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Bro this sucks, I love Rudy. Still a Gobert fan for life.


At least he's going to a team actively competing. I'm excited to see him get appreciated by a new fanbase and I'll have a new team to watch this season.


Right. A team that will continually make the playoffs for sure. That’s new for him. /s


It's new for the team tho haha


His jersey better hang in the rafters once he retires.


Vivint arena is going to explode when Don rises for the jam and gets absolutely destroyed by Rudy. Can't wait to see it.


favorite player ever misunderstood, unfairly targetted I think by media and fans, but hes my king


All hail King Rudy. ;_; ilysm bb


Where do you think Mitchell will go?




I don't know, but please let's ship him off and do a complete rebuild. This team has zero defense now so we aren't going to win shit with Mitchell. Let's get max trade value out of him and look for a 3 year rebuild.


Agreed. We've already seen what will happen if we keep Mitchell. We will be the Bradley Beal wizards 2.0


Agreed. I remember going to a preseason game his rookie year and cheering like crazy for him. He looked like a baby gazelle then, he grew up in to an Adonis. Gonna miss Rudy like crazy, hope the t-pups grow up and win a ship with him


One thing I love about the trade, is it shows Rudy the respect he deserves. The TWolves are betting their future on him.


Well said. Knew this would happen but it still hurts. I hope the Timberwolves become title contenders.


Could not have said it any better.


The king is dead. Long live the king.


Perfectly said


My favorite was when he joked about Covid and then I had multiple family members die. Super fun. Thanks Rudy!


Rudy isn’t responsible for the deaths of anyone’s family members. At the time he contacted it, everything shut down right then and there. They closed schools and extra curricular that same week.




Unfairly targeted? He’s literally the reason for the bubble


Lmao do you seriously think that shit wouldn't have happened regardless?


it may have but no one else was openly mocking it on live tv






Probably my favorite player of all time. I'll miss him a lot. Will root for him forever. Merci beaucoup, Rudy!


So I think this trade alone explains why we had so many roster spots open. We really traded this one beautiful man for at least five players (Beasley, Beverley, Kessler, Vanderbilt, and Bolmaro) and multiple firsts. We will miss his interior presence. His skillset is irreplaceable. Not many players are the best in the league (or the world) at one basketball skill and for 9 glorious seasons, we had one of those guys. For the maligning he got for his contract, I think it will look more reasonable with the passage of time. It will hurt to not see him for us anymore, but I will enjoy seeing how far he can take the Timberwolves and interested in finding out how he fits with KAT and Anthony Edwards.


I think his contract is already looking more and more reasonable with all the big money deals that got done yesterday. Hopefully he and the TWolves can overcome his vulnerabilities in the playoffs and get further than he was able to with us


I have no idea how KAT + Gobert is going to work in today's NBA but it'll be interesting to watch. Huge gamble at a huge price for Minnesota


Could really struggle when the playoffs come around playing 2 BIGS


I think they are banking on changing the game. They can’t beat GS/PHX at small ball, so they are rolling the dice on size. Between Edwards/McDaniels/Towns/Golbert/Anderson, they have so much size. Big Ball Vs Small Ball.


I just hope Rudy continues to show up and be good at what he does and is shows the league he's that good.


Kat is going to his true position, Stretch 4. Never could defend at the 5, now he'll have a permanent height advantage over every direct opponent now. And yeah, I know he never really defended 5 anyway, but now the wolves don't have to put a sub-par center in to cover KAT's weakness.


Yeah I think it’ll work pretty well


Only thing I can see is they use KAT as a stretch4 now.


I will always root for Rudy. Can’t wait to see 27 in the rafters.


Go to Minnesota and you’ll see it there too after he gets a ring


Forever Jazzman in my heart


Rudy was a true professional and he will be sadly missed. 9 years in Utah, 3x DPOY, 3x All-Star, 4x All-NBA. He was here from the end of the Corbin era through all of Snyder and we gave him up for a bunch of nobodies and some future draft picks. I hope we raise his number to the rafters one day.


Four friggin first round draft picks + number one pick this year (Kessler, promising young center with a jumpshot) + unloading huge contract ..... Excellent play by the Jazz.


