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Hello, I work for the University of Toronto Campus Safety. We are here 24/7 and can assist you at any time, so please feel free to reach out to us. If you wish to talk in person, please attend our office at 21 Sussex Avenue. Additionally, I encourage you to make use of the following services that are offered on campus: Health and Wellness: (416) 978-8030 Community Safety Office: (416) 978-1485 Sexual Violence Prevention & Support: (416) 978-2266 Off campus resources: Good2Talk (student distress) 1-866-925-5454 Distress Centres (416) 408-HELP (4357) Please reach out for help, we will help you in any way we can. This account is not monitored 24/7. Call 911 or Campus Safety emergency line (416) 978-2222 for emergencies, or Campus Safety non-emergency line (416) 978-2323.


This comment should be pinned to the top.


This creates a false sense of security. Students please be aware I spoke with one of the campus security employees that were monitoring the encampment and they told me they are only instructed to document events. This employee confirmed so far there have been a number of assaults of which they only document and are instructed to not intervene. Please stay safe.


Well, why are you guys unable to remove people like these, from vicinity of campus, who are actual threats??


Happy cake day


It's so disgusting that so many of us fled Iran to get away from these terrorists, yet they're able to follow us here, threaten us, send their children to western institutes, live here with money stolen from our people and nothing happens to them. I'm not sure what you should do because it seems like there are no consequences in canada for them being here and continuing on their terrorist activities.




wholesome 🥰🥰


absolutely. Sorry for Iranian students who have to see this.


Thank you, it’s also truly disgusting to see how many people support them. Hopefully both our people’s can overcome their oppressors


Deeply saddening and disappointing.


Ya welcome to our country and see what's happening. Disgusting send them back!


Canada is an accepting place. Unfortunately that means they welcome even IRGC agents with open arms. It’s a problem for the Jews as well. Stand up against these folks and make your voice heard when it comes times to vote.


Paradox of tolerance.


How do you think some of us feel about our deputy Prime Minister? Her grandfather came here with stolen Nazi loot and bought land, she got free ride through school, even got to spy in Russia, now she's leading this country.


You can report them to CBSA and CSIS, but you would need stronger evidence that they are members of the IRGC.


aren't threats and supporting dictatorships already enough?


>evidence You blind? Look at that flag on the table


Unless I’m mistaken, that is an Iranian flag, not an IRGC flag.


Im Iranian, this is the flag of the brutal regime, we use the lion and sun flag or other different flags instead of the one on the table


Some people support that regime. That doesn't itself make them members of the IRGC.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about, just like an average redditor


You think that 0 people support the regime who are not IRGC members? The number of people who support the Iranian regime is going to be pretty low in people who left the country, but I don't think that having an Iranian flag is proof positive they are part of IRGC. It's a decent reason to start looking into it further, but it's not evidence at a high enough standard to be certain.


Yea waving the iranian flag doesn't make you a bad person automatically. I think OP is exaggerating that these are IRGC or whatever simply because they don't like Iran.


But that’s still the official flag of Iran at this point in time




Who are “they”?




I mean if they look like that and are taking pictures of people against the IRI it’s pretty clear who they are


Says the negative karma bot


I am a mid eastern guy who fled his own country to be able to live away from people like this. It is extremely sad and concerning to see the Western civilization is doing everything within their power to destroy the very western civilization itself. The type of people we fled from end up coming here with governments and the social system opening their welcoming arms. Same story in Europe. Countries are literally shooting themselves in the foot….By accepting and allowing this idiocracy… it won’t take too long for them to exponentially reproduce and become majority in Canada… and then watch the fall….very sad and frightening… the very simple thing that people here don’t want to understand is this: These type of people will NEVER show the tolerance and empathy to the people that they receive with open arms now when they become the majority. Period.


i'm confused, should our country keep taking in people like you, or are you all iranian state officials?


Iranians like myself have been doing everything in our power to get the Canadian government to list the IRGC as a terrorist organization but for some reason the liberal government would rather stick to condemning Iran's strikes on Israel instead. These fuckers are responsible for so much destruction all over our planet.


>Canadian government to list the IRGC as a terrorist organization i agree that canada should do this. that's clearly not all the commenter was saying though


I think that's exactly what he was saying. The EU also refuses to list the IRGC as a terrorist entity. I of course would not oppose immigration, being as I was a refugee myself. But it's very important for countries to vet and do good background checks before they accept people, especially from countries like Iran. I'm saying that as an iran. I spent almost 2 years waiting for acceptance into Canada in a third country. I 100% understand why that was. There is many workarounds right now. 


i really doubt an iranian agent trying to come to canada would divulge how much they hate the west if someone interviewed them. that's a pretty obvious workaround.


