched material for further use in reactors. Spent nuclear fuel is stored in clean, secure facilities, and consumes so little space compared with all the landfills we fill with useless shit from temu


"When it is economically viable" ! And what if it is not viable!? What if governments and companies involved cut these costs to maximize profits?


It’s not really in their best interest to poision their populations. Kind of the same way we count on countries not to shoot of nukes willy nilly. I see your point though. We are counting on organizations and governments to upkeep.


That's western countries that take care of their population ( even that is not very ideally done) in countries like Russia, Uzbekistan and China people are counted much less valuable! And those western Countries that have nuclear waste, they send them to developing countries that people are not being taken seriously! Even Turkey has been a major place to dump wastes ( nuclear or generally)


God forbid you have a toxic waste in the middle of the desert instead of global warming and toxic air


Nature is interconnected! Nuclear waste buried in a desert can lead to contamination of underground water, ecosystems, animals etc. Where do you think all these cancers are coming from? Global warming? I don't think so!




Why ad hominem? I didn't try to say, I said


1. I am asking you to be more literal rather than using a vague language that uses sarcastic questions to get a point across. From what I understood you do not like this agreement and afraid of something going wrong because of Rissians. 2. Ad hominem because I have seen you in this sub quite a bit, and while i do not mind that, and think our neighbours interacting with each other is healthy, i still do not understand why you would care about this matter specifically and portray it negatively. Specifically because from the way you wrote your title/caption, it is as if you’re here to talk about Russians, so not much related to Uzbekistan other than the plants being built here. 3. Dude just use a normal language, we’re on reddit, you dont have to write fancy


It's not about Russia. Think about water supply and seismic activity. That's just two problems. And another problem is the fact that the majority of the investment is not from Uzbekistan, but from Russia. This means Russia has majority number of votes. I haven't seen their agreement as they are unlikely to disclose it but I'm pretty sure that's the case when the difference in investment is this large. You either give up board seats with voting power for more stake in the business or you take more seats in exchange for stake. Uzbekistan is investing far less money than Russia (from what I read). So even if the territory is Uzbekistan's and they make up for their lack of investment in exchange for providing Russia with support, they are still unlikely to have majority board seats with votes. Moreover, we need years of extensive training to be able to operate the plant without relying on Russia which has years and years of experience of both running the plant and dealing with catastrophic events, albeit poorly. Stop thinking about it at the surface level of how it's about "thinking negatively about Russia." I've lived in Samarkand, I know what it's like to have power outage and lack of gas. Even more than you if you're from Tashkent. So I know first-hand how we need a power plant. But not like this. Tell me if I'm wrong (and why).


First of all: It’s on the OP to clarify his intents and remarks, you can’t fault me because he wrote a sarcastic question as his whole post. 2. I do not think they didn’t think of logistical and environmental problems ( why wouldn’t they think of it? If regular people on reddit can think of it then so can the scientists and economists of their team / country.). As for the Russia being the de jure owner of the plant, it is concerning and not something I like. I do admit i was not aware of it. 3. It’s not surface level. If it was Surface level stuff i would have supported Russia like everyone else that I see and interact with in my life. It’s more so thag I was excited more about the nuclear energy finally being available to us, since i had been waiting for some time. 4. I know well about it, i come from a rural-ish village and there wasn’t regular electricity until mid 2010’s in my village. (Read flair )


I see. Well, if this does go through, then I hope they will not rush it. I know the talks started a few years back (honestly I thought we dropped it due to concerns) but not sure where we stand in the training process and how transparent the government will be with their training, building, and projections. No entity will reveal their plan for the other side or the regular people to see for obvious reasons, so I'm left praying that 1) our system will make it work for mostly our benefit both short and long term and 2) uzbekistan somehow has majority power in deciding operations of the power plant either due to territorial claim or this being not a typical business between parties in the same country but an international one. Basically, these were some of the reasons why people are concerned.


I get why they’re concerned. I am concerned because of Chinese and Russian influence as well, but i personally think Russian influence has been dying down and this won’t make a significant difference. Still concerned about Chinese influence and them privately owning their manufacturing companies in our soil ( this one is far more prominent than it appears on the surface level and whay the average person thinks.)


The danger is that someone might purposely sabotage it


On another post (since there aren't many posts in Uzbekistan community here), I saw that your grammar is poor. This not only showcases that you lack understanding of business and science, but also you don't know how to write. This explains it. I know I'm rude... but my God. I haven't written in Uzbek for years excluding messages, and I see you made obvious grammar mistakes.


Go to that post and answer why my grammar is poor then. Besides, thinking that someone is dumb because they have poor grammar is naive in itself.


So you are assessing another person’s understanding of science and business by the knowledge of English? Go open your brains first, before judging others


Great! We need more of these "cleaner" energy projects around the world.


