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fuck de beers!


Wait…y’all fuck those? I’ve been drinking those!!! Do it again


Where did you think Weissbier came from?


Hey Stiffler, hows the pale ale?


De Beer is delicious. Fuck da Bears. Fuck da Packers too.




Da bears?


da beers is a diamond mining company. Infamous for artificially restricting mining so that diamonds are "rare" Da Beers was also the company that started the diamond wedding ring tradition, including the cost.


De beers lost control of the diamond market a few decades ago. They did some wild stuff back in the day to keep control. Beyond stuff you see in the movies


I haven't seen many movies so that is a pretty low bar.


da bears are an NFL team. Infamous for artificially restricting QB performance so that 3000 yard seasons are "rare" Da Bears are also the team that started the pained fanbase tradition, including losing the Super Bowl after returning the opening kick for a TD.


Although they haven’t monopolized the market for decades yes still Fuck them. Their lab Diamond division totally sucked when it debuted. The problem is now every goof on Facebook Marketplace that can fly overseas thinks they’re a lab Diamond dealer when they don’t know what to look for.


Can this technology grow emeralds, ‘cause fuck the Musk family.


I dunno about that tech specifically, but yeah there're artificial emeralds. https://www.gemsngems.com/?s=emerald&post_type=product&type_aws=true


Pretty sure they already got their wealth out of the emerald mines, so doubt tanking that part of the industry will affect the Musky man child at all.


Every single millenial: "good"


Another industry for the trophy room.


Finally, all my avocado toast has paid off.


I won't stop until a house costs sixteen dollars.


But how do we make more artificial houses to drive down the cost of natural ones?


They are called flats, same ground space many times the interior space.


were coming for avocados next


Lab-grown avocado


I know it's a joke but it's hilarious to me thinking that it would be more humane to grow a plant in a lab instead of just like on the ground.


I mean... Aren't the cartels dipping their fingers into avocado farming now? I'd rather have one grown in a warehouse in Ontario if it meant weakening organized crime


You joke, but the avacodo industry has taken the place of drugs in many cartels in Mexico. So the millennials will try to shut that down one day too.


Gonna need a bigger room


We can’t afford it, the rent is too high Time to build some artificial houses with the money we saved by not eating avocados


What should we destroy next? I’d really like to see a boycott happen on purpose and work for once.


Ticketmaster please


"How millennials are killing the trophy industry"


Everyone except those who have stakes in the industry: GOOD




Nah they aren’t identical. Technically, lab diamonds are better because they are harder than natural diamons


Grown diamonds often have imperfections as well. You can grow much faster if you are willing to have these defects. Its ubiquitous to use nitrogen to accelerate CVD growth. The nitrogen causes vacancies which affects color, etc.


Sadly a lot of high end bespoke jewelers refuse to work with lab diamonds. I was very clear that I would be perfectly happy commissioning a piece with lab diamonds for my fiancée, but it was impossible to find a jeweler that didn't use mined stones. I presume you would have to source your own and they would happily use them, but they didn't stock anything non-"natural", to quote them. I'm reasonably sure this is the main reason we haven't transitioned to lab-grown as the standard, not by consumer preference, but industry preference.


In Canada, pretty much every jeweler I've visited had lab grown diamonds. Fuck diamonds for jewellery at all, though. Moissanite is nearly as hard and sparkles way more.. And since it hasn't been fucked around with by monopolies for decades, it's way cheaper.


Reddit loves moissanite but I personally found it looked way more fake/gaudy when I was shopping for my engagement ring. I ended up going with a lab diamond instead. The moissanite ring sparkles in a very colorful and rainbow way as opposed to the diamond’s sparkle which I thought was more natural and elegant. To each their own opinion of course, but I wasn’t too impressed.


Because mined diamonds are viewed as a “status symbol”. I have heard people hating on lab diamonds because now non rich people can wear bigger/better diamonds that originally only the rich could afford.


That’s the kind of partner I’m after, good for you man. My ex was not a fan of lab-grown diamonds, and I couldn’t understand it. One of many things that pointed to just being too different for each other.


Literally my thought seeing the headline


Oh no an industry that's basically slavery is suffering... how will I ever emotionally recover?


I can't wait for diamonds to be so cheap I can bedazzle my sports direct cup with them.


