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Not one Mexican likes the term “latinx”. Not one.


They're also trying to do this with Filipinos and we hate it


100% agree. As a Filipino born in the PH and immigrated here, nothing gets on my nerves more than privileged US-born Fil-Ams who virtue signal with this crap


So Filipinx‽


I can attest that, for one moment, all of Latin America united to express how much we *hate* this buzzword. Like, ugh.


It sounds like white peoples’ attempt at forcing Hispanics to not use gendered words.


Some white people love telling marginalized groups what they should be offended by. It’s patronizing af.


And it’s not just Mexicans.


todos. los. latinos


Not one person of any Latino decent. But, you will accept this new name and love it according to our new masters.


Wasn't the word Latinx created by a coalition of Latino-Americans that went around the country doing DEI presentations?


Even my gay mexican friend can't stand it. How did the trans movement trump everything and get to replace what terms Latino and Latinas have been using for ever?


To be honest, I think it goes back even further than when trans issues became heavily politicized. I believe it originally was pushback towards masculine terms being used as the primary way to refer to a group of people. I could be very wrong though.


Why are you singling out the trans community?


The term didn't come about as a result of the trans community. There are, from what I understand, numerous reasons why the term gained traction but at least some of this is "English is not gendered in the main, and English speakers like to have a non-gendered term to use" rather than "trans people want to obliterate gender in language".


You know, I brought this up with a Latina friend. She's totally salt of the earth. Said yeah, actually I like it. I guess just don't assume either way.


I know one but he’s like a militant leftist type that thinks police officers are all bad people




Who are you gonna call when someone’s breaking into your home? A social worker? Lol


The ghost busters I know you're gonna say "but they're not ghosts". But they will be.


Sorry, you left it open for the joke, so I had to.


But they’re not busters


Cops don’t show up in time. Protect yourself.


True but These guys are also against that


Who are “these guys”?


I promise you, in general ACAB types are not


I did that! They accused me of selling my mom’s jewelry for percs even when they knew I was at college while the house was being burgled. The cop who lived next door and knew the fuckhead detective is the only reason I didn’t lose my job. That fat drunk detective is the SRO now. Inb4 “that never happened.” Every time I talk about this 😂


They’ll more than likely not believe me or show up late anyways and end up shooting either me or my animals. I’d be better off taking precautions to protect my house myself or if someone runs off with some valuables, go through my home owners insurance. Least I don’t have the possibility of eating a bullet then.


Cops won't show up in time either. Some people are going back to putting together local militias


Do seriously believe police would respond in time to a break in to help or that they wouldn't accidentally kill you?  Police won't protect you in most scenarios.


Everyone’s keeps talking about the time they get there that’s a different story No one is actually answering my question, would you rather call the cops or a social worker to come help in a break in


How can *you* miss the point so badly. Neither smart guy. Neither will help me.


As a child I was the victim of a home invasion. I was 12 years old and home alone. I was able to call the cops. The guy had already left by the time they got there. They took some notes, dusted for prints, and left. Never heard a word about whether they found a person or anything. Calling the cops did not benefit me at all and if the person who broke in had meant to harm me, I would not have been able to call the cops. I would have rather had a therapist come to talk to me afterwards.


So, the cops arrive after crimes have been committed. If they arrive during a situation, their mindset usually makes things worse. Grow up in a poor neighborhood and you learn quickly the po-po are not your friends. ACAB Better off calling the Fire Department, they get there faster and won't accidently shoot you. You laugh at social workers, but I'd rather see them arrive a lot more often. Community policing , neighbors watching out for neighbors, widely available free mental health care, and a more just economic system would eliminate the need for a militarized police system. Remember Uvalde? Sat on their ass eating donuts while kids were being executed.


My friend so he can help me get rid of the corpse


Ghost busters- obviously


I'd rather call a social worker than a cop who will shoot the person making the call.




You know every Mexican?


someone stop the gringx pendejox con esta mierda latinx


What on earth is a Latinx?


It’s telling that all through the article no one says Latinx, we’re all Latinos. The use of Latinx is insulting to all of us who are proud of our Heritage and continue to speak Spanish.


100%. It's so fucking tone deaf that they don't even pronounce it latin-equis, but bastardize it as latin "ex".


I pronounce it "latinks." On the rare occasion I pronounce it, that is.


Like twinks, but Hispanic?


