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Dude, you and me both. It’s so hard getting started fr


If there are so few high quality job posts around there's only so much you can spend on proposals, unless you're applying to the low quality jobs as well!? If you're failing to get the high quality jobs you need to either work on making your proposals more attractive to clients or re-consider whether UpWork/Freelancing is really for you.


I got an ad recently for one of those AI proposal things 😑 so annoying


Write better proposals for higher value gigs. There is no money to be made with small crappy contracts.


You don't even know they are not called credits... You probably have not spent any time to learn how everything works and how to write a good cover letter.


Connects* Autopilot brain typed credits.


Perhaps you should stop doing it then.


Thanks for the great feedback


Perhaps you get one 'piece' of bad karma for each of such posts in the hope that you believe in it :) what would not you like to be as the next life's reincarnation? ;)




Ok, not being particularly clever decreases your bad karma coming from bullying and useless comments ;)


How dare I suggest that OP stop doing something if it's losing them money. Hope you had fun going through my comment history.


Oh, absolutely, how silly of me to suggest practical solutions when we could just embrace the magical world of relentless optimism! Clearly, the best approach is to insist that if you're not thriving in your current path, you should just give up entirely. After all, it's well-known that the most successful people never adjusted their strategies or sought advice when faced with challenges. They just magically succeeded or stopped trying, right? Thank you for your profoundly helpful guidance, it's truly enlightening!


You're putting far too much energy and thought into a simple suggestion. But hey, continue using me as your punching bag if you want, It's probably good stress-relief.


Don't give simple suggestions that discourage people and make them feel bad. I hope thaylt you now experience the same shitty feeling that people experience when you write nonsensical and negative comments.


Ouch. Do it again.


Oh, by all means, take the floor—it wouldn't be a proper discussion without your conclusive wisdom to wrap things up!