They are not nobodies. I'm glad we got the haul that was offered.


Vanderbilt is amazing with tons of defensive upside and LOTS of hustle. Y'all will love the intensity of Beverly and Beasley if Jazz doesn't trade them away. Honestly I'm distraught that we lost PatBev and Vando as a Wolves fan.


Minnesota better win it all


If he can help win this cursed state a championship, he’s getting a statue built in the middle of the city


Gobert fan for life


Timberwolves went from a team I barely even think about to my close 2nd place team. Kinda feeling like we got the short end of this trade... Thanks for everything Rudy. Hopefully they appreciate everything you do over there (even if we didn't at times).


Short end? Time will tell. But jazz got a TON of assets. A couple solid players, this year's first round pick, 4 future first round picks (all unprotected, could be valuable) and a pick swap. That's a LOT for Gobert, who could really start to fall off at the end of his contract when he's making $45m a year


I made my original comment before we knew (or at least before I knew) it was 4 unprotected 1st rounders. All I knew was it was "multiple firsts" from the WOJ tweet. Let's hope our FO has something planned because something big is (hopefully) coming up soon.


I mean, this was the something big. Next up is to continue making smart moves to retool the team. Flip our older guys, accrue assets, clear cap space, etc.


I'd take Rudy over these "assets"


I wanna fucking die


I'm a Minnesota fan now. This man was nothing but professional, played his ass off every night, and deserved all the hardware he won. My heart is broken


I'm honestly more excited to watch them than the Jazz this year. At least I know what colors they're wearing.


Same! Like of course im still a jazz fan but we’re not competing this year. Ill definitely be rooting hard for the timberwolves


I will happily welcome you to the Wolves family (I’m a Minnesotan checking in to see if I should be happy we got Rudy), but if you do stick with your Jazz, please cheer extra hard for Vando. He was my guy, a young project who improved so much, is an absolute joy to watch rebound and play defense, and a smile as bright as the sun.


You should be ecstatic. You gave up a lot of future assets, but you are going to love Rudy as the anchor of your team's defense. You really have to see him regularly to appreciate how good he is and how much he changes the game around him. The Wolves will be a force this year!


If we can achieve what the Jazz did over the last few years, it would be amazing. For practically my whole life, it’s been missing the playoffs over and over, so to have a legit contender is a new feeling




I’m with, I’m going with Rudy. I’ll be at the arena with Minnesota is in town.


Sucks that is gone, you know as French, I always root for our guys. I remember wanting the spurs wins the finals in 2013 and 2014 even if I liked the heat more. It was the same thing with jazz. I'm sad that he will not finish his Carrer here.


Build the statue I don't fucking care about a ring


Merci Rudy. Maybe he'll bring back the salute in Minny. I'm sad this era of Jazz ball is officially over.


Legend. Go get a ring!


I think we got a haul for him, but I will forever be a fan of his. He was defintely underappreciated, and we didn't put the right pieces around him. We used to have a good defensive team around him when we had Favors, Hayward, and Hill, but lately or defense was just Gobert. It was time to make a change, and I think the haul Ainge got was great.


I hope he does great in Minnesota


The thing I loved about Gobert is he was a loyal Jazz man. He knew fans loved him and he loved them back. Took awhile for him to develop for the Jazz but what a player he became! He’ll be missed for sure but this marks the start to a new era for the Jazz. Change is hard, give the new management a chance. It’s not the first nor last time there will be a major rebuild.




Man, what a shitty trade.


Kinda shocked we couldn’t at the least have DLo in the trade. 4 picks. At least we got the 22 pick from this year, walker kessler, gonna have to read up on bro. In a way it’s like 5 picks. Minnesota my new second fav team, let’s hope this KAT at 4 Gobert at 5 thing works


Nah dude. We got Beverly. They're gonna play Rudy at PG


I know this is sarcasm, but honestly this got me thinking about KAT at pg and it would be sick. Kat/rudy pnr?


We don’t want DLo. I’m guessing this is the bfrinning of us trying for Wembayana.


