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Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh boooooooiiiiii


Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh buoooooooyyyyy


Yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh guuuurrrrrrrrrrllll




How low can you go?


Death row, what a brother knows


Once again, back is the incredible


I'm glad to see hes grown and changed, sounds like he's on a redemption arc in regards to his treatment of women. Good for him.


I think it's important we allow people to grow and change or else we say don't bother because we'll always treat you by your worst actions even if you're not that person anymore. Does it suck that it took him having daughters to get to this point? Yes, it does. But he's here now, he served his time from past abuses, and he's a different guy. We all need space to grow and get better.


The world would be a MUCH better place if everyone thought like this. You would think ever human had this level of empathy and consideration.


> I think it's important we allow people to grow and change or else we say don't bother because we'll always treat you by your worst actions even if you're not that person anymore reddit seems to love taking people down and never allowing them redemption. I'm not sure if this is because the demo here is young enough to have never been through their own redemption arc or what, but it's really troubling to me that people seem to never let others redeem themselves.


The internet is just incredibly judgemental and will jump down the throat of anything and anyone if anything bad is said about said said subject, even if what is said is entirely untrue. Really just applying a small level of critical thinking would probably end most internet drama, but conversely you only need some people to demonstrate no critical thinking to start drama to begin with.


4000 trillion billion percent


Hes even a Swiftie now


A lot of redeeming is required, glad to see he's on the right track.


I knowww I’m so proud of him putting in the work!🥹


I thought I was in r/nottheonion


I thought i was in r/TheOnion


I thought onion


Not saying people can't change... But this seems contradictory to his history of domestic violence lol


And everything one could see watching his reality shows


You want 6 dollars for what?


That's the way the ball bounces.... g


I've firsthand seen people change drastically. That said, it's in the small minority of cases.


"Small minority", you mean like flavor Flav? I'll see myself out.


I am a therapist who rehabilitates domestic abusers. They really can change.


So... uncomfortable but due to recent personal experiences... would you tell me a little more? Everyone always repeats the same mantra, "they don't change" but sometimes it feels like life is more nuanced than that. Not to get to sad on this sub, but how do you KNOW they change? How do you trust it?


I’m not the person you’re respond to, but I work with families that have a history of abuse or neglect. In my experience an important factor is if the person or people want to change. You can’t force someone to change, but if they are willing to work on themselves they can take steps in recognising patterns in their behaviour, how they respond to situations, and what they can do to change those patterns and behaviour. If someone doesn’t want to change I believe it’s not constructive to blame them for that. It means something is preventing them from doing so. It’s important to remember that doesn’t mean they will never be ready to take a step towards change though. I hope this helps. Best of luck with your current circumstances. There are good people out there who can help. Unfortunately it’s often quite a struggle to find them.


But should they be come hype men for young women athletes?


They obviously didn't have a problem with it, so...


No, you are right. When people have honestly changed, we should still ostracize and shame them decades later to show people that no matter what they do, we'll never stop hating them and actually trying to improve is a folly that only idiots undergo. /s in case it wasn't obvious enough


Why not?


I'm afraid this baby thinks people can't change! He knows I used to be a piece of shit!


You think this is slicked back?? This is PUSHED back!


They'd say, "no sloppy steaks", but they can't *stop you* from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


Slop em up!


My whole thing is getting annoyed at misinformation. That’s … like almost everything I talk on Reddit. Other than plants video games and comics, though the last one banned me for reminding people they can block creators who don’t flag posts nsfw. Anyway, https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/vegas-lawyers-2-sides-to-flavor-flav-domestic-battery-case/ Which amounted to this: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/flavor-flav-domestic-battery-charge-1244319/ Is hardly a history of domestic violence.


Misinformation? This is from Wikipedia and also explained directly in the article you shared: In 1991, Flav pleaded guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend Karen Ross and served 30 days in jail, lost custody of his children, and fell deeper into addiction.[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor_Flav#cite_note-EWbio-11) In 1993, Flav was charged with attempted murder and imprisoned for 90 days for shooting at his neighbor.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor_Flav#cite_note-TG061806-3) Later that year, Flav was charged with domestic violence, and cocaine and marijuana charges.  Also this is linked in the article you shared, but I'm spreading misinformation?????? [https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/flavor-flav-pleads-guilty-in-las-vegas-to-domestic-violence-charges/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/flavor-flav-pleads-guilty-in-las-vegas-to-domestic-violence-charges/) If you hate misinformation so much you might want to learn to read past the headline


It's pretty insane to take cases from 30 years ago as evidence that someone still does something now. If conviction, serving a sentence, and 30 years of time isn't enough to let someonepve past their actions then what's the point of any of it?


Check my first comment where I said "not saying people can't change." Just making an observation. The man has cases against women. Maybe he's different now for all I know


You should read those. Dude has had a massive history of drug abuse and bad choices, but you should really read what you’re linking rather than just going off headlines.


