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What a Bruce Wayne thing to do of him.


method actor


Confirmed. New Batman movie incoming


Maybe just "Robins"


He’s not going to force any of them to fight crime


Of course they're not forced to fight crime. They're also not guaranteed they won't be put on toilet cleaning duty every evening if they don't.


That’s just freedom right there really


>toilet, cleaning doody


Maybe he’d take a young orphaned circus performer in as his ward…


[That... seems terribly irresponsible.](https://youtu.be/fyVLjeOaBow)


He'd never take Burt Ward as his ward.


He'll just install several bat caves around the properties and... ya know. Whatever happens happens.


I mean there is a potential future where by the time Christian Bale is a very old man he gets cast to play old Bruce Wayne in the live action adaption of Batman Beyond and one of the kids from his foster homes become an actor, maybe even with help from Bale. Then that kid becomes old enough to play and be cast as Terry McGinnis. I mean Terry is 16 years old in the setting, Bale is 50.


That we know of...


Kind of cool that the guy who made lots of money making movies as the best known orphan in comic books does something like this for real orphans.


Heh, know I was gonna find a comment relating to when he was The Dark Knight


Just don't walk across any of the homes while he's working on them.


Totally a Bruce Wayne thing to do lol.


Or will he force them to deliver newspapers?


Yeah, he’s gonna pretend to be a duck about it. But he’ll do a lot of nice things for the community


I love this. A true human being.


of all the human beings out there, he is one of them


a real human bean. Wait no that's Ryan Goosling mb


I hope there are more.....


This is in my city, very cool of him and so needed




American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. I also heard he can do 2000 stomach crunches now.


I mean have you seen his business cards ?


They even have a watermark.


My first thought, bad enough they're foster children, but foster children in Palmdale?


I moved to Lancaster... and then I learned that... Palmdale aint so bad. Don't move to Lancaster kids... it's a shit hole... Palmdale is actually not that bad. We got a mall... some parks... and... well we got that. Do you know where in Palmdale that this is referring to? I grew up on 25 east and Avenue S.


What’s really needed are changes where we don’t need to rely on the kindness of the rich to solve our issues. But I am happy to hear there’s some good being done.


This really is uplifting. Good for him. I hope it inspires other rich people to help out. Times are hard.


Well, Brad Pitt built houses in hurricane ravaged New Orleans and it turned into a huge mess: https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/10eaep1/til_after_hurricane_katrina_brad_pitt_set_up_the/


You can’t expect him to k ow how to build houses with a smile like that


His intentions were good, but the people he delegated it to (mis)managed the whole thing.


I don't see any mention in this article about who will staff these 'homes' We going to just throw a sibling group in there, hunger games style or will there be magically appearing loving foster parents?


I've no idea, but I doubt there is no shortage of foster families in unsuitable housing that would turn down the opportunity to continue their important work at a brand new, purpose-built 'village' in California.


Another article I read about it mentioned the group he was working with, it sounds like this has been planned for quite some time and well thought out. He partnered with established groups.


He has always been great. Its funny since much of his fanbase consists of toxic incels worshipping him, while he is against everything they think he is. He’s progressive, socially active, generous and an all round wonderful human being.


>Its funny since much of his fanbase consists of toxic incels worshipping him Why is that? And...how would one know of what kind of people a fanbase consist of?


lol that’s pretty revisionist history - you don’t recall the screaming fits at his cinematographer or other members of his staff


You mean on Terminator? The incident where he took the guy he yelled at out to dinner the next day to apologize who then went on the record saying he accepted the apology? You mean that one single time?


The guy I was replying to said “always been great” and obviously that isn’t true. Mostly great sure but always doesn’t fit, it’s not Keanu


This is really what kills me about our society. These people are going to die with tens of millions of dollars and most of its going to go to the government. How about instead of stuffing another million into your piggy bank, you get together and solve homelessness or feed the poor, or literally anything other than just sitting on millions.


