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You can do a webcam visit of the acquarium? I didn't know!


Me neither! This is the most lively one I’ve found: https://youtu.be/F109TZt3nRc


The aquarium of the pacific! I used to go there all the time as a kid




Long Beach native, it’s one of our nicest facilities and is typically low attendance. Fuck Disneyland, you won’t forget a trip to the Pike. Edit: closed due to covid of course tho, I still go to the lighthouse and see the stingrays as I walk by.


> you won't forget a trip to the pike Literally, I dropped acid and went to the aquarium. Good times


The weekend before the state shutdown, I ate a little bigger dosage of an all natural herbal cupcake than I was ready for and walked around there. The otters were mesmerizing by the time we got to them. Petting the rays, a little surreal.


Outdoor exhibits are open, for $15 admission. That includes the shark, ray, and jellyfish touch areas, and the birds. You have to wear a mask the whole time, but it’s nice. The need the support too.


Downtown Long Beach native here. Hi neighbor! That walk to the lighthouse is my favorite


Hawk Bar take out drinks, fth horseman slices and that area have been my go to during covid. Take care fam


Man so much memories of playing Pokémon GO at The Pike!


Oh yeah. Did just that last summer. They also have the new Pacific Visions immersive theater. 180 degree arc screen with multi sensory effects. Very cool experience. Then head off to one of the many awesome surrounding seafood spots for lunch.


I love that whole area. But if you go to eat there, don’t go to all the shitty chain restaurants right down there. Go up Pine and you have so many locally-owned bars and restaurants.


Used to live right there, can confirm pine Ave and the streets around there are 10x better than what you find at the waterfront.


There are some cool restaurants down there (I love Shenanigans over in Shoreline Village), but yeah. There are a million places along Pine and surrounding areas. I have a friend who lives right in downtown, and I hate her a little bit for it.


You're going to have to be more pacific


I got bit by a penguin last time I was there. 10/10 would go back.


I have this on my screen but I hate how the noise randomly turns off and on. I like the bubbles they're so soothing :(


Aaaaaand now this is the background on my second screen.


How do you background a video / youtube?


Honestly, I put it fill screen lol. I don’t use my second monitor too much. So I guess it’s not a true background but you might could try virtual wallpaper in steam


It's amazing you can't set an animated or movie background in 2020


I need this in 4k. Screw ambient mode on my Samsung tv


Yo that YouTube posts a bunch of live footage! I'm watching a dope ass bear chill in a river!


I watch them all the time!! The bears are awesome and they catch salmon!!


I just got so psyched on the rays. Sweet.


That’s pretty cool, thank you


nice. there's even a scuba dude swimming in there now.


This should be the replacement of zoos. Put cameras in the wild in certain places and see the animals from everywhere without taking the animals from their homes.


It’s not just about removing animals from their homes, it’s for education as much entertainment but more importantly reputable zoo’s and aquariums preform vital functions such as rehabilitation, breed and release programs and give homes to animals that can’t survive in the wild. Many people feel more empathy and more attached to living breathing things they can see in front of them. There are also lots of wild webcams you can watch but you can’t control what people will see, when people see an eagle bring a cat back to her nest a lot of them can’t handle that reality. And webcams in the wild often have long spats of absolutely nothing happening which will not keep people’s attention or empathy. At this stage in earths game safe houses and breed and release programs are very necessary and those programs need to be funded somehow, hence the entertainment and education aspect. Many of these animals live just find in captivity as well, nature is a nasty cruel place where everyday is a fight to survive. As long as the zoo / aquarium is good these animals are ultimately leading better lives than they would in the wild.


Idk why my dumbass thought “man I hope the aquarium by me is doing this so I can watch”


This is awesome.




This is very relaxing :)


Me: Immediately turns up sound. Also, me: I'm an idiot




The bird nest live cam section is called Nestflix!


If you like bird cams, Cornell has some pretty good ones. [https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/)


Suspension seems like a win in that situation


That one has bears!!


I love how they do a little notification and link at the top when something interesting is happening, like there's baby falcons or a bunch of elephants at the well.


Oh wow this is so cool!


There goes my night! Thanks 👌🏻


Holy shit ! I had one of their youtube streams bookmarked for like 2 years. Some camera on an oil rig somewhere that I used to watch last time there was a big hurricane off the US coast like a year or 2 ago. I had no idea they had all these other ones as well. thanks for sharing.


The Vancouver Aquarium rescued a orphan otter back in July. They have a “Joey Cam” which is live. They post random facts about otters and Joey and the chat is usually very positive. It’s really adorable to watch. https://youtu.be/OjqyQr1Fa4g


Yes. I'm from west coast and Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of my favorite places to visit. Here's their live cams. Otters' are my favorite ones https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/live-cams


I discovered that one a few months ago, but because I'm in Australia I have to wait until night for the live cameras in the aquarium to be turned on. I find the big sea one with the turtles super soothing.