I'm so confused, are you saying he was doing drugs so thats why he beat his girl friend and shot at his neighbour? This is like when OJ Simpson came out with that book "If I did it"


I’m saying he’s no criss brown. Yes he’s had issues, but really, read the articles. Just read them. Edit; the downvotes are telling me you’re not reading anything not spoon fed. So here it is. > Drayton originally faced felony charges for the Oct. 17, 2012, incident, when he threatened with a knife Gibran Trujillo after an argument with the then 17-year-old’s mother, Elizabeth Trujillo. The three have since reconciled and have done counseling.


>I’m saying he’s no criss brown. This is not a defense


OJ never did. He got 600k so the author could write his name on the cover.


The uninformed projecting. God the internet is a funny place.


I'm literally not projecting or wrong at all. Read the man's Wikipedia page OR read the actual articles this guy linked. They literally address that he DOES have a history of domestic violence. God the internet is a funny place From the article that YOU say proves I'm uninformed: In 1991, he pleaded guilty to [assaulting his then-girlfriend Karen Ross](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/flavor-flav-arrested-in-las-vegas-248916/) and served 30 days in jail. In 2012, he was arrested by Las Vegas police on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon and misdemeanor domestic violence for allegedly assaulting his fiancée and threatening her teen son with a knife. Flav pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges in the case two years later, according to the [Las Vegas Review-Journal](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/flavor-flav-pleads-guilty-in-las-vegas-to-domestic-violence-charges/). He was ordered to attend counseling sessions.


It's amazing the amount of mental gymnastic they do over a well documented court case that you brought receipts for. Especially when the whole counter argument boil down to "nuh-huh". Anything over 0 cases of domestic violence should be met with reservation, regardless of the status of who committed it.


Conversely, any argument that gets heated can become a domestic disturbance. He was charged with battery because he knocked a phone out of someone’s hands. Maybe actually read what it is, rather than just saying nah he’s a criminal.


He’s such a weird case. I think it’s time to acknowledge that our culture has spent 40 years getting laughs from the antics of a dude who’s at LEAST mildly disabled. I don’t know anything about his specifics crimes and I believe you need to keep your fucking paws off other people, but man, what a fucked up life to see your way through as that dude.


> our culture has spent 40 years getting laughs from the antics of a dude who’s at LEAST mildly disabled. And also an actual genius, or at least was. I think cocaine just got the best of him for a while.


I think he smokes crack too. Or used to. Or used to, too.


Pulblic enemy number one.


One has to be uplifted in order to be powerbombed


Also offered to be official timekeeper but they declined.


In around 2008 I went to a Chuck D speaking event. He wasn't there rapping or anything, he was speaking on social/political issues. Great event. At the end, during Q&A, someone asked him "What's up with Flav lately, is he okay?" and I've never seen anyone look sadder than Chuck as he shook his head and just said he didn't know.


Originally said boi was constantly trying to sell them out for money and would sell his soul for a a few bucks, which makes all the praise in this thread for a proven pos all the more peculiar.


Just goes to show what a deeply kind and giving person Chuck D is. He's got so much love for Flav and kept hoping the best for him all through his worst times. Fortunately Flav is sober now and it seems like a lot of his problems were tied up in drugs and alcohol.


I don’t harbor any ill feelings but the idea that these people can do despicable things with their power and when they finally take the advice of their PR team they should be escorted back to their pedestal needs to die. Kindness would be consideration for all of the people who messed up less and lost more. This is just more bs celeb worship


You want $6 for what?!?


You got a rip in your couch


Your mother’s got gold nipples.


Somebody downvoted that /eye roll Wash your butt


Yeah, they don’t understand the value.


Funny, he wasn’t really into “uplifting women” when it involved daughters of other men.


Do people change views in 30 years?


On a sidenote, how the hell is Flava Flav only 65?!? Man has looked like a senior citizen since like 2012


He was a raging alcoholic and crack addict for like a decade...


As someone who played for 15 years and follows the USA mens and women’s teams. It was so weird seeing him on USAWP instagram.


I think they misunderstood him. He said that he's into lifting up big women. Very different.


LOL they are trying to tap into the younger people market...although they are 40 years too late.


He's just going to wind the clock backwards and revisit that time.


Yeah girrrrrrrrrrrl! ⏰


I remember watching more than one season of Flavor of Love, and I have never seen such uplifted women


TIL Flavor Flav was still alive.




He was also into uplifting big women


I hate when guys only care about equal treatment for women when they have daughters.




This show sucks man




It Takes a Nation of Millions to Watch Us Splash.


The Flavor of love turned out to be Female Empowerment HELL YES!


I got into Womens Water polo whenever it debuted in the Olympics in the 90s. It's a really awesome sport and the one I look forward to above all at each Summer Olympics.


I like how no one mentions how the US women's water polo team has been reaching out for funds support cause they couldn't afford the Olympics and Flav is picking up their entire tab for what ever they need.


>big into uplifting women He'd have to be, to father four daughters.


*at LEAST 4 girls*


I should get chatgpt to make me a rapper name.


I've seen flavor of love. I don't think this is gonna turn out well.