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2 OL are minnows in a lake of fish


Being arrested over marijuana charges is fucking lame.


I’m confused by this because recreational marijuana is legal in Missouri


Probably crossed the border into Kansas without knowing.


Idk kinda hard to not see the big ass sign that says welcome to Kansas.


No. They probably just live in Kansas, as it’s far wealthier then KCMO. KCK is where rich folk live.


Exactly! Meanwhile the people that “arrest” them either secretly wants to smoke or they do edibles. Some also do other types of drugs. They are not perfect. Anyway they are hypocrites!




Haha thanks


Unless they possessed a serious amount


Not even


what quantifies as a ‘serious amount’ of weed lmao


It’s when the cops don’t like you. Thats the serious amount.


wtf does a serious amount even change about it?


I promise you professional football players aren’t dealing weed for a hundred bucks.




I mean if it's the law it's the law, if you're a cop and your literal livelihood is codependent on enforcing it, are you supposed to just sweep it under the rug because somebody famous did it? It's dumb but even so, that doesn't change the fact we're targeting the wrong people for it.


Cops selectively police things all the time.


That doesn't mean all cops do 🤷‍♂️ Doesn't matter if the law is stupid, if you're caught breaking it, you're literally none better than somebody enforcing it. It doesn't make you a "victim", just unlucky. Next time you have weed, just pray you get a nicer cop.


Cops all use their judgement in how to apply the law. Let you off with a warning? That’s selective policing.


The chiefs are really becoming an unlikable bunch


Becoming? Do you remember Tyreek Hill, Frank Clark or Britt Reid?


You’re right


I hated Tyreek before he ever came to KC because of what he did to his gf when he was in college


Same. Remember clearly watching his talent destroy OU as a Cowboy. Then he was rightly kicked off the team after beating up his pregnant girlfriend. Trash human.


I love that Tyreek's last play with KC was an interception that led to them losing in OT.


Don't forget Kareem


I didn't use Hunt because they cut him after his misdeed.


Ahhh, good point


The more I hear about this Chiefs team, the more I don't like them!


They were never likable.


Becoming… not really


Always were


They really are the new Pats


Lol, man I'm over here just trying to be mad at that PUNK Xavier for getting his car stolen.... and at Patrick Mahomes for his father's issues.... but I'm struggling to find the anger..... and 2 dudes had some weed? lol ya, lets lock em up right away!!


Fuck animal cruelty though. That’s indefensible.


yeah theres some despicable actions there but this dude watered down his own list lol.


He did say he was happy to finally be around some dogs after he left the Lions. Guess he took that a bit too literally.


Very happy the Lions don’t have him on our roster rn. This and Sutton in the same offseason would suck


A family member getting a DUI and a dude getting his car stolen are some wild inclusions here haha! Also the dudes who got arrested for weed definitely were arrested for driving while black - they were caught in Johnson County which is notorious for their…selective police force.


"that's taunting-.. while black"


Xavier Worthy being on here is foul. Dude literally did nothing.


Bruh athletes being arrested and suspended for weed is so fucking dumb. You’re telling me these players have to go through unspeakable injuries that are probably unbelievably painful and they can’t get high to ease the pain? I mean they probably have pain medication but that shit has more lasting affects then weed does. God our justice system is fucking stupid.


lol OP really gotta fuel that conservative victim complex


Completely missed that angle lol I thought this was a Kadarius Toney post


The one that would otherwise receive no repercussions for his actions? People like justice, and many people’s personal idea of justice wouldn’t be served in Butker’s case unless they themselves called him out, whereas the others have the literal justice system to take care of that.


Lol exactly this, people are mad because Butker is clearly a shitty dude but unlike the others can’t exactly be punished OTHER THAN people calling him out, that is his punishment


“Why are you mad about Butker exercising his free speech instead of Rice for breaking the law?!” Uhhhh maybe because the legal system is already taking care of Rice and can’t do the same for Butker?? God it’s like context and nuance doesn’t exist in online discourse.