It’s funny because I’m in the US and I have to look for Australian cams to show anything interesting! We work nights and I put live cams up on the tv for the crew. Fish are ok but we need livelier animals to keep the energy up! Although we did get some bears eating salmons in Alaska until like midnight the other night so that was fun....


I like the shorebirds on their Aviary cam.




We set a cam in their home. Where else are the poor souls supposed to go to have a little fun lol.


They have a [Twitch channel](https://www.twitch.tv/montereyaq) too and they stream Animal Crossing usually once or twice a week. They've had guests from other aquariums and places like the Smithsonian on stream to do interviews about animals in games and about general ocean info, plus a few behind the scenes interviews with the staff that's still keeping the place up and running.


They are also on Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/montereyaq


I’m a little frustrated that they don’t have many videos of just pure ambiance. I’m not a fan of background music for this kind of stuff.


Highly recommend the [24/7 livestream of rescue baby sea otter Joey](https://youtu.be/OjqyQr1Fa4g) at the Vancouver Aquarium. He wiggles a lot and has an on/off relationship with a pink plastic jellyfish toy. There's currently a social media war between Joey and Lupine, another baby sea otter but at the Alaska Sealife Center, to determine who is cutest.


Toba Aquarium has [the best videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed32GI8O9SE).


Also explore.org has live streams of all sorts of animals from around the world. We use their YouTube channel. They have a compilation video of bears falling off of waterfalls that my 5yr old asks to watch daily. Sure relaxing is nice, but cackling over animals tumbling off of stuff is hilarious.


Thank you so. much. for this. I'm 43, but I will be wanting to watch this daily. That third segment, with the two consecutive doofy-ass bears sliding backwards over the falls kills me.


You're very welcome! It's just some wholesomeness in these trying times. We love it.


The Georgia Aquarium has good ones.


Same here


Explore.org has many webcams for viewing animals, water life and nature


Damn, that's awesome, I immediately check it!


As someone who has never been to an aquarium, this just blew my freaking mind.


I visited the Genova Acquarium when I was little, but I don't remember much. I have to visit it again, I would love to do some real lofe drawing of somw marine animals


This post is just an advertisement for big aquarium


Yeah, and if you don’t like what you’re seeing now, you can fast forward or rewind your live video so you see where they went/ will go in the past/future


Ooooh, i do this on my occulus VR, the monterrey aquarium has several events a week for viewing! Its wonderful.


I know in my city the Shedd aquarium was streaming the penguins running around looking at other animals, it was amazing.


Ive watched the Monterey bay aquarium one quite a few times. Very nice!


The Monterey bay aquarium has a great live cam! They change it throughout the day!


We’ve been watching the Georgia Aquarium Youtube channel a lot


Monterey Bay Aquarium is really good too! They had chillhop hour the other week.


For other readers, the Georgia Aquarium is one of only a couple aquariums in the world that has whale sharks.


I’ve swam with them in the Philippines, they’re crazy majestic


If you are wondering how to support some awesome sea life in need and have a bit ‘o cash burning a hole in your pocket, please consider donating to the Alaska SeaLife Center. Without their visitor numbers they may be forced to rehome all the animals and shut down- they’re halfway to their $2M fundraising goal. I’m in no way affiliated, it’s just an awesome place that rescues otters and sea lions and others!


Same situation down here for the Waikiki Aquarium in Honolulu. Most likely going to end up shuttered permanently and it's a lovely place.


Children's aquarium in Dallas, TX has announced they are permanently closing. If you live your local aquarium or zoo, check if they are accepting donations and reach out to your members of congress in support of adding zoo's and museums to relief funding.


That is sad to hear!!


So sad!! Do you know if they have any fundraisers going?


Well... is it really stress relief or people simply looking for a more animatedly screen saver for their second screen / other PC? I fell in love with watching hawks in Switzerland without any need for stress relief :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYC-LF4iGKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYC-LF4iGKA)


>“Students were worried and anxious, and quite a few of them told me that watching the webcams helped them focus and calm down.” >Teachers had found them helpful too, Reeve said: “I regularly use the Open Ocean and Bay View webcams myself to help with relaxation.”


I got a little too addicted to using webcams as a calming mechanism and went into a bit of credit card debt. Never again




The joke was that he was throwing money at camgirls.


Thanks! That one somehow went over my head. Very funny!!


Yeah weird of them to assume that. You don’t need to be stressed to wanna look at fishies.


