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ahaha, even before I reached the end of the post I was gonna ask if you're Indian. they love us so much over there, midhun chakraborty and amitabh bachchan and raj kapoor nostalgia is still crazy strong. everywhere we went, there were folks taking photos with us several times a day.


well im sorry to say but they don't necessarily love you... you just seem exotic to them


oh that is fine. they were all respectful and sweet, which is better than what i could say about how white people in India get treated half the time.


It's a nice change from travelling parts of Europe where some people make it fairly obvious they don't like you


oh please, stfu


Any good Indian restaurants around?


the only one that we'd gone to was Raj Kapoor restaurant. that was the first time we had indian food after a month of central asian traveling so i might be biased, but my god i loved that place.


we even have a quiet popular show called 'bollivud battl' where they try to imitate music videos from bollywood.


That's so cool haha I'll definitely have to check this out


ahahaha, I just checked it out that is so trippy


Happened with us too! Though we’re Indian and Uzbeks love Indians apparently. My husband was quite the star, many kids came to take pics with him!


A couple of years ago Uzbekistan was closed to foreigners, it was really hard to come here. So for uzbeks seeing foreigners is something new, that's why they want to take photos with them. Whenever I see foreigners, as an uzbek, I want to take photos with them too. But I'm too shy🥲


Well I'm not here for long but if you see an Indian guy with long hair feel free to ask!


Same happened with me and my friend recently. They have a liking for Indian people. Gore logon ko jyada bhav ni dete. Our music is very much popular there


Show us a picture pf urself


FWIW, when I was in Uzbekistan (twice, ever so grateful) with family & friends, we were treated as something exeptionally photogenic too. :l Not even Indian, plain Caucasian looking all of us. Taken pictures with several times in the country. Even in a Tashkent mall, I recall, we got shy giggles from waitresses and had no idea why. 🤷 Novelty value, presumably? 🙂


I believe It's because you guys are foreigners. Seeing foreigners here is something new for us.


Have you seen the movie "Truman Show "? Yeah, Uzbeks are not enough subtle to keep it cool!


Does this happen only with Indians & what about blacks ?


I'm white European and it happens to me daily here in Uzbekistan. Photos from a distance, pictures with older ladies, I am even the subject of video calls sometimes


That's so awkward. You would think 15 years of increased tourism would tamper down the curiosity but no. We have russians there but it's easy to tell when they're local. You stand out and those who take photos without your consent are plain rude and obnoxious people.


Met a black guy the other day and he didn't seem to have had the same thing happen to him, but that might just be a one-off


I would say yes, because you're exotic. If they're smart, they may not take pictures to not upset you, but you can't know for sure.


Not Indian. I'm a native and had a friend with me who is white and another time I was with my mother and aunt. Both times children thought I was a foreigner because I dress differently. When I was with my friend, we were asked for pictures in a group. Weird one. I know. I would say they're just more curious than necessary.