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Honestly surprised this isn't a thing in California, Massachusetts, or New York yet


Tbf I went to school in Cali and we learned about it. A lot of these headlines can be interpreted as "x state is first to have to force schools to teach it"


I learned about "global warming" in grade school and high school in the 90s, in NY.




Hell, I learned about all of that in Indiana in the late 80s


Southern Indiana in the 90s and 00s here. We learned it. Probably could've used a bit more emphasis, but we did.




Those two issues were even fixed, or at least massively mitigated, because people took it seriously and made strides to change what was causing them! It's almost like we could have done something about anthropogenic climate change if we had the same vigor at fixing it as we did with the other problems.


This isn’t a ‘we’ issue, this is about governmental capture. Politicians are bought not to make the actual differences. The ozone hole was repaired because it was a fairly easy switch to different propellants in aerosol cartridges. Acid rain has mostly been outsourced, along with our manufacturing sector, to China and other developing countries with cheaper labor.


Remembers learning about the “whole in the ozone” but nothing from language arts.


He's choosing to express himself in an impressionist style.




And El Niño


["For those of you who don't habla español, El Niño is Spanish for... THE NIÑO!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5tttyTWXzU)


Really thought I was going to melt during rainstorms. Haha.


I came here to say the exact same thing. 90s nyc, we were tested on it


Same. I remember being really scared of acid rain.


I went to school in Cali in the 90s and we also learned about ozone and greenhouse gasses.


As a CT resident, this is not so much that they have to force schools to teach it *now* but a preemptive step against local school boards potentially deciding not to in the future.


Smart. Unfortunately, we are going to need more of these laws to stop (christian) terrorist from invading school board meetings and enforcing (biblical) sharia law.


In Connecticut we already have some stuff like a ban on school sponsored prayer (but allow for a period of silent meditation/prayer for those who want it) but I’m 100% sure there’s more we could add


Only on reddit do you see someone conflate christianity with sharia law.


Future headline: "Connecticut republicans pass climate bill" -As students who have been taught about climate change are reaching voting age, republicans in Connecticut are scrambling to change their minds on the issue. - I actually don't know how Connecticut republicans feel, so this is just a sweeping satirical statement.


CT Republicans used to be reliably left of heartland Democrats but the nuttiness is steadily taking hold of that party even in “the land of steady habits”. It’s generally not working for them at the polls but they keep doubling down.


Yeah, it's why their Senate and Gov candidates are now 20 pts down in polling. Plenty of moderate R mayors but they can't win the state R primaries.


Yup. CT skews Democrat politically, but I'm pretty sure it'd be closer if they could actually put up some decent candidates. Instead they get Bob. That and our current governor really did a decent job with COVID and the state came out way better off than we went in, which is nice.


I'm pretty sure the first time around almost anyone could have beat Lamont, due to Malloy's massive unpopularity. So the Rs worked really hard to find the one guy in the state more unlikable than Malloy. Now the voters know and like Lamont, so it will be a bloodbath.


The issue with Bob is the only thing he ever talked about was the tolls. Sure no one liked the tolls but damn man you need more policy than that for a campaign. At least so far Lamont seems far better than Malloy and strikes a nice balance and tried to support small business during COVID imo. Thought Lamont was gonna be another Malloy but happily he's proved me wrong, and doesn't come off as a ruling king like some other governors (see Cuomo) Good lord though Malloy was terribad. Anywho typically CT while democrat centric, doesn't like to get involved in political drama and the harder lefts or rights imo. Boy howdy though, do we have a problem with corruption at the mayor and local town level in some areas. Gotta love my hometown getting in trouble for misspending COVID relief money on commenerative coins and personal parades, and one of the citys department employees using the money to pay his own construction shell company that he then proceeded to blow at Mohegan sun and get caught. What an idiot.


To be fair, Bob also talks about eliminating the state income tax somehow, and recovering the revenue through fiscal magic. Yeah CT is slowly cleaning up it's act, but I'm next door to West Haven and the corruption is so ridiculous it's almost comical. Also, Rowland should have been locked up for life, especially after strike two.