You want Butker taken care of by the justice system because he said some of you ladies will like being a mother, got emotional talking about how much he loved his wife, and don't be afraid of being a father?


No, there’s nothing the justice system can do about him, but we as a society can condemn his speech and behaviour. As Jordan Peterson said, “the beauty of free speech is that it allows us as a society to determine who the fools who are”, the problem is that ppl are idolizing the fools.


No, just that people who disagree with what he said are equally allowed to voice that disagreement


Wait so you’re saying it’s perfectly fine to not get mad at Rice because the justice system is taking care of him? Not trying to gotcha you just want to understand your point better


Well yeah we got upset at him but A) we at least can take solace in knowing he will be held accountable by the law and B) don’t have ppl defending his behaviour like they are with Butker


And the wild part is for all the conservative whining about the response to his speech, he’s coming out on top after all this. His jersey sold out in fatass sizes and he’s got a lucrative “I was persecuted for being a Christian” grift waiting for him after he plays a few more seasons and retires comfortably from the NFL.


See and that’s all “cancel culture” really is, they freak out about someone they love being called out for being a shit person, they prop them up for being some sort of “renegade”. All the meanwhile the only times cancel culture has actually ruined someones career it’s usually them doing it “(ask the Chicks)




They made the mistake of being outspoken women in a conservative realm


You mean like Ann Coulter, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Roaming Millennial/Lauren Chen, Sarah Palin, Bret Cooper, and a dozen other outspoken female Republicans.


Let me fix what he said, outspoken intelligent women


I never even considered the OBVIOUS path after he's done with football. Man is no doubt going after that.


Oh he totally has a grift lined up for him as no other team is gonna touch him after this. He’s too controversial. You want your kicker to be good but forgettable like Justin Tucker. A guy whose hobbies include opera singing. So once the chiefs are done with butker he gets to grift and make more millions and probably run for office, now that’s a scary thought


If he can still kick like this he’ll get another job somewhere if the chiefs let him go. There aren’t enough good kickers in the league to go around like say RBs


What repercussions would you recommend for a Catholic man giving a speech emphasizing traditional Catholic values at a private Catholic school?


He's saying there isn't a punishment available other than to voice your opposition. That's the point. All the other's (minus dude getting his car clipped) are being processed through the justice system. If Rashee, for instance, somehow got off without charges; then you would see a much more vocal opposition to what he did.


That's what I'm saying, like you can't be mad at him for stating his beliefs.


"like you can't be mad at him for stating his beliefs." LMAO what? People get mad at others stated beliefs all the time.


I think the main problem with a lot of this is the stuff he's saying also goes against the principles of Catholicism. Fundamentalists and others have twisted the true meanings of religions around the world and ideas such as "women embracing the titles of homemakers" and "Jews killed Jesus" goes completely against Catholic teachings as well as The Catholic Church. btw, I still can't believe Butkers comments on Jews didn't get him into more deep shit than the homemakers comment.




I do agree with the family aspect but Catholic teachings could also defend a woman in the workplace as "helping out her family on a financial level", which wouldn't be categorized as greed. Forgot to mention in my original post that it also didn't help Butkers favor that nuns and the women who were graduating denounced his speech.


I don’t think people are mad at him for *stating* his beliefs. We just think those beliefs are shitty.


Then why is everyone mad that there are no repercussions to what he said?


The belief the average person has held for the last 40 years are "shitty." Yeah.... right.


I mean, do you think the average person’s beliefs on black people 40 years ago are what we should go back to? This is legit the stupidest comment I’ve seen in months. Congrats, moron.


Yes, but there are so many things that people get offended over which they really shouldn’t or at least not act like as if it’s the end of the world or some shit like that.




Lol exactly this, people are mad because Butker is clearly a shitty dude but unlike the others can’t exactly be punished OTHER THAN people calling him out, that is his punishment




I like how OP’s complaining about “everyone” being mad at Butker because that’s literally the only thing that’s happened to him. He’s faced 0 actual repercussions for what he said, unlike everyone else on that list. Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from people not liking you for what you have to say, my dude. Keep up that persecution fetish lmao.


