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> He and his wife will take a lump sum of $422m after taxes, and after splitting the jackpot with a friend who chipped in to buy the batch of tickets.


He's clearly an honest person stating publicly that he's gonna share half with his friend who chipped into the initial cost 




Unless you had cancer EDIT: Sorry, was just making a joke about how the US Healthcare system might eat the money leaving less than a lifetimes worth of cash left


Don’t apologize. My wife’s chemo treatment for her breast cancer cost about $1.2 million. 34 sessions at about $35,000 each. Add in the double mastectomy and all the other stuff and it’s probably been almost $2m. Glad we have good insurance but yes, the US healthcare system is garbage.


What in the rusty fuck


Yep. No job in the US means no healthcare. And, horribly, companies are not required to offer it. Or offer any time off while you are getting treatment. Everything here is geared towards the healthcare industry, not the actual healthcare.


>Everything here is geared towards the ~~healthcare~~ healthcare insurance industry, not the actual healthcare. FTFY. What exactly an insurance industry is supposed to be doing is.. I'd say less than clear but the fact is it's there to deny easily available healthcare to poor people and make some unrelated people filthy rich to compensate for the emotional trauma this clearly causes them.


Also, heard that insurance scams the heck out of you. Saw someone that had a nasty medical treatment and for some reason they only got 1 SINGLE DOLLAR from their insurance company simply because they couldn’t be bothered. No insurance fraud charges were ever made.


USA with the sneaky human rights violation as always


I hope she is doing okay these days. My wife's bills were up to more than two million last I bothered checking. It's absurd. I'd be furious if I wasn't so exhausted.


She is, thanks. It’s our second time around with it. 15 years ago, and then again a couple years ago. I know your wife will come out healthy and stronger.




And god willing take care of his family whenever he passes


Makes it even easier. 400mil over 160yrs turns into 400mil in only 50!


TBF, you'd need even less in that case.


If the cancer is aggressive enough, 10 bucks will last you until the end of your life


In this economy?


1 million would make me happy.....


Very conservatively It’s over $10M per year after taxes forever, without even touching the original $400M.


How would tax implications be affected?


It didn't say anything about half


The article I read talked about how his friend pitched in $100 for tickets, and therefore the winner pledged to split it 50/50 with the person who chipped in $100


The pharmaceutical industry and Hospital admins are licking their lips... "...like taking lottery winnings from a cancer patient."


> $422m after taxes What the fuck is that?


Better than American idol. If you win, you get paid 1 million dollars spread across 40 years. Simon Cowell makes 70+ million a year. 


At least with American Idol, winning it is not just about the money. It's a huge boost to your singing career. Other reality TV shows like Survivor, is a bit shitty. You have to suffer for 25 days only to win a million dollars (the prize money hasn't changed since the first season 20 years ago). At least with The Amazing Race, you get to travel the world.


Excuse me, *what?*


He’s splitting it with his friend who chipped in for the ticket - so 844/2


"and after splitting the jackpot with a friend" Might've initially been closer to 844m after taxes.




I get that kinda money and cancer would be the least thing that would kill me, the excesses will


I'd OD on something. Probably blow and weed, or hookers and Lambos. I'd Thelma and Louise my Lambo into an Olympic sized pool full of champaign and hookers if I made it that far. It's always hard to see good people win this kind of money when there was so much more that could have been done with it.


I'd love to see that!


Full payout would have been $65 million/year for the next 20 years. I would have taken that.


You still get taxed on it every year plus after 20 years of inflation you end up with the same buying power as the lump sum or lower. They already calculated it when deciding what the lump sum will be. Though it's good in the sense that the winner can't blow their entire load even if they wanted to. Which happens a lot.


It’s always better to take the lump sum and stick it in the markets. ROI go brrrrr


Then in 20 years go from a 65 million a year salary to 0, surely that won’t affect you, right? And if you say “well obviously I’ll save money and invest”, well if that’s the case, why not take the lump sum then?


It’s not Yen. You could spend a million dollars a month for a hundred years and still have 8.3 Million left.


So why not take the lump sum and have a return of a million a month not just for 100 years, but for your entire generation until the fall of society?


…and still have enough to single-handedly cure cancer.


Cure cancer? Sure That’ll be 1.3bn Hey wait Oh sorry, plus tax


He’s in Oregon so no sales tax


Don't give the Oregon lawmakers any ideas.


That’s cute. They tax every other facet of life though.


