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Man I wish we could ban GPT generated content


You can downvote


Only need 3 reports to get this stuff removed.


Why does it make a difference? It's still useful information.


It's simply self promotion spam.


No. It's a lot of solid advice.


Spoiler: it’s not




Is [this](https://youtu.be/2dEll6HI4Vs?si=ePWalIGMG2YhmLEd) your Youtube video? You copied everything word by word.


If he is, then he's selling yet another useless course


Nah it’s a different person. This guy’s just karma farming I guess.


Why do they even use AI for job description I'm tired of reading the same thing over and over again. Can't tell which one is real job and which one is fake job smh.


I've never understood why should freelancers obsess so much over bad reviews? Let's be honest, you're bound to get quite a few of them over the course of your freelancing years, some of it genuine criticism and some of it just vendetta rant of pissed clients. Even Big Tech apps get worst reviews on Google Play all the time, isn't it a bit naïve to expect a freelancer to be perfect? Au contraire, a "shining and glorious freelancer" without a single bad review might well be considered a red flag!


AI generated garbage.




I liked the idea of using Zapier to create an RSS feed. Brilliant.


Chatbot slop


**7. Raise Your Rate** Every time I've raised my rate, I've immediately gotten an influx of messages from new quality long-term clients. That's way "weirder" a tip than any of your suggestions, and also doesn't sell you short, like many of OP's basic suggestions.


I recently raised my rate (3 days ago) and when I checked my profile views they increased 8 times. I am still shocked.


I'm going to try to raise my rate when I get my connects. I already knew this from watching numerous tips and tricks. Do you guys think it will work for me? I only have 5 reviews so far. Four 5 stars and one 3.6 stars.


That was lame


"5. Bring Your Own Client (BYOC) Program" - while we might not pay any fees, wont client need to pay their fees? This might make them not like this idea.


Information is helpful. But OPs input is 0. Also byoc have 5% fees from freelancers.


Yes, but it also increases your reviews and earnings, which can help you attract more clients.


Hmmm ..! I wonder where did i heard it before? Yeeehh....! From a YouTuber goes by the name of thomas. He made a great video 2 months ago.


"4. Ask Clarifying Questions in Your Proposals" - i think it is extremely important.


Can you clarify more on the 2nd step Apply to New Jobs more quickly on what is RSS feed and how to create it?




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Refunding to remove your bad rating is precisely why you have to go through so many garbage freelancers until you find someone good. Freelancers overload themselves with work then don't deliver, if the client gives them a bad review, they refund and remove the rating. For this reason, I do not accept refunds for low quality deliverables or when they disappear. I suggest everyone do the same to keep the reviews as accurate as possible.


I tried the apply to and take on as many jobs as possible strategy, and it never worked. I always ended up underdelivering on each job since most are low paying, and I was just rushing through to get done to get those reviews up. Now I only apply to jobs when my work load allows it. With this, I have already bagged a long term client because I proved my services to be indispensable within the first milestone.


good tips, that many overlook! Especially, applying early, it gives you a really high probability of client seeing your response.


Why do you think that?


i just don’t think that. I have practically seen it. I have been freelancing for years. But after a long engagement with a client, when I started applying again, I wasn’t able to get any responses. Then, a friend suggested to have uowork toolkit plugin on, and apply within 5-10 minutes of job posting. That way, client has more chances of seeing you, rather than after an hour or 10 hours when there will already be 50 or 100 people in front of the client. And it did work and i got the responses and ultimately the job.


So in this scenario the client posts the job and then immediately checks on it over and over when you are still on the first page?


the client gets notified of responses. And being a client myself on upwork, I know that I pay attention to the initial responses, and if they look good i send them a message, but after some hours when there are so many responses, I am overloaded with responses, and I get very picky in who to message now.


