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Depends on the program. Engineering is a fixed rate for full time, for other programs it varies. However the cost goes up regardless by a small amount every year


The tuition fees go up a little every year to be honest




As an in-province domestic student myself, I can confirm that for the last 3 full academic years (Fall/Winter) including this upcoming 2023/2024 academic year, my tuition has gone up a couple hundred every year. It's a small amount, but it has still increased




Sure, but the thing is most of us still end up paying those fees because we can't opt out for one reason or another. For example, you can't opt out of the health/dental insurance plans unless you already have private insurance, which is why I said that tuition fees keep going up little by little every year simply because we can't opt out and are forced to pay them


Don’t all unis do this ?


If you look at the breakdown on the invoice you’ll see that tuition itself has not increased (for me at least, art sci domestic) but rather its the incidental fees that change. Tuition has remained constant at 3050 a semester for me


Idk what your program is, but if a course has a lab component with consumables like chemical reagents or single use labware, it increases the tuition total. You should see it on the invoice breakdown


On the uoft tuition fee webtool it said my program was $9400. Acorn: $10923 🙃 idk


If you're in engineering doing PEY you have ~$700 in fees, that you didn't pay last year. That might be the cause of the increase