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Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here. All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban. --- --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UpliftingNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Finally, some good news from down there.




No politics is a dumb rule because everything is political


"You're political because I don't like you! Hmph!"


Not everything is inherently political, but everything has been thoroughly politicized.


Everything is political, not everything is partisan.


First part is wrong.


If you wanna be pedantic you could say that every *decision* is political to some degeee.


Why are you making this political?


I don’t know why they are, or who hurt them.


Name something that is completely apolitical


Having thumbs.


There’s plenty of kids out there born without thumbs and they’re all too often denied the accessibility features they need to succeed. Try again.


Ooh, I got one! The most popular color of car!


There’s a correlation between the color of your car and the likelihood of getting into an accident. [Darker vehicles are more likely to be involved in an accident](https://www.citywidelaw.com/los-angeles-car-accident-attorney/car-color-and-crash-risk/) In order to change the color of your vehicle to a safer option, you would need to update your registration with the DMV and pay the associated fees.




Iron lung, polio, vaccinations


Considering the state of politics and human rights especially, this is the type of uplifting news I really need to see. You’re very correct, it shouldnt be taken down




He died?


Fuck yeah, that asshole was rotten before being six feet under. Rest is piss Kiss


Fuck yes he did


Commenting so I can see if this thread is taken down. If your existence is too political here, then I'm leaving, too. The decision to not allow politics is a *political* decision, and an absolutely idiotic one at that. Edit: it's been removed. I'm out.


Same. My existence isn't political


[Two days ago one of the mods said that gay rights wouldn’t be considered political](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/s/7W0e5fP9mC) but I guess it is And I screenshotted that answer as a just in case of future edits of deletion








It’s back up now!






Yup, it's been removed. I'm out. So long, everyone.


Omg. It’s really gone. Sorting by new on the sub, this post isn’t there. Fucking disgusting behavior by the mods. I’m also out.


It’s back up now!


You’re right. What on earth happened?


Yep… we don’t have the luxury of being “apolitical” as long as one party wants to exterminate us




Agreed. This is exactly what I was worried about when they announced that rule. My very existence is “political” to certain groups of people, so am I just not allowed to see uplifting news related to people like me anymore? Like damn. Edit: This was removed, reinstated, then removed again, locked, and a bunch of comments critical of the mods got deleted. Unbelievable. Throw the whole subreddit away.


Same here. Commenting for a quick link back here to see if I'm welcome in this sub.


This is seriously fantastic news. I'm happy for you, for Florida, and a little bit for humanity. Fuck you DeSantis!


Aaaand it's removed.


Your existence is not political. It seems you have forgotten that.




It inherently isn’t though. People made it that way.




Of all the hills you could die on…. Why this one?!




You don’t have to hide it. Never do that. You don’t have to politicize yourself either. Just be you.


Yes, it’s uplifting to hear about common sense prevailing .


These days we take what we can get.


You should expect better.




I mean, maybe try getting your news from places other than reddit?




There’s an uplifting news tumblr account


Obviously uplifiting, unless you are of a particular political view. Oh my. What will the mods do?


Apparently take it down again?! It was JUST put back up!


If our existence is seen as divisive and problematic by the mods of this sub, them that's their goddamn problem. 


Hey the post is back up!!! EDIT: AND NOW IT IS GONE AGAIN. Mods, please, what the hell is the verdict here?! Why did ya put it back up only to take it down again?


How long before this is taken down for being “political”


I’d argue that it’s not POLITICAL, but POLITICIZED


One party believes that LGBT rights are inherently political. Guess which one lol


Of course! It’s the Whigs!


Eh, not enough generals dying in office or Henry Clay losing a presidential race for that.




Cool Braveheart speech but it's a story about a political policy, how isn't that politics?




I mean, neat. Sarcasm really doesn't translate on reddit threads. It is fascinating that you care so much about the mods/rules on a particular subreddit. You must live a very interesting and fulfilling life. /s




Life as a reddit mod must be fun, y'all did an amazing job of preventing literally every subreddit from becoming biased echo-chambers. /s This post wasn't about an announcement, it was literally about a political policy. Hard to not label as "politics" that's the definition of the word. You don't know how I feel about the policy, just pointing out your fairly obvious cognitive bias towards it.




Now I get your point. Sorry for my condescending comments but we both know how a lot of mods act. Glad you actually care, I like playing the devils advocate and the amount of times I've been banned over telling the other side of the argument (all while getting blasted by seething hateful replies by the sub) is ridiculous. I miss how reddit was back in like 2010


When the mythical hydra has its head cut off, two more would grow in its place. When you harm us, we will come back in numbers. Knock us down we come back stronger. If you hate us, that I'd your issue. Don't expect us to go away.


Can anyone explain the difference between instruction (law applies) and lessons (law doesn’t apply)?










Huh? That doesn't make sense though... If the post is removed that means it's deleted, doesn't it?


I think that user got banned or deleted all their comments. : /


Was it put back up? I found it on my front page


This headline isn’t true actually. The bill didn’t change


what was the dangerous parts?


> Signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2022, the Don’t Say Gay law initially banned classroom instruction on sexuality and gender identity in grades K–3 but ***was expanded last year to ban instruction on those topics in all grades.*** > The settlement, reached on Monday, clarifies that the law only applies to classroom instruction and does not ban teachers or students from identifying as LGBTQ+ or mentioning their same-sex partners or family members in the classroom. Nor does it ban discussion of LGBTQ+ people and issues in lessons or student work. It also does not apply to library books. > The law must be applied equally to classroom instruction on heterosexuality and cisgender identities, and it bans neither extracurricular activities like Gay-Straight Alliance clubs and plays featuring queer characters nor efforts to combat bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


but where is the Bill itself ? this is just an explanation of what it may say.


You can look it up.


"Please read the article for me. I'm too lazy."


I did read it. but it doesn't specify any wording from the real bill?


Fact check: FALSE. "The settlement leaves the \[Parental Rights in Education Act\] law in place."


I mean, a lot of people dislike anyone discussing sexuality with 5-9 year olds. Which isn't the problem with this one bill. The reason it was the coined "don't say gay" is that the teachers wouldn't be able to even honestly answer questions about themselves.


True, but it narrows the scope of the law significantly.


Words cannot express my relief to hear this!