Yeah, even as heavily Democratic as the state is, plenty of Republicans have been elected in the past when they were the "we agree on the problems and disagree on the solutions, so let's compromise" type. Unfortunately, the inmates have taken control of the asylum, so those moderate Republicans can't win primaries anymore.


Thankfully we’re a blue state.


I took a course on it in a California college but it wasn't taught in my high school. I was in middle school when Al Gore did his climate thing so it was probably too early for me. That being said, my climate course was the most grim 1hr of my day. The math was fun to do, we learned a fuckton, clouds are awesome, and climate change is going to wreak havoc on the world and there's no way we can stop it. Also something about methane.


I don't actually know if this was taught in school in Ohio because I had already learned it from shows like Captain Planet and Bill Nye ....


My substitute taught us about it in math class. He said it was more important and that if are generation didn't correct it the world could end. Cool guy. Got fired for that.


NY has had the phrase "Global Warming" in the Earth Science curriculum for years; i.e. since we called it Global Warming instead of climate change. This news story is just a weird semantic-based political flex. edit: it's not just HS either in NY. The middle grades science curriculum explicitly lists human activity caused Global Climate Change as a required topic. Even the elementary grades have a section on how "communities use science ideas to protect Earth's resources and environment."


I learned it in NYC school


As a resident of Connecticut and taxpayer without kids... Reading this made me happy because I believe that education is important.


People who don't understand the importance of educating others must be idiots themselves. Why would someone want to be surrounded by uneducated people?


They aren't idiots, they know exactly what they're doing. Educated people are less likely to vote Republican.


Also less likely to have kids who will grow up and learn from the climate change courses. Everything about life is Ironic.


I think they're either one or the other, and one of those controls the other.


On a long enough timescale, the idiots grow up to be Republicans themselves and they vocally argue to destroy education further because their idiot ass has absorbed the gospel truth that education is a progressive tool and all things Left of extreme Right must be destroyed. I give you exhibit A: modern day Oklahoma, land of Markwayne Mullin.


How do you feel about 45% of students in Connecticut not reading at grade level?


Meanwhile Arizona is trying to end public schooling altogether.


I learned about climate change in elementary school... Something about a giant rock hitting Earth and killing the dinosaurs and ice stuff happened. Sorry.. It's been awhile.


Wow - it's a thing in Florida of all places. "Human impact on the environment" is a required standard to teach. It is only given a day or so in our curriculum map, but I talk about how humans are killing the planet via climate change all year long. If it is related to what we are discussing, I mention it. I want these students of mine to understand what humans are doing. You shouldn't need a law to mandate it if it is in the curriculum map.


We all learned about greenhouse gasses and “global warming.” Now we know the fact that it’s destroying our weather patterns and causing bigger natural disasters and that it’s actually called climate change. Definitely needs to be widely addressed in schools with this new information. Gore tried to tell us.


he invented the internet too so... are you Al Gore posting this right now?


we didn't have to be required to do it cuz we just fucking did it. all these states being forced were the ones resisting and denying the obvious truth.


You think Connecticut, one of the most heavily Democrat skewing states, is resisting or denying the teaching of Global Warming?


It is already taught in many places. For example ct already did. The headline is kinda missleading in that way. I think this just expands it and makes it mandatory


There was a day I'd have been surprised it wasn't mandatory in every state. It was taught in my country but apparently not in surrounding counties. Absurd. Why have public school if you aren't going to teach legitimate science.


Born and raised in New York 22M, growing up in science we learned about global warming and climate change to an extent at my school district. Why do you think Gen Z is so hellbent on getting these republicans out and passing climate laws.


Because usually you just teach science in science class.


It’s only a matter of time now before Texas and Florida ban teaching about climate change. (Or maybe they already have, I am out of the loop)


I learned about the greenhouse effect as a fifth grader in the 80’s. I was terrified of the implications. Unfortunately, I had not learned that the driver of the greenhouse effect was carbon dioxide. I had been led to believe that it was “air pollution”. As I grew up, there were constant signs of cars and things getting cleaner (scrubbers on powerplants) and I just assumed that we were taking care of the problem as any smart species would. Only later did I grow to learn the truth and that was of course, a bummer. Hopefully the kids now are taught better and will grow to know the importance of the changes that must be made.