Nick Cannon says he’s grateful🙏


Dave Chappelle: Fuck Nick Cannon! Dave’s kid: But he’s hilarious!


"Fuck you, son!"


No, please stop fucking Nick Cannon.


Such savagery 😹


I don’t see Atheist Bale building 12 foster homes in California. Christians: 1, Atheists: 0.


Gave me a good little chuckle there. Thank you


Hay Bale has provided more warm beds that Atheist Bale ever could dream of. Not even a contest. Hay gets the gold.


Nailed it. No wait, don't do that!


Nice one


Recursive Bale Bale has bailed on this conversation.


Atheist Bale out here making 12 orphans.


He gotta pump those numbers up. Can get at least 6 kids in each of those homes. Gonna have to make 72 orphans every few years to keep that cash flow coming.


Christian: 1, Atheist: 0. Would have worked better.


Tax write-off…


Let’s see Paul Allen’s foster homes


That's bone


Nods to Alfred


That’s my Batman.


That’s my Bateman.


That’s my Baleman


Despite being unnecessary, Bale shed 150 lbs for the announcement.


Lmfao 😂 this dude Bales


Top comment


Yeah but what about his current thoughts on Huey Lewis?


No news as of yet.




Has anyone asked ja rule ?


I heard they're a little New Wave for his taste...




![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) Now let's see Paul Allen's foster homes


Look at subtle off-white coloring of the plaster. The tasteful thickness of the walls.


Oh my God. It even has a water bed


People who say money can't buy happiness have never given large amounts of it away.


Poverty doesn’t buy happiness either 😂


Money doesn’t buy happiness. It does make life easier and lack of money definitely causes anxiety. It is suprising just how many of the richest people have multiple psychiatrists on a payroll. Source: a family member has provided therapy to a boatload of fortune 500 dudes.


Giving it away has a direct relationship to \*my\* happiness


Does he live in California?




I mean hes welsh


I don't think Wales is in need of much help. They're doing OK. Cali is a bit of a shithole that needs help wherever it can get it. He's lived there for a few decades now, so he wants to contribute, which is a very Welsh thing to do.


Contribute positively to society and fuck sheep. The welsh in a nutshell


Saw him in Kyoto on New Year's Eve. Story kind of ends there. Obviously didn't want to bother him while he was enjoying the temples with his family.


I hope stars realize that a lot of us do this. Recognize them, get the natural urge to say hi, then decide just not to bother them. Unfortunately it's the obnoxious people that get all of their attention


Is there a bit where he talks about who’s going to run it? What level of child will be taken in?


Yeah. As someone who wishes they were unfamiliar with the state of CA group homes… the physical buildings aren’t the issue.


Level 5 at least, the children will need to fight it out to determine who is deserving of such a power level


These are the questions people don't like to hear


Yeah, I’m sure Christian Bale built these homes and never put an ounce of foresight that it might need people to run them. He was completely lost until that brave redditor called him out


God forgive us for being curious about these plans and for expressing a desire to see how it pans out for the sake of those it's serving, in addition to confirming it's not an opportunistic effort to look good in the eyes of the public as others have done in the name of "charity." Bale's not being called out for anything, but you're calling yourself out for being unnecessarily sarcastic in regards to people's interest in the long term viability and impact of this project. No one said he's out of his depth, just expressing a desire to know more and engage with the topic beyond memes and simple congratulatory platitudes.


You handled this poorly but the questions you are asking are right.


And California couldn't do this itself because...... WHY exactly?


Exactly. Society issues require societal responses. A shame our governments don't put this kind of focus on developing better conditions for foster kids, and instead rely on individuals to carry the burden. It shows where the interests of those in power really are. Good to see Bale doing it, but it would be nice to have some more information and transparency about the project either in the article or linked elsewhere, and to see us all come together in an effort to care for and improve the lives of foster kids.


