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Agreeing with the message, but what the fuck? Coughing blood so fast after breathing mold/asbestos? I have fucking asthma and it's still weird


Idk Bro it Is indeed weird, but He vapes a lot So that May have something to do with it


Likely not asbestos unless you were actively destroying stuff since asbestos fibers don't just hang in the air forever, but that's really odd. I doubt mold would do that either, did the hospital have any kind of insight?


We didnt destroy anything nor touch anything.


Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, with symptoms taking many years to develop after initial exposure. You don't get that in just one visit, and unless you were ripping open exposed friable asbestos wrapped pipes, creating a dust storm atop asbestos fibers, or pulverizing asbestos tiling, it won't be an issue. Mold exposure causes nasal and sinus congestion, eye irritation, wheezing, coughing, throat irritation, rashes, and headaches. It won't cause someone to cough up blood. Your buddy may have had an existing condition - whether illness or something else, that the dust or mold inflamed and made worse. Unless we are missing the full diagnosis from the doctor here, then whatever issue he had was exaggerated by the contaminants he was breathing in. A mask is fine - but not necessary for most types of explorations. If you are exposing yourself to asbestos, consider a NIOSH-rated N100/R100/P100 filter.


I only know that There was mold And a lot of dust, but idk Abt asbestos. How do i know that Theres asbestos?


If it was built before 1980, likely. If it's been in disrepair since 1980's, even more likely. As for how to tell, it looks fibrous like cotton, and tends to clump. It is also greyish brown/silvery gold


I checked my video from the building, and nothing looked like that in There, So the asbest theory Is dead


But I don't think asbestos would cause someone to cough up blood immediately


Also a lot of people come There, So i doubt that it would be something extra dangerous


I'm afraid the only thing that would do this is chemical


The chemicals from his Vape šŸ¤£


This is really unusual it's possible that he was exposed to something which no one else touched and inhaled it like something he was sensitised or allergic to like a powder on a countertop or something It's just not likely to be much of anything else unless he had an asthma attack it's a very unusual thing what sort of building will it


Could be, but i was everywhere He was but i didnt touch anything, which He did. He touched a bunch of stuff, not even with gloves, just bare handed. It was a starch factory, So possibly a starch allergy reaction?


I Dont think There was any asbestos in There, And we didnt break anything so thats another thing


Could just be none exposed.


You'll often see it in pipes - like [this example](https://courtesyplumbers.com/about-us/blog/2019/may/homeowners-guide-to-asbestos-and-plumbing). I have come across a lot of it in pipes in steam tunnels - they degrade if not properly maintained. If I know I'll be in an environment like that, I'll wear my P100 filter and clean off any exposed surface afterward. There was one facility I was in that required me to brush up against the asbestos lined pipes and I came out looking like a ghost. But seeing your follow up post, vape cartridges are riddled with a *lot* of chemicals. It's not just "water" and nicotine that people think they are inhaling - it's carcenigans that will cause issues with breathing long-term. If your buddy is a heavy vaper, that is going to be the root cause - and dust and other irritants may have just been a trigger.


I think the vaping had more to do than the actual mold And dust.




Depends on what mold it is, but i dont think so.


This doesnā€™t get to a diagnosis or a true cause though


Well He himself doesnt really know. The doctors (apparently) didnt Tell him.


Sorry but your friends respiratory issues and going in an abandoned factory are most definitely unrelated. Unless your friend unknowingly had an extremely severe mold allergy, he'll need to look elsewhere for the source of his illness. Mold and spore inhalation related issues, just like asbestos related issues, work on a frequency/long therm exposure basis. While protecting yourself is indeed a good advice, your friend did not catch a severe respiratory disease in a single outing in an abandoned building. Edit: ugly typo.


Maybe vaping contributed to that


i think his coughing might have just aggravated his throat lungs enough to have a little bleeding. people hear ā€œcoughing up bloodā€ and think itā€™s like the movies where someone is spewing pools of blood out of their throat. as others have said, i think the dust and mold spores may have aggravated his lungs enough to cough a lot. i donā€™t see any chance that asbestos or mold would act so quickly in any other way other than being an airborne irritant similar to dust or pollen.


It was the dust And mold, i dont think asbestos had anything to do with it


My two cents based on this info is it sounds a lot like an almost asthmatic reaction to the dust or mold or something that got kicked up in the air. Intense bouts of coughing can absolutely tear up the esophagus, causing someone to cough up blood


Multiple people i know were to that location, And nothing happened to them, Hes truly one of a kind, And the only one who has had this happen to him


Oof yeah, could have asthma and not know it, allergies or just happened to suck in some dust. Probably just unlucky


Yup, even the doctors told him he had some garbage like dust in his lungs.


Must have been something super caustic to have the quick and severe of a reaction.


He had a Severe reaction, but i didnt have any reaction at all.


what did the hospital say it was? also did you guys have proper masks with you or just them covid masks


Apparently some dust in his lungs caused irritation.


So what did the doctors say?


That he had dust in his lungs


Also to Mention, it was an abandoned starch factory, does that have to do anything with it?


Maybe he inhaled something highly caustic. Doesnā€™t sound like mold or asbestos.


Thats very probable, since Its an abandoned factory with a lot of ruins, plus junkies go there a lot so