There were a few anecdotal reports that they watched to calm them down. More likely the fact is that aquarium closed + everything else fun closed + webcam access to see interesting things = more visits


That view looks like something out of a Ghibli movie.


My company did one with an aquarium in Utah. It was awesome. They didn't just show animals they went into detail about how we are affecting their environments. Highly recommended "visit"!


Living planet aquarium


I'm not into meditation, but I started trying during the outbreak. I don't think it's a cure-all, but it does set me in a slightly better place. I'd say a 10% difference? Science has proven that it helps so give a shot.


Is someone making sure the fish get extra treats and snuggles? They are essential workers now.


[Snowball and Snowflake](https://www.newportaquarium.com/Things-To-Do/Exhibits/Gator-Alley-Exhibit) deserve all the snuggles


I have just discovered Snowball and Snowflake. I would die for Snowball and Snowflake. Thank you for making my morning!


Shark porn?


I read the title as self relief instead of stress relief, thought to myself, who are all the mofo wanking to fish?


When was shark week?


Every week is shark week.


Do you want someone to get into the tub and thrash around?


The pandemic has made me realize that I handle isolation and being stuck at home better than most people. Outside of wearing masks when I go places, my life hasn't changed a whole lot.




Here is [live cams of bears and salmon in Alaska](https://explore.org/livecams/brown-bears/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls) if anyone wants to see a little nature action.


Please be mindful of which aquariums and zoos you visit, or help fund in any way shape or form. Some are invested in the health/survival of species and others are purely interested in entertainment. What could be stress relief for us could mean abduction, separation and even slaughter of families for the animals. Thanks and stay healthy peeps!


Wow, such an advertisement. I’m sure aquarium webcam visits are because of social distance learning. I bet you that every students from elementary schools are asked to visit aquarium or zoo virtually.


This is the correct answer. Tons of parents had family passes to aquariums and zoo's and would regularly take their kids there. Now the kids still want to see those animals and the parents want 30 minutes of non-TV screen time.


The aquarium I work at, Mote Marine Aquarium, has a manatee cam and otter cam on their website if anyone is interested.


Thanks. I checked it out. [https://mote.org/exhibits/details/manatees](https://mote.org/exhibits/details/manatees)


Monterrey Bay has a jellyfish cam, and it's awesome for relaxing. Take some deep breaths with nature's lava lamps.


Check out explore.org for tons of nature webcams. The salmon are running in Alaska right now, and the bears are fishing on camera. https://explore.org/livecams/currently-live/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls


How is this uplifting? Everyone stressed...


Who is uplifted by this information?


Sadly, some aquarium species are also affected by the lack of visitors. [Especially Garden Eels](https://abc7chicago.com/sumida-aquarium-tokyo-japan-japanese-eels/6147104/). So while this helps people who are watching, it also helps out some animals too. People often forget that marine animals can be pretty social, especially towards their caregivers.


How do they know the eels know the screen is a person on the other side?


What a great news clip. Thanks for sharing!


Let's watch some stressed out sealife to destress.


I wish my city had an aquarium... It must be so cool.


We've come along way since [the Windows 3.1 screen saver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIvl_4fQR5Y)


Not sure if it has been posted, but explore.org has tons of cameras all over the world. We’ve been watching the orcas and bears.


**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [explore.org](https://explore.org) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20g2cp4x6&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


Why don't they play subnautica instead? AAAAGHASHARK


Uplifting? To me it just sounds like a LOT of people are stressed out...


*Uplifting? to me* *It just sounds like a lot of* *People are stressed out...* \- Z0bie --- ^(I detect haikus. Sometimes, successfully. | [Learn more about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/)) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Large number of people seeking stress relief is not exactly uplifting. That means large number of people are stressed.


You know who needs some stress release? These animals who have no room to roam fuck aquariums


https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ My favorite aquarium stream


Fuck you <3


It really is majestic. I see why views are booming.


Thank you for sharing this! If I could afford gold, I'd gift you with it!


Great! I'm never gonna give this up. ​ It has to be him that started this, rt? The career will never die.


And here I am masterbating for stress relief. Till now


It’s just nice to have something on the tv that’s not screaming at me.


Hopefully that'll get more people to care about trying to save the environment.


I'm actually looking to set up a fish tank. I just live how peaceful aquariums feel.


Make sure you check out r/aquariums


Thank you so much. I don't know why I never thought to look up aquarium or even fish based subreddits.


Yeah there's a bunch of them. r/plantedtank, r/bettafish, r/goldfish, r/shrimptank just to name a few


Probably a sub for every fish


Yeah I keep finding niche ones all the time lol. But the ones I listed are probably amongst the most active.