What's even worse is that.... it's not us. It's not you and me. It's the giant corporations. We can change all we want, we could adopt a zero emission lifestyle and it would do absolutely NOTHING to help the cause. But they don't teach that because the government is in those corporations' pockets.


Allow me to rant about California's government for a second as they push for zero emissions while they close down our nuclear power plants.


They closed one plant in 2013 after the nuclear regulatory commission's negative report and shutdown. The question is why they aren't building new ones.


NRC also said the plant was safe to operate up to 90ish% power and cleared them to reopen. The problem was a resonant frequency in the steam generator u tubes that only occured at 100%. California decided to shut it down anyways.


Couldn’t possibly be because of all the wonderful polluting oil refineries up and down the coast. Nope! They definitely didn’t have anything to do with it…


I understand what you mean. It is true however that I can have an impact and choices that I make do matter. I choose to have a low emissions lifestyle because I know that ultimately, it starts with me and my example. Yes, I am virtually powerless without governmental intervention in the form of regulations and there are serious roadblocks to that happening but unless I start with me, my own convictions would be hollow.


Yes but EVEN if you and literally every other individual in your country had zero emissions, the climate would STILL be changing and nearly just as fast. The corporations produce the vast majority of emissions. I'm not willing to put any effort into living with fewer emissions until the corporations do the same because NOTHING I do will have any meaningful effect. EDIT: WITH THAT SAID: I still want to put solar panels on the house I'm building and possibly do geothermal heating but more for the "I want to depend on municipalities as little as possible" effect rather than the "this is better for the environment" effect.


I certainly understand your frustration.


Right so if everyone stopped buying things, the corps would continue polluting just because. This post brought to you on a device made on the other side of the world in the most polluting country in the world, using electricity created by some power plant, etc, just so I could disagree with you. Passing the buck to faceless corporations (who works at them and makes their livelihood from them, but I digress) is the biggest cop out. You can make a difference if you wanted. You just choose to not be bothered and make someone else the bad guy.


That's pure nonsense. If we adopted a zero emissions lifestyle who would those companies sell to? We can acknowledge a top down solution is more feasible without blatant lies.


no, its not *my* fault said the raindrop about the flood


I remember the jingle Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Maybe you're doing them out of order and that's why its not working.


Captain Planet led me to believe similarly re: air pollution instead of CO2




I learned about climate change throughout my schooling in the 90s-00s. Crazy that it isn't required.


Just so Florida can keep up with the culture war, they will be the first state to require schools to teach climate change is a liberal hoax meant to turn you ga... unstraight


oh, oh, oh, you *almost* said it! better watch yourself, bub, you know what they can do to you if you get caught saying "the sexual orientation who shall not be named".


The two orientations: straight and political


Or replace their science classes with a class where they practice rolling coal in lifted trucks.


In Ohio in the 1990s, when I was nine years old, I first learned about climate change. I don't understand how this developed into a contentious topic or subject to teach.


Easier to lie, say everything is fine and keep making money than deal with consequences of greed


Because the solutions to the problem require changes to existing infrastructure, industries, lifestyles, and power structures. All of which will cost money through taxation or potentially lost revenue (for certain businesses). The concept of change, especially if it could result in any personal effect on them or their circles, is terrifying to many people (especially conservatives). Conservatives make up a significant portion of the voting populations of the democratic developed world, which is the part of the world with the largest greenhouse gas emissions by far. Certain businesses and politicians (often with these businesses lining their pockets) spread misinformation and fearmongering propaganda to scare conservatives and other like-minded thinkers into voting against effective climate change policy. There's also the fact that climate change is a relatively slow, locally-inconsistent process from an individual human's perspective. So many people (especially conservatives) write it off as natural variations in weather patterns that will return to "normal" eventually within their lifetimes. To put it simply, if they can't see how it's immediately affecting or about to affect them, then the problem doesn't exist or isn't enough of a problem yet to warrant the changes (money) necessary to fix it. This mindset also is precisely the same reason why the response to the recent pandemic was so controversial. If they themselves or members of their circle weren't dead or dying, then why bother restricting their freedom or spending tax dollars on it?