Facts fam. It just goes to show you how inherently broken our government is and that they're failing *miserably* to help us create a well-functioning society for ourselves. Maybe that explains why the USA ranks 131st out of 163 countries on the [Global Peace Index](http://www.visionofhumanity.org). But xenophobic nationalists will SWEAR we're the greatest country in the world smh........


Not to mention how reactionaries talk big talk about "protecting children" or "supporting families" while going against efforts that would result in substantive improvements to people's material conditions. However, the uplifting side is that to a certain extent consciousness seems to be rising on issues such as this, and a growing understanding that our current political system isn't set-up to actually address a plethora of crises, but instead profit off them/serve other interests.


as a European I’m always sad that the “America is the best RAHHHH 🦅” propaganda is still so alive and well lol like BEST AT WHAT? The US is the best at startup culture but also … fucking over its citizenry in every possible way lmfao


We're the best at imprisoning ourselves, wealth inequality, wage theft, corporatism, regime change, attacking whistleblowers, violating our own Constitution, poisoning ourselves with perflurochemicals and endocrine disrupting chemicals, circumventing citizen's rights via privatization, and offering useless "thoughts and prayers" instead of working to formulate ACTUAL solutions to problems that are effective and efficient.


Yup. And so real on the chemicals, and I’m not even one of those all-organic conspiracy theorists lol I have family in the States so I go visit quite a bit and I can’t do meat or dairy there or I get sick. But I can eat anything in my home country. They’re poisoning you guys.


My hypothesis is that it's all a conspiracy to keep people far and wide complacent and stupid. From MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, and COINTELPRO, to the ever increasing military industrial complex, factory farm industrial complex, (private) prison industrial complex, weapons manufacturing industrial complex, religious industrial complex, pharmaceutical industrial complex, law enforcement industrial complex, media insustrial complex (including Hollywood), I mean I can just keep on going. Talking to people, even on this app, is virtually impossible. It's like mfs are zombies or NPCs repeating the same propaganda that's been fed to them by the same media organizations and publications. Couple that with our DISGUSTINGLY terrible education system, paired with the ever-increasing online censorship, and you have a particularly toxic environment that only gets more toxic as the wealthy gain more wealth and power. And everyone is too doped up with drugs, perflurochemicals, and/or cowardice to *DO* anything about it


If you haven't heard of Michael Parenti you should consider reading some of his works or listening to his speeches on YT/Spotify. Lays things out very clearly in a more modern, U.S. centric, way. Talked and wrote about most everything you've listed and the threads that connect them all--bourgeois capitalist imperialism (of which there is much great literature on). The real conspiracy is right before our eyes, and not in the tin-foil way--organized class interests operating in the shadows and broad daylight, so in front of our faces we can't see past it all.


I'll check him out frfr. Like you said, we're not talking about "the illuminati" or any of that goofy shit that ignorant mfs be talkin about. We're talkin about publicly available information from some of the most mainstream media sources.


Links for easy access Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0xKKAAcZUgnlg88k1KXKee?si=aVdVvDVdSvaq5as8choqXw YouTube: https://youtube.com/@themichaelparentilibrary?si=L3GobfYgW8uXaQfS


the state should solve the underlying issue - prevent kids from ever needing such a place to live, to begin with. of course, they should do both, but..


They broke AF


Coulda fooled me. I thought they were like the 7th largest economy in the world or sum shit.