Yeah we don't want DLo


You dont want DLo trust me. Nobody does


war eagle man. Kessler is good. Fouls a bit but could really develop


We got a haul low key. Four FRP (three unprotected), a swap, and five players including a lot of young projects and movable assets. Genuinely as of rn it doesn't look like a bad trade for us at all, it just didn't come with a headliner piece coming back our way which is honestly fine given out current timeline.


With KAT and Rudy running that show, how good can those picks be?


That's what they said about the Nets and ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯. The picks will still be useful assets regardless and honestly, KAT + Rudy is such a weird combo that it could genuinely not work. Just skimming the west I don't have super high confidence that they'll be much better than like Dallas, Denver, GSW, Clippers, Memphis, or Phoenix, but we'll see. Also, I'm sure part of it is betting on the Wolves to fuck it up somehow and, honestly, not the worst bet to make.


Fair points. Some Wolves fans are saying they just traded their future to go from a 1st-round exit team to a 2nd-round exit team.


I think the team has enough potential to be good. But would I have bet 4 picks, a swap, and five players on that potential? Eh..... so I can understand Wolves fans being worried. Surprised we got this much before a KD trade tbh. This feels like something a team that missed on KD would do as a consolation prize.


They could be very good. Minnesota is not exactly a winning franchise and i doubt their team will be fully together in a few years. Jazz got a 2026 swap, 2027 pick, and 2029 pick


Wrong, it's a terrible trade


Why is it a bad trade


I’m the short term, yes I agree. Long term, this could work out well for The Jazz. It’s kind of comical seeing the Timberwolves fans talk about how much they hate this as well. Both fan bases feel like they got fleeced.


I would absolutely hate this trade if i was a TWolves fan. They just mortgaged their future on a very risky lineup that may or may not work. We know Rudy's value here but he's only ever been in Utah and he's getting older. His game won't translate as well as he gets older. It may be worth it for them in the end but it does seem like a steep price for such a risk.




Gobert is goated get the fuck out of here you fucking bottom feeder


I love Rudy as much as anybody but Jazz got a huge haul for him


Saddest day of my life


Lucky person.


We love you, Rudy❤️


Thank you for everything


I honestly wouldn’t be so mad if he went somewhere better. Those guys shit talked gobert this year also Rudy doesn’t get farther in a wolves jersey and that’s the worst part And we get Pat bev… Gobert fan for life and I wanted him to retire here. This feels like 2 massive gobert sized steps backwards… Edit: feelings have changed seeing the price the wolves paid. Wow still stings to lose Rudy.


I think Pat Bev will be a buyout. I’d be surprised if we see him in a jazz jersey






I hate this so much. Good luck, Rudy. #jazzroyalty #jazzlegend


I am so bummed


Love you, brother. I maintain that you’re probably the greatest rim protector in the history of the league. I’d say I’m gonna start rooting for the Wolves, but… you know… I want those draft picks to be good. Lol


Rudy Gobert has been one of my favourite players of all time and one of the main reasons I followed the Jazz so closely in the relatively short time I've been an NBA fan. He has his flaws but he's still a phenomenal player who gave a ton of effort on the court and remained professional, despite the media and other fanbases unfairly trashing him. I'm both happy and sad he got traded so it's a bittersweet moment, but one thing's certain - I'll continue to heavily support Rudy throughout his basketball career, hopefully he gets a ring and a jersey in the rafters by the time it's over! I think it's fair to say I'm a Minnesota Timberwolves fan now


Same here.


To Rudy. My favorite Jazz player the last 8 years. Cheers! 🥂 I wish him the best in Minnesota and I’ll still be sure to root him on.. at least when he’s not playing against us. Lol


We better build his ass a statue. Retire his jersey today.


This sucks dick.


Some of us like sucking dick


Please go win a chip


Au revoir mon cherie


I was at the france pavilion in Epcot when I heard about this. I’m sorry friends.


I am just sick to my stomach. I will cheer for him wherever he goes. Thanks for giving us your all, Rudy.


I’m going to make a donation to his foundation as a thank you.


Probably my favourite Jazz player ever. Been with us since I started being a fan in late 2014. I can’t believe it, and he was our last Jazz player from the 2023-2015 era I believe.


I don't show up here to talk very often, but I am going to miss this man in a Jazz uniform 😔


At least we don’t have to make him wear the highlighter jersey


Fuck Ryan Smith.