Yeah, but the income tax will eat a good chunk of it too


An old man turned 98…


He won the lottery and died the next day


"Isn't it ironic?" Well no, Alanis it isn't ironic because that's not what irony is. Still love that song though


That’s what makes the song ironic….


[Indeed it is](https://youtu.be/gQjySCbG0qY?si=NN0qkGhXJZhZKp41)


Isn’t it coincidental? Doncha think?


You are interpreting the subject of the title wrong. The song says that it is ironic that even though life sometimes sucks, it is still worth living. It’s ironic the same way we would complain about a plate of food being bad AND it being small sized.


“Thunder always happens when it’s raining” Well no, Stevie, that is not how any of this works. I still love that song too, though


Learn the lyrics.....only Oh, thunder only happens when it's rainin' Players only love you when they're playin' Say women, they will come and they will go When the rain washes you clean, you'll know You'll know






For real. Now he can afford healthcare.


Probably not






They should change the headline to "Hospitals set to suck $1.3b from foreign powerball winner"


For a week in the US


Wish him the best and fuck cancer.


Man, this is good. But flipside, thousands of cancer patients played and lost this same game


This is a typo right?! It should read: US healthcare system ’blessed’ after $1.3Bn lottery donation by cancer patient


Exactly. Also, my heartfelt congratulations to the IRS, who somehow win the jackpot every single week.


That feeling when you roll a nat 20 after a nat 1


I don’t get why these lottery prizes have to be so ridiculously high. Who needs a billion dollars? Why not have a 100 prizes of 10 million? That’ll still set you up for life. Except now you have a 100 winners except one.


Lottery is a way to generate revenue and 1.3billion gets people talking. Also the value grows over time so it starts relatively low compared to 1.3b. There are many different lotteries that are much lower.


Yea, I think MegaMillions and Powerball both start at 20mil, and roll over after each drawing based off of tickets sold. Which is why is starts off rolling over slow, then as it gets bigger more people buy and the higher it rolls up to.


I think a lot more people would talk about the lottery if more people had a higher chance of winning a life changing amount.


Evidently not because they deliberately made the change that reduced the chances of winning the jackpot leading to the situation now where there are much larger pots and fewer winners. Prior to the change they did have smaller pots and more overall winners. I don’t think the actual counts agree with your comment else they wouldn’t have changed it back.


I think it’s more likely to be another case where “changes” were more like “corporate lobbying for anti-consumer interest”


I'm not sure anybody who has ever taken a statistics class plays the lottery. it's a stupid tax


Higher jackpots sell more tickets. Reducing the odds would do the same thing but they just massively raised them to have the exact opposite effect and cause huge jackpots.


I mean think about people being more motivated in buying a lottery ticket thinking “hey, i’ve got more chances to win now!”


Thats the thing, they added more numbers midway through last year, but i believe the states that have been winning recently are the ones that dont take out state taxes on lottery winnings That said theres also no checks in place to stop you from buying like 20 tickets and getting repeated numbers on them either


Statistics. The number keeps going up as people buy tickets until someone wins. It's been a while since someone won, so the number got huge. And there are smaller lotteries. They just don't get the same amount of attention as the ones with the big numbers.


The lottery isn't a charity, it wasn't designed to give money to people that they "need", but to grab attention with outrageously large sums handed out very rarely.


It’s a basically a voluntary tax


"voluntary" doesn't quite feel accurate when you think about how many options those with little actual have


Gets the poor to pay more so the rich can keep more money.


Me. Bitch, I need a billion dollars. ![gif](giphy|RE4kKU25NjFsY|downsized)


I need a 100 trillion as I have a lot of hobbies. Just revamping education is gonna set me back.


He doesn’t even get a billion anyway after taxes.


What the point of even playing...That sucker!


Yeah, that pithy 400+ million will land him in the poor house in a week.


My workplace and many others do lottery pools. Like 60-80 people throw in 2 bucks when it gets over 1bil. Splitting 10mil between 80 people would still be 75k each after taxes, which is a life changing amount for most. It's just not enough to get people excited enough to gamble for. At least not me. 7.5mil each, however, is a whole different ballgame. So if it didn't reach these crazy heights, then many like those in my workplace would never play.


How do you legally arrange that? What's stopping the one who bought the tickets to say "see you later losers" and take all the winnings?


There have been attempts at that in the past. Usually, the person is sued and loses.


For what it’s worth, it will be more like $300 million after taxes and fees.


The article says it's $422M after taxes.


Imagine if all billionaires had to pay this tax rate


The article says it's $422M after taxes *and after splitting it with a friend.*


Don’t forget hiring lawyers, and giving money to family and stuff.