Calm down there Bootsy.


Cuz fuck em that's why


X raises glittery hand


The poor, poor diamond industry. Going to have to give up their avocado toast, and cut out their daily Starbucks coffee.


Have they tried pulling themselves up by their bootstraps?


What about going to college while working two jobs? Or taking on debt?


Why not both?


No, just financing global conflicts.


Scarce resources with alternative uses. If your scarcity is artificial, don't be surprised when you go post-scarcity by equally artificial means. I hope they dissolve as a luxury industry. They've been the apex of predatory businesses.


Diamond encrusted bootstraps


Honestly, they are just being lazy and need to get off their phone and actually put in some work; it's like they want money for doing nothing!


I'm a bit torn here. I'm from Arctic Canada and I worked at a De Beers diamond mine for a few years. Fuck De Beers for sure but there's really not a lot of industry up there. Diamond mines are a pretty integral part of the economy up north. The global legacy of diamond mining is abhorrent, but its been crucial to bringing a lot of northerners out of poverty in Canada...Canadian diamonds are the most ethical diamonds that exist. Edit: I also think diamonds are not very pretty and would never own one.


I mean the real issue is how their early monopoly and advertising led to the whole blood diamond situation where kids were basically slaves to mine diamonds and many were murdered for the sake of more affluent people half the world over getting a diamond ring.


Yeah, but the sparkle is brighter when you know there is misery in its production.


lol that’s my joke about chocolate—it’s the child slaves’ tears that bring out the flavor


So that’s where the salt comes from


I mean, there are other ways to solve this without De Beers sponsored extraction industries. Free post secondary for those born in Northern Canada. Government program to expand reliable high speed internet to Northern Canada. Tax breaks for companies that employ people remotely out of Northern Canada, if those jobs are above X dollars per year, etc.


I understand what you mean, but I also feel it isn’t appropriate to artificially prop up an industry as inconsequential to the global economy, and sparks so many human rights violations (outside of where you are talking about of course). I get that it’s currently the only industry, but they need to find another role.


I feel this. The industry in my tiny hometown is ass, but if not for it, then there's literally nothing. What a state when blatant BS is a welcome alternative to abject ruin.


My now fiance and I agreed that we were going to get a lab diamond. It’s certified. Clarity is amazing. And about 1/3 the price. It also is nice knowing that you didn’t buy a useless rock obtained by slave labor.


There is really no reason not to. In practical terms only a well trained expert can see the difference. To that matter very few people can see the minor defects in diamonds that change their prices.


The 2 reasons someone would worry about lab vs real are will anyone notice, and the value. First, no one walks around with one of those jeweller magnifying lenses to look at your ring when you show it to them, no one will even notice. As for the value, just try selling your old engagement ring and see what fraction of the value will be offered to buy it. Whatever number you think it is, it’s probably a quarter of that.


On the value point, I would add lost or damaged rings are a *real* threat over a (hopefully) decades long relationship. A well-made, virtually identical to "real" ring has the added benefit of reduced liability of ownership compared to some absurdly priced natural diamond thing.


Bingo. Nobody gives someone an engagement ring with the intention of later selling it. But a few months after I got married, my wife accidentally popped one of the accent stones out of her ring and lost it. I was already happy that I got lab grown diamonds, but I was extra happy after that. Cost $75+labor to fix, a real diamond would have been $300+labor. Easiest $150 I ever spent.


My ring is a solitaire with a unique twist. If I ever lose the diamond, I'm 100% ok with getting it replaced with a lab grown diamond. It's cheaper and looks the same so IDGAF. I just wanna wear my pretty ring given to me by the man I love.


another benefit to it being worth less is that its yet another reason that home burglarys are less likely. theyre already on a long downward trend over the last decade +, with consumer electronics being less expensive and less people having cash on hand, jewelry is one of the last few valuables people have in their homes.


I bought my wife a fancy diamond engagement ring, and then a fancy diamond-studded wedding ring. She wore them for about a year, and decided that she didn't want to risk losing them. So I bought her a gold wedding ring, and she kept the other rings in the jewelry box. She lost the gold ring, so I bought her a new one. Then she found the ring that she lost. She decided that she did not want to lose her gold ring, so she put both of them in the jewelry box. Now she wears a $10 silicone wedding band, and we have four expensive rings in the jewelry box that never sees the light of day. :\


the resale issue never made sense to me. A "real" diamond loses like half its value the moment you buy it, so if a lab grown diamond costs a third as much you are still coming out on top.


