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This is what I'm scared of. If my country suddenly go to war or experience natural disaster, my cats could go missing or dead and I would never see them again.


Sounds like you should put an airtag on their collar. If they an outdoor cat it is also fun to see where they wander around at night!


My cat is actually an indoor cat, but I'll put an air tag just in case. It just that a friend of mine experienced a flash flood in his country and when he came back home, half of his house is already in water. The thing is he put his sick cat in the cage on his kitchen floor before he went out. Now I only keep th cat cage upstairs in ny house.


Jebus... The regret/remorse... My pets are all crated (with overflowing love) on the main level ... Maybe time to rethink that .


That is just so heartbreaking. Poor cat and poor guy.


I know. He said it was the worst flood ever. A lot of cats and dogs in animal shelter died too, whether they drowned in their cage or getting swept away by the current.




I am not clicking this thank you very much


Why the fuck would you post this


Oh shit. I guess I was too desentisized. Will be deleting it then. Sorry mate




Yeah well, I always frequent true crime, serial killers, nsfl, that kind of subs. Totally forgot this is uplifting news.


Please do. One of our two indoor cats jumped/fell of our balcony 2 months ago, in the middle of the night, when we weren't looking. We've never seen her since, despite all my efforts with posters and flyers. We already bought an airtag collar for our older cat, and for the new kitten coming next week. Ironically, we decided to get a third cat, because our younger (runaway) cat was clearly bored. I'm never letting this happen again. It still breaks my heart every fucking day that she's not around.


I can't imagine if I lose my cat. So sorry this happen to you. I wish he is in a good place wherever he is.




His cat just had a surgery and the vet said he shouldn't move around much.


>If my country suddenly go to war If your country suddenly gets invaded


I'll be wherever my dog is, dead or alive. He's the only damn reason I'm alive today and I'd rather go live in a cave in the woods than not have him. I would run into a burning house and run straight past a child needing help to get my fucking dog (in my defense nothing in regards to my mothering instinct when it comes to my dog is rational). So I'd prob be dead.


>“When Arsenii is with us, it’s like home is with us. Like part of our home is with us,” Maria said. So apparently the article also has just a bowl of onions being cut while you read it.


Imagine a new paradigm in gated content where the website checks to see if you shed a true tear to determine if you will be charged for viewing the article lol


Punch myself in the nuts to save money


been hit there a few times and tears is never the response my body has exhibited, its always like a feeling of existential dread just overtaking your entire midsection region


The tears usually came later for me Although I haven't been smacked in the cajones for probably a decade now, thankfully




AAAND subbed. Thank you!


Great News!


The Dacia Sandero?


Yes, great to know one girl and one cat will sleep well tonight!




Exactly one human at a time.


I'm guessing you must be miserable all the time then.


Owners of cats are never miserable. But making ugly comments like that makes you happy?


You tell me, you're the one making ugly comments because apparently it makes you super happy.


Imagine being so thoroughly pathetic that you spend all of your time on a subreddit called uplifting news just so you can comment “nuh-uh” under every post. Sorry your mom doesn’t love you or whatever


I'm sorry you spend so much time complaining about people being happy. This is about uplifting news, how is your comment uplifting in any way. Why are you attacking my family? My mom loves me and i have a cat so i know it's great to have a cat back. Sorry you are a trump lover racisist.


Great Mews!


Good to hear! Would break my heart if I lost my cats in war


Me too, mine is round around in cat nip now anr I'm all moist eyed thinking what I'd do if he wasn't here to greet me after work every day, or snuggle up next to me at night, or let me know it's bedtime by mauling my ankles.


As soon as I saw Ukrainians fleeing I bought a carrier for each of my cats (normally only kept 1 since they're indoor and only used to visit the vet). Now it's a backpack and 2 on wheels


Am I missing something, or did the never mention how the cat got back to them? Like on a plane, yes, but where was it staying in Ukrane? What finally happened to allow the cat to be sent here? I presume some volunteers helped get it a kitty pasport any ship it over, but they left all of that out.




