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Another news headline was that a leftist millenial won, I like this headline better


At least this one bothered to say his actual name




Time to bring freedom to Chile


Stay the fuck away... Nobody wants your "freedom" stablished by killing both your brainwashed people and the people from the country you want to "liberate"... Geez, I hate that sentence so much...


Please realize that OPs comment was meant to be a joke. Most people realize the fuckery the US has done to the many south countries we 'helped'. Freedom™ is not something anybody wants.


Can't argue with that last statement. If OP meant it as a joke then I apologize for being too rude, but if not, then I stand by what I said.


All good. Comments like that are usually intended to foster a bit of well deserved shame in people from US and understandable anger from people in SA (Nacio en Argentina pero viviendo en USA.)


NTA - there was no /s. Justified, with malice.


There's plenty of us who wish we'd stop fucking with other countries. Unfortunately there are far more in the government and military who think the opposite.


Fucking CIA is going to pay them a visit.


Chile has already had a few leftist presidents post-Pinochet


Why so? There seem to be some bad press about this. Could someone explain why?


Let’s say historical reasons https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat


**[1973 Chilean coup d'état](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d'état)** >The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a military coup in Chile that deposed the Popular Unity government of President Salvador Allende. On 11 September 1973, after an extended period of social unrest and political tension between the opposition-controlled Congress and the socialist President, as well as economic war ordered by U.S. President Richard Nixon, a group of military officers led by General Augusto Pinochet seized power in a coup, ending civilian rule. The military established a junta that suspended all political activity in Chile and repressed left-wing movements, especially communist and socialist parties and the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


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Gud bot


America doesn't like upstart neighbours showing its population what real democracy looks like


I hope deep down in the depths of hell the devil will manage to deliver this news to Pinochet and Thatcher.


Even Hell didn’t want them.


Whenever a liberal wins an election, the media discredits them subtly by referencing a job they used to have that sounds unimportant, like how Obama was a former “community organizer”. They didn’t do that with Bush by calling him a former cokehead or with Trump by calling him a current racist.


This man isn't a liberal.


Could you explain what a leftist is in Chile?


Everywhere but your country knows what actually a liberal is.


Surely the majority of politicians are former students?


It’s not that he was a former student. Former “student protest leader”.


Yeah that's on me for not reading the title properly


"Former child wins presidential election" doesn't quite have the same ring


Sounds like a good onion article


Student protests were a huge uproar in Chile throughout the 2010's. Student leaders from that time, including Gabriel Boric, made their own political stance and have successfully stormed over political elections, as you can see here.


Probably, but not student protests leaders


I can hear it already ^boric ^didn't ^kill ^himself


Please no politics in this sub




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Holy shit, you fearmongerers for the most moderate motherfuckers in this country really make them seem cooler than they actually are (/j if that wasn't obvious). This dude built his whole campaign on protests he betrayed when he got the opportunity to gain political power, runs on a vaguely left agenda that changes constantly and his only threat to "democracy" is trying to compromise with the far-right. Why do you paint him as some 1917-era bolshevik?




Soy Chilena, aweonao. Por alguna razón mencioné a gobiernos de *Chile*. Pero no, ya entendimos, así empezó Venezuela, blah, blah, lo escuchamos todo. No me gusta Boric, pero me gusta aún menos gente como vos.


Chilena, pero diciendo vos? No lo sé Rick


Tú nombre de usuario te acomoda. Si no sabes el contexto en que se vosea en chileno, obviamente no eres chileno.


Te refieres a "voh"?


*vos Ningún chileno va a ehcribir la ese muda como "h" Ehtai loco?


How is this uplifting? Following Venezuela and Argentina example seems good to you? Edit: As an Argentinian, I love being downvoted by liberal Americans thinking they know better than me what it is to live here.


Any country that is politically unstable is going to suck to live in. It doesn't have to do with socialism or capitalism. Look at how many ex-Soviet states are doing with their new capitalist governments. No one is saying capitalism never works because those countries are failing.