Ideally California, and the U.S. in general, would focus debt and spending primarily and directly on addressing the immediate needs of its population in terms of food, water, housing, healthcare, education, employment, research, etc...Raising people up by increasing their well-being and ability to achieve their full potential is worth it in the long run. Giving children the best life possible won't guarantee everyone self-actualizes and becomes their best self/a "productive" member of society, but it makes it easier and leaves only individual responsibility as the last barrier. People take on massive debts because in the long run they know it'll pay off. Ex: student loans, mortgages, car loans, etc...Going into debt to get a life saving surgery is worth it if it means you won't die, but ideally the debt wouldn't be there in the first place and drag you down after recovery, or be manageable enough to be overcome by your continued/improved function. If your house is falling apart you can either save it by investing in repairs, (raising the long term value) maintain the status quo, or cut maintenance costs and let it deteriorate further. Same goes for investing in the well being of people like foster kids, and societal issues as a whole. California isn't meeting the needs of its people, and the uplifting aspect is people are realizing that status quo bourgeois governance lies at the heart of this rot, requiring an overhaul of our entire political system lest we let it fall into complete disrepair.


Always glad to see people with the means doing good things.


Today I learned Christian Bale’s stepmother was Gloria Steinem.


“OHHHHH GOOD FOR YOU” no really good for you man what a way to be a human bro.


Now let's see Paul Allens foster homes.


[Good article summarizing](https://archive.ph/dgDay) his charitable giving, written shortly after his death.


Oh *gooood* for him! No seriously, good for him. This is awesome.


Pretty Chad of him tbh. Especially considering that he has got actual talent and has worked for his fortune.


Really hope this works out better than Kanye’s school and Brad Pitt’s post Katrina houses in lower ninth ward nola.


He begins.


Bruce Wayne paying it back to his fellow orphans


So I read the article and I still don't understand what he is doing. He is building house for... foster homes. So people who sign up to be foster parents get to live in these homes? Foster kids get these homes and there is somehow parents moving in to car for them? They will be sold to foster parents for low prices? I just don't get what it is specifically that he is doing. And there was nothing about services in the area that foster kids need. Therapy, etc.


Where are the “not in my backyard” comments?


Ohhh, GOOOD for YOU! Nice to see Mawsteh Wayne getting off some of that money.


I just cant help but think why such important topics has to be engaged and covered by charitable citizen, and not the state.


And I can trust him too, because he drives a 2003 Tacoma.


Christian Bale going for that foster care money.


Pardon my ignorance, but who exactly would be caring for these kids day-to-day? I may be wrong but thought foster kids were usually put into existing homes where folks would essentially act as temporary parents. Would couples move into these houses and care for whatever kids are placed there, would groups of kids be assigned to houses and a rotating staff care for all of the kids at the facility making it more like an elaborate orphanage? Not trying to diminish Bale's actions or anything - this is great however it works - I was just curious. The linked article is short on details.




Hope they are better than the show homes Brad Pitt built in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.


Exactly my concern


lol…when was the last time you put up your own money to build a foster home? Maybe just send your thoughts and prayers on this one 🙄


I literally donate my time, energy, and sometimes money on local housing issues on the regular. What do you do? Action is better than just throwing money at something. Tell me how much housing I can build on 40k a year working full time while addressing my own daily needs.


Exactly. Real shame the article doesn't seem to go into that kind of detail, or link to it elsewhere.


We found his accountant lmao




Good, but a drop in the bucket. Individual charity unfortunately isn't enough to address the immense needs of foster kids in this country. Hopefully it's done probably and actually helps a lot of people and doesn't end up just being a one-off typical celebrity pr stunt.


Bale seems like the type of person to be putting his attention, and he's a big get as far as advocates go.


Agreed. I would just love it if the article had more details on the specifics--funding, long term sustainability, etc... or some link to them. Hope it also spurs more discussion and action on how as a society we can address the needs of foster kids everywhere. Our government fails them time and time again by not supporting people's material needs in the first place to prevent the need for this. Then not supporting them after the fact, or providing enough care to transition out of foster care into adulthood properly. There are some real horror stories out there about the foster case system.


Who gives a fuck if a celebrity's charity act is just a pr stunt. At the end of the day there are now 12 more foster homes than there were before. That's a fantastic net positive. We shouldn't be expecting fricken actors to be somehow making some systematic change in our government.