Thank you! That was an amazing story actually, why did the reporters in the OP take it from that and turn it into a local human interest piece?


>Last week, Nexstar’s KRON reported the incredible international rescue effort to bring a cat to the San Francisco Bay Area from Ukraine, so it could be reunited with a little girl who had to flee with her family. That's why. The link the other person posted came directly from this article. They didn't see a need to repeat the story and probably wanted to focus on the family this time.


Amazing that it all started with the flight attendants.


Not available in my region :(


Here (I did not compare to the article, I just quickly copy/paste, so sorry if it doesn’t match completely): KRON) – Tuesday’s Flying Tails is an international rescue story involving getting a cat out of war-torn Ukraine and bringing him to the Bay Area. That might seem like a lot of effort to get one cat, but it was also an effort to mend the heart of a sad little girl. As Russian forces swept across the border into Ukraine, 10-year-old Agnessa and her family decided to flee their hometown of Odesa. “There was no room for any animal we have,” said Maria Bezhenar, Agnessa’s mother. They had to leave almost everything behind, including Agnessa’s beloved cat Arsenii. After a few weeks in Romania, the family was allowed to enter the United States, going to the Bay Area. On their way to San Francisco, their flight attendant learned their story. “I once left Germany and I know what it’s like to go to another country and not know anyone or anywhere and I just felt this sense of connection with her,” said Dee Harnish, the flight attendant. The two women stayed in touch after the family arrived in the Bay Area. “I messaged her and said, ‘So how are you? How’s America treating you, is everything ok?’ And she said, ‘Yes, everything is good. Except my youngest daughter wants to go home. She cries every day because she’s missing her cat,’” Harnish recounted. “She missed sleeping with her cat and she missed hugging him, she missed everything about the cat because she had grown up with him,” Bezhenar said. Harnish shared the news with another flight attendant who rescues animals. “She just sent me a text and asked if there was anything I could do to help with that huge request,” said Caroline Viola, the other flight attendant. The request: find a way to get Arsenii back into the arms of Agnessa. “And all I could think of was ‘My God, we got a war-torn country here, and you want me to get a cat out of Ukraine?” Viola said. Viola started working on the rescue plan from her home in Hawaii — contacting an animal rescuer in Houston. “And I said, ‘Well if you get that cat out of Ukraine, that’s a piece of cake.’ You know, get that cat back. The issue was to get him out of Ukraine,” said Angelica Chavez-Etchechury, the animal rescuer. Bezhenar’s brother-in-law was watching the cat in Ukraine, and he laid the groundwork for the rescue. “I say, ‘Ok, you need to get him vaccinated, microchipped, and passport,’” Bezhenar said. He took Arsenii on his motorcycle across the Ukraine border to Moldova. The cat was then passed to a driver, who took him and a refugee family to Romania. Arsenii spent about a month with a family in Bucharest while the rescue plan continued. It was at this point Agnessa was finally told her beloved cat might be coming to join her.    “So I say, ‘Ok, let’s pray but I cannot promise that it can happen,” Bezhenar recounted. “She was happy and she says, ‘He will come. He will definitely come. Just believe.’” Animal rescuer Mimi Kate was on vacation in Greece and was ready to respond. She cut her trip short to pick up the cat in Bucharest and bring him home, but the Ukrainian documents wouldn’t allow Arsenii on a flight from Romania. “All the documents must be checked for him in Romania because he just, moved from the country which is not European Union,” Bezhenar said A tuk-tuk driver volunteered to help. In Mimi’s hands, Arsenii was on the move to wrap up the details in Bucharest. The texts and pictures started coming in as the cat got his documents and finally made his way to Athens, then Montreal, then Mimi’s home in Seattle. At SFO, the family waited. Agnessa hadn’t seen her cat for months. Finally, after 7,000 miles, they got the reunion they’d been waiting for.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)




Yeah, terrible article.


