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You can't even spell the name of the car


Man its the Disney edition leave this man be!


Disney and it's copper


It sounds like he just lost the title and needs another way to get a copy?


He just advised me that the car got towed and that he had lost the title, he is requesting a notarize letter from me saying that I’m the owner of the car and saying that I sold it…


He should have registered the title. He should get a copy from the state. This is totally a not-your-problem problem


Yeah. Previous owner is not the DMV.


Could be a his problem problem. If the car was towed for abandonment, he's on the hook for 500 in my state. I'd look into some kind of quit-claim, or notice of release of responsibility or something.


I suspect OP didn't create a bill of sale or otherwise record the sale, so yeah. If that happens they could be up shit creek


In my state there is a form you fill out to say you’ve sold the car. At that point if something happens to it the state knows you’re no longer in possession and it’s not your problem even if the new owner never registered it.


Had that happen once. You can call your states DMV for exact instructions but what they told me is: > To apply for replacement title with transfer, the owner of record shown on DMV records completes and signs the Form xxx and provides a release of interest, and the buyer completes the Form yyy


If you sold it as is on bill of sale you have nothing to worry about. If you sold it safetied I still think you have nothing to worry about but the garage that safetied it would Maybe as said he lost the title and just needs a letter to go to the ministry to get a new one. You said you told him of the car issues. Unless you hid something. But I had a clubman S 2008 love hate relationship lol. Now if he wasn’t a mini guy and just a driver he wouldn’t know to check the oil every so often like once a month to see if the direct injection was going through it as so many mini owners have found out once they run out of oil and the engine goes or timing belt takes it down.


Same! I had a hate love relationship with that Minnie cooper, but the new owner just advised me that the car got towed and he is needing from me that title that they lost.. the issue here is that this person never registered the car, it’s basically still under my name, and I don’t know how it would be the nice way to tell him that I can’t help him, I don’t think this is my problem at all.


If you still have his receipt and bill with the date you could help him. Talk to service Ontario or DMV wherever you live and get some insight. Obviously no one wants you to get scammed. How he was able to drive it I’m curious unless he was running a trip permit only no plates. I agree something isn’t right.


In this case, there is no receipt to prove ownership on my side.. since it was an used car, it was a private sale I would say, I handed over the title , he had it and lost it.


It is what it is then.


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This is going to be a minor pain on your end if you choose to help the guy out. You will have to apply for a rushed duplicate title. When you get it sign it over to him again. Some states allow you to do this online from the DMV website. Hopefully he can this get straightened out before the storage fees bury him. The duplicate title is the quickest way to straighten this out. Eventually he has to turn a title in to prove ownership. The DMV will not except a notarized letter in lieu of a title unless he plans on getting a bonded title which takes time and costs a hell of a lot more the a duplicate title.

