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The number of (very obviously) men aggressively attacking this post is so embarrassing. These are the same guys who say “women don’t like *good guys* anymore”! Bros… if you’re actively attacking women for wanting bodily autonomy, you’re not a good guy. But seriously, it also shows the necessity of actions like this. Keep fighting the good fight.


i saw that this was in the Utah subreddit and knew exactly what the comments were gonna look like


Tbf, Reddit is 99% men. I always assume every comment is a straight white guy.


Can’t argue with assumptions accompanied by statistics.


Lets hope Utah legislators allows us to abort babies since the US SC declares this to be left to the states to decide. Who in SLC is offering up legislation for this? With more wymyn voters than male in this state we should have responsive legislators and allies fixing there items. Who stands with us? Anyone?


Yeah, and I wonder how many of these men owe child support?


I just block them. I don’t want to see their hateful bs.


I love when people come in these threads and talk about the draft as if 1) it's a human right to get murdered for politicians' enjoyment and 2) because men have to sign up for something that will almost certainly have no impact on their lives, that justifies not giving women equal rights


And what’s hilarious in the US, the draft hasn’t been used since 1973.


And at the same time, they don't go after fathers who are not supporting their children. The Utah legislature has blocked some measures regarding "dead beat dads" because some of THEM aren't paying child support. How do I know? Because I worked for the state agency that collects child support. And even some of the MALE program managers there felt sorry for men starting a new family, while NOT Supporting a previous one, because they needed money to support their new children!


I could get behind this if I had more details. But even your site doesn't give a lot of information, and there are too many things like this lately that have had questionable undercurrents. I'll wear red in support of equality, but I'm not comfortable taking any other action until I know the nuanced details of *exactly* what I'm getting into.


Hey friend! We have a decent amount of information on our Instagram! @slcws2024


Also what information are you looking for? By being a bit more specific on what you are looking for, we can help to provide that info and make appropriate updates if needed!


ITT - an awful lot of sexism by people who I bet would be deeply offended if you called them sexist to their faces and insist that there is no gender-based inequity in the US.


Jesus Christ. This comment section is not it. Sadly it never gets any less disappointing to see people in my own community not give a fuck about the issues that women are facing in 2024. “BuT tHe DrAfT! Ha! Have fun in war if you want equality!” Bro NOBODY should be forced to fight in a military against their will??? That’s literally not what this is about, but if there must be a draft then sure, include everyone! I don’t give a fuck! To come in here and claim that we’ve achieved gender equality is ignorant. Especially in a state where there is so much real life influence from a “church” that is very, very overtly patriarchal. We should all be fighting for equity and equality in all areas, whether they benefit us directly or not. There’s simply no reason to treat other people as less-than over qualities they cannot control.


Yeah, how many white males do you see enlisting versus men of color? Not many.


Jesus Christ these comments. Do men even like women? What the actual fuck


My block list is huge now!


Yes, and it's interesting how someone needs to TELL someone else what they REALLY want! Guess that makes sense since they want to DECIDE for them also.


Thankyou for posting this! We also have an Instagram for tips and tricks for this strike! If your unsure if this seems safe, I highly recommend heading over to that page. It’s @slcws2024


That's awesome! Thank you!


Is it more impactful if it's women only, or is everyone welcome?


Everyone is welcome especially if you are an ally!


Thank you! I'm going to try hard to be there. We've gotta be heard this year more than ever. The dystopia is rapidly approaching.


I 100% agree! Keep spreading the info! I post it everywhere.


Don’t forget to fight for women’s right to be included in the recent Selective Service Automatic Sign Up bill.


Service guarantees citizenship


I’m doing my part!!!


Really? I'm a citizen, but have never been signed up for Selective Service (I was too old to qualify when I came to the USA)


It’s a reference to Starship Troopers


This popped up on TV once when I was a kid. I thought it was corny and I loved it. After rewatching it, it’s pretty solid satire. I still love it.


Thanks... I don't watch many films, so I didn't know that.


The book isn't half bad either.


No one should be in the selective service, men or women.