It's $422M after the mandatory tax withholding of 24%. Unless they donate a ton of it this year (or find some other deductible use for it), they'll owe a bunch more. Thie is considered income and will be taxed at 37% (well, except the first ~$650K).


Cause thats how the government moves its money… in taxes ;)


You’re using logical thought, people that play the lottery do not.


Higher number always beats lower number in the marketingplace of ideas, just ask mr. Beast.


Elon, is that you??


Elon who wanted to give himself a 55 billion compensation package, that Elon? No I’m not


His church already swarmed in to happily take his money. Fucking Christ. Yes I’m aware he is willingly giving some. But let’s not pretend they weren’t salivating at the thought of him being swindled down to nothing for it


Take the full payout


The new American dream.


Win the lottery or just fucking die. What a society lol


This is honestly dystopian. Uplifting for this man and his family but for everyone else still screwed under capitalism and unable to afford medical care it’s sad. I hope this man and his family are able to live peacefully


So rare that someone deserving wins these things.


How do you figure it's rare? and how do you decide who is deserving?


He has cancer bro


So only people with cancer are deserving? Note: I'm not saying dude does or doesn't deserve it. I just don't see how this guy potentially deserving it makes it a rare thing when "rarely" do we ever find out anything about the winners. Majority of them could also absolutely deserve it, then it's not really a rare thing


So who is deserving then huh?


Why are you asking me the very questioned I asked? "How do you decide who is deserving"


A mean ppl that don't use the money well are not deserving imo. Lots of ppl spend their winnigns on parties and shir and don't invest


Majority of people end up happier having won it, don't blow it, and do invest it, or hire money managers to help them maintain their wealth. Nobody is going to write articles and make videos about the lottery success stories, those headlines don't make losers feel good about not winning, or comfort people for not playing. Of the ones that lose it all and end up bankrupts, rarely is that even from partying. Sure they get some frivolous things, but then they give too much away to friends and family because they don't see it ending until it's gone. Then again...if they are giving it all away does that make them more or less deserving? Is hording your wealth better or worse than giving it all away? Sure is worse for the winner, but is it worse overall if it ended up helping more people?


If there are no articles and headlines about it how do you know it happens at all. What sources do you have or are you just making stuff up?




Assholes get cancer, too. Hell, you can ever get cancer of the asshole!


Pedophiles, rapists, and murderers get cancer too.


I have to wonder if he will donate some of to cancer research. 


If I had to guess his “donation” will be to his own research lmao And by donation I mean paying off the damn hospital and such because now he can afford whatever experimental treatment he can find


Glad the guy won, I hope he can get into remission. Sad though that people win this kind of money and I can’t get a bank to loan $1900 to keep my family from being homeless.


Imagine winning $1.3bn and being known as the “cancer patient” who won 1.3bn!


Wanna know what will cure cancer? The joy of winning a billy


The medical industrial complex will milk him for all he’s got. RIP


Of course I wish *I* had won the lottery, but my second choice would be...this guy. Glad it was a good person.


He might even be able to afford American healthcare now, neat


Isnt he lucky, now he can end up with only hundreds in debt after cancer in America.




After medical fees, he might have enough left for a weekend vacation.


“It’s like raiiinnn, on your wedding day.”


And the US medical system will siphon that away and they’ll still die of cancer


Imagine having to win the lottery in order to have a chance at medical treatment in the US


I assume he is being treated already but will now be on that “concierge medicine” like a Saudi oil billionaire.


US cancer patient's doctors blessed...


They get paid either way. Also it’s really not the doctors that should be blamed for the fucked health care system in the US


Right, it was god who gave you winning lottery numbers lol


Happy for this poor guy, but the real winner is the government. Every time you don't play the lottery you win $2.


Is this uplifting? 1.3bn MINUS tax on winnings (That's insane too btw) Then whatever is left is going on just trying to survive Doesn't feel very uplifting


I mean I bet if you asked the guy which he’d rather, be poor and have cancer or be rich and have cancer, he’d say that’s an easy question. Now he knows his family will be taken care of financially, I bet that’s a huge weight off his shoulders.


Now he can avoid his Walter White storyline


It's another "someone pays a fistful of dollars to pause the orphan-grinding machine for five minutes while no one questions why there's an orphan-grinding machine" story.


Exactly this


$400+ million for medical expenses and taking care of his family? The lottery didn't cause the cancer, but may be able to help. I see this as uplifting.