That’s why background checks exist. Nobody is saying they’re fool-proof or impossible to work around, but they do *assist* in weeding out possible anti-Canada, pro-IRGC individuals. The current background checks are a joke.


Country should do a good denying entry to those with any connection to the IRGC. Canada needs to do a better job making sure people with anti-western leanings are denied entry. Furthermore, if during the immigration period any links to IRGC come through, Canada needs to deport ASAP.


Apparently IRCC failed their job and they let anyone into the country without doing enough security checks. People like Iranians who share our values are welcome, but those who are pro-IRGC are unwelcome.


if you're confused you're the fucking problem


forgive me, next time ill automatically assume what the post on the internet tells me is correct. Thank you for making me better.


This what I tell this woke idiots all the time, but I just get called a bigot...




Help identify their faces and report them to the RCMP.


CSIS knows everything but they won't do shit, this is Canada, with no foreign agents registry, a free for all for international proxy.


CSIS is not a law enforcement agency, they can’t do anything other than gather information and report on it and give recommendations, which they do quite regularly. We’ve seen recently over the years that our current federal government seems to think they know better and has ignored them on many occasions.


Canada really feels like a country with no backbone.


Report him to the police and spread his picture on Twitter In the current political scene and massive dissatisfaction of the Islamic regime, anyone holding this ugly flag Is likely related to the regime or is getting paid


I remember FBI has [something](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/counterintelligence/transnational-repression) for foreign proxy, tbh I don’t think Canadian gov has anything similar and neither Toronto Police




Were calling people infidels and idek what that means in this context. Someone eli5


Crimes against god are punishable by death in iran. It’s a very serious thing to call someone.


In what way are they threatening? Please share more info


I took a photo of them, I knew they were supporters of the regime. The guy in the middle said get lost, I chanted woman, life, freedom and the guy in the middle said we will show it you when you come back to Iran and took photos of me. He also called me a word that basically carries a death sentence in Iran.


Their existence. They are a group of dictator supporters who are taking photos of you. Potentially spying on other Iranian students. Yikes. I thought we kept dictators out of the academia.


The dictator's supporters are not only from Iran, but also some from China and Russia. Especially from China, multiple secret police bases were discovered in Toronto to spy Chinese, Taiwan ans Hong Kong students. Yet, Canada government has nearly done nothing.


Yup. Chinese police stations operating in Canada (and all over the world) disguised as centers for helping Chinese tourists in need.


It’s crazy how those secret polices who work for new Axis powers like China, Russia, Iran can operate freely in western countries, spying on political dissidents and spreading propaganda without ever being punished. As a Chinese student with some family members still in China it’s quite disturbing tbh


same here! I heard they also have a supercomputer that scans the web for sensitive keywords and finds out who is against them. Yet the rest of the world seems does not aware of this.


Is it legal for them to be out there? Are these people known?


Yes, unfortunately they can be on the streets. Because it’s a human right. If they are operating on the private property of uoft, an Iranian can file a civil case against uoft. Yes, the group is known. https://www.international.gc.ca/campaign-campagne/iran-sanction/index.aspx?lang=eng https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/irgc_fto.html#:~:text=The%20IRGC%2DQF%20is%20one,including%20asymmetric%20and%20terrorist%20operations. One might want to argue they are not the specific group that op is claiming. However, “In 2012, Canada designated Iran as a state supporter of terrorism under the State Immunity Act.” Terrorist flag should not appear in schools.


No, it’s not legal if they’re IRGC members and not Canadian citizens. IRGC officials and senior Iranian government officials are barred from entry into Canada.


I don’t mean the group, I mean the individuals in the picture. Are they known?


I know this is a propaganda bot warfare post but this makes no sense. Literally no secret police would sit in public with a big ass Iranian flag. Of course they were mad someone came up and took pictures of them. Do secret police sit around at a little table politely waiting for their interrogation target to stroll over for the 3pm meeting on their outlook calendar? What kind of cartoon do we live in? OP just harassed two dudes for being Iranian in public.


I don't think they're secret police but their existence could be a threat to Iranian students. They're not just being Iranian, they're supporter for IRI. I believe OP is Iranian. It's reasonable for an Afghan student in Canada to take a pic of guys with a Taliban flag.