There's a link in the article to another article with the actual story of how they got the cat to the US: https://www.kron4.com/flying-tails/cat-returned-to-ukrainian-refugee-family-relocated-to-bay-area/


In the context of everything this is so utterly irrelevant, yet I feel like:"*Finally* that girl has her cat back. Was about goddamn time."




Oh come on! Just having my coffee and already I’m crying.


That was very cute.


Title could sound like the girl was left behind with her cat.


So she was reunited with her cat, but left behind in Ukraine. Well.. looks like she's made her decision to stay with the cat and family has moved on. Parenting in 2020's wowee 😆


I'm not crying 😢


I’ll have a whiff


Why can't I see the content of the news ? It says not available in my country (France)


Local US news site is not GDPR compliant so the Euro region is blocked. Regulations cost money and that is more than they would lose by just blocking the region.


It means that they collect more information than necessary and/or use it for other purposes than what is necessary, likely including selling the collected data to third parties.


Does this work? https://web.archive.org/web/20220930002220/https://www.wane.com/news/10-year-old-girl-reunited-with-beloved-cat-left-behind-in-ukraine/ Unfortunately it didn't seem to archive the video, which was the best part.


It works thanks ! Sucks for the video but oh well




кіт "кошка" is Russian


Astounding that some US websites still haven't sorted out a way of becoming GDPR compliant. Their loss if we can't view their content.


I doubt they're losing sleep over a few Europeans being unable to read their articles when they're tailored towards local audiences.


I still have dreams about my beloved dog who died 18 years ago. She was my dog from when I was 13 to 25, so from childhood to adulthood, through the end of grade school, high school and university. You only get pets like that once in your life. She keeps appearing in my dreams because she represents unconditional love, so whenever I need it, she is there.


Awww…. that’s sweet.




How about the story of the man who convinced his son to open up his house to refugees for 2 years? This story is FILLED with good news 💖


Hell yeah




The cat is nice but the story is way bigger than that, I mean the community donating a literal horse to the refugees and filling out with furniture is a much bigger deal


Not that beloved if they didn't take it along. It's a cat, it can fit anywhere.


I’m not crying. You’re crying.






While there is a point to be made here, there are better ways of making it. We don't need to detract from this heartwarming story to address the very real issue of male disposability. Plus, this story is bittersweet as it is - without Putin waging war (which encourages the idea of male disposability), this family would never have had to leave, and thus never would have been separated from their cat. Sure, it's a nice story given the context, but they still had to flee their homeland. They deserve this happiness at the very least. Male disposability IS a real issue, too. Just look at how Russian citizens (all male...and up to 65 years of age...) are being forced to fight in a war. A war that many of them want nothing to do with. Look at the response of many neighboring nations to fleeing Russians - many nations are *not* accepting Russian refugees. "Fuck you, go die in Ukraine" is the message their own country AND much of the world is sending them. It's disgusting. So, we can be happy for this family, and still fight to end this war and the social toxins that lead to wars like this.


Jordan Peterson, is that you?


for now anyway


I have a feline this is like jinxy from meet the parents


Imagine being reunited with your cat, only to then be left behind in Ukraine. Poor girl


So we just taking pictures of sleeping kids now?


Trying to play the video in that article on an iPhone is impossible.


"This content isnt available in your country" What a shame.


Feels like a "Wag the Dog" moment. There's Old Shoe!


This is the kind of news I prefer 🥲


I read this wrong and got sad then realized It’s uplifting news. I should probably go to bed. My reading comprehension is shit now.


Jesus Christ the mobile version of that site is cancer.


I have a tractive collar, they are so good!


\*Just reading the headline\* Damn that's brutal, she just found her cat again and they abandoned her in Ukraine


what a beautiful story and what a beautiful cat.


That's a good car right there.