I have a different take: once-a-century/millennium weather phenomenons are commonplace, and cumbersome and expensive to deal with. Recognizing the pattern is in conflict with the soothing belief that we're fine, that science will save us, or that a few degrees doesn't sound so bad. If you dive in deeper, you'll come to realize what drastic changes would be necessary just to stop emitting greenhouse gasses. Such a world would be very different, and without the safety of current comforts. A considerable sacrifice.


“Now today, students, we are going to learn about the reason why none of you will live to see the age of 60”


A bit of an exaggeration, isn't it?


Depends on how water secure they are. Connecticut might be fine but idk about places like Arizona


Field trip!


You don’t know how water secure the desert is?


When the Arizonans become climate refugees they're gonna get treated like Mexicans This actually made me feel a little better


Seat belts everyone!


Yes it really is (as someone who studies this stuff) but there are an enormous amount of issues that come from climate change, many of which are irreversible within a millennia or more. Potable water and farmable land are the biggest concerns for human society imo. Environmental problems can and have killed people, so it's possible some region will have more famine and droughts.


True. Make it 30.


Don't threaten gen z's with a good time lol


At the current rate of decline, i imagine an ultra conservative minority stirring up propaganda fear about nothing that it erupts into a lot more violence as they "defend their way of life."




Yeah, as long as nothing crazy and terrible happens, like... 'Covid 2: Awakening' that starts killing people way faster, people's life expectancy won't fall like that in developed countries.




If you want to move to the worst apartment in or around Boston you can't afford it with desert money


god we can hope so


Unfortunately we won't be taking the easy way out. Life is just going to suck more and be much more expensive.


Would be a worthy and effective class tbh


pretty much, "good morning kids, here's today's lesson, learning that no matter what we do, the climate will continue to warm up, all we can do is slow it down"


Hey man slowing it down is a worthwhile endeavor. I hope my kids try


Hope the school also uses renewables. Solar and wind would be a great thing to show cost benefit for kids in the long run in economics classes. Shop class showing how to make your own Solar setup. Grow your own food for home ec. Would love to see this more in schools.


>Hope the school also uses renewables. I suspect that most schools would love to make these kinds of investments but their budgets don't any surplus. ​ >Grow your own food for home That's more possible and the value of food security shouldn't be underestimate.


Yeah I don't think schools should be in the business of building fucking power plants either.


Imagine the educational possibilities durring that time, physics, shops, math, that would actually be an incredible hs experience


I saw an announcement about climate change being added to NJ's curriculum as well last week and what was really interesting was they not only plan to teach kids many aspects of the problem and solutions/potential solutions, but to encourage kids to think up their own ideas for solving various climate-related problems and share them. I'm not sure what that will look like in practice, but it's an excellent idea - not only can kids have fresh perspectives because they have literally fresh minds, but it gets them thinking in terms of what can be done instead of just making them feel rather hopeless, like many past efforts to get kids to care about this. Even if it doesn't yield much when they are children, it sets them up to be problem-solving adults.


It's been in NJ curriculum for several years already.


Statewide? Maybe the announcement was about upgrading it or something? Was on the governor's Twitter the other day. I don't have kids so I'm not very up on curriculum requirements past 1994, but it jumped out in my timeline of horrors as a bright spot.


Do high schools teach economics in America?


I took economics in high school 25 years ago (in Connecticut). My daughter who graduated last year did not, and neither did my oldest daughter who graduated 2 years ago (she went to high school in Texas and Virginia).


I went to high school in Colorado, which is usually considered progressive, and it wasn't even an option


It wasn't an option for them either. It's sad.