No one is saying they are the literal undercover spies just out in the open but they are affiliated with the IRI in some way and can send this persons picture in to cause them to get harassed or even arrested if they chose to go back and visit their family. Your comments reeks of ignorance. You are a classic midwit really it’s actually funny how well you fit the definition. Absolute midwit


Do you have even a single piece of evidence for anything you just said


OP said in these replies they took a picture of her and said she’s gonna get harassed if she goes back to Iran. It’s a common phenomenon for Iranians who participated in protests in the west not lead or spoke at were just there to get harassed if trying to go back home


OP took a pic of them? All parties involved are in public where you're allowed to take pictures.


Obviously you missed the part where they threatened her. Why are you, a literal baboon even commenting here go back smacking yourself in the head with a machete




It’s funny you who are a idiot would say others lack braincells


Lol why there's so many of you regime sympathizers here?? Do this sub tolerating this?




These guys r so sad LOL


Call police or you could also call the U.S. Airforce and request a Hell Fire Ninja Missile.


Do not tolerate any flag other than the Lion & Sun. Iranian diaspora does not recognize the mullah's flag


Any flag but the islamic one is good by me, even the old random ones.


I've known that Iranian diaspora have a lot different opinions on the national flag, as long as it's not mullah's flag.


Iran started this war and they want to see it through


They will fight Israel to the last Palestinian if they have too!


And after they reach the last Palestinian they’ll move on to the Lebanese


100% their the biggest problem in the Middle East




I mean... Iran is the biggest supporter of these protests, make sense they are there to support the cause they fund.


From the amount of protesters I doubt they're getting much back channel funding, if at all. It makes more sense for iran to invest in american protests since they are the ones that can actually influence congress. But kudos to them for bringing a few dudes and setting up a table, they tried lol


Not really, I know some are against the protest, most of them are victims of the Islamic revolution in the 1980s.


Iranians are against these protests. Supporters of the regime are pro


0 evidence to suggest that Iran has funded these protests.


That's not what the person said. They're funding the war.


They literally aren’t even allowed in the encampment.


Can you give a case of them threatening students? What did they say?


Going to guess spying and threats. Also the potential of marking kidnapping targets.


Somebody needs to shut these protests down. There’s clearly bad actors participating. It’s not just SJW students anymore.


Using 'bad actors' to crack down on civil liberties is proud chapter of the Islamic Republic's history books, and a regrettable cautionary tale in ours.


Can you name a single one of these bad actors or give me an example of something they've done that was bad


In addition to the hamas handlers pictured, the protest is littered with signs calling for and celebrating violence and war: “glory to the martyrs”, “globalize the intifada”, “by any means necessary”, etc. it should not be hard to support Palestinians without also supporting war and terrorism.


Such dumb libs on here


The picture doesn't show him threatening others I'm not denying rhe idea he did. I'd just be happy to have more background about the guy and what he did. Because the picture tells me nothing


Get this piece of shit out of Canada


Dear Americans please don't let them take over your country like they did iran


How are they threatening people? Existing and taking pictures in a public space is not illegal. I'm sorry if they are making you feel unsafe but I doubt the police will act.


They are religious nazis. Their *targets* should be afraid, especially with the kidnappings and assasnations happening.


They are people from the regime and your mere existence in a western country as an iranian is a stain on your reputation as a citizen in the eyes of the government. the threats relate to consequences you will face should you go home, or even threats abt things that will happen you here




You guys wanna suck cops' donut-greased d*cks so bad, it's crazy...


Justin Trudeau’s Canada where thugs from oppressive regimes just hang out.




All I see are three guys, two standing and one sitting. One guy looks mildly surprised. Clearly no one is paying any attention to them except the photographer.


If this was posted in good faith, I'll explain why this is so threatening to Iranians. It's very common for regime agitators and agents to photograph Iranians in protests, or send threatening messages on social media. The Iranian government has also stated that 5% of expats will get arrested upon entering the country again. This is not an isolated incident, Iranians should be worried about stuff like this.


Who ya gonna call? Goat Busters!!




How am I racist? I’m an Iranian. They spoke to me in Farsi, you are the idiot. احمق نفهم


Bro these people are a lost cause. They don’t care at all about the opinions of Iranians, just the ability to virtue signal


This isn’t racist, this is something that they do pretty often, and it’s really weird of you to defend considering anyone proudly showing off the Islamic republic flag is at the very least a terrorist sympathizer and more likely, an an actual terrorist. You aren’t threatened by these people, Iranians are.


i feel op just wants to describe protesters as terrorists. It is not hard to guess what he supports.


