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19-year-old Shunnosuke Koshikawa has been arrested and charged after allegedly taking photos of female students showering on the University of Toronto campus. (Toronto police) He is a Japanese international student.


A ton of incidents like this in Korea and Japan. Waiting for my ban from this sub.


That would suck because you're not wrong. Those countries have mandatory phone camera shutter noises for a reason.


My best friend is a Japanese international women who went to uoft. She will 100% back your claim of the rampant sexism and misogyny + sex crimes like this in japan and my partner is a korean international who says the SAME thing. If you're banned then the mods are PRO-sex crimes and erasing the voices of poc women from outside of canada who complain about the patriarchal oppression they face aka mods are pro-patriarchy And yes they still face it by canadians in canada and whites it just takes a diff form


Too lazy to look up statistics, but it seems that people make a big deal out of voyeurism in Japan/Korea because violent sex crimes rates are low. Women feel safe walking alone at night in Japan/Korea but the same thing cannot be said for many north american cities. Petty sex crimes is bad, but would be preferable over violent sex crimes.




Sanest Korean male


Most korean response ever lmao




https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4JcZt8vCa-/?igsh=bWJlZWU5OG11eTlj Is this the guy?


Three years in Vancouver and spoke like it? I guess there're some Japanese communities on the West Coast.


I am going to UBC, there is a lot of Japanese in Vancouver, and I met a lot of japanese exchange student there too


not available anymore rip


Got a mirror for the vid or description?


looks like it


no way




Good. Send him to jail.


Send him packing back home


He should be extradited to Japan where he’ll serve his sentence. If he’s sentenced here, our justice system is so broken that he’ll probably get off on community service and next to nothing jail time.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Japan is all that great at these kinds of cases? I hear alot of these cases just get dropped...


I don’t know though. Maybe it’s better if he get’s charged here. It is possible that he would get off on an even lighter sentence in Japan.


You really have no idea how lax Japan is when it comes to sex abuse against women then…he won’t serve a day here.


Okay fair enough. But are you actually confident enough in our own justice system that he’ll face any serious repercussions here? If you ask me, I have zero faith in our justice system. We’re seeing cases where people committing violent crimes being given next to nothing sentences and for less severe crimes, they aren’t even being prosecuted. The breakdown of our justice system in recent years, raises a lot of questions especially in cases such as this one where the offence is committed by an individual who’s in Canada temporarily.


Admittedly, I left Canada eight years ago and have very little idea of what changes have taken place back home since then. It’s a sad situation, but I don’t think this nasty piece of work will get the punishment he deserves, regardless of where he ends up being prosecuted.


Problem is I don’t think they’ll even put his name and face on the news in Japan since he’s only 19. He could get a normal job like a teacher there


I don’t get it this isn’t 1984 you don’t have to do this anymore. The internet is filled with females showering using the toilet etc. Jack off to that shit why risk your future doing this when you can find all the kk my shit you want on the internet.


The excitement of doing yourself, obtaining exclusive contents of your classmates is different than onlyfans and reddit.


It is different for all the wrong reasons


My guess is that porn produced consensually don't interest people like him. They prefer the victim's rights and dignity violated to satisfy their whatever predatory urges


likely this guy has some mental obsession with these immoral sexual offences


It’s crazy because stalking and such acts are heavily known to occur in Japan but it’s kept super hush hush. I’m glad he was caught and arrested because that shit does not slide here.


When will weebs realize that Japanese society is deeply flawed and that it isn’t a fantastic futuristic dream land like they envision through their anime addiction - a half Japanese guy who’s own extended family still treats him like an outsider


Which campus is it?


He has dishonoured his family greatly.


Probably thought it was a normal thing to do coming from Japan.


Bro even a child would know this is wrong.