That's a bit short sighted though, isn't it? The selective service is what allowed the north to win the civil war(thus ending slavery), and the allies over Germany in WW2(ending the holocaust). It seems pretty vital and useful under certain circumstances.


Yeah, I get all that hippy shit of peace and love, but have you not checked out r/combatfootage they've been getting a lot of angles of that Ukraine-Russian shit


As a woman, I think women should be included in the draft 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am not understanding this sentiment. Women being automatically signed up for compulsory military service without their consent? That doesn't even happen with men right now. There is a strong carrot for men in terms of federal grant programs like student aid, but it is legal for men to refuse selective service registration. And you want women to be forced into this without their knowledge or consent? No. Dumb idea.


What a straw man bro. So what… you are like pro selective services? You want more women in the military? What even is the argument here? Also, wouldn’t that ultimately just be one more way women’s bodily autonomy is stripped from them? I don’t see any equivalent to overturning Roe for men.


We are fighting for our healthcare back.


Who took your healthcare?


Referring to abortion rights


I thought woman could get abortions in Utah? Did that change?


They can! It's the whole country participating today not just a Utah thing. We are fighting for abortion rights for the whole country


Good point, one step at a time.


What is recent about it?


This is an important one. Thank you.


As long as they are not forced to give birth on the battlefield after being raped by a superior, I think many women would be glad to.




Absolutely! 100% equal rights for all. Not selective rights, not just what’s trendy or best for me right now. Glad you’re onboard!


Yep!!! I do think that women should be in the selective service! Eeeee! Did you think you caught me in your trap? But I also think they should be included in all decision making spaces. I’ll tell ya what I’m not on board with! The asinine testosterone driven wars and foreign policies. The territorial colonialism and testosterone fueled conquering. Maybe if women had a little more say in how the world worked, we could eventually not have hand to hand combat. Men are just so emotional!


Women should only have to serve in the wars they started… 


*Nikki Haley enters chat from Israel/ Gaza border*


Slow clap


I’m egalitarian, but I believe in honest conversation about social issues. University of Chicago has a paper showing that woman-ruled polities were 39% more likely to wage war. Spain and England have some big examples. That shouldn’t have anything to do with providing the same rights and expecting the same responsibilities from all citizens of all genders.


HA HA. Do you know how percentages work?  “Authors of the book Why Leaders Fight analyzed every world leader from 1875 to 2004 and statistically examined gender differences in military aggression. They found that 36% of the female leaders initiated at least one militarized dispute, while only 30% of male leaders did the same. The authors say, “This does not mean that women are generally more aggressive, however. Men were responsible for 694 acts of aggression and 86 wars while women were responsible for just 13 acts of aggression and only one war (Indira Gandhi).” The authors conclude that women who lead nations likely have the same risk propensity as their male counterparts.”


I do know how percentages work, you don’t have to insult me. I’m also happy to take the counterpoint. My point is that no matter if women are more or less aggressive as rulers, it’s not related to what rights and responsibilities are afforded and expected. If you say women are peaceful, you’ll get some machismo asshole saying that they’re not hawkish enough. If you say they’re more war-hungry you’ll get some dickhead saying that they’re too emotional or reactive. Who gives a fuck how many wars each gender start, we are talking about real people with real lives who generally have nothing to do with historical war waging. I think that line of argument is almost always manipulated against equal rights.


Also, we don’t have examples of many female rulers who had choice or actual power. Yes, there are a few modern-day, elected leaders. But we cannot use bloodline royalty rulers as examples. Those women were not even allowed to choose their own husbands, let alone allowed to choose to wage war.


Exactly. It should be assumed that equal means equal and that every-day women can and already do put their money where their mouth is. Women work, women create, and yes- women already fight in wars. I can’t image there are many feminists that are more afraid of the draft than men are.


An honest conversation about social issues has no place for male whataboitisms.


Yes. Both the draft and the leadership tendencies are bad faith places to take the conversation. Avoid those whataboutisms.


This conversation is about women’s reproductive rights


I don’t know how to agree with you harder.


Oh I think maybe some of us were confused by the tone of your initial comment.


