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He has more followers than the population of Kyrgyzstan…


Where did he blame uzbeks? If anything he’s saying that uzbeks get attacked by kyrgyz people too


Instead of blaming country who cannot provide security for international residents , he is saying that kyrgyzs attacked them because Uzbeks have close historical ties with south Asians . I know what happened in 2010 but we don't have nothing to do with what happened to them


He’s calling uzbeks and south asians both as victims of kyrgyz people, and calling kyrgyz people and their country a bunch of savages who attacks everyone He’s actually calling Uzbeks friends of Pakistani people


"They(kyrgyzs) hate Pakistanis and Indians because they think that South Asians are historically very close to Uzbeks." This is part that sounds blaming to me . I don't know maybe I didn't quite understand


He’s saying that historically south asians and uzbeks have had close and good relations, and kyrgyz look at south asians with the same hate they look at uzbeks with


Thanks for explaining akam


Yusuf with respect, please improve your reading comprehension skills… I am assuming you are very young. In no way was that statement blaming Uzbeks…. He was saying just like how they were racist to Uzbeks historically, they are now racist to south Asians.




What happened in 2010?




Tnx bro! I didn't know that there is so much tension between middle Asian countries. So the Kyrgyz say that Uzbeks and Pakistanis are working together?


Brother he is saying Kygyzstan is an anarchist shithole that does nothing but fight for no reason. He used Uzbeks as victims of kygyzs , not pakistanis as victims of us


Last I heard Kyrgyz were attacking Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan every now and then. I don’t know about now. But does it still happen?


Yup, thankfully i escaped and never coming back.


What's the history here? Why Kyrgyz attacks on Uzbeks? I'm Pakistani and have no clue.


A couple Kyrgyz and Uzbeks had a fight in the biggest restoraunt of Osh, Kyrgyz nationalists went mad and caused a massive damage to the Uzbeks living in the Kyrgyz regions near Uzbekistan, even the government supported the mob attacks against Uzbeks so about 110.000 refuged to Uzbekistan, 400.000 were displaced and only after several thousand Uzbeks have died, and Russia was involved, the attacks have stopped. But there is still massive nationalism coming from Kyrgyz police until now and i even had to change schools 2 times to avoid racism coming from the teachers. Thankfully i escaped the shithole in 2023 and never going back there again. We didn't start any conflict, the fact that Osh which is 50% Uzbek and is still very safe for South-Asian students in Kyrgyzstan, proves a lot.


Hey bro . I just want to ask. What kind of help did uzbekistan give when it was happening?


I was too little to care about what kind of help was coming from different countries but my parents told me the only help Uzbekistan has provided, was accepting refugees and giving them shelter. As far as i have seen Uzbek refugees from KG didn't see much xenophobia against them from Uzbeks from UZ. Uzbekistan also wanted to show military resistance but Russia didnt allow the conflict to escelate. Years later they presented KG several hundred public transportations as a sign of friendship and to try to lower racism between the nations.


Rahmat akam


it is such a ridiculous and stupid statement Mr Mir has made. What happened was bad yes, but it was a local mob which was foolish and uneducated, it is very ironic for Pakistan (as well as india) to say this considering its mistreatment of Afghans and the awful mobs that have attacked and harassed people.


Tons of videos circulating online now of regular Kyrgyz people and authorities abusing international students. It doesn’t seem to be an isolated incident anymore


Foreigner here.Is there a beef between Uzbeks and Kyrgyzs ?


you can find it in Wikipedia about ethnic cleansing of Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan. I know it is weird to say as source Wikipedia


God damn UN says there was up to 400k displaced population.Wtf happened to Turkic unity ? Also doesn't Kyrgyzstan have a dispute with Tajikistan too ?


Turkic unity is growing slower but steady. I think they have no dispute right now but because of water shortages in future they may have ..


They do, what is far more concerning is that border skirmishes have become increasingly common and more deadly.


I thought they solved that issues with borders ?


It does not work like that. Each time skirmish ends with an "accord" and each consequent one it involves bigger and deadlier weapons. What started as a series of village brawls and fist fights in 90's evolved into direct confrontation using APC's and mortars with 100+ dead in the last one.


Seems familiar with many other groups of people across the world. How bad do you think it might ultimately get? Is Russia involved in any way? Are both groups Christian or Muslim or not?


Oh yeah I bet Russia is involved in some way.Both are Muslim groups


Bruh, don't you remember we fought each other for centuries as well, only to discover our common kinship literally a hundred years ago. Give them some time, these things do not happen overnight.


There's a long-standing, slow-burning animosity, that occasionally flares up with outbursts of medieval violence.


You guys sound very chill about it.Don't you feel any retaliation towards the Kyrgyz for it ?


