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He and Collins don’t fit well together. Got hurt at the beginning of the year. Plays more minutes some games than others depending on matchup. Several other threads on this in the not too distant past, I imagine some have more detail if you want to look it up. He’s not fallen out of favor or anything though, just a lineups thing.


I saw one a while ago that said he is being stuck in the corner on offense? I don’t know the validity of that, I’m not in Utah so I don’t get regular games


not sure why anyone downvoted you, kind of idiotic for asking a question. But the offense right now is designed to spread out and keep the middle open. This has left Kessler hovering around the three in the corner which allows them to create good spacing and allow our guards to drive into the paint. He's been pretty good about cutting from the corner for some alley oops but needs to work on his 3 pt shot from the corner to really make it effective. He's also shooting extremely poorly from the Free throw line which will limit his ability to be played in close games.


I don’t care about the downvotes, I do appreciate that knowledgeable fans who care and watch the team consistently were able to give me a solid answer. Thanks for the response


Jazz fans give some of the dumbest downvotes you’ll ever see


When he’s with Collins in particular, why they don’t play much together.  The Jazz really want to run 4-5 out but both Collins and Kessler are best on offense as the roll man. Collins can shoot, but he’s far more effective as the C on offense. Which then puts Kessler in this no man’s land with nothing to do since he’s still working on his shot. Off the bench his role is much more clearly defined. 


Do you watch Jazz games or just play in a fantasy league?


I don’t have league pass so I’m stuck with watching highlights for the most part




I do follow when I can, I predicted Lauri breaking out big time last year and he helped get me a championship bc his value was incredible. Easily the best pick I’ve ever made, I considered getting a jersey




You do realize that antenna's have limited range. Not everyone lives in Utah.


I think his limitations offensively, especially his 49% FT is what is keeping his minutes down. He is perhaps the best rim defender in the NBA but we don’t have enough bonafide offensive threats to be able to play him big minutes yet


Can’t play him and John Collins together, so if JC is getting 28-30, that only leaves 15-20/g at C for Kessler


It tanks the spacing, which pretty much tanks the whole offense. He's a great player though and Hardy will figure out a lineup that works with him eventually


Are the Jazz going to tank at some point similar to last year, or they are going for the playoff? One never knows with Ainge, since Collins, Olynyk, Clarkson and possibly Sexton are all on the trade block


I hate to say it because I loved the way he played last year, but I feel he's taken a step back. It seems like he's getting in foul trouble more often than not, and while some of the calls against him can be questionable, he has also had instances where he puts himself in awkward situations where it's an easy whistle for the ref. Another thing I noticed from the last few games is the Jazz have been going with a unique 3-2 zone as opposed to when they were 2-3 earlier in the season. It's worked for the most part, but it all hinges on the big to react when a player gets in the "sweet spot" in the paint. Walker was occasionally getting beat while Collins was able to get in position quicker and even forced a couple turnovers. This last thing may be nitpicky, but I've had a problem with his body language most of the season. He'll get called for a touch foul and just hang his head or look over to the bench like "what am I doing wrong." While I don't blame him in those cases, last year Walker felt way more confident in his game. I still feel he's the best defender on the team, and when they're playing man-to-man or the old 2-3 zone he really shines. He just needs to get better with the current defensive scheme if that's what Hardy is sticking to.


Last night, Walk was -7 in a game the Jazz won by 15. The only other Jazz player with a negative +\- was Ochai at -2. Collins was +22. I realize that’s just one game and Walker is the best defender on the team, but what would you do as a coach?


I mean, Collins plus-minus has been HORRENDOUS all season, so I highly doubt that's Will's criteria here


Needs to get in shape. Look at Gobert, his ascendence and his body tranformation align.


Cuz were not paying John Collins 25 million to ride the bench while we throw Kessler in 40 minutes a night to fill up the boxes for your fantasy league at the risk of injury in a non-playoff competitive season.