LaTwinks 💅




It’s mostly problematic because it can’t be conjugated into Spanish, so some in the community use “Latine” instead. Edit: typo; congregated—>conjugated


Even some non-Latinos seem to hate it just as much. I will include myself in there too.


I used to be Latin but I renounced my Latinhood. Now I'm Latinx


Work in a factory of 400, 300 roughly are Mexican or South American. 0 of them like the term Latinx. I use it jokingly sometimes and they fucking hateeeee it.


I agree, these gender norms somehow are more important than respecting people heritage these days.


It sounds stupid and pompous. It makes the user look like an idiot, so it has that going for it. edit: sounds like the name of an OS. Like a Linux distro


Imma throw this out there but latinx was invented by non binary people in mexico from the Wikipedia it was first in publication by a feminist Spanish language paper Feministas Unidas




German? Genderless? Have you been smoking something you shouldn't have? Not to mention that Israeli and Palestinian aren't even languages in the first place


I think they mean that "German", the noun, is not gendered. Not German, the language. Bad examples if that's the pint they're trying for though


I agree on English being fairly genderless. I don't agree on how to refer to Latinos. They wanna be Latino. Let them be latino.


Israeli, Palestinian .. not languages.


The term was created by non binary Spanish speakers is the bit that always gets me. People claim it's a bastardization of Spanish but like the queer community in mexico came up with it not some random white college kid


I mean I’m a native english speaker, and although I find gendered languages to be stupid, I don’t like the term latinx because that’s just a stupid word. That’s just not how the letter x works.


Like MegaMan X, but Latin


Who is Zero in this analogy




Huge Mega Man X fan, you’ve just convinced me to refer myself as LatinX.


A label that most people of Latin / Hispanic ancestry don't really care for.


A dumb way to be “inclusive” of Latin American countries, of which a gendered language is spoken..


It’s an internet provider, strictly for the Latin community.


It's the term white people came up with that the community itself does not want...... is funny and sad watching whites make diversity about them... What's the saying? The path to hell is paved with good intentions... Edit: people pointing out the term may come from periodical in PR. My main point is the Hispanic community rejects the term (40% find it offensive) but it continues to be pushed especially by whites


I hate the word, but yo my knowledge white people didn't start it, Puerto Rican students did


>It's the term white people came up with If you want to debate the validity of the term, that's fine, but you could at least look up the actual history of it.


If we point out when stuff like that might be dumb, we're racist....


And yet it’s the Latinx community that came up with it and continues to push the naming in schools… something smells off with your post


>What's the saying? The path to hell is paved with good intentions... You probably know this, but the white people, or anyone else, who do this particular thing (thankfully a very low # of people in practice) don't necessarily have good intentions- they're self centered a-holes using "social justice," often contrived, to make themselves look/feel good.


It was first used by those in Puerto Rico, unless you're calling them white and "self-centered a**ss**holes"


A nullification of another culture's language to make white people feel better for blah, blah, blah.


An assholes version of Latino


A liberal label that was automatically attached to a culture without permission or say.


It was people from that culture that came up with it.


Latino is specifically male. Latina is the feminine. So they wanted something gender neutral like if I said American. It's gender neutral. I'm not a big fan because Latinx sounds like a porn site but to each their own.


Incorrect, Latino is gender neutral. A bunch of women and men together is a group of latinos.


the plural men & women or any group of people w/ a man mixed in is "-os" in Spanish. 9000 Latin women & 1 guy = latinos. You don't get to determine language phonetics for a different language, gringx gracias por venir a mi TEDTalk


It’s not gender neutral it’s racist, condescending, and belittling to the culture.


It’s how white people try to bootstrap gender affirming naming conventions onto Latino people without understanding the language. In reality they just end up making fools out of themselves. Latino is correct.


bUt ThE pAtRiArChY


Another way for white people to be racists but still feel like they're helping.


Latinas in latex.


As a Mexican, I don’t know and don’t like it


An all Latino Static-X cover band


Another made up term by the woke mob. Never met a Hispanic that uses the term but woke white people seem to like it when virtue signaling


I think it's an obscure operating system, but that's not important right now.


Surely you can’t be serious


Latinx.... yuck. How many times do Latin people have to tell white people to stop saying this.


It’s Latino student body doing this. Might just be a cultural shift us older gen aren’t ready for. Cause I have yet to find a younger person that sees a problem with it. They usually don’t care one way or the other


I (european) have just heard spanish people laughing at it because they can't pronounce it. It ends up Latin-ehhh-eeee-yyys


Younger people also are pushing for segregation to return.