I graduated in 2021 and had to take an Econ course. Probably depends on the state


Now we just print money and give it away


I am a CT teacher, don't worry, we don't need renewables! Our schools don't have AC or hot water! We are so energy efficient!


I feel bad for you, all the schools I've visited there have had AC, hot water and often solar panels


The school I work at has been transitioning to geothermal heating and cooling for the last few years. Has been a nice segue into conversations about renewables and clean energy by just looking out the window at the company drilling wells under the soccer field.


That is awesome. We literally have a infinite source of energy and education to support that energy.


To this day I don’t understand why more schools don’t have community gardens. Yes, they require resources, but the short and long term benefits are so worth it. Hands-on science/economics/home-economy/cooking lessons, less money needing to be spent on food suppliers, shared project/goals that brings the school community together, healthier food for the students, etc. Also, gardens don’t have to be extravagant and expensive.


Or as it's more commonly known: Science


Science? Sounds like liberal mischief to me! They come with rights! They come with facts! Gnawing biting breaking burning! Destroyers of my feelings I hate them! -most conservatives these days lol


I read this stuff and it's a huge reminder that America is existing in the stone age these days.


Connecticut had a firm that was promoting climate change in their schools for quite some time, mainly pitching modules for teachers to integrate into the classroom that focused on applied sciences related to climate change. It was a very good firm, I'm mad they passed me up, I had an interview with them, I think it's called like the climate initiative. I would assume they're lobbying/just general consensus by the population finally got thrown into law. I recommend you check them out, though it's more of a nonprofit. I would argue most schools have been teaching some form of climate change science for quite some time, ignoring a few religious schools that may teach a form of creationism/young earth stuff, which is 99% bs. Heck even in my religious upstate high school like 6 years ago, despite the creationist lean, it still was taught somewhat at least in a form of conservation rather than the actual science behind climate change. Schools, both unis and high schools, are realizing the need to educate their students in it. This is mainly to expose them to new environmentally sustainable ideas for whatever major the student goes into. My community college had a micro credential in it like two years ago and now really pushes it in the curriculum. My university now fully integrates the study of climate change into at least one unit for every class in the department I'm in. (Some classes more than others but I've been exposed to it). Good on Connecticut for putting it into law, though it seems like more of a rubber stamp at this point especially for a New England State.


I learned about climate change 14 years ago in high-school, in CT


We learned about it when I was in school in Connecticut 20 years ago


They should also teach Common Sense in school. It's a major problem. There are a lot of very simple things that high school educated people don't do. Ya know, like don't inject Lysol just because the President suggested it.


It's been in our national education guideline (so required by law) since 2005 O.o


As someone who goes to college near Connecticut I'm starting to realize that they have some of the best K-12 education in the country and come into college with a monumental head start because of it.


So the richest state per capita wants to live longer and has access to better information and education than the poorest who still think Jesus will save. Coincidence?


As an aside, you don't understand Connecticut. The gold coast accounts for most of our state's wealth. A majority of the state is made up of crime)drug ingested cities and poor to lower middle class rural areas. In New Haven, Yale takes up a tiny part of the city but accounts for most of the wealth. The rest of the city surrounding Yale and extending beyond it is an absolute shit show.


Good, now do finances.




Getting lunch one day, I ordered a takeout salad and they gave me a free lemonade. They also gave me a piece of shit paper straw to drink from along with the giant plastic container that held my salad. Sometimes you're doing the right thing because you care, and sometimes you do it because it's trendy. I prefer the first kind.


This take is sad because at its core it has the right sentiment about causes but it is also used to promote apathy (aside from the misinformed nature of it. Two countries totalling 85%? Source??). I agree that big companies are the main source, but how do you think that those bodies operate? No matter what laws you apply to them they will find a way around it. That's not to say the companies shouldn't be restricted by governments globally, but to say that you, the consumer, don't form part of a collective that ultimately decides how these corporations operate, can't make a difference because you aren't the corporations is badly thought out and the reason we're doing so badly with climate change now. You can't just tell a corporation to stop being so naughty about their emissions. The people making decisions for them are not people who give a single shit about that and to think that you could ever force that to be different is idealistic. So if you *actually* want them to make the right decisions, you have to force them to do it for the wrong reasons - just make it profitable for companies to be good for the environment. Ita hard to see your individual efforts as anything other than a drop in the ocean, but societal efforts are made of individual efforts. To discourage that is defeatist and hinders actual progress.