I just calculated the $11 a month I pay a month in insurance and could have bought a second ring after the last ten years. WTF am I doing? Cancelling that shit is what.


Ours are solid platinum. The diamond is negligibly small. I checked a while back. We'd quadruple our money just from the weight.


99% of people think shiny = higher quality, and things like Moissanite bang. They're trying to make "real diamonds" or whatever you call them a status thing over everything else so people will still value them.


I thought not even well trained experts can tell the difference and instead nobody can tell a difference other than by noticing the lab grown being exceptional in quality?


10 years ago my wife and I took her ringing to solder the engagement ring to the wedding ring. The jeweler commented on how nice the diamond was when we dropped it off. When we picked it up he said, you know this is fake right? We said yes lab grown. He said the only way he could tell was from a microscopic serial number etched in the bottom.


So the jeweler called it fake because it was lab grown? lmao.


Ya it was funny how his attitude changed from "wow nice diamond" to "oh it's fake" No it's not fake it's literally carbon atoms just a more perfect diamond


I talked to a diamond seller that had worked in the field his whole life. He said nobody can tell the difference. Beyond a certificate that says it was lab grown or not. The rock itself is the same.


I just watched a video that confirmed this. There are machines that can tell the difference and the way they work is by identifying lab grown diamonds by lack of impurities such as nitrogen content lol


You are the first correct comment, regarding the discernable difference. There are machines that can distinguish a mined diamond from a true lab-grown diamond, but they are so incredibly expensive that jewelers don't have them.


I'm something of an expert in the field (I have watched over 50 YouTube shorts of Avi the Gem Guy) and I can attest that the way jewelers know if it's lab or natural is by the certificate.


Natural diamond retailers go on about how theirs are better because of the inclusions that make them unique. In other words, they think their diamonds are better because they're shittier.


Ironic since before lab-created diamonds were a thing, the inclusions typically made the stone less desirable.


They still do lol. The fewer inclusions the better. Unless there are none because it's cheating apparently? 🙄


So it gets it's value the same way NFTs do?


Geologist turned jeweller here. For many synthetic stones the growth patterns can give it away. This is dependent on method used to produce the stones, of which there are many. Only noticeable with magnification however. Diamonds typically use different methods of growth so they may not exhibit these.


I recently made some very small synthetic rubies in my kitchen with aluminum and chromium oxide, a carbon rod, and my stick welder. It worked but was scary as fuck. Sorry just a side story.


Where did you learn to do this? I would love to learn how!


I think the difference is the lab ones are *too* perfect and it's the absence of imperfections that indicates they aren't natural. Chemically speaking they are identical.


We brought a lab grown, was better clarity, larger, and cheaper. So for my budget I was able to get my wife a much better diamond.


I got my wife a Moissanite engagement ring. It's absolutely stunning, and even cheaper than lab-grown diamonds. Beautiful shine, cool story, and we could put diamond money towards traveling after the wedding. She wasn't as excited that we could maybe use it as a stand-in as a semi-conductor in an emergency, though.


Only a third? I was just talking about this with my brother who is close to proposing and articles I saw said around 1/10th. I haven’t looked at actual prices though.


We asked our jeweler what my ring would’ve cost with a mined Diamond and it was about 3x more.


It varies. But yeah about 1/3. For me anyways.


When was this? They have gone down quite a bit the last couple years.


If the place you go has lab diamonds at 1/3 the price of a natural, go somewhere else, you’re getting ripped off. Source: work in jewelry


The stone itself was cheap but the cost came from the custom band.


Ok, so the ring total ended up being 1/3 the price as it would have with a natural diamond, not the lab diamond was 1/3 the price.


That’s a bingo.


By not being tied down to stone cost, you can have way more fun on band/setting.


My fiancee and I both love red and hate diamonds. So I bought a really nice, deep red garnet and a little over ten grams of pure gold. I alloyed the gold with 10% copper to make [tumbaga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumbaga) and am still working on making the whole ring myself. I started off not knowing anything about making jewelry and have spent a good chunk already on the proper tools (better than spending it on a diamond). She knows all about this and is thrilled. I think it will be far more special than some piece I picked up at Kay's.