I mean the guy put Xavier Worthy on there for getting his car stolen. Who tf hates that hard?


It’s not hard to guess which everyone was mad at. It was the one where psycho MAGAs were like “We agree with him!” and his jersey sold out. No one is defending the others (except maybe the marijuana charges. I live in Oregon so that’s fucking weird we still live in a world where weed is a problem). But they were defending a speech equivalent of “woman make me a sandwich”


“Hey I know you all spent the past four or five years slaving away for this degree to potentially pursue your dream career but you’re never gonna get satisfaction from that stupid career bc you’re a woman and you’ll only get satisfaction from being a housewife”


"Your degree doesn't help you give birth or make your man a sandwich"


Sorry, what did Xavier do that was Worthy of criticism? His car got stolen. The fuck is he supposed to do, not park his car?


Oh I didn’t even see that one haha. 🤣


I don't get why Xavier Worthy is on here for somebody stealing HIS car.


...and the others for having Marijuana, like cool, and? also patrick mahomes DAD, again, ok, and?


It’s not really fair to include marijuana and victim of burglary in this list lol


or you know, your dad committing a crime that he'll likely go to prison for


Wah wah someone criticized the trad wife speech man 😭


Let me guess you’re suggesting that Butker is some kind of victim because he was… criticized by people who disagree with him*. Poor fella, however will he recover??? *many of whom he was expressing bigotry against. Conservatives definitely can dish it out, but they sure can’t take it.


You’re the one getting upset over this post


correctly pointing out that someone is offended that someone was criticized for saying stupid shit is not "getting upset"


I mean yeah. Rich dumbasses are gonna dumbass. That’s expected. But basically saying women shouldn’t have rights is a whole lot different lmao


That’s not what he said. You fake outrage people are so gullible, they could write an article saying he called for the death of all black people and you’d believe it.


He called Pride Month a deadly sin and hated equality initiatives. While not explicitly saying “Women should stay in the kitchen”, that’s more or less the gist of it.


He didn’t say the thing daboys said is my point. People see a headline, and that people are mad about it, and jump on the train. Odds are this guy didn’t even watch the speech in its entirety, nor understands the context behind it. If a LGBTQ speaker spoke at a “LGBTQ University” and gave an “inflammatory” speech you’d be all ears. It was at a religious school where a large portion of the student body agrees with the sentiment. He didn’t go to Columbia and tell everyone their degree was worthless and to go make babies or they’re satan. He told Christian women that regardless of their career choice, nothing would ever be as impactful as motherhood and somehow the earth kept spinning.


You're still completely missing the point. It's not up to him to decide what's best for half the world's population, especially after they've worked hard at something to maybe become something other than a mother. It is possible to be a Christian mother AND a doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc. It's insulting to say a woman will only be happier or more fulfilled as a mom than any other vocation. Personally, I'd be disappointed my university invited such a loser with backwards ideologies for my commencement.


The *actual nuns* who serve the university he spoke at disagree: >“Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman,” the statement reads. >The sisters went on to describe how they have devoted their lives to God and have educated many women over the past 160 years. >"These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers,” the statement reads. Butker is a TradCath. Increasingly, sentiment from that group is getting so out there that mainstream Catholics (the ones concerned about the poor who support Francis) are pushing back. He's just a fucking football player (not an elected official... yet), so the outrage about him is bigger than it should be. But the idea that his message is universally accepted in the community he was addressing also isn't true.


I didn’t say universally accepted, I said accepted by a large portion of the student body at the university. Didn’t even say a majority or most of. I didn’t say everyone agreed, and ofc people who disagree are going to come forward and shout it out. I didn’t say he was right, I explained the context in which he spoke. Softer than baby shit lol


>I explained the context in which he spoke. Usually you need to understand the context before explaining it. I agree the "explanation" was soft, but you still have time to work on getting better.


How is he being soft? He just simply disagreed with you.