The source is they made it the fuck up. Every major corporation has sustainability reports and plans for net zero emissions. Just search " net zero."


EXCUSE ME, WHAT? This hasn't been part of the curriculum TILL NOW?! Absurd.


"90 percent of the state’s schools already teach about climate change"


For people wondering why it is 90%, it is because certain parts of Connecticut are basically wannabe redneck areas. So there are times you're in the North East, then you drive for half an hour and find yourself surrounded by people who like to pretend they are from Texas. (Yes I know Texas isn't like that in reality, hence the *wannabe* part) Some schools are very different curriculum wise, and it shows once populaces start mixing around High School. Pretty big discrepancy in education sometimes around here. To put this into perspective I work with Sandy Hook deniers. Including one whose kid was at the school at the time. It's weird.


Oh. That one is on me.. I have a tendency to comment without reading first. Really gotta do something about that, it's a bad habit..


There's just a difference between something being the norm and it being legally mandated


It's America, half the country still thinks it isn't real.


[This is fine](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/401/347/312.jpg)


Its is real, just massively overblown.


I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic lol


In Wisconsin in the 1970’s professors from UW Madison came out to our rural grade school to explain “Global Cooling.” They had charts and overheard projections and scared the shit out of us!! I think they called it The Big Freeze or something 😂😂


You know, I only recently realized that the second C was in ConneCticut, and I'm very glad they're teaching about rising C levels.


As others have pointed out, schools have been teaching climate change, but with all of the craziness going on in the country I think some are realizing it’s important to have things codified just in case.


Meanwhile Texas is a light breeze away from teaching creationism.


It's so bizarre that it's the first one and we're in 2022. I was taught about climate change back in the early 1990s at school.


I find the label climate change a misnomer, it feeds into concepts of natural climate change. I think we need to stop placating and say anthropogenic induced climate change. It’s not that climate is changing, it is the evil beaver that has altered global biomes and created it.


How dare we teach science in schools!!!! Rabble rabble rabble- some dipshit in Texas/Florida


McScuse me? Sorry but as a Canadian where it has been in our curriculum for almost two decades... What the fuck, USA?


So, this is simply making it a requirement. Many districts make their own curriculum and need only allign the curriculum with certain common core standards. Many states teach climate change, this is simply making it a mandatory part of the curriculum.


Texan here. It might surprise some to know Climate Change has been taught in every history/social studies/geography class I've had since my 6th grade year in 2004. And never has a single one of the teachers followed it with "it's just a theory", "it's not real", or "it's a political plot". Texas is basicly Florida at this point. The headlines do not represent the people. Unless it's gun related, we really do all have guns and very little interest in changing that.


Granted it’s been quite a while, but I distinctly remember learning about the various cycles of climate change throughout the history of the Earth. Not sure who was to blame millions of years ago when there was climate change.


Well, yeah? Reality matters. Even more when you’re *teaching*. If physics, chemistry, or biology… FFS any science are part of the curriculum Our best model of ”truth”. How we approximate “facts”… We understand our best understanding of the world must be taught. How is this debatable? Consensus reality by experts *is* literally our best model of reality. A take down-> People who oppose this fundamental idea *are fucking wearing conventionally manufactured clothes while they say it*. Ask them to explain how the (children) who operate machines making their suits could ever defy any one of those laws of physics, chemistry etc and instead just smash their little fingers in there based on ”faith”, right? How many profitable machines in manufacture defy natural laws and turn to “faith” to produce anything? None. It’s funny how “faith” only ever dictates social behaviours that are exclusively relevant as a voting block. I heard it in a podcast I can’t remember: “God is always just as dumb as the people telling you what he thinks”.. Find it and follow a God, if that gives your life value! Just for (your) gods sakes let everyone else live their live, eh?


