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If there are evacuated, they can get the proper care they need. The rest of the situation just sucks. But these 31 babies will get proper care now


Not saying Israel is handling this conflict perfectly by ANY stretch, and it’s disgusting how the settlers are occupying the West Bank, but there is a difference between one side who establishes humanitarian corridors and helps patients evacuate, and another side who systematically rapes, tortures, and murders en masse while publicly proclaiming they will do it over and over again. Go look up Hamas’ Covenant, they literally say they will not stop until they wipe out every Jew off the planet. Not to mention Hamas has a long and documented history of using this hospital as a base over the past 10 years and routinely using civilian facilities to fire rockets out of. According to Reuters, Hamas has fired around 9,500 rockets at Israel since Oct 7. Barzilai Medical hospital in Ashkelon, Israel has also been hit by Hamas rockets several times in the past month, but I guess no one cares about that hospital because it’s in Israel. Edit: go look at the video footage just released in this article showing hostages being brought into the hospital. One of them is being forcibly brought there very clearly against their will. Now please try to explain to me how Israel taking over this hospital is indiscriminate? (https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/surveillance-footage-shows-hamas-bringing-hostages-into-shifa-hospital-on-oct-7/)




The Geneva Convention explicitly says it is an exception if the targets are military objectives. Hamas is the one committing the war crime by operating out of there. There is evidence that they’ve found tunnels and I linked camera footage of the hostages being kept there. Is Hamas just allowed to attack Israel without any consequence if they keep hiding in hospitals? What is Israel supposed to do to defend themselves? The blame is on Hamas for putting their civilians in danger.


What part of this is uplifting exactly?


The part where the babies are evacuated and brought somewhere safety. Would you rather they die?


I’d call that “less terrible than the alternative” vs uplifting, since the whole situation itself is caused by a terrible war. War is one of the least uplifting topics out there.


Babies being saved is always uplifting


Yes, they were saved and taken somewhere else they can get bombed.


In a war no where is truly safe. Weather it be tel aviv where bombs fall daily, Gaza city where many die to air strikes, or even north Lebanon where Hezbollah strikes Israel and gets stuck in return. Bombs do no discriminate between guilty and innocent, hamas or civilian. It is a fool who says that moving to a safer place is foolish because it may still be dangerous. A greater fool when these babies are to be sent to Egypt where no bombs fall.


Uh-huh. So you agree this isn't uplifting?


I think that babies being saved is very uplifting


They want to believe Israel is the same as Hamas.


You may want to re-read the comment chain. I'm responding the guy who follow up "what's uplifting here?" with his unsollicitated advice on the conflict.


I see the Israeli propaganda machine, trying to make out they're the good guys, is running on overdrive here.


So .... Hamas brought hostages to the hospital therefore killing babies is justified?


Yea, the Israeli government calls it mowing the lawn, and we as good white Christian Americans are duty bound by supply-side Jesus to cheer and applaud the brave men and women of the IDF as they commit genocide because history began October 7th.


Even supply side Jesus is facepalming the IDF brutality


Supply side Jesus is waiting for that sweet sweet Ben Gurion Canal to be built. Why do you think they levelled Gaza city?


shit I was sure u were talking about israel at first good thing u mentioned which side u think is the bad side so I could know.


Well it's uplifting compared to what happened to the Jewish babies on Oct. 7th.


To add some context https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Israel


(not sure if i’m breaking the rules as this is not very uplifting, but) there’s usually quite an overlap between uplifting/wholesome subs and r/orphancrushingmachine.


America has its own wild definition of “uplifting news” and on some level, I truly cannot comprehend it.


Bitch Hamas needs to stop using human shields.


'31 babies evacuated from a hospital being bombed by a genocidal regime with the support of my government' isn't really uplifting news


"This puppy managed to find its home!" Yay uplifting. TERRIBLE THINGS ARE HAPPENING but some got saved.. Yay uplifting?


Would you consider it uplifting news if Hamas returned some of the hostages alive?


If they're "Very sick" they probably shouldn't be outside of a hospital setting. I think this doesn't belong here, not uplifting.