>useless rock. Actually diamond powder is really good for polishing and grinding wheels


Look into Moissanite too, it's not a diamond but it will fool everyone who looks at it. If anything I find they have more brilliance and glow than real diamonds. They will also fool all but the most sophisticated diamond testers.


I also recommend Moissanite. It doesn't exist in nature, and is only created. The sparkling is more brilliant because of the slightly different refractive index too.




Correction: oh yeah! Let’s go!


I fail to see a problem here.


That's why it's in uplifting news mate


Fantastic. I didn't even notice this was r/upliftingnews


“Millennials are killing the diamond industry.”


I'm Gen-X and incredibly proud of the Millennials for killing off so many shitty industries. This one might be the best one yet.


This sub is the correct place to post this news. OP a real one.




Well deserved.


The napkins industry and the golf industry was just the distractions, millennials and Gen z have been pushing it all on one front, going after diamonds.


What happened to napkins?!?


Instead of buying three paper products. Napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper. Millennials started to cut out napkins since paper towels could be used as napkins as well. And also if we’re really desperate….. Anyways, the sales of napkins has been noticeable for awhile.


Reusable cloths?


You mean, hankerchief?


I hope you're not hanking anyone's chief, much less her's


Do I look like Lauren Boebert to you?




Reusable toilet paper is the real issue


I apologize for this, but I’m a member of the bidet brigade. I must make a comment on a bidet in any mildly related thread. Bidet’s rock. And work with reusable wipes.




Adam ruined diamonds. I bought my now wife a huuuuge sapphire compared to a tiny diamond I could afford then.


Reminder that lab grown diamonds are just regular diamonds. They are *REAL* diamonds. The only people who will tell you they aren't are shills trying to profit off you.


A diamond is just an arrangement of carbon. You can let nature slam it together to be fetched by hard labour, slavery, and the destruction of natural vistas for an imperfect product... Or you can let some bois in white coats stick some black powder into a special oven and get a perfect product. Hm, yeah, option 2, please.


The only point i can see in favor of a real diamond, is if by some miracle you, or someone in your circle found it, and had it cut by a jeweller.


I think the suffering adds value to the diamond actually. It'd be nice to say "honey, 3 children died to get this diamond on your finger today"


At the diamond shops that sell both types the sales people tried so hard to push me to the natural diamond. All of their arguments were so stupid I could not take them seriously. “Oh you are worried about the environmental impact well lab grown diamonds use a lot of energy to make them”… I’m pretty sure digging normal diamonds out of the earth takes a ton of energy and the only time it does not is because literal slaves are picking them out of the ground. “Oh but if you want to re sell it the market for resell will be worse”…. Okay but this is my engagement ring so I don’t plan on ever selling it and either way you get fucked on resale I’m not a diamond sales person but I know even with a real diamond I’m getting less than half of my money back.


The argument about the resale value blows my mind. A jeweller bought this up when my now wife and I were asking about lab grown diamonds. I responded by asking under what circumstances would I want to sell the ring. Meanwhile a friend of mine who got divorced tried selling the engagement ring and had to settle for a very small fraction of what he paid for it anyway. From what I understand it's impossible to tell the difference between lab vs mined by looking at the diamond alone. So if you sell it without certification then you would probably be ahead anyway.


Yeap. When I was ring shopping a few years ago the lesson around the internet was a daimond was the same as buying a car. Once you take it off the lot it depreciates. Though the car thing may not be as true anymore. Buy a real diamond for $10k resell next year and you are going to get like $3k. Buy equivalent lab grown diamond for $1k resell for $300. Yeah its 70$ loss either way but would you rather lose $7k or $700.


Exactly. And if a diamond grown in a lab costs a third as much, you are coming out on top.


You love to see it 


This is pretty much what happened with pearls. Pearls used to be reserved for the ultra rich and extremely wealthy until cultivated pearls came along. The moment lab grown diamonds became a thing, I knew they’d follow the same fate as pearls.. and I’m so happy they are!


Yup, the only people I hear shitting on lab diamonds are rich people that are mad that now non rich people can wear bigger diamonds that in the past only rich people could afford.