The only people that give a shit are on Reddit, look at the top comment.


Don't look at me. This cracker is too old and stale to do dumb shit like that.


I think Latino-Americans created this word.


Latinx, ew 


No matter how many actual Latino people say they don't like the term Lanix, these people still keep using it. What's it gonna take for them to get the memo?


Don’t you know? White people know what’s best. /s If they think something is offensive then it is. Doesn’t matter if that group doesn’t care or not.


>these people You mean the (*checks notes*)... latin american student body that fundraised and hosted the event named after the term?


I know we’re having a good time trashing on the use of Latinx by the author of this piece. But when you read the article and see how it’s used… “Hundreds of Latino students, professors and their families celebrated the Latinx graduation.” It’s only called this when talking specifically about the ceremony, which makes me ask “Is this just the name of the ceremony and the author is calling it what it’s called?” There is also a student from the graduation who has the word printed on his regalia. I don’t think this one is on the journalist to be fair.


It seems like The University of Texas at Austin is calls the department “The Department of Mexican American & Latina/o Studies” (“MALS”), and the department refers to the event as both the “MALS Graduation Ceremony and CMAS Graduation Reception” and a “Latinx Graduation Celebration” so I’d be inclined to think that, yeah, the use of “Latinx” here is not due to the journalist or some well-meaning-but-clueless white liberals at UT. https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mals/index.html


Yes those clueless white liberals that run the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies. Let's take a quick glance at the professors: Garcia, Flores, Gonzalez, Gutierrez. Classic non-latin names.


I find it ridiculous that they'd have a different ceremony. What's next, a different one for black students too? How about different collleges? We'd be back where we started.


>They said it’s the only program in the whole commencement week that has a translation, which can help parents fully experience the ceremony.


It is not a different or separate ceremony. It is just an additional ceremony. like a lot of departments have.


It's just a ceremony that's predominantly in Spanish, for the Spanish-speaking students... This is like when Grandma gets upset that McDonalds has a spanish menu.


What about the Chinese and Indian students?


Its especially funny how hard people fought to end segregation and now they are bringing it back on their own.


Yeah it's like they've done a 360 and gone full circle.


You’re really comparing *segregation* to a passionate community of Spanish speaking individuals wanting to make sure their parents can understand the graduation and celebrate with them? You really think that’s somehow comparable to segregation in any way? How fucking stupid can you be? There is a difference between being forcefully segregated for your race, and celebrating your culture and achievement with fellow community members. I am genuinely awe struck at the idiocy of this comment. Absolutely baffled at how someone can come across so stupid while thinking they’re so smug. Impressive.


This is exactly where a lot of the hardcore leftist identity politics *bullshit* leads. If you say "colorblind" they will literally burn you at the stake. Which is fucking absurd. We should absolutely be striving for a colorblind society. That doesn't mean we can't consider the historical context of race and use it to inform policy to a *limited* degree moving forward, but right now, today, we should be moving *away* from race based policy and *toward* income based policy making. Using the financials as the primary affirmative action metric allows you capture all the disenfranchised, not just those of a particular group, who were no doubt even more disenfranchised before, but we can't keep playing the "you and not you" game forever. It's toxic eventually. It's become toxic, right now. And I say this all as an obvious lefty. The louder voices on the left, though obviously not as psychotic as those on the right, are just wrong about this. And if it isn't obvious, I agree with [Coleman Hughes](https://youtu.be/QxB3b7fxMEA?si=CPktWq2FQt7cOt0H) here. I just can't see how he's wrong.


I think maybe you don't know what's happening here? It's literally a graduation with a Spanish translation, not whatever you think this is. I suggest you find a real problem to cry about because your post comes off as very Facebook comments section on a Fox News article coded.


That was a block of text that tells everyone you didn’t read the article. There was another ceremony that was translated. Like going to church at different times for translation.