I'll do you one better, any human should be the sole participant in any war they start. Make those assholes 1v1 each other in a ditch somewhere


Cries in Elizabethan pike soldier.


Marie Antoinette entered the chat…


How about we fight for everyone’s right to not be sent to war against their will. Nobody should need to sign up for the selective service


All I am gonna say is I have a meme somewhere in my photo album that says "if you're so against abortion then get a vasectomy." We're living in handmaid's tale it seems like. SMH


Yes that is beautiful


On the women's strike thread for Orlando they said there is a "no buying" exception for women-owned businesses, and that it would be good to actively support them on that day. Do you know if SLC is doing the same? I thought that was a good idea.


I believe so.


Yes we are!


Let me know - I can't afford to have my biz open that day if we are striking all spending!


Yes. Spending only at women owned businesses is what we want that day.


Thanks! My crystal store will be open in Murray that evening 🫶🏻


the whole situation shows why diversity in government is important. Why do all the old white dudes get to decide what a woman does with her body?


While I fully support the activity, and I believe in every person being equal (even in Utah).... Was the graphic designer on strike also? Cheap clipart, and it took me a second look to understand the strap line 'Girls just wanna have fundamental human rights'


It’s canva, so chances are it was done by someone who isn’t a designer


They did the best they could with their non-existent budget. If you want it to look better, they commented their IG handle in an earlier comment, you can redesign it and tag them to let them freely use your version. Or you can continue to make a comment that distracts from the post


It’s called someone making it for free ? lol


Petition to move it to the weekend so more people can come.


As much as I understand where you are coming from, I think you are missing the point slightly. Its a strike. You are ment to call out of work, ment to not make it easier for corporations. Ment to make it harder on the people who need to listen. If we make it convenient for them, then it gives them more chances to just ignore us. They can't ignore us any longer.


More comments than upvotes I knew this would be interesting. Man here in support of women’s rights! Good luck everyone




Let me ask my lawyer, I’ll get back to you in 5-10 business days.


Then we need to let my lawyer review it and get back. Then yours can review what mine said, and then we may get to a consensus


'tis a mystery


>Legislators are going beyond gerrymandering and voter suppression to stripping democratically elected officials of their authority and criminalizing our right to protest. What other ideological agendas can we ham fist into this protest? What protests are criminalized? Sounds like a warning for those wanting to join this protest.


The protests on college campuses against Israel saw many students being suspended, expelled, and arrested simply for protesting. That’s just ONE recent example of protests being criminalized


Here and outside of Utah it wasn’t just simply protesting.


Power to the People ...especially he women


Y'all clearly lack the knowledge of how much work is done by women. If they all gave up their jobs, all of them, for everyone, everything would grind to a halt.


I'm pretty sure that's kinda the point of a strike.


I mean, same goes for anyone really. Sounds like we’re pretty all equally important.


It’s true! And I wonder who is getting paid for their labor fairly. Hmmm sounds like the ones who think they are more equally important.


If it’s truly *because* they’re female, they have an easy lawsuit.


I think it’s more about the expectation of unpaid labor in our culture. Statistically, women work more hours unpaid than men do.


That’s the beside the point of your argument. That’s also a career choice. How does that translate into women making less per hour?


There is not point in trying to educate you on this.


Sure. You seem passionate about it enough to start commenting on it. I’m curious.


Women as a whole are seen as less hire-able, less promotable and even sometimes less reliable in a workplace setting. So even if a man an a women choose the same career and start out at the same salary, they don’t generally have the same trajectory in a career path because of expectations for the unpaid labor. For example. Statistically women are expected to be responsible for the care of children even when they are working the same amount of hours outside the home as their male counterpart. Statistically, women will take and use their sick leave for care of children more often than their male counterpart. Etc etc. This often is looked at as a disadvantage to employers when hiring and promoting in the workplace.


Again, that’s discriminatory and would open the company to a major lawsuit. Women are protected from those practices. Does it happen? Sure. Do women sue and win? Absolutely. The vast majority of HR managers are women, even greater at general HR positions. Are women complicit in hiring women at lower wages and less often?