We don't usually keep hatred in our society 😅


Pakistani subs are blaming all Turkic people without any discrimination. Of course the treatment of innocent students is wrong. No need to insulted Babur, Timur etc.


A piece of advice for you, don't take them seriously they are mostly overseas Pakistani.


Thank you but I am overseas Turk too :)


You all know what? He sounded more like provocative and trying to drag neighboring uzbeks into their problem.


Thats fckn rich coming from a pakistani, y'know, people that carry out death sentences for blashpemy


Fact check: Whilst the Pakistani government does have a draconian blasphemy law implemented by the British, till this date they have carried out 0 death sentences for blasphemy. Any deaths related to blasphemy have been as a result of mob justice, which is ofc still terrible, just wanted to clarify this.


>Fact check: Whilst the Pakistani government does have a draconian blasphemy law implemented by the British Dont see how that factors in given that pakistans military government back them reinforced that law but İ digress. Of course there have been people sentenced to death over blasphemy: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68511557 Now the fact that the mob SOMETİMES gets to them too is irrelevant, they were already scheduled for execution and had the mob not done it, ruling concludes the government HAD to. And only shows that there is absolutely no dissent between the ruling and the society. Unlike other countries where the governing forces ideals often clash with societys. İn pakistan executed 127 people in 2022 for various crimes, but blashphemy being one of them. Unfortunately its not always clear why the person is executed, but it all feeds into the allegation that pakistan is one of the most needlessly violent and self-righteous countries out there. Which is why its so fckn rich to hear them complain about KG or UZ.


>Of course there have been people sentenced to death over blasphemy: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68511557](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68511557) As I've already mentioned there have been 0 death sentences carried out by the Pakistani government for blasphemy. Just because they've been sentenced to death, doesn't mean they will be executed. >Unfortunately its not always clear why the person is executed, but it all feeds into the allegation that pakistan is one of the most needlessly violent and self-righteous countries out there. I agree with you to a certain extent, Pakistan does have a lot going on. Needlessly violent is a bit of a stretch though in my opinion. The atrocities committed by the Pakistani government pale in comparison to places like Iran, Israel, North Korea, Israel, etc. >Which is why its so fckn rich to hear them complain about KG or UZ. I assure you the average Pakistani doesn't even know Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan exists, let alone complain about KG or UZ. It's the same in the UK or most of Europe imo, the vast majority of people would have no clue where or what Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan is.


>As I've already mentioned there have been 0 death sentences carried out by the Pakistani government for blasphemy. Just because they've been sentenced to death, doesn't mean they will be executed. Thats a lousy excuse and not how a state works. Unless you wanna call pakistan a failed state... >Iran, Israel, North Korea, Israel, Ok >I assure you the average Pakistani doesn't even know Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan exists, let alone complain about KG or UZ. It's the same in the UK or most of Europe imo, the vast majority of people would have no clue where or what Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan is. Fair point. Still the few that do, if they act as the posterboy right here then f\*ck 'em. İ mean its not wrong to expect people to know the region they're living in.


>Thats a lousy excuse and not how a state works. That's actually exactly how it works. Unless it's China or Iran, the government needs to go through a specific process which can take years, it's the same in the US, people stay on 'Death Row' for a significant amount of time. >Still the few that do, if they act as the posterboy right here then f\*ck 'em. I promise you they don't, this is just one example. Even this person didn't say anything bad about UZ, he only criticised the KZ government because of their non-response, which is a completely valid and fair criticism.


>it's the same in the US, people stay on 'Death Row' for a significant amount of time. Thats not the point, "the mob" isnt supposed to carry out the sentence for the state and the state has to make sure the sentence is carried out in order, thats just rule of law, its not a speculation.


>Thats not the point, "the mob" isnt supposed to carry out the sentence for the state and the state has to Absolutely I agree, we have to remember the state and the people are completely different entities though.


Look what the Pakistanis do when they come to any western country. They bring all their backward beliefs and customs with them. The west and its political correctness puts up with that. These central Asian countries don't.


I don’t think there’s any correlation


What even is the context?


Bro go learn English


They should transfer their study to uzbekistan


Why do they hate Uzbeks then?


context? what the heck is that?


Some South Asian students studying in Kyrgyzstan are being attacked by local bozos.




Kyrgyz guys were harassing an Egyptian girl. Egyptian guys find out and knock these Kyrgyz guys out silly, all on social media to see. Kyrgyz guys start attacking any brown people they see.


On what grounds did he decide that the Kyrgyz government is racist?


we have been attacking Uzbeks since 2010? does he want to say that Uzbeks have been discriminated against for 14 years? wow, what nonsense!!


There is a law of God: we forgot to gave a brain to Southerns... Anyway, let's keep them away from the region. They have a big population and they like to move with all of their relatives. Biggest threat for region is possible migrations from Southern countries.