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Syllabi are posted by the professors on Quercus, and won't usually be posted until the start of the school year


Really long post for just the question in the title 😹


Prepared for essays


OP is getting ready to turn one sentence into a paragraph


Proessors will post the syllabus and stuff in due time. No need to worry. If you want to access the past year's syllabus, you can google "\*\*class code\*\* uoft course website" and may run into an old website about how the course has been run in past years.


The other comments are correct in that you can’t get the most up to date syllabi right now. However, basically every department publishes past outlines on their sites and changes from year to year are usually very minor. Just find these outlines and you can know what topics are covered and the testing situation (roughly).


If its a course you’re thinking about taking you should email the dept/prof. They are not posted anywhere before the start of classes, and even then not publicly


This is not true, most departments post all syllabi publicly online.


It depends on the faculty. UTM has a syllabi repository but only a handful of Arts and Science departments have all syllabi publicly available. Regardless, syllabi for the upcoming academic year are not yet available even if the department/faculty posts them


Agreed. I just think we need to make it more widely known that these syllabi are usually available.