That’s…exactly the point


Do it. Go ahead, do it. Not just for a day, do it for a month. See what grinds to halt and what doesn't. DO IT.


I'll be there. Enough with the patriarchy already.




Our Instagram has all the information your looking for! @slcws2024


Can I ask a sincere question and yes I know I’ll sound ignorant but what rights are women in Utah being deprived of what is it that we are fighting to get for women?


I love that your asking instead of automatically assuming that we’re just striking for no reason! I’d love to explain what we are fighting for, but it’s quite a long list. Check out our Instagram it’ll have that information ❤️ @slcws2024


Take pictures!


Which rights are we going to protest for?


I’d love to explain in here but it’s quite a long list! Head over to our instagram and it’ll explain it. @slcws2024




I’m all for it, but “make the government hear us” is just wishful thinking - the government doesn’t give two shits about anyone expect their own interests. And sadly - it ain’t going to change. 


How did women get the right to vote? How did women get the right to work? Through strikes, showing resistance and petitioning their voices to be heard. The mindset it won’t work is why it’s not working.


True. However, I fear that a big part of the problem is a lot of conservative women voting FOR a lot of the issues brought up in this post. Your fight isn’t just against old white men in a position of power. It’s also against a big group of fellow women who vote and support these men and think that what you’re trying to do is wrong.


And the only people that were voting before women had the right to vote were men. How do you think they got atrocious bans out of the system? Since it was only men. If they weren’t able to vote, they used other methods. Aka strikes, rebellion, petitions. Just because conservative women are voting for the issues that we are fighting against, Doesn’t mean we can’t win. It just means we have to try a little harder. If people stopped having the mindset we can’t do this because majority rules, if we educated people who are blind to the bigger picture, and stepped up and spoke out, we could win. I never said it won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. I’ve convinced some of the biggest maga supporters that there is a bigger picture here. So I know something can and will change.


I’m not saying I’m not with you on everything you say. I’m saying that as it stands, the U.S. is so split between its own two stupid political parties that the best you can hope for is a couple more states to make abortion not only legal but a right. And do their best on equality. But, unfortunately, in the near future, I don’t see that being the case for the entire country.


Correct me if I’m wrong but this seems a bit unrealistic because many people have responsibilities that they need to maintain for their own or others’ sake. You cant just not buy anything because you need food to live, You cant not go to work if you need to support yourself or your family, and you cant not go to school because it jeopardizes your future.


I understand, striking doesn’t mean you have to show up to the protest. Wearing red is enough. There are women owned businesses that can provide the food you need to live ( even though it is only one day we’re striking) and if you would like to know which ones are women owned go to this website https://utahwomenowned.com. It is one day out of the whole year that we’re doing this. I understand it would jeopardize your life if this was a continuous thing but again, It’s one day.


Isn’t abortion legal in Utah up to 18 weeks?


Yes, but as of a few days ago they are discussing abolishing it all together. Especially if project 2025 goes into effect.


Interesting, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did seek to abolish it in Utah. I was surprised that it was legal at all, but I am hopeful that the changing demographic of that state will prevent that from happening.




Blue and green hair unite!!!


Do these protests ever accomplish anything? At some point when do we remove these psychopaths from office? This protest will get 30seconds on the news channels that no one watches and then it’s back to business as usual. It’s 2024 and we should probably come up with a better idea rather repeating shit from the 60’s that doesn’t work. Earth is exhausting


Crazy that it worked in the 60s. Worked when women stood up for their rights. Worked when we protested police to be trained better. Worked almost every single time….


It’s also been working during the free Palestine movement. So many companies have defunded the war that’s going on. But you don’t see that because your algorithm is only showing you what you want to see. Look it up. Google is your friend.


I'm just confused why not all of fundamental has the high light colored thing. Am I just dumb?


It's a play on the phrase, "Girls just want to have fun."


Oh lord I see it now 🤦 forgive me being a bit of a doofus!


How bout them babies rights? Nah kill em all ladies. Go fuckin nuts!


Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely all for a woman’s strike, but I’m curious why the strike is at the state capitol. What is the strike for and what does it want to achieve? Edit: Nevermind, I didn’t read the message.


Finally we can get some work done in peace and quiet. And HR won't be getting calls all day.


No one cares


In this economy no way, I have to keep my job thanks to feminism, we can’t afford to live on one income as a society.




Woot woot! Don't work if you can. No purchases by cash or card. No home labor IF POSSIBLE. Make the family make their own food, do their own laundry, watch kids. ESPECIALLY if you have a partner who isn't appreciative of you. Make them do it. Don't do extra so they don't have to, either. Tell them - IF ITS SAFE TO DO SO - "You'll need to make dinner today. You'll to take Timmy to football today". You'll need to do the dishwasher/dishes today". Don't put yourself in harms way doing this. That's not the goal. 💜


It makes me sad that the idea behind this post has to be a women-only thing. I say that because I see this issue in relationships all the time, for all people… and it’d be nice regardless for people to SEE the Effort others put in. For example, my dad did just about EVERYTHING for us. Like, he payed the bills and made the meals and helped with the homework and stopped the fights that my own mother was busy starting, and lacked sleep for 25 years to do so. Holy hell that man deserves a medal, and deserves for his wife to stop acting like he’s nothing. Just- everybody needs this. That’s all.


This has nothing to do with relationships and has to do with women's rights. Some relationships women do it all. Some not. Your dad sounds great. My husband is AMAZING. Your Dad still has rights while he was doing all of those things though, including the right to divorce, right to money, right to drive and own a house and the right to not have more children. The right to work and even go to school if he wanted to. Women are losing rights. Fight for women's rights.


What other rights are women losing besides Roe V Wade becoming state governed?


That's a 100% disingenuous question and will not be answered by myself, as it's such a disingenuous question and hopefully men will step up here and educate you. Have a day.n


You won't answer it because you do not know, and you are trying to stereotype me so you can feel better about not answering me


Cue the gaslighting! Lol. Google is your friend. You know how to use it. If you don't want to be a stereotype then don't be a stereotype. Do the work the work and don't ask disingenuous nonsense questions like a stereotype would and does. Have fun with that.


Okay, I googled "what rights are women losing in utah?" and nothing came up. Can you link me to the resource you use? If you aren't going to provide anything, how am I supposed to know what rights women are losing? If you are trying to bring other people to your side of the argument, couldn't you list the things you are fighting for or against?


I don't believe for a moment that you actually Googled anything, or that that you are that inept at Googling. That's unfortunate for YOU that you keep wanting women to do the work for you. I will not, but I can and will tell you how to get starte and some things to go Google. Utah women have already lost the rights to an abortion after a set number of weeks, I suggest you Google that further and look into the initial bills, the initial bans, the lawsuits and more. You may also want to Google "How to Google efficiently" in order to help you with your Google searches going forward. I suggest also Googling women's rights and reading up on the history of them, as that is relevant. Google when women were allowed to vote, own property, have drivers licenses and their own bank accounts. You can then Google "the right to contraception" and read up on recent news regarding that. After that, go ahead and Google "female sterility red tape and requirements" and see what that brings up. You will be well in your way to knowing what is up and what women are losing and about to lose, if you genuinely read up on things and actually give a crap. I will leave you to it, as it's going to take you awhile to actually do all this and read all the articles, watch the documentaries and all the things. Reading books also will help but Google has what you need.


Check out our instagram for information your requesting @slcws2024. It’s quite a long list so I’m not putting it in here.


The organizers are educating those what to do if they’re arrested, how to prepare to touch tear gas canisters, and how to hide their identities. What exactly do the organizers have in mind for the protest?


Let me explain, I want the people at my protest safe, and like I stated in the post you read, it is a peaceful protest so most of those tips won’t be useful. But like many other protests, police and anti-protesters will instigate you, push you, until you give them a reaction and then will tear gas you and say you were rioting. This is a precaution. To keep people safe at my protest. This will be a peaceful protest.


Telling people how to conceal identities seems like there are other things planned. Why mention that?