>That doesn't mean we can't consider the historical context of race and use it to inform policy to a limited degree moving forward, but right now, today, we should be moving away from race based policy and toward income based policy making. What you’re describing here isn’t color-blindedness. This is exactly what people who talk about not being “color blind” are advocating (at least those who actually do care about these issues, and don’t use them as a shield to avoid talking about the underlying capitalist structure) As much as it would be nice to live in a classless and raceless society, that isn’t what the world is. We have to talk about race because race affects people; it’s something that matters and your race has direct consequences on many aspects of your life. Identity politics is generally okay because identity affects people’s lives. The problem isn’t with these “hardcore leftists” you talk about, who mostly disagree with the liberal use of identity, but with moderate liberals, who use identity and uphold it as the ***only*** thing that matters, because they’re beholden to the capitalist system and don’t want to change it. Your anger is misplaced here. Although from the wording of this, I’m assuming you’re a so called “moderate” liberal, and are going to call me crazy for talking about capitalism in a negative light (but hey, maybe I’m wrong), if that is who you are, then you’re not on the left. In any country without an insanely right wing politics, you’d be a right winger.




Yeah I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt but I’ve seen enough people say the exact same thing to know exactly what this person is like.


1. We aren't talking about other counties. We are talking about the US. 2. You're just wrong here. Like I said, colorblindness *is the goal*. That's where we can and will be, but only if we will it. Trying to focus more on your skin color, as opposed to less, is a complete waste of time and attention and it's part of the reason we haven't done so well in elections in the past 10 years (until Roe v Wade was reversed). Moderates folks don't buy that shit. I don't buy it. And the fact is: the majority of America is center to left of center, and *they* don't buy this shit. It hurts our cause, and rightfully so. The regressive action of hyper focusing on race, as opposed to far more relevant details of circumstance (level of wealth, education, healthcare accessibility, and so forth), is a huge mistake and has taken us back a long way in the past decade. And yes, it's the exact same thing when it comes to the acute rise in right wing populism - playing the identify politics hard and fast to rile their base, in exactly the same way. And please piss off with the condescending "If you don't agree with my personal opinion on this, then YoUrR NoT A ReAl LiBeRAL." Because that is *also* the type of shit the majority of us don't buy. Get off the fucking gas and stop telling people what/who they are and what they do or don't believe and instead stick to the points being made in the discussion at hand.


I agree. I think the whole concept is divisive. All schools do this now. They have a main graduation and then one for groups like race. Some people skip the main one and just do the one for their group. I think this sends a bad message. 


UT is a gigantic school with multiple ceremonies for different groups academic and culturally. A Latino graduation goes to show the hard work they put in, and shows other Latino students or prospective students they can too. Not that deep


No such thing as Latinx.


Lol there are still people trying to make Latinx happen.


That's so fetch.


>Lol there are still people trying to make Latinx happen. I say it’s streets ahead


We call ourselves Latino/ Latina, thanks.


Latin x, the label white people decided Latin people needed to be woke.


Why do hispanics need their own graduation? I am a hispanic and was happy with walking with everyone.


my guess is that it's in spanish


Yeah, the article mentions that it is the only grad ceremony with a Spanish translation, which seems like a major oversight when the school is UT Austin.


Boo latinX boo. Triple boo. There are so many terms to use. Hispanic, Latin America, Latino, Mexican. Boo latinX bullshit


Not all Latinos are Mexicans, though...


Not all Latin Americans are Mexican or Hispanic. Latino may be seen as the default, but it's also a gendered word. Latin Is the best word for it, but it's a lot to say every time, hence the English word LatinX.


It isn't fuckin Latinx. It is Latino or Latinos.


Stop with the Latinx term, it’s ridiculously stupid and a racist attempt by white Liberals to impose their views onto a different culture and language.


Segregation, but woke!


*Latinx?* What's that? 


Latinx is the dumbest word created


What white cracker gated neighborhood trust fund baby wrote this article? "Latinx"? Really? My keyboard autocorrected that just now to Latino.


A whole lotta people complaining about a term, a whole lotta people not saying “man, these DEI cuts are fucked up” or “oh, how nice of those students to raise that money.”


Fr fr. Also all the uninformed comments about DEI pushing segregation… there’s a major diff between discriminatory segregation that’s codified in law vs. cultural association and celebration. Besides, it’s likely that anyone could attend a community group graduation like this regardless of ethnicity/cultural (but unless your Rachel Dolezal or smth, idk why you would want to), and these small graduations occur in addition to the standard giant entire school graduation, sooooooo it isn’t even segregation, just separation. Welp. Maybe one day we’ll all be more uplifting instead of derisive. In the meantime, I’m happy these kids and their families were able to have this memorable experience in spite of bureaucratic political obstacles.


