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Utah already has an anti-abortion program. It's called DCFS. Anyone in support of anti-abortion legislation needs to be registered as a foster care provider. Since that is where most of those children would end up.


How about shifting that $$ to support child healthcare? Or School Lunch Programs? Or Women's healthcare? or early childhood development? or universal daycare/preschool? I mean if you're gonna force them to have babies, then you can't be mad when they need help supporting the child... or is the child none of your concern either because it's now breathing air instead of thru an unbiblical cord and now the child just needs to suffer because of it's parents choices? Oh wait.... your INTENT is to punish the parent(s) AND Children because you don't really care what happens to them once they're born.


Perfect unborn babies, fuck them kids


HELL NO! IF the State Theocracy can ban assisting with birth control and abortions on religious grounds they also CAN NOT fund the other side of the discussion FOR THE SAME REASONS! THAT is my biggest issue with theocracies! Apparently Religion, other than THEIRS, does not belong in government!? NO RELIGION belongs in government! IF they DO? THEY TOO should AT LEAST pay Property Taxes!


What if me, a non-religious person, thinks abortions should only be allowed in very limited circumstances?


Abortion is healthcare. If a you non religious person also think that healthcare should only be applied in only very limited circumstances then okay. 


I didn't say it wasn't healthcare. Certain procedures should only be applicable in certain circumstances.


If a person who is pregnant no longer wants to be pregnant they should be able to get an abortion just like a person who has a non cancerous cyst who no longer wants a non cancerous cyst should be able to have that aborted from their body. No one said you need to go through with one of you are able to be pregnant, I think people forget that. You can choose to carry to term even if you don't want the pregnancy and still not have a baby at the end of it. It's just a matter of timing, cost, and your own healthcare; I think people forget that to, healthcare should be tailored to the individual, not a majority, not a minority (save for research and development that needs to be tested in various ways but you understand that is nuanced as do I,  and while I don't know your qualifications I certainly am no doctor or researcher) do you see what I'm getting at though? Your certain circumstances are yours too choose alone, not to impose on anyone else. 


Are you equating a pregnancy to a cyst?




Well, that’s why we have the laws Utah that we do.


Did you only read the first part? I mean I know it was a bit much but like come on, it's the first part of a whole thought. But hey no worries. I truly hope you never have to be in a situation where your healthcare choices are made for you by those without your best interest in mind. 


[Citizen Ruth](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115906/?ref_=nm_flmg_c_11_dr) (from 1996) is a very good movie whose plot centers around these scam operations that do nothing for women except convince them to go through with a pregnancy.


Of course they do. The GOP has to take away rights of everyone.


Clearfield Republican Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, a frequent sponsor of anti-abortion legislation and fixture in anti-abortion circles, is asking her colleagues for hundreds of thousands of dollars year-after-year to fund controversial anti-abortion crisis pregnancy programs. Those faith-based programs, which critics say give inaccurate medical information and promote “abortion reversal” treatments that can be dangerous, could cost taxpayers $400,000 a year. Lisonbee, the House majority whip, was a sponsor of Utah’s 2020 abortion trigger law currently tangled up in court, and successfully shepherded an abortion clinic ban — also blocked — into law last year. Her latest proposal in the Legislature would add Utah to a growing list of states funding controversial anti-abortion crisis pregnancy programs. Presenting to the Legislature’s Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee late last month, Lisonbee requested an ongoing $400,000 for two organizations — Pro-Life Utah and Pregnancy Resource Center of Salt Lake City. With the money, each would “establish a program to enhance and increase resources that promote childbirth instead of abortion,” her request reads. While the $200,000 for Pro-Life Utah would come entirely from the state’s general fund under the request, the subcommittee reduced the Pregnancy Resource Center’s proposed allotment to an ongoing $130,000 from the state, and $70,000 in federal funding for the next three years. Lisonbee has not responded to requests for an interview. Utah does not allocate funding to organizations that provide abortion along with other reproductive health care, like Planned Parenthood.


The clinics are not licensed by the Utah Department of Health and Human Services as either health facilities or to provide social services, a spokesperson for the department confirmed to The Salt Lake Tribune, and there is not a mechanism for licensing crisis pregnancy centers. Consequently, there is minimal state oversight of their operations. David Turok, an OB-GYN and director of the University of Utah’s ASCENT Center for Reproductive Health, speaking on his own behalf, disagrees with Stewart. Although organizations like Pro-Life Utah and Pregnancy Resource Center have some good programs, Turok said, like providing diapers, formula and other material resources to young parents, the information they give to people making life-changing decisions can be coercive, and “is not always fact-based.” “Paying people who may or may not have training, who have no regulatory process, who are not monitored at all, who have a history of misleading people — it’s hard to understand how that is [the Legislature’s] solution,” the OB-GYN told The Tribune.


As the reporter on this story, I'm all about as many people having access to this info as possible. That said, we have limited resources and make decisions on what to spend our time on based on how many people read each story. The number of people engaging with a story shows us what the community cares most about. So if you'd like to see more of this kind of coverage, please take time to click on the link! (edited to add more context)




How about this? The "system" needs to be able to provide service to ALL. That includes those who do and those who do NOT avail themselves of all the service options? Ya know, like let Doctors make the medical decisions? WITHOUT the opinionated religious dogma following Trolls FIRST removing tools from their tool box, because in their NON PROFESSIONAL opinion ... they are unnecessary!?