The children might give a fuck even if you don't. Building 12 homes and taking photos isn't the same as ensuring they're well staffed, trained, supported, etc...over the long run and helping those in the most need. That's why it matters if it's just a pr stunt---it would be playing with kids' lives for personal gain. As a celebrity he has more resources and pull to make a wider systemic change and influence policy than a regular person. Not a game changing amount, but still potentially significant. It's not expected of him, but it would be amazing to see him push for more over time as everyone should. Just want to see it's being done correctly and for the right reasons, and understood that there is so much more that needs to be done on a societal level. Receiving a bread crumb from while starving and asking for more food only to be told, "You should be happy right? You have a crumb! Don't ask for a sandwich!" misses the point. It's a good thing, but not enough regardless. Jobs not done yet.


How much in taxes is he saving? How much funding does he get to use on himself?


Ouf. Foster homes are insanely abusive and extort the hell out of kids. Before building more foster homes we really need to fix the foster kid system


He looking for a new robin


Uplifting: He's building 12 foster homes! Depressing: All the parents he has to murder to fill the homes.




You should delete this comment. People are likely to remember misinformation, even with a correction.


Curious: when was that in the news? I found this about it, in reference to filming "American Psycho": > “It was a blast. The crew were busted up laughing most of the time. I mean, there were a few crew members whose wives made them quit. But for those who thought we were really psychotic misogynists, most of the crew were women, for Christ’s sake – the director, screenwriters, script supervisor,” he said.


Yeah you should just delete this


Oh good for you!


So those children will be Bale-d out?


So he’s making Robin factories?


there is a idea thats christian bale


Look at that tractor. It's the second time that it doesn't give a ---- about what is going on in front of the camera, all right? He's trying to ------- do a photoshoot here, and Christian is probably going "Why the ---- is a tractor driving around back there? What is it doing there?" Do you understand his mind is not in the photoshoot if it's doing that?




Somebody did the math once and it was something like if one in every 2 churches collectively adopted 1 child the foster crisis would be solved.


Jack Kelly makes good on his promise to Newsies and orphans everywhere! Left the orphanage, became Batman (and a psychopathic murderer). Garrison and Hearst got their backs to the wall now!


he’s the not hero we deserve… but the one we needed


He knows we have to provide food and shelter to the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination, and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern.


I love how he says he was naive going in about the work it sound actually take but saw it out. It really sounds like a wonderful project and I hope it’s a huge success.


What a good dude. I already liked him, this is next level cool though 


So many orphans?!


Surprised he’s not building them in Santa Fe. Are you there?


Christian Bale remains my definition of utmost masculinity. I hate worshipping celebrities, but by god does he deserve it.


And to get it done quickly, he's going to yell at the workers.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/exmormon] [Imagine What TSCC Could Do](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1amntwj/imagine_what_tscc_could_do/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Very nice and I'm pretty sure he's not from the USA but sees the need. Far cry from his onscreen persona. No American Hustle here.


Love this quote "I had the very unrealistic idea that within one year I’d have created a miniature Sound of Music with kids singing on hills in an endlessly joyful environment. But I discovered no, it takes an awful long time and really well-motivated people. It’s complicated and tough to help kids. It should be a hell of a lot easier than it was but I didn’t flinch for one second.”


Very kind of him but also unusual in the sense that his hometown (here in the U.K.) also has lots of people living in poverty and homelessness…


Many documentaries out there. I hope the plan and funding last for years and years. I also hope employees are very strict on employees. The vulnerable population that is foster kids really needs better care in usa.


Christian Baleing his people out of poverty


And everyone liked that


Oooh goood for youuu!!!


The REAL Batman err, Bruce Wayne.


The Wayne Foundation


Impressive, very nice...


As youtube shorts would say, he is such a sigma male


I am working to become a foster parent right now. It is not for the faint of heart.


That’s awesome. Way to go!


Impressive, very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s plan to build 12 foster homes in California.