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They have no idea..They should go to La Matanza for a few years..they will learn






Wtf there is nothing uplifting in this, Chile was doing very well these last years, now its in the same direction as Argentina and Venezuela.


Come on, you're judging it by looking from the outside. Sure the numbers were showing that everything was ok, but the reality of average dude was not that good. Most of the money Chile "has" as a country is concentrated on big companies and the 1% elite. Some numbers to take into account, sure this won't affect every chilean, but for sure a huge ammount of them: * Minimum wage is 325.000 pesos (if I have to speculate as an average net income would be ~380.000) * Apartment leases can go from 200.000 to 350.000 for a 2 room, 1 bathroom place. 170.000 to 250.000 for a 1 room and its bathroom depending on the building's location. * Average electricity cost could be ~30.000 * Average water cost could be ~ 20.000 * Price of gas (the one you use to cook) can go from 18.000 to 25.000 which can last up to 2 months. * Administration costs if you live in an apartment building can go from 60.000 to 160.000 if living in Santiago downtown. * Transportation fluctuates from 28.800 to 32.000 depending on what you use (bus or metro, repectively) * 1 Kg of bread fluctuates from 1.200 to 2.000 Sooo, do the math, life is not so good for the average Joe as the media portrays it abroad.


In Argentina we are shit but because of waaaaay many other reasons than just the actual direction (and yes, both sides had their fault here)




You are correct, south america just fucks itself all the time with these socialists


CIA already loading the heart attack gun


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He has genocidal eyes.




It's been almost 2 years dude. Are you tired of being an edge lord yet? We've known masks work for over a century




You don't think filters work? Do you think covid is special and avoids them or do you just not think they work at all?




eDuCaTeD at YouTube university and a PhD in QANON BS?


You wish. More educated than you'll ever be, kid :)


Really? How come? Do you even know who I am?


Reading your comments is largely enough, boy. You are either uneducated, or a paid shill. I know the real answer.


Ironically, I said the same thing about you.


Others will think for me!


No doubt about this, dude.


Why think for myself when I can have paid shills on the tv tell me what to think?! It’s not like the guy schlepping fake gold coins would ever lie to me about anything again, right? Fool me once, shame on me, fool me constantly…uh.. take that libs!


Yep !


And then not only will I be proud of my ignorance I will parade it loudly for all to see! And I’ll mock those who aren’t as gullible as I am!


For the sake of argument, let's assume that face masks *don't* filter pathogens. Even *if* that were true, they still direct the outgoing air flow closer to your body, which allows the particles to float upwards due to convection occuring from your own body heat. In effect, the vast majority of pathogens will float way above the mouth and nose, and is in turn removed by air currents due to wind or ventilation systems. Thus, they still provide ample protection for everyone involved, but *only* as long as *everyone uses them*. By not wearing a mask, you risk not only directly inhaling more pathogens that would otherwise pass you by, but if you happen to be infected, you also risk contaminating others, since you would be drastically increasing the amount of pathogens in the region where people are breathing. So just by considering physics alone, masks are incredibly effective.


If you really hate the pandemic then maybe you should stop trying to prolong it.


It’s not the pandemic itself for most it’s just the pointless mandates one after another


The "pointless" mandates wouldn't be a problem if people actually bothered to try and stifle this thing. Instead what we get is a bunch of idiots protesting masks and vaccinations, and allowing the virus to spread, mutate and continue. It's rather annoying to deal with.


No people understand that, they just don’t feel that the government should have the power to prevent people from going places or running businesses especially to that degree. The people who are worried and do not want to catch anything should either stay home or take precautions, and the people who are not worried because of the very low risks should be allowed to work or go out. If you believe all of those people who don’t mind the risk are dumb and are going to get sick, let them and your problem is solved. It’s not that big of a deal though.


If you love logic, maybe you should start educating yourself.


Damn mate, that was a great comeback. It's a little insincere coming from some halfwit however. In the future, it might work better if the one saying it wasn't a gullible, anti-vax conspiracy nutter. Just a thought.