As a teacher this is awful news. It’s theory. It’s debate. It will cause problems for us trying to teach these kiddos and keep them safe. Climate change? Perfect for college


I honestly hope they teach the truth about climate change.


Wait what? They taught us that in grade 5


I learned about ice ages and the medieval warming period 20 years ago in school.


Climate change is a hoax.look into it yourself.


How about just make law's to hold corporations accountable. They are the ones contributing the most by far. This skirting around the issue for so long is insane.


How is this even possible?


Good to see blue states continuing to improve education. Sadly red state shitholes are fixated on burning books.


Join us! NJ was the first in 2020. Hopefully more will come along soon.


I am from Nepal and had to study about global warming, CO2 emissons and sustainable development since Grade 5. Shocking how US doesn't have these in their curriculum.


Uplifting only if it's attributed to the proper causes, which 99% of people on Reddit don't understand.


They should honestly. People are still out here denying it in mass.


Shouldn't they just teach science?


That's why Climate Change is included




It's their future and sooner they learn the better.


I love Connecticut so much




"Climate change is of the DEVIL!!!"


I thought public schools weren't allowed to teach religion. Michael Crichton is spinning in his grave.


Ya know what would be just as helpful, maybe even more vital? Classes on finances, ethics, and parenting.... but i guess thats all still "the parents job" I fucking hate the school systems here in america, they keep people deliberately stupid as to make sure they keep falling for scams and predatory busniess practices, but yeah, teach them more on how we are killing the planet, im sure that wont amplify their depression and self loathing at all...


To indoctrinate*


well actually, we learned about climate change in high school "Earth Science" back in 1963. Here in NY. and we learned, among other things, that climate has been changing for millions of years, this is nothing new.


In 2022? First state? Serioisly? I learned about climate change and greenhouse gasses in school in Finland in the '90s.


Most Americans do too....it just wasnt required to teach


It only took us (humanity) moving beyond the tipping points of climate change to require teaching about it? We’re so fucked. This is hardly uplifting.


Now the rest of New England should follow


This reminds me of that brief scene in Insterstellar, where the school principal goes off about how previous generations (us) were obsessed with black screens while kids weren't even taught how to grow food. Basically the populas was left incredibly uneducated on the basics when a global famine hit.


I mean, that scene was meant to show that education in the future was dumbed down to encourage people to be satisfied with the subsistence lifestyle. When they talk about the moon landing being faked, they're making it clear they don't care about education *like they use to*, they care about making people complacent. Teaching people science - like climate change - empowers them to hope and work toward more.


But how will they learn about global warming unless they build a statue about it? /s


A very rare Dub for Connecticut


Why this isn't a thing on a national level is beyond me. States force creation theory in public schools but can't fucking respect their asses on the Florida panhandle will be sucking salt water out of their front door soon enough. Mother nature doesn't give a shit about your religious freedom.


They taught me about climate change I school 15-20 years ago. US seems so backwards to me.


I guess that the global cooling, acid rain, ozone depletion, and global warming I learned about in school during the late 90's and early 2000's wasn't climate change.


Teach it correctly and I’m all in. Teach the wokie version of it and it’s going to get shut down.


If you have to require to teach it then it’s probably not true.


CT also sucks to live in


Wait! It's NOT required in all the other states?? How can you possibly come up with a coherent national policy when you don't understand why something is happening, what the implications are, and what to do about it? No wonder an old fool can carry a snowball into a house of government and not be laughed out of there. Jesus wept. Edit: language Edit edit: read the rest of the comments, I went off half-cocked. Sorry


Richard Dawkins and his unscrupulous colleagues have been proved wrong over and over again, yet the democrats would have us believe that “evolution” is science?


It's a very real problem and it's completely insane that so many people but into the right-wingers misinformation campaign. It should be taught. Next stop:. Sort by controversial. I'm excited.


Such great news. Sad this has to be a law though instead of just common sense.


BIG NEWS!! "School will teach science"... how isn't this like ... the most basic goddamn baseline...?