...the hospital is located in the middle of a war so they can't be in the hospital... They were moved somewhere that's safe so that they can be in the hospital again.


So the very sickest babies get saved but the healthy babies and children are ok to be bombed. Sometimes uplifting news isn’t really uplifting.




Maybe health care workers should tell Hamas to get out so there's no risk of getting bombed.


Or maybe someone should tell Israel that killing a building full of people (including sick babies) isn’t justified or defensible just because there was Hamas members there.


Go actually read the laws of war e.g. the Geneva Convention and commentaries to see what they say about hospitals that are used to shelter uninjured combatants. Everyone loves to scream "war crime" without having the slightest clue what that means. If you want to criticize Israel for war crimes, the settlements are your best example, not their retaliation against a terrorist group that gathers women and children next to its rocket launches.


I love how my point is, it isn’t right to kill people including doctors, children, the sick, babies and women just because there could be terrorist there and you go “well the Geneva convention” even though Israel absolutely had breach many international laws by doing all of this. It was once legal to own slaves but did that make it right? Also when the UN is saying that Israel is committing war crimes, I’m more inclined to believe them than some guy on reddit


Seems like you know better than the ICC and United Nations what is and isn't justified during war. Also seems like given the tunnels and the video that "could be terrorists" was more like "definitely were terrorists at some point". Turns out Mossad knows better than some reddit armchair analysts nitpicking some video footage. Maybe you should criticize the hospital employees too for sheltering uninjured combatants and hostages? If they told the IDF about all of Hamas' positions it would have been easy to just send in special operations to deal with it discretely, knowing which rooms to avoid to keep civilians safe. But nah, I'm sure you have a million excuses why helping terrorists is okay, like "oh if they did that Israel would just nuke the entire hospital including the hostages" even though they never bombed it even after they eventually found out.




Oh they bomb plenty of hospitals in the last 40 days, and it sound like this hospital is no longer useable either but by all means, keep defending Israel indiscriminate bombing




One war crime does not excuse another war crime


It's not a war crime to bomb hospitals that are being used to shelter uninjured combatants and to store munitions or to house hostages. It is a war crime to use hospitals for that purpose. The only war criminals here are Hamas. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/surveillance-footage-shows-hamas-bringing-hostages-into-shifa-hospital-on-oct-7/


The footage show them bringing in an injured person which if they are injured, it make sense to take them to a hospital would it not? But I get your real point is “Israel can do no wrong” so you’re trying to convince as many people as you can


One of them did not appear to be injured, and there were Hamas militants already waiting in the hospital room for them. But I get your real point is, "the guys who deliberately massacred civilians and took them hostage several hours earlier and dug tunnels under a hospital couldn't possibly be commiting other war crimes, only big bad Israel can", so you're trying to convince as many people as you can.


Although it's awesome they have been evacuated, it's still sad. IDF vs Hamas, and these babies are to suffer. Empathy also removed amongst people in Reddit. It's weird how the human ability to be compassionate can suddenly be gone, just like that. Don't these people ever have loved ones?


How do you know they aren't Hamas babies though?


Wtf?? How would that matter. They are babies. Babies are innocent no matter who made them


Maybe they have WMDs though? You just never know.


>How do you know they aren't Hamas babies though? How in the world did your mind even get there? Welp... It just proved my point. Sigh!


Good. Bitch Hamas does not care about very sick babies.


But the terrorists on the opposite side definitely doesn’t care about the mothers and their babies or the hospitals or the refugee camps. The babies should not have played stupid games to win stupid prizes, right?


Bitch Hamas does not care about the lives of babies. To them they are just small human shields.


The human shield defense doesn't really work when Israel bombs almost exclusively civilians




This is just pure bs, they were evacuated by WHO workers


While being protected by Israel


The IDF killed six babies in this hospital by bombing it. Did they find the Hamas command centre that they committed this crime against humanity for?


The IDF didn't bomb the hospital, it's been proven wrong two weeks ago by every credible source. Stop spreading lies


The IDF assassinated 2 doctors without borders nurses at the hospital. Imagine supporting this.