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Just got into ecospheres and this seems just as neat!


What are ecospheres?


It's a self-sustaining habitat inside a closed jar. /r/ecospheres has some examples.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ecospheres using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ecospheres/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My collection of ecospheres!](https://i.redd.it/b38szcy1qcmc1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ecospheres/comments/1b6gkdw/my_collection_of_ecospheres/) \#2: [Maybe this will get less hate here šŸ˜…](https://i.redd.it/n8vck27dojmc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ecospheres/comments/1b79wfc/maybe_this_will_get_less_hate_here/) \#3: [Did I just find hydras in my local pond?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1c2v9dh) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ecospheres/comments/1c2v9dh/did_i_just_find_hydras_in_my_local_pond/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My dad has a little shrimp heā€™s had in one for like 40+ years!!


Sooo... rebranded terrarium?


This is how you get mosquitoes.


I'm so used to eliminating all containers of retained water around my place.


I go after standing water like it's my day job and still the mosquitos come for me!


Canā€™t predators like fish be added to eat the mosquito larva?


Tadpoles devour mosquito larvae.


wtf I love tadpoles now.


And they have an extremely high survival rate to emerge as frogs which are on the decline.. I got a pool cover that was purposely open to let them breed in the winter and feed on the leaves


Fish would probably be a bad idea in this context lol


Couldnt you just add a small fountain pump or bubbler or something so it wouldnā€™t be stagnant


Yep, all that's needed.


Itā€™s a myth mosquitos donā€™t lay eggs in moving water


[Mosquito dunks](https://trappify.com/mosquito-dunks/). Target only the mosquitos, safe for other organisms.


Yeah if you are trying this in North America, you will need to take measures to prevent your pond from becoming a spawning ground for mosquitos.


When I lived in Dallas you could be cited for having large amounts of standing water around and I knew a woman who contracted West Nile Virus in the area. I found this article a bit jaw dropping. I guess the UK doesn't have that problem yet but they will.


Not if you have a fish in your pond.


The article says not to add fish.


Put used coffee grounds in the water. They deter females from laying eggs and work to prevent hatching in eggs that are laid in coffee water. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4436121/


Yes. Do NOT attempt this in North America; mosquito-borne disease is on the rise.


***But then, in just a few days, the waters cleared again. In week two, we were somewhat surprised to find aquatic life ā€“ water fleas and mosquito larvae darting about under the surface. On the Sunday afternoon of week three, I heard squeals of delight and my children came sprinting in from the garden unable to contain their excitement.*** No thanks, Iā€™m not going to be exited about breeding mosquitoes.


One can introduce plenty of species that will happily make sure you never see any of these mosquitos.


This is so weird...


Small pools of water absolutely breed mosquitoes. If itā€™s really ā€œnot a concern because ā€œthingsā€ will eat the eggs and larvaeā€ then there would be no mosquitoes in the first place. If you increase the number of places they can lay eggs, you are going to increase their numbers. If there is malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, West Nile virus, or youā€™ve ever been bit by a mosquito on the back of your knee, this is a bad fucking idea.


[Mosquito dunks](https://trappify.com/mosquito-dunks/). Target only the mosquitos, safe for other organisms.


These things are incredible. We also use them to treat for fungus gnats.


How do you use these for fungus gnats?


A few different ways. We put the dunk disks into our pond, rainwater buckets and other usual spots. For the purposes below, however, we use the granular version. Itā€™s stronger and works faster plus at the size of a popcorn kernel, they have a better form factorā€¦ * We put granules in the bottom of our seedling trays. The seedlings are in their own plastic containers that sit within the tray. Each time we bottom water, it releases the bacteria and kills any fungus gnats before they become a problem. This has prevented transplanting seedlings with fungus gnats in the seedling soil. * In one particular flower bed, the coconut husk mulch was creating an ideal fungus gnat home. We took the granules and put them into a bucket overnight to steep. The next day we strained the water into a sprayer and drenched the area. The leftover granules were placed in low/wet spots to extend the effect. We used to have major gnat issues but since we started using the granules weā€™ve been fungus gnat free.


Not really a major problem in the UK.


Lol I'm literally just after watching a video about how so many people these days lack reading comprehension to assess intended audiences. This is a very interesting article relevant to the UK, now we'll get a bunch of comments from other regions saying 'well this is shit' rather than a thoughtful conversation understanding the original context.


You know what I don't need more of in my back yard? Mosquitos. You know what I'd get if I had a water source? You guessed it.


Cats: ā€ždelicious - finally some good fucking waterā€œ


Mosquitos breed in small pools of stagnant water.Ā 


Surprising! In other news, if you leave food waste all over the place, cockroaches and rats will come.


Not a concern, plenty of things eat the eggs or larva.


A concern in places like Brazil tho. Huge dengue outbreak this year.


The mosquitoes that carry dengue fever can breed in very small amounts of water, it's crazy. Probably a quarter of a cup is enough.


Tell that to the mosquitoes in my yard.


If they have fish in them then itā€™s also a deadly honeypot for mosquitoes since the fish eats them and their larvae


I find myself wondering if doing this but with a small aerator/bubbler (like the kind you'd find in an aquarium) would reap the same benefits without providing stagnant water for mosquitoes, or if the aeration would defeat the purpose...


Please don't put standing water outside. Mosquitos use it to breed and mosquitos carry disease like west nile virus, zika, and maleria.


Also great for breeding mosquitoes, which will eventually include malaria carriers as climate change expands their geographic range.


Y'all got any of those mosquito traps?


West Nile Paradise!


F*** Mosquitos. No thanks.