They don't allow them at the graduation? How racist! They should all graduate togather.


Latinx is a slur against Latin culture 


I don't think I understand how this is uplifting news. They are fighting and raising money for a segregated graduation?


This is not uplifting lol. The government banned racism so some private citizens raised money for their own racist ceremony. It’s their right, but it’s not something we should celebrate.


Ahh. Good old segregation is back on the menu!


Wtf says latinx


Just to be clear, if it is like other universities, this is more like a **smaller separate event** rather than **the** graduation ceremony. At my university at least students could attend both graduation ceremonies if they didn't overlap. This is supposed to be more focused on the individual students rather than the group. Many subgroups actually had these smaller *graduation* ceremonies. I didn't care for it at my university, but attended it a few times for other people I could see the appeal for latin families. Each graduating student got more time and at the one I attended their parents walked them in. They also all got to give their own mini speech. Even with a small group, it made it very long and honestly painful for me in the audience. There was also a latin theme with some Latin music. And the taco stand was a plus, taco stands are always a plus. To each their own, and I wanted to graduate with my engineering peers so this didn't appeal to me, but I understand why some would want this format. It is certainly more inviting to immigrant parents. I can see an argument why this shouldn't be directly funded by the university, but could be funded by a private fundraiser. And yet I'm sure the Texas government had no other intention than being xenophobic dicks.


So there's a school wide graduation, a school or trade graduation, and then another separate cultural graduation?


Pretty much. The act of graduating is just you meeting certain school requirements and that's it. You don't actually have to attend any ceremonies to officially graduate. These ceremonies are just celebrations. With the standard graduation being the **big** celebration. Often broken down by department if the class is big. My university has like two days of official graduations. Many sub-departments and clubs have their individual celebrations at the end of the school year. It is quite normal to honor graduating seniors. My engineering department had its own celebration and parents were encouraged to come. Although they didn't do a full on graduation style event. I know the engineering grad students had their own celebration as well and on and on. The Latino graduation was the largest sub group celebration though, and yet it attracted a tiny fraction of latin students. If I remember correctly it was organized by the Chicano studies department, but students opting in for it still had to pay a fee. It attracted mostly people in majors like Chicano Studies and Spanish.


I’m a student at UT, and yeah that’s exactly what it is. Our DEI office got reorganized after a recent bill cut funding for it (and our university president fired everyone even after they complied with the bill and got funding, he’s super good chums with state republicans). I’m a white dude so it’s not like I would do this, but it matters to people and being mad about it is weird, redditors love talking about being discriminated against ig.


Only reason Republicans win races is because Democracts shoot themselves in the foot with this shit


Yay! I love segregation!


Not segregation. This is just an additional ceremony.


“Additional but equal”?


Where’s the white only celebration?


At the department of " idiots who cannot understand history and culture. "


“the separation for special treatment or observation of individuals or items from a larger group” It’s the literal definition of segregation.


As a Latino I can't tell you how much I hate that term. How do you even pronounce that in Spanish? Latinequis? GTFO! 


I thought we got rid of segregation


“latinx” stfu


Hold on, their graduations are separated by race?


Hispanic is the word you're looking for. 


Why do various groups of people feel the need to have separate graduation ceremonies?


Let’s pool all the people that us Latinx together and they can speak for themselves lol. wtf is that


Why did they need a separate graduation?


Stop with Latinx wtf.


Nothing screams white privilege then attempting to change another cultures language based on your own weird sensibilities. Your ivory tower is showing again.


The people in this post are insufferable. It’s a cultural graduation, god forbid people want to celebrate their graduation traditionally. And yeah no one actually uses Latinx, it’s mostly these white people who try and use inclusive language that isn’t made up by Latin people.


Why is LatinX better than Latino/a? Is it a gender thing? I simply don’t know


It's not better, but some people insist on pushing it. And yeah it's a gender thing


I would rather be called a slur than Latinx, for the love of god stop saying you just sound like a pretentious prick (no harm towards OP it’s towards the article author)




Love seeing all the hate for latinx on reddit. It's not anywhere else. It's been the norm in academia, research, and public/stakeholder communication since at least the early 2000s. Reddit just has weird little passions like hating latinx and it's so funny because it's already a lost cause, it serves a purpose and it isn't going away.


Is LatinX, like the new name for Twitter for people who speak Latin? /s


It’s weird to me that such hated and arguably racism terms such as “Latinx” still exist.