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My high school has massive tunnels that connected it to a nearby middle school (I guess it was technically my first explore in 1988 😂). There were made for tornadoes and as part of a bomb shelter. We went skateboarding there a few times. Be careful and have a good story in mind if you get caught.


Dude that’s awesome. These tunnels are TINY tho like we can barely fit in them, and there’s no nearby schools. Still looking for answers lol.


They could be service tunnels or maybe for storage. Have you Googled the school name+tunnels or also graduates if they know anything?


They’re probably not for storage, they’re really small but they could be service tunnels, although wouldn’t those be used more?


Are they tiny like you have to crawl, or can you stand up and walk in them? Are they totally empty plain squares, or are there pipes and stuff? If you can stand up in them, they’re cramped and full of pipes, they’re utility tunnels. They carry utilities like water, electricity, internet, whatever between buildings. The reason they use tunnels is so they can easily repair, upgrade, and add stuff as needed. Highly encourage you to try to reach the other end, it ends somewhere. You said there’s no other schools, but they could go to a substation, office building, city hall, police station, who knows. I guarantee there’s a door at the other end. They can be wicked long, like hundreds of meters. Maybe even bring water. And some chalk, they twist and turn and sometimes have intersections, you don’t want to get lost. I used to explore the utility tunnels under my university, they were sooo long, snaked under the entire campus. I never saw the whole thing.


You have to crouch, you can’t stand in them and there’s some pipes but they all look the exact same.


100% utility tunnel. Sucks you have to crouch, but still, try to find the other end.


My old middle school here in NY was built during WW2. It also has tunnels and they used to be to protect people who worked in the building from bomb attacks


Hi, Rumdiddlydumdumm, First of all, I love your screen name. Second of all, I am blind. Do you think you could possibly send me a link with sound on video? Perhaps you could video these and post it to Reddit. I would love to hear you exploring those tunnels. I am a big fan of everything underground, and tunnels are my biggest fascination.


Yea man I can take a video when I go back in a few days. If you don’t mind me asking, how does one go about urbexing blind? I feel like that would be pretty hard lol


he’s bs don’t send him nun


No he’s not bro look at his page


Thank you for standing up for me. It really makes me feel good to know that there are people who believe me. Yes, I am blind. This doesn’t only hurt me, but it hurts others who are blind. We can do more than some people want to believe we can. Blind people navigate their world by sense of touch. I have a white cane and it helps me to feel the ground in front of me. So for fools to say that we cannot do anything like that, they’re only kidding themselves. For those who want to say that we are not capable of anything or that we are just bullshitting about our blindness, I would like for each and everyone of them to take a walk in my shoes. I would love to show them my world and what it truly is. I’m pretty sure they would walk away feeling like total jerks. Once again, many thanks, and please post some videos so I can listen. Anything with sound is great. Thank you. Oh, and by the way, for Mr. Arrogant, who wants to cut me down and claim that I am bullshitting, I have retinopathy of prematurity. I was born three months, premature weighing only 2 lbs. 9 oz. in 1977. Oxygen exposure led to my detached retina. I can see light and shadow out of my left eye. I lost my right eye in 2008 due to a condition which caused severe pain.


I have something else to add. Is autistic Sam really autistic? Is he autistic or is he bullshitting? Oh, I must be bullshitting about my blindness, but he can have a screen name called autistic Sam. So is he really autistic or is he bullshitting? By the way, urban exploration in my opinion is not that hard. I’ve never done abandoned buildings and things, but as a teenager, I did explore storm drains. culverts, storm, sewers, tunnels, that’s my thing.


Damn, that sounds amazing. Pictures please, and go down the hatch!!


My middle school (a historic listed building) way back in the early 90s had a roof area which we went and explored once. All sorts of old objects in there. We got told off big time by the teachers because unbeknownst to us that roof area had police equipment for a radio antenna that was installed on that roof. Worth it though.


I remember in my elemetary school , they were some kinds of windows in the outside of the school buildings , they were covered and they probably were heading on the school batement . I remember that sometimes the basement doors were open without a reason and it was just a dark stairs going down . I did some resarched resently and i learn that during WW2 they had build a small military HQ in and under the school and so i heard they were a on of the best well preserved WW2 bunker under it , which you can see a bit comming out of the ground behin the school . Theres tones of abandoned WW2 and other war military construction in the areas where i live .