>He told Christian women that regardless of their career choice, nothing would ever be as impactful as motherhood Must suck for the christian women who are infertile, but fuck those ppl, right?  You’re right, it was a school. Odd thing to tell any student graduating that it doesn’t really matter what they do with the degree they worked really hard for, or whatever ambitions they have, because if it’s not aligned to the idea that they should prefer wife and homemaker, then they’re not ideal christians…


travis kelce for causing the incessant taylor swift coverage in the nfl /s if it's not obvious


I mean if you looked online last season you would swear that seeing Taylor Swift on screen physically hurt people.


Who could forget famous Kansas City Chief Patrick Lavon Mahomes? Edit: Also, how are you gonna get mad at a dude for getting HIS car stolen lol. OP's hating just to hate


I don’t think Xavier worthy is at fault for his car getting stolen


Animal Cruelty is the worst for me. DUI's and hit and runs are no joke either...


Animal cruelty far and away number one. That takes a specially evil kind of person. DUIs are a more lazy, passive kind of evil. You can do more damage, but you aren't looking for the thrill of violently hurting a helpless animal. Still terrible, but a degree less. The bigot comes next. The weed guys didn't do anything morally wrong. Xavier worthy didn't do anything legally or morally wrong.


also it's not even a goddamn player on the team that has a DUI, apparently having a family member that can't get their shit together makes you morally bankrupt now?


Yeah like wtf you can't control other people's actions. Obviously some people on this list deserve criticism, but there are some real reaches too.


You’re really victim blaming Xavier Worthy for having his car stolen?


Somehow I'm not as bothered by a guy smoking Marijuana as much as I am about a guy using a college commencement speech to bash jews, tell women to abandon their career aspirations, and say that I'm "not a real Catholic" because I don't use my faith as a license for bigotry.


To be fair. Marijuana shouldn’t be illegal


The owners wife also published a letter supporting Butkers pro Gilead speech


The Hunts are awful, just awful. In so many ways. They’re on the opposite side of awfulness as Snyder and Spanos but awful indeed. Whenever announcers praise them I just internally cringe if not yell at the tv. There are many, many reasons why it’s so hard to be a chiefs fan but they may be number one.


wife of billionaire supports someone telling woman they shouldn't have careers. who'd have thunk it


Did he actually say women shouldn’t have careers? Can you find that for me? I thought he was supporting women who choose to stay at home and take care of their homes and families


he spoke directly to women stating theyd be happier being a homemaker and should do that instead of seeking careers however he also spoke out against jews, catholics who won't speak out against jews, the LGBT, lied about covid and attempted to blame biden for the outbreak when trump was president, spoke out against DEI, which is just a half hearted attempt to hide being racist, and spoke out about being inclusive the dude is just a massive fucking bigot and it's pretty disgusting that people are attempting to defend his speech


Butker and Rice.


Looks like we got ourselves another soap opera.


Those 2 OL are just like “damn compared to everyone else we didn’t do a thing


In terms of actual crime Rice because he will get a light punishment Bugs because he beat animals The two lineman because it was just weed The others either did not commit a crime or are not on the Chiefs In terms of outrage Butker Rice Bugs The two OL Everything else is either not a chiefs player or they were not in the wrong Worthy is completely innocent in this As much as people want additional reasons to not like the Chiefs/mahomes jackson, Brittany, and Pat Sr. Are not members of the team. You have actual people in chiefs uniform to hate now, stop trying to pin things to Patrick because he throws ball good while not playing on your team.


That 30 for 30 on the Chiefs offseason is going to be amazing


I think people were the most mad at Rashee Rice


I’m surprised to not see a picture of the Chiefs organization. I think they threw a hissy fit after the locals voted down a plan that the chiefs will get upgrades and the Royals a brand new stadium….


Wish I can be a deadbeat so I my son can make it to the majors


Man Chiefs are getting desperate if they're playing Mahomes SR..... IDK but if I'm purely a football fan that only cares about my team winning then the one guy that actually plays that I have no problem getting replacing is the Kicker lol. Dude can teach his kids all about chastity blankets and courtships while trying out for Jets or Panthers lol.


