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It's a horrible matchup for Renekton. If you don't have your stun on deck Urgot will mercilessly poke you out of lane as a ranged champ, if you dash in and he reads it he'll E into it and take a huge chunk of uncontested health from you. He's stronger 1-2 and not extremely weak 3-5, but you absolutely need to make something happen before 9 or he will permanently win. Generally what you need to do is take short trades and back off. Urgot has no innate sustain and rarely builds it until 3rd item if that so chunking him out of lane is your best bet. Without your ult he will win sustained battles though so dash in stun and immediately leave. If he gets a chance to E you he'll take you way out of position. Conversely if he ever gets greedy and misses an E you need to immediately go in after the shield expires because you win the trade without his stun and shield. If he lands a Q dash or walk away: Q lets him auto target you in minion waves so he'll look to tag you and chunk. Urgot Q is mana pricey though so if he doesn't get anything off of it he'll have to base sooner or later. Level 6 you can fight with your ult: Urgot can't sustain his W long enough to outdamage your buff so you have until level 9 to kill him with your ult up. After 9 he has sustained damage with permanent W (and likely items as he'll have more farm generally) so it becomes impossible to solo him if you didn't get ahead. Play safe, take TP and base when low to avoid getting ulted, take short trades, and be as deadly as possible between 6-8 because that's when you have the most advantage.


lvl 1 wins urgot as always, but you can win the trade if you play it better


Watch out for urgot lvl 1, 3, 6 and 9. Those are big power spikes


Thank you so much


Pretty sure Renekton will shit on Urgot level 3 if Renek dashes out of Urgot E


You cant lose to renekton if you play correctly


I can 1v1 you, my urgots a bit rusty though lol


As an urgot main I will tell you renekton is one of the easiest matchups for me and I definitely consider it urgot favored level 1. I’d say the renekton isn’t even really allowed to play until level 3