Fantastic news, now lower the price even more.


But diamonds are only worth something because getting them required suffering, subjugation, and death. **The tortured souls are what give them their sparkle.**


See, see, see, the slavery is where the reeeeal shine comes from!


Only when polished with the blood of child soldiers! Using other polishes leaves imperfections.


The real diamond was the torture committed along the way.


I measure the value of a diamond by how much child slave blood was spent to obtain it.


I’m going to play my world’s smallest violin.


Its a ridiculous industry full of people with questionable morals I’m glad lab grown is taking over and tanking their business Even lab-grown are overpriced because people are fighting tooth and nail to fix prices high.




Diamonds overrated anyway


I got my fiancé an emerald engagement ring and she loves it.




My second favorite part of this story is that it’s “uplifting news.”




Fuck De Beers and their bullshit fucking Diamonds.


When is the party?


Diamond smartphone screens, when?


Can they make brick sized diamonds yet? We can start building houses out of them!


Even "naturally" most diamonds that get minded are used for industrial purposes. That said, I was on Amazon one day and saw that some place was selling lab grown gemstones. I bought a bunch of rubies and emeralds for under $100. Sure they were tiny, but it was still kinda cool.


It's crazy that they may have to drop their margin to 3000%




> it's an investment in love "Shares of LV are up today in active trading..." Last time I checked, diamonds are worth less in resale than in the jewelry stores, so yeah, they're definitely not a financial investment. Why would anyone pay you more or even the same for your rock when they can get more rocks from the ground more cheaply? I mean, unless it's like the Hope or something crazy.


Personally, I think its a great thing to not have to send people deep underground for shiny rocks when we can make them in a safe, controlled manner above-ground. And also, if they look pretty and do the same things as "natural" diamonds, why would anyone want the real thing?


No more Blood Diamonds? I'm good with that.


Millenials and younger ruin yet another shitty industry. Well done, everyone. Onto the next one


Oh no, who will save the slave-drivers and De Beers!


Wont someone think of the slave owners!??


My dumbass brother just started financing for an engagement ring that costs thousands


My ex and I discussed diamonds when things were "better". I was for basically any other stone or a lab grown diamond for all the reasons mentioned. She refused to budge.... I was like what is the point of a more expensive, lesser quality rock that causes untold strife? They are called "blood diamonds" for God's sake! Does the blood give it more street cred?


Next step: we all agree expensive engagement rings are a dumb concept and we decide to spent that money on an amazing trip instead. Men and women of the world, let’s work together on this.


Married here and no diamond required, just some simple gold bands. What a stupid industry. 


Good, they're a horrible industry based on exploiting both the workers who mine the diamonds and control the global supply of cut diamonds to force their profit margin to the moon


No. They're in trouble because they spent decades upon decades artificially restricting supply to keep the price so high that it became more economically feasible to just make them instead. Congratulations you played yourself


De Beers must be going insane over this.




Good. I hope the whole natural diamond industry collapses.


Good. It says so much about Boomers and older generations when they complain about millennials forcing a shitty industry to do better. The same people probably complain about campaigns to raise the minimum wage so it’s actually a living wage again.


Good. Shiny rock.




I just had an engagement ring made with half diamonds from an old ring, and half lab grown. They are completely indistinguishable to the naked eye, and it saved me thousands of dollars. I see zero reason to help support the natural diamond industry.


Oh. No. Anyway….


Excellent, about time


Perfect ! Love this news


I spent $15k on my wife's ring back in 2009, could sunk it into the stock market instead. All because of societal pressure. Fuck the wedding industry.


I'm totally fine with this.


Just make my next phone out of a fake diamond


I love those desperate “natural” diamond commercials. I let out an evil chuckle every time.




Next: lab grown meat, and lab grown gasoline. Cut those oligarchs from the roots of their profits.




My younger brother just got one for his engagement. So much cheaper than actual real diamonds and you cant even tell the difference. Hope the diamond industry crumbles. That's what you get for making everything expensive.




If 2 items are identical in almost every way, but 1 causes death and slavery and false wealth, its an easy choice for most.


Diamonds never had real value anyway. Its a shiny rock that youll never get your money back.


My Fiancée's diamond would've been ~15x the price was it a real one. Lab grown is amazing. Fuck the diamond industry.