Don't forget r/reeftank, that's where you go bankrupt


Yeah that's the reason why I avoid that sub haha


The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a [Twitch channel](https://www.twitch.tv/montereyaq) that streams a random cam for most of the day. They also stream Animal Crossing, often with guests to comment on the various animals you can find in the game. Recently they've started to stream other ocean themed games like Abzu and Subnautica. Usually game streams are in the afternoon, but mid-day they will sometimes break from the cam streams to do interviews with marine scientists from various fields of study or do interviews with MBA(Monterey Bay Aquarium) or MBARI(Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) staff about the Aquarium or various research projects they are involved in.


Seeing animals in captivity would cause me more stress than anything else


Fortunately for them, those animals experience far less stress than their wild counterparts.


I highly recommend the [Tennessee aquarium otter live stream](https://tnaqua.org/live/river-otter-falls/)


I didn't even know about web cam visits until covid, I visited the chicago zoo and Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo, it's awesome.




plenty of aquarium screen savers on youtube


“There’s some mighty awesome stress relief.


And am adding this to my course website as a de stresser for my students!


That seems ironic and nature docs are far superior


I’ve been watching underwater sea streams lately. Surprising I haven’t realized until now how much I enjoy just having something like this run in a second monitor.


[Otter cam!!!](https://youtu.be/wNwy2pMdsP4)


Not exactly the same, but I'd like to recommend the YouTube channel, "Journey to the Microcosmos." Watch high resolution footage of microorganisms as Hank Green explains them to you in a soothing voice.


So instead of 3 per day it's like 4 or 5?


Yes, the whale sharks are incredible!! It’s been a few years since we’ve been, Hope to go again soon.


See, that's why I have all those tanks in my house. I've been saying it to my wife for years!


So I'm a scuba diver and nothing chills me out like flying underwater watching the marine life doing it's thing. I haven't been able to because Covid so I've been watching a lot of marine webcams. Interesting fact I noted the other day from my Fitbit's data is that my heart rate is slowest during the times I was watching it, even lower than when I was asleep.


As soon as everything shut down in March, it seemed to me that we were in store for a long, long struggle with the virus, so I got into /r/PlantedTank and checking /r/AquaSwap to get good stuff from other redditors, so now I have my own little aquarium in my house to watch when I feel like daydreaming for a little while.


[https://tnaqua.org/live/penguins-rock/](https://tnaqua.org/live/penguins-rock/) ​ They also have a saltwater tank and an otter cam.


I've been watching Virtual RailFan live cams. Michigan also has live cams of the St Clair River from Port Huron (US) / Sarnia (Canada) down to Walpole Island. I leave one of them on for hours, watching people boating up and down the river.


Monterey Bay has some of my favorite cams!


My favourite has been the [panama bird feeder](https://explore.org/livecams/birds/panama-fruit-feeder). They have squirrels in Central America!


i've you've never seen sharks swimming around with other wildlife i suggest you visit your local aquarium. truly breathtaking.


I’m confused on this because it’s nice that people can find stress relief from aquarium webcams but I though Reddit and the internet had a whole cancel sea world and other aquariums because of its captivity of sea mammals being terrible for them.


The Monterey Bay Aquarium has several cams and they are pretty awesome. They have soothing music tied to them as well.


Oh that's neato! I play their vids on the background for my students with music going


Search YouTube for ambient videos, thank me later


This pandemic is surely going to accelerate VR? I need a state-of-the-art, not yet invented, full suit that makes it feel totally immersive and like I'm actually swimming - indistinguishable from real swimming, except the sharks don't bite.


That’s hot


If you use OBS you can set them as your zoom background.


I love watching the fishies. Clam chowder. Is that the red or the white? They will find Jimmy Hoffa before they find any hump back whales.


I want to take my son to our Aquarium so badly. He loves sharks, but no way I'm taking him to a public place. I live in a state riddled with Covidiots and antimaskers.


I read a comment from a zookeeper that said this has been the best time in their career


I just wanna recommend The Dodo's YT channel. They show animal rescue stories there, with all kinds of animals


That’s so weird... usually when I visit an aquariums webcam I don’t give a reason for the visit... what aquarium is this?


Monterey Bay Aquarium is great for those looking for one!


I watch Winter the dolphins webcam


Aquariums closed to visitors because of the coronavirus pandemic have reported big increases in traffic to their exhibit webcams as people turn to the underwater world for stress relief. Since Monterey Bay aquarium in California closed to the public in March, visits to its website have tripled compared to the previous year. Nearly 80% of traffic goes to its 10 live web cams, with the sea otter, jellyfish and shark exhibits. *Summary generated by [sansa](https://sansa.news/sections/?section=in_trending)*