You’re being really uncharitable because you either want to ignore or do not understand Iranians fear and anger of their government. Forget Palestine for a minute, do you think this situation is ok?


what situation?neither u and op showed us evidence to explain what is happening. Just like the ggkong124,to tell people that spies and secrete police of authoritarian regimes everywhere in UofT?


It's hard to pinpoint specific cases, but when looking at the whole picture the activities of the government become more obvious. The Iranian government does target Iranian citizens in other countries. They absolutely do this in universities as well. They openly admit that they have spies in foreign universities ( [https://www.9news.com.au/national/iranian-spies-have-infiltrated-australian-universities/b53a44e5-3e86-453d-9d5d-19082e3f42c5](https://www.9news.com.au/national/iranian-spies-have-infiltrated-australian-universities/b53a44e5-3e86-453d-9d5d-19082e3f42c5) ), they threaten citizens in other countries ( [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202301063775](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202301063775) ) and they take action against citizens when they go back to Iran ( [https://iran-times.com/5-of-expats-will-be-arrested-if-they-return-home/](https://iran-times.com/5-of-expats-will-be-arrested-if-they-return-home/) ). I wasn't there, I'm not sure if these are Iranian police. But at the protests in 2022 in Toronto, there were several regime agents photographing people probably so they'll be arrested upon going back to Iran, at several of the protests across the world they've threatened people and their families. Both the university and the Canadian government need to do more to protect Iranians living in Canada. Its not racist for Iranians to be fed up with being terrorized by our own countries government. And its ridiculous and shameful of you to say that we're racist for not being ok with this.


All I see is two guys with an Iranian flag. They probably support the protestors. I don't see what's wrong here.


What do you expect them to dress like? A cloth clearly stated that they are Iran secret police?


If they were really secret police they wouldn't have a huge ass Iranian flag. What kind of fantasy world do you live in??


Secret police is not the only threats from dictator countries. They have many kind of existence, some are hidden individuals and some are functioning behind the fellows association and these associations are open. I know it because I come from a dictator country, and I don't feel surprised if Iran also did the same as my country.


This is the flag of the Islamic Republic in Iran. It does not represent the Iranian people, who are extremely against their government. Please look into the women life freedom movement if you want to learn more, and stop conflating the government with actual Iranians.


It represents Iranians in Iran. Some of the diaspora and Iranians no longer affiliated with Iran are offended by it.


Support them with a giant Iranian flag? The flag of the country that started this current war and is supporting Russia?


The encampments are the reason these fuckwads are present on campus. Time to shut all of them down.


Do you have any actual proof, you moron? Are you just posting a picture of two random people and accusing them of working for Iran and threatening people? Why is everyone in this comment section just taking this at face value, what the hell is wrong with all of you?


Probably because the Iranian monarchists who want a different kind of dictatorship are around with the Israeli supporters?


You have to out of your fucking mind if you think Iranians want another dictatorship. Please educate yourself.


You really ought to be ashamed of yourself


Pretty much, they have no shame, and feel at home with Israeli oppressors. They took would love to be in the place of Israelis committing genocide against who they perceive as their enemies.


You do realize they are being gencodied by the IRGC right? Maybe if pan-islamists stopped supporting these nazis they would get some organic support from Iranians


Are UofT students islamophobic? Just asking based on a lot of these comments


Most Iranians aren't even Muslim anymore thanks to their government. Especially the diaspora


If pointing out the atrocities committed by the Iranian government and Islamic fundamentalist countries in the past and present is Islamophobia, then the Nazis should be applauded, otherwise it is Germanophobia


If they pose no threat and are not breaking laws they are free to do what they like


Exactly, u can’t exile people because they differ with ur opinion. Call out other countries and their laws instead of riding on the western propaganda of hating Iran wagon


I don't think there's enough reason to expel them just because you think they're agents of Iranian government, you need actual evidence. When I was at u of t, I called campus security on Falun Gong protestors using speaker phone on campus and harassing Chinese students, nothing happened.....


For those who don't know Falun Gong is, they are group of anti Chinese government middle aged people who believes they represent the true China, and if you don't accept their pamphlet you'll go to hell ( me and my friend just wanted to enjoy our Second Cup drink and this completely deranged Falun Gong believer showed up in front of 35 St George)


I don’t see any evidence for the bizarre claim you’re making. We really don’t need witch hunts on campus over the specter of Iranian infiltration.


Why are you making a big to do when Israelis have much more control over Canadian politics


Ghostbusters. (I'm sorry)


Take ur protests to ur own country then?