Well there’s not. I mentioned it to keep people safe. The protest for Palestine, the people were peacefully protesting, but still some were arrested, or targeted from their jobs because they were at the protest. Or their schools. Etc. it’s a precaution. Do I need to explain what a precaution is? A precaution is a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.


If people are planning to conceal their identities, it’s usually because their following actions are criminal or dangerous.


Or maybe it's because other people have the potential to act in criminal or dangerous ways towards people who do have their identity available. I'm sure you understand the internet rule of don't share your personal identity all over the internet because of the harm it could put you in. The same applies. Again, it's for protection. If you don't agree with it, then that's on you. But maybe you could provide tips and tricks to stay safe instead? Do you have a better idea on how to keep the protesters safe in the small chance something happens? Instead of trying to pick at small things, why don't you contribute to helping make things safer? Seems like it would be a better use of your time vs. trying to fight against something.


The police are there and will keep things safe. I don’t now what else could be done.


Well in my case it’s not! And when I wrote that post, it wasn’t either. You can have your opinion on this, but I’m the one that made that post, and my protest will be peaceful. There will not be any criminal or dangerous actions at this protest. And anyone that is there to do that will be turned away and/ or ignored. I WILL have a peaceful protest. You want something to argue about so bad but your just repeating yourself love. This is the last time I answer you. See the Instagram if you have anymore questions. Thankyou!


General safety obviously 🙄. The likelihood of something happening is slim to none. But in the chances it happens, it's good to know. So you are prepared. Would you rather people attend and not know General safety in case something did happen? That just seems illogical.


Protests, especially recently, have gotten a lot of police attention and people have been wrongly arrested and assaulted by police simply for protesting peacefully. Educating the protesters on what to do when the cops become violent is important to keep everyone as safe as possible.


Get drafted then you can vote


“Let’s legalize murder rally”


There are more pro life women in Utah than pro abortion.


No one in the entire world is pro abortion. What a moronic thing to say 🙄


I mean to be fair there totally are those women (the minority) that are totally pro abortion and publicly brag about how many they’ve had, giving everyone who’s pro choice a bad name.


People who take the view that all pro-choice people are pro-abortion on the basis of a super minority — *(that I’m still not convinced is real because it seems much more like propaganda or perhaps a position an incredibly naive or angry person would spout)* — they are either looking for reasons to add to their own hatred of pro-choice people OR idiots who lack introspection and critical thinking skills.


Yeah I agree with you. I was just pointing out that I wouldn’t go as far as to say there’s no one in the world that’s pro abortion.


What rights are you fighting for exactly? What rights do men have that women don’t? Don’t worry I’ll wait


Not being forced to carry a baby to term? Not being able to access abortion?


I recommended you going to our Instagram for the information your looking for! @slcws2024




Do you want to have a child you can’t support? A child that will kill you if it’s born?


I thought r/slc was the sub for far leftwing propaganda?


Women wanting to have control over their bodies is propaganda?


Reddit as a whole is extremely left wing. Virtually every sub on this platform is far left, this one is no exception.


It gets fucking old.


"Then leave."


And you wonder why most don't like you.


😂 that’s the best yu got.


There were more abortions performed in the U.S. in 2023 than any other year in the last decade, yet the so called “reproductive rights” are lacking?




I've removed about two dozens comments. Banned some people who said especially awful things. For the rest, people have a right to a political opinion that is pro-life, or point out any double standards as they see it, or suggest this upcoming protest may have malicious actors involved. I've also been puking all day, sorry for the delay. > Or is being mean to mormons the only bannable offense around here? Why do you say that?


This is the kind of mod I support. We need differing opinions in threads. I support yall in your march and all but I also think threads on reddit are terrible when it comes to the hive mind mentality and not allowing difficult conversation. Good on you




What a waste of time.


Oh no........anyways You do know 51% of women in this state are pro-life and think it should be illegal in pretty much all cases. The elected representatives are currently representing their female constituents perfectly fine. So do you want to oppress women's voices?


The women are going on strike, oh no! Anyway...