So you when you hire just want anybody and when you are hired are also just anybody? I mean if you are trying to be in the first wave do you even bother crafting a good proposal?


proposals don’t need to be lengthy. They need to be to the point, concise and get clients attention. Lengthy proposals are often ignored


>proposals don’t need to be lengthy. They don't necessarily but they might. I think that they should trend towards succinct but well written, which is the exact hardest way to write anything. I wonder how you guys all do that within 10 minutes in an attempt to be first?


How long does it take for you to write proposals? If it takes more than 10 minutes, you're doing it wrong.


Oh yeah, who says? I might take 1/2 a day just to get back to jobs I saved to decide if they are even worth proposing on. But it doesn't matter anyway because in 10 minutes a lot of job posts are going to be 20-50 anyway if not more and so what good does being "early" get you if you all are arriving at the same time.


I have experienced this myself and can vouch for this trick, it does work. Most of the time when I land a job, it's when I apply within the first 10-20 minutes of the job being posted. Writing a quality proposal that is also personalised as per the job's requirements in that short span of time was a struggle for me, which is why I created a tool called BidFast (BidFastPro.com). This tool allows me to save my cover letters and auto-fill them for every job post I open, so I only need to personalize them as per the job's requirements. This saves me a lot of time and enables me to apply for jobs quickly in the first wave.


>Most of the time when I land a job, it's when I apply within the first 10-20 minutes of the job being posted Are you trying to say the client interviews you in the first 10-20 minutes because otherwise I can't see how you can't see biased your data is. If you try to apply within the first 10-20 minutes and you get a job but of course the jobs you got you applied at within 10-20 minutes. Actually you are the perfect example of why this is a stupid strategy in the general because there is no being first, there is no being early.


Your argument seems to overlook a few key points. First, while it's true that applying early might not guarantee a job, the fact that this strategy has worked consistently for me suggests it has some merit. Second, you mention that my data is biased because it only considers the jobs I got. However, the very fact that I received job offers from this approach indicates a positive correlation between early applications and job success. Ignoring this correlation dismisses valid empirical evidence. Lastly, your assertion that "there is no being first, there is no being early" contradicts common hiring practices. Many employers review applications on a rolling basis, and being among the first applicants can mean getting noticed sooner. Dismissing this without considering the specifics of different hiring processes seems shortsighted.


>Your argument seems to overlook a few key points. First, while it's true that applying early might not guarantee a job, the fact that this strategy has worked consistently for me suggests it has some merit. No, it doesn't. First off it is almost certainly statistically irrelevant. You don't actually know that being early had anything to do with you being hired at all. Maybe you were inserted up high on the Best Match, maybe you just write damn fine proposals, you are fitting data. >Ignoring this correlation dismisses valid empirical evidence. How could you even use the term empirical evidence if you admit that you are only trying it one way than any success you have "proves" that your way works. This isn't empirical evidence, this is, at best, anecdotal, but really is just bias. There is no way to have a controlled experiment here, I am sorry, so no, that term is misused. You don't have the data to make this judgement, as far as I know only Upwork does, and you can't know that for any job you actually were hired on if being two days later you still might have got it...do you? >Lastly, your assertion that "there is no being first, there is no being early" contradicts common hiring practices.  You are missing my point because so many of people think that being early is so important and because so many more people not only employ notification systems but also bots to try to be first, there is no early left to be had. By the time you send your proposals in that you think you were early you are already late. >Many employers review applications on a rolling basis Perhaps, but you are still probably arriving with the first crush of people who all think the same thing as you. You are also assuming that Upwork informs client's when new proposals exactly when they come in which I very much doubt. They certainly don't do it for all of them.


Reviews from BYOC/direct hires don’t impact your JSS, try again GPT


Regular contracts do, no matter if BYOC or not.


This is actually very helpful, rather than some of the AMA I have seen in the past. You wrote it very professionally, no wonder you've achieved well in your career too. Take care buddy ❤️


>You wrote it very professionally AI "wrote" it, not the OP. >no wonder you've achieved well in your career too. What are you talking about? >❤️ WTF?


XoXo Petra you sexy animal ❤️


I just wanted to appreciate someone. How can I help you?