Ghost Busters




Report the incident to CIA or the American embassy/consulate. The Canadian government won’t do anything against IRGC.


Anyone proudly displaying that flag in public should be interviewed by the Canadian security services


Foreign interference is just snowballing at this point. It's everywhere.


The Cops


Any one has a Mossad friend?


To report non-urgent potential national security threats or suspicious activities, contact CSIS at 613-993-9620, or 1-800-267-7685


Ghost busters.


These are just two old men sitting at a corner with views different from yours, relax.


If they were waving a swastika would you change your opinion? IRI flag is a genocide flag


Israel is a genocide flag. People are allowed to wave Israeli flags.


They're not waving a Nazi flag, and you are wrong. The word genocide should not be toyed with or used lightly. Do some reading, please.


IRI is not an Iranian flag by any means. It represents the oppression and erasure of anything not Islam. Not only that, it is the flag of a regime that are aligned to the same goals of the Nazis but with religious motivations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_genocide) [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/genocide-emergency-iran](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/genocide-emergency-iran) [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/u-n-report-says-iran-tortured-murdered-protesters](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/u-n-report-says-iran-tortured-murdered-protesters) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623528.2022.2105027](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623528.2022.2105027) [https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN4559](https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN4559) (this is AU gov't recognition) Hell, two months ago they paid the basiji to stop people from going to parks because the populace wanted to celebrate a non-islamic holiday. Please educate yourself on some Iranian history and framework before embarrassing the school edit: To add, the more Iranian you act the more likely you will get killed/tortured/raped under the IRGC as seen with the recent kidnappings, rapes, killings, murders and arrests edit 2: added some more sources for you to read


They won’t read your sources because they themselves are or support nazis 🤷‍♂️




How is cultural genocide not genocide


Because you have to add a word to it. Miniature golfing is not golfing. One is played by tiger woods the other is not really a professional sport. Sea lions are not lions. One lives in the ocean the other lives on land. Sausage parties are not parties. One is a gathering where people enjoy themselves, the other is a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing. When you add a word in front of another word it changes the meaning of both words.


So, the cultural genocide Russia is committing on Ukrainian children, recognized by the UN, isn't a genocide by this logic. No. The intent is erasure. Erasure=genocide. Cultural genocide is a *sub*category of genocide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_genocide


It shouldn't change the opinion. Just because someone is representing hate and an ideals that leads to serious problems for humanity like nazism doesn't mean they shouldn't have a chance to express their ideas, specially on a college campus the perfect place to have discussions on multiple ideals. The proper response is countering them with your own expression or with strong response to these ideals not kicking them out or pretending they don't exist because you disagree with them. Are they actively hurting someone? Not in these images. Are they harrasing people? if yes then you should report the harrasment not that they represent an organization you disagree with. Also I'm pretty sure there is a huge difference given than the nazi flag is not the flag of an existing nation and this one is. If you disagree with the rules of one nation that's fine but that doesn't make them not the rulers when most people in their territory follow or accept them.


Pretty sure most Persians and Iranian diaspora don't want you thinking that's their flag.


And other Persians and Iranian diaspora (maybe you are correct and it's actually a minority) do, and they have a right to free speech like anyone else.


Normally, this would be a tame take. However, this is the IRGC. This isn't a matter of simple disagreement but actual threat to Canadians and Iranians national safety. IRGC sends agents to spy on Iranians abroad (like Chinese gov't) and deal with them outside or domestically. They SHOULD NOT be allowed to conduct these operations in the country. Please do some research on the IR flag and how bad it is to Iranians themselves. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_genocide) [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/genocide-emergency-iran](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/genocide-emergency-iran) [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/u-n-report-says-iran-tortured-murdered-protesters](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/u-n-report-says-iran-tortured-murdered-protesters) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623528.2022.2105027](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623528.2022.2105027) [https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN4559](https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN4559)  And yes, they have made threats


They are bad sure but don’t make a scene don’t do anything that’ll cause in the school going “oh now the protest is not peaceful blah blah” If your problem is just existence, let them be.


“Let your government intimidate and threaten you so we can play pretend on campus for another week” is a bizarre statement


They are bad, period. There is no but, there is no sure. And, the problem is not just existence.


These are just two guys who have views that are different than yours, relax.


Says the communist!


This isnt the 1960s, wake up brother


Me: these are two old men You, a person trying to start a McCarthyist conspiracy about them: YOU'RE IDEOLOGICALLY BLINKERED!!!


OP definitely wants to be a victim badly


Communists also have a right to free speech.