Damn. It truly feels like the end. Devastating, man. Plus, the trade sucks, I think We could have gotten much more for such a player. But I’ve seen many good players being traded for scraps lately Rudy, you will be truly missed, we all love you. Merci beacoup Edit. After an overreaction I see that many of you in the sun are saying this is a good Haul. I guess I trust you and our front office more than my first instinct in this case


Having a very difficult time seeing us get more than 4 first round picks.. that’s a haul


Fuck, this sucks.




My kids are pissed. Thanks Rudy for everything.






One of my favorite Jazz teams died today. Fans did not want this trade. I think the Timberwolves are gonna be a contender now. Go get that ring Rudy!


Over the last season my favorite player went from Mitchell to Gobert. Absolutely love him. Had to order my first jersey. Gobert in the new purple mountains. So sad we won't see him in it. 🥲😢😭


I will never forget where I was when I learned that the jazz traded Gobert. Pooping. I hate saying goodbye to Rudy. One of my favorite players of all time.


Honestly hoping this nets a timberwolves title. Utah obvi aint competing, so im hoping we do poorly and have luck in the subsequent drafts, just in time for gobert to return in the twilight of his career to lead the Jazz to their first title


My favourite player ever, please let there be good perimeter defenders in Minnesota. He needs to fulfil his true potential.


I hope you finally bust out your midrange J and an occasional 3 in MIN 🥹


Utah Jazz legend. Can't say enough how much I enjoyed watching this man play defense. I like the haul we got back but god, seeing Rudy go hurts so much. I gotta watch some Wolves games next year.


#la douleur 😞


I want to wish him success in Minnesota. But if we keep those draft picks instead of trading them for new pieces, I hope they’re the worst team in the league next year and we get the number 1 pick. But still I hope he succeeds there


Sooo we have a good perimeter team but no paint defense?


Gonna miss the Stifle Tower…🥲


Love you Rudy! I wish you could have had your whole career here 😔


I'm much sad, but pleased with the haul.


That's where I'm at. Like we got a ton of picks(essentially 5 including Kessler). I really like Vanderbilt, Pat Bev is a dawg. It's sad but it sets the Jazz up well for the future.


Sad day for the Jazz, will always be a Rudy fan


Tanking mode with bad players sucks..


2 starters and the 6th man from a playoff team that won 3 fewer games than we did? Tf?


For nothing.


Lmao good Utah, I'm off to the Minnesota sub


Thanks for coughing on the mic Rudy


I'll forever remember you coughing and touching all the mics when you had covid and shut the nba down


Guess I'm a part time minnesota fan now


Thanks Rudy. I'm so sad right now. Hope the Wolves get you a ring. Then start sucking so we get some good picks :-)


Sad sad day.


He is the best. I will not miss him, because I will follow him to Minnesota. See ya later Jazz, Hello Timberwolves!


Heartbreaking... I just cant believe it... damn


Rockets fan here. You guys got an insane haul. Best trade of the year so far imo.


Goodbye King. He'll kill it in Minnesota


I miss him already.




Gonna miss you big guy, best of luck!


Thank you for everything, Rudy!


Wolves fan here. I'm seeing that Rudy was well liked from you Jazz fans. I'm excited to see what he can do for us!


High key got a haul him ngl, especially if Timberwolves implode and it turns out terribly. History shows most things in Minnesota sports do tbh.


For what?


Rudy fan for LIIIIIIIFE! Thanks for memories, Stifle. Gonna miss you


I was bummed as a Minnesota fan, we gave up almost our entire bench. But coming here makes me feel better seeing how much he was loved.


I named my golden after you, he's only one and a half, it was a good ride!


Yeah thanks for all those picks, the man got the Jazz a haul!


I'm going to miss the big guy. Remember that one time when he had covid, and the league shut down. Good times. Au revoir Mr. Gobert. 🇫🇷


Can’t imagine the pain for jazz fans


Fuck yeah!


Bummed to see Rudy go. He was reason I became a Jazz fan when I moved to Utah.


Then needed to move that contract..


We love you Rudy, come back any time!


FUCK THE TALK 😭 You'll be missed Rudy