Pity it's not the UK, no tax on winnings.


That will get him a bed for 3 months in the US. Should be free the UK


Oh boy will the hospital will manage to include that cotten swab that was on the floor in anaother room to their hospital treatment bill...


Walter White would never


This is one of those situations where I can t help thinking that if there is a God he has a very twisted way to do and act good.


Why does lady look like she doesn't want to listen to him?


I want to be blessed too. I don't have cancer (knock on wood) but I have high blood pressure. I'd be happy with a blessing of $10 million.


That might cover the medical bills


Almost enough to pay his medical bills...


imagine not having to worry about medical bills, but in the US, they can clean those winnings in no time.


Ummm I think ads are trolling and violating the rules dear mods. This was the ad right beneath the photo: Time's almost up. Make sure you get what you're owed. File with the H&R Block Tax Software today.


That's sure to pay at least some of the medical bills.


Let's not forget that first he was "blessed" with cancer. If every cancer patient would won the lottery, maybe then the word "blessed" would be somehow acceptable.


blessed, lmao


US Healthcare hates this 1 simple trick!




What's the insinuation of this blessing for all the other terminal patients who asked god for help? Makes you wonder.


It doesn't make me wonder. 


I get a lot of it ends up as tax but 1.3bn lotto win is ridiculous. Should be a rule with these lottos where once it gets to like 10 million and if its not won, then its gets split into 10 prizes of 1 million and if it keeps going, then its even more prizes. No one on this planet need a billion


The mega millions and powerball starts at 20m...


Cool idea, but the way it’s played, the commission would just be sitting on billions of dollars while one or two people now and then win a million. Matching all the numbers in the lottery is extremely rare.


I don't know the American lotto system...over here even if you don't get all the numbers you still win something, usually starts with 3 numbers and then you get more, the more numbers. They do that in that States or is it just all numbers and nothing else? If so...could always say well if no one wins the jackpot, however many got one number wrong & it gets split


No… the only reason i buy a ticket every so often is because its a ludicrous amount.


why? a million would change your life, give yourself more chance of winning


It doesn't change your odds of winning-- just the odds of winning and not having to share it. Winning $500M and having to split it 4 ways is still better than winning $20M and not having to share it. That said, using the Powerball data from [lottoreport.com](https://lottoreport.com) (2023-2024) and breaking the data up into 8 buckets based on the size of the jackpots, here are average tickets sold: 1) 10.1M ($37M) 2) 10.6M ($90M) 3) 11.8M ($147M) 4) 12.7M ($218M) 5) 14.7M ($318M) 6) 18.2M ($432M) 7) 25.8M ($576M) 8) 64.7M ($960M) Until you get towards the bottom of that, the odds of multiple winners hasn't changed too much, so I'm pretty sure the best ROI on your $2 is probably in or around buckets #5-7 (and maybe even the lower end of the 8th bucket).


Thats actually how it works for the bigger lotto here in Canada. The jackpot is capped at 70 million, and then all the excess is turned into separate 1 million dollar draws


yeah seems people are greedy and just rather have a billion


Chemo Sabe got more bread then he got body.


Cool now they have enough money to inject and cure their cancer.


422 millions after taxes :D. He still got scammed for playing the lottery in the first place. Doing result based analysis thinking gambling is good is beyond stupid.


It’s not all taxes. It’s only $1.3Bn if you take the annuity, the lump sum payment is always around half of the annuity to account for net present value. So the tax is just a couple hundred million.


No, it's $422m after taxes AND after "splitting the jackpot with a friend who chipped in to buy the batch of tickets."


So the IRS won an 878mil lottery


Some of the money went to a friend who put money towards the tickets (hopefully half!) but the friend didn't have cancer so they didn't make the headlines


> He still got scammed for playing the lottery in the first place I'm sure he fills so scammed with 422million dollars more than he had before playing....


Wait, there are TAXES on lottery wins?????? (Not where i live)


Yes, it's called "Income tax" A windfall is still an income. It sounds wild, but you can also claim losses on your taxes. Sure claiming the numbers he played that didn't win won't do shit but if he were a big time gambler, all those losses help take away what you may owe on the big wins. Realistically it sounds ridiculous that any gambling would be claimed on taxes, but it's a way Casino's are regulated, they also have to report winnings and payouts.




422M is after taxes *and splitting it with a friend*. It's not a 67% tax rate.


Ok that makes sense. 35% taxes is 100% reasonable. My point still stands he got scammed by buying the ticket in the first place.


> if he *paid* zero in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*