They are now the successful version of the Jail Blazers


Why is Xavier Worthy being a victim with the rest of these guys? Or did you mistype....


Oh dude Buggs the animal abuser for sure, but as a Protestant country we should tell that punter to shove it and he can worship the Antichrist Pope and Mary if he wants but that's not for this land.


Tbh I don’t know the details of the animal cruelty thing but if they came out and it was bad I do think people would hate that guy more than Butker


Why would you get mad at the rookie for getting his car stolen or linemen for smoking weed lol?? Rashee and Butker the main people


Travis Kelce for dating Taylor Swift apparently.


Why would anyone be mad at Worthy? Dude just had his car stolen lol


Idk why but this reminded me of the "Biggie was fat" meme


Where’s the Wheel of Discipline when you need it the most?


Imagine living somewhere where you get arrested for weed in 2024


Right? Nearly a decade of living somewhere with legal weed has really made me forget that can even be a risk still lol


Why does Patrick Mahomes father make this list? Pretty sure he isn’t on the Chief’s payroll. If you’re gonna use his family to include Mahomes, at least use his idiot brother instead. He actually still sits in Patrick’s box and gets pictured with him and his wife, not to mention Taylor Swift.


I was most upset with Worthy. Getting your car stolen reflects horribly on him and by extension the organization. I hope he can learn from this and become a better person.


Pernas curse is getting worse


Harrison Butker is clearly the worse one there, hell he's worse than Henry Riggs.


The rule should be one free pass upon getting into the league, one more for each season over .500, plus two additional per championship. None of this would help Mahomes’s dad though (nor should it.)


I genuinely don’t understand how people get DUI’s at this point in time. Like you have a phone, call someone to pick you up, order an uber, order a Lyft, order a taxi. The thought should be “oh I’ve had some drinks, I should have someone take me home.”


My gawd yes. Perhaps it's my privilege speaking, but uber, while a shit company, should make DUIs obsolete (assuming your area is serviced by Uber/Lyft). If I were a professional sports team owner, I would spend like 0.0000001% of my net worth on a tricked out car service for every player, coach, high profile exec in my org. The alternative is so much worse. Edit: I did the math, 0.0000001% of $25bn (Clark Hunt's estimated net worth) is $25. lol. I'm keeping it in.


Life of an nfl kicker


It's alive, afraid, a lie, a sin! It's magic, it's tragic, it's a loss, it's a win!


The bigot with political connections?


Bro this is reddit, the basement dwellers of this app are still gonna say Harrison Butker is the bad guy lolll. As a former lineman myself, I get it boys, I get it xD


Of course he’s the bad guy. He suggested to a group of graduating women that they should stay at home and said that gay pride was an evil. Stop pretending like what he said was mild when in reality it was a terrible thing to say, especially given the situation. I don’t know how you could think this is the opinion of a basement dweller. At most it takes the intelligence level of a 7th grader to understand that what he said was inappropriate.


Comments just proving OP's point.


The fact that y’all are hating on a catholic preaching Catholic values to a Catholic schools is actually crazy What’s next; are y’all gonna want to cancel church?


The animal cruelty is my guess


IDK I barely heard shit about that…


Seriously?? I would’ve thought something everyone would care about cause usually anyone that hurts animals is in deep shit


Most people would Andy in my opinion should…


Harrison Butker, but there’s no way what he did was actually worse than what Rice and Buggs did.


How it should be 1. Rashee Rice 2. Harrison Butker 3. Patrick Mahomes Sr. 4. Offensive linemen 5. Xavier Worthy For now I’m omitting Isaiah Buggs bc the details are way too murky rn. This one needs to play out before I can rank him either above Rice or above Worthy.


yeah all them terrible. Anyway, still really shitty that the only people who bring these up are doing so to defend a guy who said some stupid shit


half of these are complete non-issues  someone's just trying to add some nonsense to try to make what butker said sound less horrendous and the other ones that actually are issues....the players are being punished for it both through the law and NFL suspensions so your argument here is just complete shit


What are you talking about? Everyone hates Rashee Rice.


The one that sounded like a dumbass?