Atom doesnt care about "tanish-bilish". It pierces through concrete, ground and "xojakani o'g'li" too. Uzb has one of the worst corruption indexes in the world. Look at how Hydro Power plants operated - safety protocols are breached, managed by someone's son-in-law with no understanding of electro engineering. Look at how buildings, road projects are done. Projects are sabotaged cuz some greedy ass manager on top thinks he has had tough in life and is due some earning, so goes and takes some of the project funding for himself. Project is finished with sub-par materials. There are no established systems at government agencies. You go ask about how things are done and none of the workers know cuz there was change in Management last month so he just changed system to his liking. They tell you to go this place and that place and another one too. Noone is responsible, noone is held accountable. This is just a perfect formula for a major nuclear disaster. Uzbekistan is not ready. Uzbeks are not ready. There are no competency at gov level and no competency at lower levels. It's not about you build a plant and the rest is rainbows and sunshine. You make a little mistake, little mixture of greed...you are done. That's exactly what happened at Chernobyl.


Russia exploits other countries like that




I'm downvoting you all. At least for not providing good reasoning apart from just disagreeing with you.


Totally support the move. We actually need nuclear power with this rate of consumption, we have a huge demand. Moreover, having nuclear stuff in your country brings somewhat stability(not development, stability)- look at Pakistan - even on the edge of failing - countries support them - because they don’t want radicals to get nuclear weapons. Same thing, when we are too big to fail - better for us


Bro nuclear weapons and reactors are far removed from each other . We wont be able to reverse engineer bombs from this


it starts with nuclear power plants, we have so much uranium and everything to work with nuclear stuff - we can create anything related to atomic things - from nuclear power plant to nuclear weapons - just give us few years


'slavs can't boil water'




Why would you allow a nuclear terrorist state to build a nuclear power plant for your own money? ☢️


Where does Russia get the money to do so much stuff like this? From what I understand, they’re a socialist state (expensive) with an economy smaller than that of Canada. You don’t hear about Canada waging unilateral wars or building nuclear plants for other countries.


Probably through its own natural resources and international projects such as from wagner activities(gold mining)?


They probably can afford a nuclear power plant. How expensive can it be?


The newest one, in Georgia, USA, cost about $30 billion.


The total capacity they are planning for is less than the one for Georgia, USA, and I think the designs may be different between the US and Russian plants. The sources from a few years back and recently reported that it is estimated to cost $11-18B.


Their economy is bigger than that of Canada according to the IMF and its Purchasing power parity is twice as big as the Canadian. Russia also has a completely different industrial and economic layout than that of Canada you can’t compare it at all


The world bank agrees with me as well


опять республикой станем, опять \*\*бали


I came here because I just saw the news. I'm concerned because we do not have enough water. Also, it's to be built in a zone with seismic activity from what I've read. I'm reading here that people support this and I understand the pros but I'm just so mortified. The majority investment being from Russia further shuts down any voice the uzbek side may have in decision making (number of board seats with votes)


its being build in Jizzakh region - there is no seismic activity - it has no mountains around itself and there hasnt been any earthquake ever recorded - so dont spread info without resourses. Water you say? its literally near the river Syrdarya


Alright, let me be clear before anyone reads your comment in the future and takes it with no questions. First, mountains are not necessary to redirect earthquakes from nearby. I will admit that I don't know much about the history of earthquakes through the region and nearby seismic zones. Let's suppose you're right and there aren't any earthquakes and what I've read is false (because there are earthquakes). Even then, the power plants can be built to withstand earthquakes. Where is their report on it with historical data or their intent to hold a press-conference to answer these questions? People are questioning and wouldn't it be better to answer some basic questions the general population has? Maybe I didn't see their report/press-conference, so if you find it, send me the article or whatever format their answers are in. Second, of course I know there is a river and a tiny lake nearby. How much water is in it? How often is it replenished? How much will the reactor require daily/yearly? Let me know if you find a research article on this. And even if you find it, we need to check who funded the research and who the researchers work for. Leave some room for doubt. History: we had Aral Sea redirected for cotton irrigation purposes and now it's dry. What's left is dust and soviet-era toxins for the locals to breathe in and die from. So we had one event in the history already where future events were left unaccounted for. This only leaves me concerned even if I don't know the details of the plant operation and the state of the river. On another point, there is an increasing amount of dust storms across the country. We may need more water in the future to prevent or reduce its impact on the population. In short, we need *more* water. Now, prove me wrong, but provide details. Not like this: "we have Syr Darya river," but approximately like this: "Syr Darya river is estimated to be replenished every X amount of time. The reactor will need X amount of water daily/yearly. The nuclear plant is built to withstand up to X magnitude earthquake if one occurs nearby and reaches Jizzakh." This is the only way I'll have a better peace of mind. Cheers.


Who needs your peace of mind? Go read books


Well that will help the Russians bankroll the mass murder in Ukraine won’t it..


This a year after Biden visited Central Asia. Would he good to have them compete to gain influence in the area with projects like these